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Wicked Love

Page 58

by Michelle Dare

  In a second flat, my brother is there with murder in his eyes. “You,” he hisses.

  “Now, you’re the right brother,” the female replies with a wicked grin. “Let’s take a trip.” Before Ford can say anything else, she teleports behind him and grips his wrist. Then they’re gone. This time I have a feeling she isn’t going to keep him in the house. If that’s where we were to begin with.

  Lilah teleports into the room. Her eyes land on me and, instead of rushing over, she uses her magic to right the chair. I struggle to talk until she removes the magic the other fae put on me. She takes note of my handcuffs and leaves again. When she returns, it’s with Imogen in tow.

  Without a word, Im pulls a key from her pocket and quickly undoes the handcuffs. It’s good to know mages.

  “Do you always carry keys to handcuffs with you?” I ask.

  “I created a universal set to work on any handcuffs. I wasn’t sure if they would. I hadn’t tried them, except on my own pair.” She smiles. “They do.”

  I quickly stand and rub my wrists. Not because they hurt, but because it’s what I’ve seen humans do in movies.

  “Some investigator you are,” Lilah states with her hands on her hips.

  “Way to reopen the wound. Ouch.”

  Imogen looks back and forth between us before quietly slipping from the room.

  “Do you know what I’ve been through looking for you?” Lilah asks with a mixture of anger and relief in her voice. “I couldn’t feel you, Sol, even with the help of Robin and Kylest.”

  “I was able to annoy the female until she brought me back here. I’m going to add it to my list of superpowers. Severe irritation.”

  “How can you joke at a time like this?”

  “It’s like you don’t even know me. I can joke at any time. Why? Because I’m alive, you’re alive, I’m assuming Jupiter is fine since you’re in here and not hunting someone down. The only one I’m iffy on at the moment is Ford, but he’s a Verascue, so I have no doubt he’ll be okay, too.”

  “She took him?”

  “Yeah, that’s why she took me initially. She thought I was him. I really should win the costume contest. If I could fool a kidnapper, I’m pretty sure I nailed the look I was going for.”

  Lilah steps forward and slaps her hand over my mouth. Without missing a beat, I part my lips and lick her palm. “Ewwww!” She pulls her hand away. “Do you think you could be serious for one second so we can find your brother?”

  I roll my eyes. “Fine. If I must. We need to find Mother first because apparently this new enemy of ours was brought to us via her. Not that it’s shocking or anything. Mother has four thousand years of hatred following her.” I sigh wistfully. “I can only hope to have that kind of legacy. Though I’d like more admirers than enemies, but I’ll take what I can get.”

  “You’re truly unbelievable.”

  “It’s about time you caught on to that fact. We’ve been together long enough; my fabulousness has to have had an impact on you by now.”

  “There are days when I wonder how I refrain from killing you in your sleep.”

  Turning, I lift the back of the leather coat and wiggle my butt at her. “That’s why. You can’t get enough of this.”

  Lilah shakes her head and blinks a few times. “No matter what I say, you’ll find a way to make it a compliment. So let’s just find Eloise then search for your brother before whoever this paranormal is kills him.”

  Sienna comes into the room. The petite female is nothing but a live wire waiting to electrocute the one who took her mate. “Ford’s not dead, but he’s very, very angry.”

  “You can feel him?” Lilah asks.

  “Yes, but I can’t locate him. No worries. I’ll burn down the world to get my mate back.” I love a female with good looks, loyalty, and a heart edged in black. Sienna has come into her own since she and my brother mated. It’s been fantastic to witness.

  “Onward, sister-in-law,” I state. “First stop is Eloise Verascue. She’ll hopefully have some answers for us.”

  “Figures she’s involved somehow.”

  “I know you don’t love me, Sienna,” my mom says as she walks into the room. “But I thought we were making progress.” There was a time when my mom didn’t think Sienna was good enough for Ford. That tune changed when Sienna stood up to her a while back.

  “Zip it, Eloise. You know where we stand. I like you. You don’t hate me. Can we save your son now?”

  “As if he needs saving. But I would like to find this female and rip her arms off, then shove them down her throat before I gut her.” If there were any doubt where my vicious side comes from, that pretty much summed it up. “Solomon, take down the block in your mind. I’m not in the mood to use a sledgehammer to get through it.”

  I pause and let my block down. I must have put it up when I was in front of the villain of this night. It usually slips into place without me actively doing it. Like a vault door on a bank but with four reinforced walls, barbed wire, and a healthy dose of electricity.

  “Anlyn,” my mother hisses. Thank fate she knows who the female is. Now we can get filled in on the background of this nutjob and find my brother.



  Being kidnapped sucks... except when it’s me. I grin evilly from under the cloth that’s been draped over my head.

  My fingers and hands are bound and so are my legs. The chair I’m tethered to is unforgiving. Thankfully, I’ll heal from any injuries she gives me. Unless she tries to decapitate me. That won’t work well in my favor.

  I hear her moving around the room, not even bothering to try and silence her steps. She’s a paranormal, so I have no doubt she can. This is a fun little exercise for her. See if she can rile me up. Well, she can’t. Because I’m thrilled she took me and not my mate or someone else in my family. Though I’m guessing she had Sol since we couldn’t find him. I hope he’s okay now.

  The cloth is ripped off my head. Harsh light temporarily blinds me. I quickly realize she’s using her magic to create it. Then the female comes into view. She seems a little more frazzled than when Ari saw her.

  “Got a problem?” I ask. No reason to stay quiet. She obviously knew enough to capture me.

  “You’re not going to be as chatty as your brother, are you?”

  “Why didn’t you kill him?” I try to keep my tone indifferent, even though there’s a rage slowly boiling within me. I hate that she took him. I want to kill her where she stands.

  “Please. If I wanted him dead, I would have completely severed his head. I only got as far as his spine then stopped. I decided I wanted to play a little more. You were my target all along. The baby of the family. The one I’ve heard Eloise talk about over and over to others.”

  “Huh?” When did my mother ever go on and on about me? Yes, she loves my brother and me, but I can’t imagine her out there bragging about us unless it’s how we’re great fighters. Or that Sol finally gave her a grandchild. Mom is super critical.

  “You don’t know me, do you?” she inquires.

  “Should I?”

  “Your mother didn’t tell you tales of her accomplishments?” She says the last word with extra emphasis on it.

  “I hate to break it to you, but even if she wanted to offer up her stories of blood and gore, I’d have to stop her. While she may have led an exceptionally long life, I don’t want to waste mine hearing about it.”

  “Are you all this conceited?”

  I shrug one shoulder. Only a little since my hands are restricted and my movements limited. “You’ve obviously met my mother. The fact that you have to ask that question is a little baffling to me. We’re the best vampires there are and you’re questioning if we’re conceited? That’s not conceit. It’s fact. Completely proven.”

  The next thing I know, a knife is hurled toward me and plunges into my chest, narrowly missing my heart. “That was on purpose,” she seethes as she comes toward me. Her hand grips the blade and she turns it ever so s
lightly before ripping it from me. I hiss at the sting from it leaving my body. Blood drips down the knife and onto my clothes.

  “That was uncalled for! You see how good I look. This is vintage! Granted, it’s not mine and I can have one of the fae clean it for me, but that’s so not the point.”

  “You’re just like your brother.”

  “If you’re trying to insult me, there are better ways to do it.”

  The female lets out a loud scream. “You’re infuriating. If your parents would have been easier to catch, I wouldn’t have needed you or your brother to lure them in. I wouldn’t have had to spend so many hours stalking them. And right now, I truly regret not killing him.”

  “I’m getting mixed messages here. If you want to hurt Mother, then you were right taking Sol and me. But to let him go? I’m confused. And why not just kill both of us? She’s going to come for you either way.” That I know with certainty. My mom is extremely loyal to her family. And when she gets the information from Sol, she’ll know I was taken next. That is, if Sienna doesn’t tell her first.

  The anger coursing through me is raw and palpable but I don’t let it show outwardly. The female keeps trying to read my mind. Her eyes narrow and she focuses on me. However, she can’t get through the wall I built to keep everyone out. I may not have the strength in this area my parents and brother do, but I'm no weakling. And what I lack there I make up for in other abilities.

  “What’s your name?” I ask. “Maybe I have heard of you.” I highly doubt it. If I can get her talking, it gives my family more time to show up. Because no matter how hard I try, there’s no breaking what I assume are the magical handcuffs on me.

  “It’s not my name you should know. It’s my brother’s. He was the one your mother killed for no reason.”

  “Okay. One, I need his name. And two, my mother never kills without reason. If she got rid of your brother, he must have done something to her, someone she loves, or someone innocent, like a human. My mother is not reckless with death.”

  “Anderson didn’t hurt anyone,” she says vehemently.

  “Seems we’re at an impasse, then.” Anderson. That’s a different name. Not super common and it rings no bells.

  Instead of trying to wrack my brain for something familiar with the dead male’s name, I keep my gaze on the female while I let my other senses roam. We’re in a windowless cabin. Or maybe it's a shack. I have no idea. The walls are wooden, as is the floor beneath my feet. It’s as if this place hasn’t seen a vacuum or a mop in anything short of a decade. There’s a beat-up old couch across the room that appears as if a bear shredded the cushions. There’s stuffing spilled everywhere.

  The door behind her has seen better days. The wood is well past the distressed phase and right into the whole ambiance of this situation. It’s like this place is only used to scare and kill people. A murder shack.

  Maybe I’m in some sort of horror movie. I always knew I had a face for the big screen. This could be my shot. There could be a hidden camera somewhere for all I know.

  I turn and jut out my chin, showing off my profile. We Verascues have great genes.

  “What are you doing?” she asks.

  “Are you filming this? I kind of got that vibe from the locale. Desolate area. Run-down shack in the woods. Of course, we could be on a beach somewhere, for all I know, since there are zero windows in here and I can’t hear anything.”

  “Why would I film this? You irritating me wouldn’t make for great television. Besides, you’re not even the one I’m after.”

  “You’re ruining my vibe here, female. I liked this a whole lot better when the thought of being a star was flitting around my head.”

  Before she can reply, the door to the room is kicked in, causing splintered pieces of wood to go flying. Solomon enters, looking like me although less sexy. He can’t pull it off like I can.

  “Wrong!” he yells as his eyes find mine. “I make this look way better than you.”

  “Nope. Sorry.” I shake my head. “I think we need someone impartial to decide. We can ask Ari.”

  “She’s not impartial. She’d totally side with you.”

  I smile. “You’re right. She probably would. Let’s ask her anyway.”

  The female fists her hands and blasts magic out at both of us. I’m rendered mute and my brother is thrown into the wall. But since this place is apparently a hole, Sol literally goes right through it and lands in a heap on the ground on the other side. That has to hurt.

  It’s just the distraction my mom needs to teleport into the room. She could have come in silently and right behind the female who’s threatening us. She doesn’t because she’s Eloise Verascue and my brother and I learned our dramatics from her. What fun would it be if she showed up behind her and severed her head? She likes to play with her prey when she can.

  “Anlyn,” my mom hisses. Now that’s a name I remember. Let’s see if I can recall the story that was told to us over Thanksgiving that year. Yes, we celebrate it. Sol and I like to eat.

  My parents were vacationing somewhere in the Pacific Northwest. I swear they’ve been everywhere and done everything, though they do have places they frequent more than others.

  On this particular day, there was a male and female—Anderson and Anlyn—my mother knew were fae from the start, even though they concealed who they were. The fae were talking to some humans, trying to coax them to coming with them. Mom read their minds and it seemed they found a vampire willing to give them powers but only if they brought him a snack.

  The fae duo agreed and went in search of a couple who were childless. They didn’t know if the vampire intended on draining their bodies or not. Once the pair convinced the couple to join them for some afternoon fun, my parents stepped in.

  The human couple were quickly dismissed, and my parents wasted no time finding an empty side street and teleporting the fae duo away. They were powerful with their magic, although my parents were stronger in other ways. They had the element of surprise and the ability to teleport to snatch their prey before magic could be used on them. They also had experience and age on their side.

  Mom and Dad brought them to a deserted area of town they had passed earlier in the day. Anderson decided, since his chance of getting more power was ruined, that he wanted my parents to gift them their powers. That didn’t go over too well. No one demands anything of my family, and they certainly weren’t able to buy their way in. My family has more money than they could spend and houses all over the world.

  One rejection after another happened until Anlyn turned to my dad and offered her body in exchange for powers. My dad, who is very loyal to my mom, turned her down immediately. Then my mom went on an insulting spree because there was no way my dad would ever desire anyone as much as her. Obviously, these two fae weren’t familiar enough with the mate bond or they just didn’t care.

  A fight ensued. One where Anlyn tried to use her magic on my mom. Anderson then charged my dad and was able to get the jump on him. He had my dad’s head in a magical band, which is capable of severing someone’s head from their body with a simple flick of their finger. Mom didn’t like this one bit.

  My mom’s vision went red when her mate’s life was on the line. She snapped once to teleport behind Anderson, grabbed his wrists, and tore his arms right off his body. But she didn’t stop there. She dug her nails into his neck until they were wrapped around his spine—the only thing keeping his head attached to his body as blood poured from him. She told Anlyn to release the band from my dad's neck and she’d let the male live.

  She lied.

  As soon as the band was gone, she finished the job and killed Anderson. No one messes with the Verascues. But Mom had a moment of charity and let Anlyn live. She saw into her mind and noticed Anlyn had a family of her own. A human mother who was sick and didn’t want her life extended by being bit by a vampire. She was tired and wanted to move on to see her fae male, who was killed years prior. So my mom let Anlyn live with a stern warning
never to come near any of us again.

  That was twenty years ago. And look where we are.

  “Anlyn, I let you live once,” my mom begins. “The chances of that happening again are zero. You dare take my sons? You harm others in the pack?” Mom begins a slow walk around the female. “How did you think this was going to end for you? I’m still more powerful. I proved to you before that your magic isn’t a match for me.”

  “I have vampire gifted abilities now.”

  Mom quirks an eyebrow. “And? Is that supposed to be some sort of threat? Am I supposed to be intimidated? By the way, the one who gifted you those sealed his death. My mate is already on his way to kill him.”

  Anlyn shrugs. “Don’t care. You’re who I want. You’re who I need to kill.”

  “Last chance,” my mom warns. I laugh quietly. There’s no last chance. This female already got one. Mom’s just toying with her now.

  Anlyn raises her hands and begins to call upon her magic. She’s about to direct it at my mom when Kylest steps into the room and puts a stop to that. He doesn’t say a word, simply halts the attack so my mom can walk right up to her and peer into her eyes.

  Vampires are one of the strongest paranormals out there, however, even we have a hard time battling magic. Bringing Ky along was the right move.

  Mom lifts her hand and reaches into Anlyn’s chest, through her bones, until she grips her heart. Anlyn’s eyes widen as she tries to hold on to my mom for support. Her nails rake over my mom’s skin, leaving red slashes, which quickly heal.

  With a jerk of her wrist, my mom pulls the heart from Anlyn’s chest. We watch as the female’s mouth opens and closes a few times before she drops to the floor, gaping like a fish as her life leaves her body.



  Figures. I missed the heart being ripped out. Some Halloween this turned out to be. I wanted to kill someone. And if I couldn’t, I at least wanted to see the death.


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