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Believe in Me

Page 14

by E. L. Todd

  She moved away from my embrace then headed to the stairs.

  I couldn’t tell if she wanted me to follow her.

  She stopped when she realized I stayed put. “Come on.”

  I did as she asked and followed her upstairs. When I reached the bedroom she was already stripped down to her bra and underwear.

  I stared at her with dark eyes but didn’t make a move. She and I hadn’t made love in weeks. That was the longest dry spell we ever had in our marriage. But I wasn’t sure what she was ready for. I was emotionally drained and so was she. And I didn’t want to rush her into something she wasn’t ready for.

  She peeled off her bra while she stared at me, revealing the voluptuous tits I could never get enough of. They were one of my favorite features. My wife had a rocking body the day we got married, and she still had a rocking body. “Make love to me, Sean.” She pulled her thong down.

  That was all I needed to hear. I pulled my shirt off then got my pants off. Then I moved her to the bed and crawled on top of her. Her legs were immediately around my waist and her nails dug into my hair.

  I kissed her, feeling the warmth in my heart when I explored her with my lips. My wife was everything to me. Every time I thought about almost losing her it made me want to break down. I could afford to lose anything else except her and my kids. They were my purpose in living. I appreciated her everyday but now I appreciated her even more.

  Our bodies moved together and she squeezed my waist with her thighs, telling me she wanted me and didn’t want to wait any longer. Breathing into her mouth, I found her entrance and moved inside her like I had so many times before. Like always, it felt amazing.

  I knew most guys fantasized about other women when they made love to their wives. The relationship got stale and sex was repetitive. But I never did that with mine. She was exactly what I wanted. She was a supermodel with a sweet heart. She was my best friend and the only person I wanted to be with most of the time. She was my dream girl.

  We clung to each other desperately like we weren’t getting enough. I moved completely inside, wanting to give her everything I had. She pulled me into her like she needed more. Our bodies danced together and we breathed hard. Then I felt her tighten around me as the orgasm rocked through her. I gave it to her harder than before, wanting to give her that extra push. Once she was finished, she relaxed her nails from cutting my skin and her nipples became less hard. Then I released inside my wife, just like I had hundreds of times. I looked into her eyes as I finished. And suddenly, I felt better. I think she felt better too. We were united once again, a team that couldn’t be defeated. I wasn’t so scared anymore. It felt right. Our relationship felt right.

  And I knew we would be okay.

  Chapter Nineteen


  When I got off work, I went by an ice cream parlor and got Skye a sundae. Then I went to her apartment and walked inside using my key. Skye was sitting on the couch next to her dad. They were watching SpongeBob SquarePants while Scarlet read on the other couch.

  “Cartoons, huh?” I asked with a smile.

  “Hey, it’s a classic,” Skye said. She looked over the couch at me. “Ooh…what do you have there?”

  “A treat for someone special.”

  Her eyes glistened with excitement.

  I opened the lid and put the spoon inside. Then I handed it to her.

  “Man, this looks amazing.”

  Sean eyed it. “You better eat that quick otherwise I’m going to take it.”

  “Like you ever eat anything unhealthy,” Skye said as she rolled her eyes.

  I leaned over the couch and kissed her forehead. “How was your day?”

  “Good. We just watched TV all day,” she said. “I haven’t been this lazy since I got pneumonia in high school.”

  “You should be lazy more often,” I said. “You work too hard.”

  “How was your day?”

  “Good. A lot of stuff going on.”

  “Like what?” she asked.

  “Well, we’re trying to get hidden contraceptives to women in India. Their population is out of control but the women have no control over it, unfortunately. They are pretty much slaves, and they have too many children to take care of. Most of them die. So, we’re trying to figure it out while being discreet about it.”

  “Wow,” she said. “That sounds stressful.”

  “It can be,” I said. “Finding the funding is usually the biggest hurdle but executing the plan is pretty difficult as well.”

  “Well, I hope everything works out.”

  “I’m sure it will.” Actually, I wasn’t so sure. But I wouldn’t burden her with the stress of my job.

  “The world is lucky to have you,” she said as she looked at me with affectionate eyes.

  I shrugged, unsure what to say. “Having any pain?”

  “No. I take my pill when I’m supposed to.”

  “Ready for physical therapy?”

  She cringed. “Not really.”

  I chuckled. “You’ll be fine.” I wanted alone time with Skye and I was waiting for her parents to leave. They seemed uncomfortable and unlikely to budge. I tried not to be selfish because I knew they wanted to be with Skye as much as I did. “Well, I’m going to shower. I’ll be back.”

  “Okay,” Skye said.

  When I was under the running water, I took a deep breath and tried to relax. I was horny as hell but I didn’t want Skye to know that. We hadn’t had sex in several weeks and I didn’t want to push her when she was unwell. That was extremely selfish. I was tempted to beat off in the shower but that felt awkward since her parents were in the other room.

  I left the shower and dried off before I dressed and returned to the living room. Her parents were still there, much to my irritation. I liked her parents, they were like second parents to me, but damn, I wanted to be with my fiancé.

  “How about we get a pizza for dinner?” Sean asked as he pulled out his phone.

  Get. Out.

  “Okay,” Skye said.

  I’d never thought I’d say this but I wanted to kill her parents right now.

  Scarlet turned off her kindle. “Honey, let’s head home. I’m sure Cayson wants to spend time with Skye.”

  I love you.

  “Oh.” Sean seemed to realize she was right. “Yeah, I guess.”

  “It’s not a big deal,” Skye said. “You guys can stay.”

  I hate you.

  “We’ll just see you tomorrow,” Scarlet said as she stood up. Then she kissed Skye on the cheek.

  Sean moved in next. “See you later, pumpkin.”

  “Bye, Dad,” Skye said.

  They said goodbye to me then walked out.

  “Man, I thought they would never leave,” I said with a sigh.

  Skye regarded me with a raised eyebrow. “You don’t like my parents?”

  “Of course, I do. Just not when I get home and I finally get to spend time with you.” I moved to the couch beside her and put my arm around her. “Call me selfish, but after five you’re mine.”

  She gave me a warm smile. “I missed you too.” She rested her free hand on my thigh.

  I stared at her, and just looking at her face made me hard. Her tight t-shirt highlighted her voluptuous tits and I missed sucking them in my mouth. Skye returned the look, and I’d seen her stare at me that way enough times to know she was thinking what I was thinking.

  I leaned in and kissed her, and as soon as our mouths touched I was on fire. I wanted to be inside her more than I’d ever had. I wanted her so much I thought I would explode. It wasn’t just a physical need. It was an emotional need. I wanted us to be together, to heal from the pain we both experienced. Whenever we were in throes of passion, nothing in the world mattered. It was just she and I. And I wanted to make love to her while she wore that ring. It excited me.

  Skye moved closer to me then straddled my hips with my hard-on directly underneath her. Every time she moved, she moved against me. It just ma
de me harder. My hands gripped her ass and then I squeezed her tits.

  Damn, they were nice.

  My lips moved to her neck while I continued to grope her. I was so excited I thought I might blow my load right there. “Skye…” I couldn’t do foreplay much longer otherwise I wouldn’t last when I was actually inside her.

  Just when she was about to pull her shirt off, the door opened.

  “We bring pizza and beer!” Slade walked inside with everything in his arms. Trinity came behind him with a board game. “We’re going to get this party started.”

  “Son of a bitch,” I muttered, pulling Skye’s shirt down.

  “We brought Monopoly,” Trinity said. “Skye’s favorite.”

  I hate them. I fucking hate them.

  Skye gave me a sad look then moved off my lap. “How fun,” she said with fake enthusiasm. “We’ll play here.”

  I adjusted my hard-on in my jeans, trying to hide it so it wouldn’t poke someone’s eye out.

  Slade sat beside me then handed me a beer. “How’s babysitting going?”

  “Really well,” I said darkly. “Until you showed up.”

  “She’s that annoying, huh?” he said before he took a drink.

  “No,” I snapped. “You just cock-blocked the shit out of me.”

  “Me?” he asked. “I think you can last a few hours.”

  “I haven’t gotten laid in weeks,” I said with a growl. “And I was finally going to get some when you walked in.”

  He shrugged. “You think that hasn’t happened to me? People cock-block me every day. Even work cock-blocks me.”

  I wanted to kill Slade. “Just leave.”

  “And how will I get Trinity to agree with that?” he asked. “Just go in the bathroom and get it over with. We can entertain ourselves. I’ll fuck Trinity out here and you can fuck Skye in there.”

  “That wouldn’t be awkward.”

  “I guess we could do it in the same room. But Skye and I are cousins…that’s a little weird.”

  I rolled my eyes because Slade was so dense.

  Trinity set up the board. “Skye can be the wheelbarrow since she always wants to be the wheelbarrow.”

  “Ooh!” Slade moved toward the table. “I get to be the dog.”

  I glared at all of them, hating them more than I ever had.


  Eleven came around and they still hadn’t left. And we were still playing the same game.

  Trinity landed on Slade’s Boardwalk, which he had a hotel for.

  “Cough it up, baby. I’m going to run you dry.”

  She counted her money then glared at him. “What happened to what’s mine is yours?”

  “That shit doesn’t apply in Monopoly,” he said. “Now pay your debt.”

  She sighed then handed him a large wad of cash. “Go to hell.”

  He chuckled then added the money to his on the table. “Loser…”

  “Asshole,” she mumbled back.

  When the hell would this game end?

  Skye rolled the dice then landed on one of my properties. She gave me her best puppy eye look so she wouldn’t have to pay me.

  How could I resist her? “You don’t have to pay me.”

  Skye smiled victoriously.

  “What?” Slade snapped. “Don’t be a pussy, dude.”

  “I want pussy,” I countered. “So I’m not going to make her pay.”

  Trinity glared at Slade. “See, that’s how you should treat me.”

  “I get your pussy either way,” he said.

  “We’ll see about that,” she said as she rolled the dice.

  “Fine,” he said. “I’ll settle for anal. It’s tighter anyway.”

  “Can we not talk about that in front of our friends?” Trinity said.

  “So, your pussy is okay but your ass is off limits?” Slade asked incredulously.

  Skye and I weren’t nearly as adventurous. I didn’t mind. What she offered me was good enough. But if she wanted more, I wouldn’t say no.

  Trinity grabbed one of her hotels and chucked it at him. “When will you get some common sense?”

  “When you start making sense,” he countered.

  She growled. “If I didn’t love you and you didn’t make me come…”

  “So, we can talk about my performance in the bedroom in front of our friends?” Slade asked.

  “This is fun,” Skye said sarcastically.

  I looked at my watch. “It’s getting late…” I wanted to get laid and I hoped Skye wouldn’t be too tired. I’d kill Slade if he blew this for me.

  “Well, I have the most money and most property,” Skye said. “So, I win.”

  “That’s settled,” I said, just wanting to end the game.

  Trinity and Slade kept bickering.

  “You know I tell Cayson everything we do, right?” Slade said.

  She threw everything in the box. “Well, I tell Skye everything.”

  “But we can’t actually discuss it around each other?” he asked.

  She put the lid on the box and stood up.

  They’re leaving. Thank god.

  Slade followed her out the door. “Are you not talking to me anymore?”

  Trinity ignored him. “Bye, guys. See you later.”

  “Bye,” I said happily, grateful I’d finally have alone time with Skye.

  Slade shut the door behind him and kept yelling.

  The second we were alone together, I was on Skye like a tiger pouncing on prey. She lay back as I moved over her, and we made out on the floor of her living room. One hand fisted her hair and my hardened cock grinded against her thigh. Her legs wrapped around me and she kissed me with equal desperation.

  I picked her up from the floor then got to my feet. One of her arms was hooked around my neck as she kissed me, and her thighs tightened around me. Just when I took a step toward the bedroom, disaster struck.

  The front door opened and Roland came inside. “Hey, I got you a milkshake—

  ” He stopped when he saw us in a heated embrace right in the middle of the living room. “Uh…I’ll come by another time.” He stepped out. “Make sure you lock the door next time.”

  “Make sure you knock, asshole,” Skye said.

  Roland shut the door and disappeared.

  Instead of heading straight to the bedroom, I walked to the front door and locked it. “Enough of that…” Then I carried her to the bedroom. Nothing was going to stop me now. I gently laid her down without moving her shoulder then undressed myself quickly, trying to get naked as quickly as possible.

  Skye was only able to do so much since she only had one arm. I got her jeans off and then her underwear. Seeing the apex of her thighs made my cock twitch. I immediately kneeled and went down on her. She just as sweet as I remembered, tasted like strawberries.

  Skye gripped my hair and moaned, loving the way I was circling her clitoris with my tongue. I didn’t jerk myself off because I thought I might trigger an orgasm. Then I moved over her then slowly removed her sling, got her shirt off, and then put the sling back on. Normally, it would stunt sex because it took so long and wasn’t sexy at all, but I was so horny it didn’t dissuade my boner.

  I stared at her tits and marveled at how beautiful they were. They were big and round, just the way I remembered them. One hand groped a breast while my mouth took in the nipple and sucked. I loved her chest. It was my favorite thing—ever. I used to fantasize about them when I jerked off in college. Skye turned me into a horn dog.

  “Cayson…” She pulled me over her and wrapped her legs around me, anxious to feel me between her legs.

  I placed one leg over my shoulder and moved over her until her knee was touching her chest. Then I moved her other leg outward as I slipped inside. “Oh my fucking god…” Shit, I forgot how good her pussy felt.

  She dug her nails into my hair while I stretched her. She’d tightened from the lack of sexual intercourse. It was like I was breaking her in all over again. I wanted to move hard
and fast, but if I did I wouldn’t last long. Instead, I took it slow, wanting it to last forever.

  My lips found hers and I kissed her deeply, wanting to be combined in every way possible. Feeling her racing pulse through her skin excited me. It reminded me she was alive when I thought I might lose her.

  Tears burned my eyes and I wished they wouldn’t. Our reunion was supposed to be a happy one. How would she move on from the travesty if I kept getting emotional about it?

  A tear escaped and fell on her cheek.

  She ended our embrace then kissed the moisture from my eyes. “I’m here. And I’m never going anywhere.”

  I gripped her tighter as I moved inside her. “I wasn’t going to let you go anywhere—not again.”

  I felt her ring against my skin as she cupped my face. “I love you, Cayson.”

  “And I love you forever.”

  Chapter Twenty


  The office wasn’t the same.

  People were timid and frightened. The secretaries were constantly peeking at the door, and security checked anybody who remotely looked suspicious. A few people even quit because they were so scared.

  No one had gone into Sean’s office since the incident. The police came and took the evidence. Then a few days later, they returned and cleaned up the area. Then Dad hired a professional cleaning company to scrub every inch of the place. At least when Sean came back he wouldn’t have anything to look at.

  The whole thing had been a nightmare for everyone. Never in my life did I think Skye’s ex would come back and try to kill them all. I guess you never really knew when someone was crazy.

  Dad and I took care of everything but Dad had to work a lot more since Sean, Scarlet, and Ward weren’t around. He pushed a lot more things on me, expecting me to do things I wasn’t even trained for. I knew he was stressed out so I said as little as possible and tried to figure things out on my own. When I didn’t know something, I asked his secretary. He seemed to know a few things.

  I was grateful everyone was okay, especially my cousin, Skye. It could have ended in a much different way. Skye was like a daughter to my dad so he’d been brooding over her health every day. She was better now and would start physical therapy but it was still scary. Everyone treated her like she was fragile.


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