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Bite Me, Baby

Page 10

by Alice Brown, Lady V, Samantha Potter, Rayne O'Gara, Lei Carol, Hazel Gower

  “Wow, Alana. That’s so kind of you.”

  “I don’t do it for praise, Hunter. I know what it feels like to want something so bad but just not able to afford it or in my case, not be allowed to celebrate it. It’s a horrible feeling, these little kids deserve to have one day of joy and happiness. Would you like me to put your name on the card also?” she asked.

  “Nope, I’m fine.”

  Alana was shocked by his response, trying to keep back her already forming tears. A light breeze lifted her hair as she turned to face him once again. He was gone. She stood there alone for a moment trying to figure out what had just happened, knowing he had done so much already she couldn’t expect him to do more than what he already had.

  “Back,” he said as he zoomed in.

  “Where’d you go?” she asked without looking at him.

  “Shopping!” he announced. She turned to face him only to be greeted by a trolley full of children’s toys, all wrapped in character paper. She was still crying but her tears had turned to ones of joy. Watching as he signed each card with both their names before placing them under the giving tree.

  “What, you didn’t think I’d want to bring someone joy, Alana?” he asked with a wink. “You just told me the reason you do this and to me there is no reason why I can’t as well. I’m just saddened I had never thought of it before. You’re changing me for the better, mate. I never knew falling in love would make me feel more human than vampire. I like the person you are turning me into, Alana.”

  “I want to break up for a bit,” the words flew out of her mouth. Hunters jaw dropped, allowing her to feel the sudden pain that filled his heart. She knew she had to react fast. “No, silly. I mean go our separate ways. How on earth can I get you a gift if you’re standing right next to me?”

  “Oh yeah, good idea,” he said before turning and running off.

  Alana couldn’t help but laugh, he was like a kid at Christmas. She decided to go in a different direction. She wanted to get something special, something no one had ever gotten him before. She wanted him to feel what she feels when opening that first Christmas gift. She was on a mission and unsure if she had enough time before he was done. Timing was of the essence.

  Chapter Six

  Alana was over the moon, it was Christmas Eve. Everything was ready, it was going to be the perfect Christmas. The sun had only just gone down as the moon began to rise, and Hunter was still sleeping. She looked down at his perfectly shaped body, the sheet was only covering his junk, his six pack was in full view. He had one arm over his head as his other was just below the sheet. She couldn’t help but wonder if the saying “Morning glory” was the same for her kind even though it was almost nighttime. Curiosity got the better of her, running her nails lightly over the corner of the sheet. Lifting it slightly to see what would greet her from underneath.

  After all it is almost Christmas, she thought as she hid her giggles, desperately trying not to wake him. Hmm, looks like the stories are true, good morning to you too. She hesitated for just a moment, looking at Hunter to make sure he was still asleep then glanced back to his long shaft. It begged for her touch. She readjusted herself as she bent down, moving the sheet just enough. Hovering over his tip, she licked her bottom lip before gently placing her tongue on the tip of his cock. Hunter hadn’t moved so she lowered herself further, taking his entire length into her mouth. Sucking gently, pulling herself back before devouring him once more. She continued back and forth, unable to stop herself as her body rocked in unison with her mouth.

  She could feel her womanhood moisten as she continued, Hunter let out a moan of pleasure letting her know he was awake. She quickened her pace as he planted his hand on the nape of her neck. She could feel his cock enlarge more within her mouth. The vein on the side began to throb as she teased his tip with her wet tongue enjoying his emotional moans of enjoyment. Relieved to find that she was good at this, considering she’d never done it before.

  “I thought you didn’t do blowjobs?” he managed to get out. “Ahh, don’t stop. Forget I even asked. Oh my God, Alana.”

  Alana continued to suckle and lick, taking him fully within her mouth, she could feel his pre-cum slowly drip down her throat, the taste alone was almost orgasmic for Alana. She was enjoying every moment of it, Hunter groaned more and more.

  “Alana, stop!” he yelled.

  “What? What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, I didn’t want to cum in your mouth.”

  “Oh, okay.” She was a tad confused.

  “I want you to enjoy yourself as much as I just did,” he admitted.

  Hunter sat up in bed, his cock hard and oozing with excitement. Alana straightened herself before removing her bra, letting her breast free from their confinement. She straddled Hunter, gently lowering herself on top of him as she leaned forward to hold the bed rails behind him. His cock was so enlarged it felt exquisite entering her tight area. Letting out a moan of her own, she stared eye to eye with her mate. Once she was comfortable she began to lift herself before falling back on top of his shaft, what started slow became faster as her lust begged for release.

  Rocking back and forth, Hunter leaned forward taking her nipple into his mouth. Rubbing her bud with his tongue, nipping her gently before releasing. He moved his head to the side to show her other nipple the same attention. As his tongue twirled around her nipple, it ignited their passion. Alana found it hard to keep up with her own pace as her emotions took over, enjoying each touch. His hands held firmly on her hips, helping her rock her body. Her clit rubbed against the slight snail trail of hair, heating her bud, exciting her more. Hunter released her nipple as he lifted his head so their lips met in an intimate kiss that turned into a demanding, passionate embrace.

  Panting with each thrust, he pulled down on her hips making it harder for her to move. The pressure against her sensitive area heightened, he could feel his own orgasm coming. Using his hands he was able to lift her so he could pull her back on top of his hardened shaft, hearing her scream his name as she climaxed sent him into an orgasm of his own. They waited a moment catching their breath, trying to slow down their heart beats as they smiled at each other.

  “Well if I knew I was getting that as a gift, I would have woken earlier.”

  “Surprises are fun and definitely worth it. See, dreams do come true.” She gently climbed off his shaft before falling on the bed beside him wondering if she would ever get sick of this feeling.

  “This will definitely be a Christmas I’ll remember,” he admitted.

  “Me too.”

  “What do you want to do this evening?” Hunter asked out of curiosity, knowing full well what her response would be.

  “Well, I think a shower is needed before anything else.”

  “You want me to join you?”

  “I think it best that you don’t. Otherwise we’ll never get anything done.”

  “Alright, you jump into the shower and I’ll start getting things ready.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” she agreed, making her way to the shower. Closing the door behind her before turning on the water, steam began to fill the small room. She climbed in, letting the water run down her sensitive skin. She hadn’t realized how bruised she felt until the water hit each sensitive spot. She leaned back as the water fell over her neck and down her breasts, warming her soul. Each muscle began to relax as the water soothed her. She let her body slide down the wall, sitting firmly on the ground letting the water cover her face, wetting her long blond hair as she soaked in every drop. She didn’t want to move but knew if she didn’t she would pass the night away. Grabbing the loofa sitting on the floor next to her body wash, she lathered it up before gently rubbing her skin.

  It took all her strength to stand once again before turning the water off slowly. She stood for a moment before grabbing the towel and drying herself off. She was tempted to curl up in bed but she figured she should probably check on Hunter. Throwing on a bra, singlet top, and pajama pants before
heading toward the lounge, she was thankful her night vision was so intense. Every light in the house was off, she wondered if she’d find Hunter in a dark corner somewhere, ready to pounce on her and have his way. The thought was intriguing but she was scared she was already sore enough. There was a strong possibility her vagina would fall off and walk away at the sight of his cock. She laughed out loud as she had an image of that actually happening. Taking a deep breath to calm her dirty mind she turned the corner almost walking straight into the lounge.

  “Crap, Hunter, where are you?”

  “Glad you could join me, mate, now watch.”

  She looked around, wondering what he wanted her to watch. She looked up to see snowflakes dangling from the ceiling, starting with a dim light before the light became bright and magical. Music came from nowhere, almost in tune with the lights themselves. The wall beamed a bright blue, shocking her completely. She walked closer, avoiding the lounge to read the message made completely out of Christmas lights.

  “Will You Marry Me!” She read, holding her hand near her mouth as uncontrollable joy burst from her mouth, tears of happiness rolled down her checks.

  “So what’s your answer?” he asked, still unable to pinpoint where he was in the room.

  “Yes, Hunter, yes I will.”

  A small lighted snowflake began to lower from the ceiling until it was in line with Alana. On top was a ring made of gold, diamonds covered the small band, with “The love of Christmas” engraved on the inside of the band. She had no words, she was speechless. Grabbing the delicate band from the snowflake she placed it on her ring finger, and held her hand in front of her face to see it once again. The music began to play louder, as images where projected onto the wall of a couple dancing in the snow, holding each other tightly, ice skating across a frozen lake and at the very end an intimate kiss was shared. Flickering of colorful lights came from behind as the Christmas tree lit up. The lights started at the bottom of the tree, lighting row by row until it hit the star at the top.

  She could hear Hunter moving around frantically behind her, with a flick of the switch her lounge lit up leaving no corner free. It was breathtaking, she had never seen anything like it before. The table was set for two, food covering every inch. Her stomach turned as she realized how hungry she had become. Turning once more, she bumped straight into Hunter, causing her to lose her balance and she fell back. Hunter caught her in his arms, holding her close to his chest as she looked at the reflection in his eyes. Hunter lifted her slowly to her feet keeping her as close as he could, not wanting to let go of the best gift he would ever receive.

  He lifted her, holding her with ease. He walked her toward the table before placing her gently in front of her food. Once she was tucked in, he walked to the other side of the table and took his place. Staring peacefully at each other, the candles provided enough light to set the mood.

  “I have to say I wasn’t expecting anything like this. It would have to be the best Christmas I have ever experienced,” she admitted.

  “Well that was my intention. All I want is to make you happy,” he said as he took the first bite of his food.

  “It’ll be a real shame when Christmas is over and we have to return to work. Oh crap, I was meant to work tonight.” She suddenly remembered.

  “All sorted, you have a highly contagious illness. I’m looking after you.”

  “How on earth did Stan accept that?” She couldn’t help but wonder.

  “Oh it took a bit but when he complained I reminded him that his actions at work toward you were highly illegal, he had a sudden change of heart.”

  “How did you know?”

  “I was already there, I saw him touch you, Alana.”

  “Oh, you did?”

  “Yes and I also told him that. I don’t think he’ll be giving you any more trouble.”

  Alana couldn’t help but feel relieved. She even admitted to herself that it was nice having someone look out for her. She quietly sat there for a moment, enjoying the well cooked meal in front of her. Thinking of all the things she had to be grateful for this past year. It was at that moment she realized she hadn’t given him his gift. Feeling slightly nervous as it wasn’t as romantic as what he had given her she knew it was the thought that counted.

  “I have something for you also,” she announced before getting up from her chair and pulling out the gift she had placed under the tree after their shopping and handed it to him before returning to her seat. She watched as he pulled the bow off and ripped at the paper, it brought her joy to watch him so excitedly open his gift. He stared at the item for a moment as she held her breath waiting for his reaction.

  “Crickey, I never expected this. Where did you even get this?” he asked.

  “You left your wallet open the other night and I assumed the person in the photo was important to you.”

  “Yes, yes he is very important to me,” he admitted as he stared at the watch she had given him, a picture of his best mate inside.

  “Can you tell me a little about him?”

  “Sure, we’ve been friends for such a long time. You’ll meet him one day. He’s currently traveling the world with his mate. He’s a tad older than me but you wouldn’t be able to notice, he really doesn’t act his age but he’s a good friend and he has proven it on many of occasions. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for him. He saved my life a few years back. His mate looked after me, bringing me back to full health. I was attacked by Hunters, but they missed my heart by only a few inches.”

  “I’m glad you have him in your life, if it wasn’t for them I probably would have never met you. Yet another thing I am grateful for this Christmas.”

  “Anyways, enough of the sad talk, thank you so much,” he said, placing the watch on his wrist. “Look at that, five minutes until midnight and it’s officially Christmas Day.”

  “How exciting, I love a good countdown,” she admitted.

  Hunter cleared the table in a rush, before going back to the oven grabbing a freshly baked Christmas pudding.

  “Is there anything you would like me to do?” she asked, since he seemed to be doing all the work in her house.

  “Yeah, if you could take the pot off that would be great.” Alana did as she was told. Grabbing two cups, she poured the hot chocolate and set them down on the small table beside the lounge. Hunter followed her out of the kitchen with the pudding and cream. Handing Alana her plate they sat down, counting down with each other until it was midnight.

  “Merry Christmas, Alana.”

  “Merry Christmas, Hunter.”

  Hunter leaned forward, pressing the control to turn up the music. Alana placed her plate down before curling into Hunter, allowing him to wrap his masculine arm around her. Enjoying the magical notes that lifted their spirits, warmed their hearts, and gave them a reason for caring. A reason to believe, a reason to give and most of all, a reason to love. Alana looked up at Hunter as he turned to face her, their lips met, and they shared a passionate kiss. There’s always a first and Alana knew that this was just the beginning of something special, they had centuries of celebrations to come. Each one bringing more joy than the last as long as they were together.

  The End

  A Magical Highland Christmas

  BBW Paranormal

  By Rayne O'Gara

  Chapter One

  “What is the matter, Sammie, dear?” the sweet, soft voice of Sammie’s great aunt came over the phone speaker. With a heartfelt sigh, she propped her wide hip against the doorframe of her kitchen and stared out into the black night through her back door.

  “Oh, Auntie, I am just a little melancholy I guess. I miss you, especially during the season.” Being an only child of an only child couple, Sammie grew up in a little world. The only other family left was her grandmothers’ sister-in-law, Auntie Gertrude. After her parents passed, all Sammie had left was Gertrude.

  “Are you working for the holidays?” Auntie asked.

  “No. I think that’s o
ne of my problems actually. I don’t even have my work to keep me busy. The owners thought it would be a morale booster if they gave everyone an extra couple days off for Christmas.” The small independently owned company she worked for as a receptionist had the Christmas spirit this year, which she thought was lovely, for everyone else but her.

  “Then I have the perfect idea to help you feel better, my dear!” Auntie squealed out excitedly.

  Sitting down in one of her dining chairs, Sammie shook her head at her Great Aunt’s exuberance and smiled with affection.

  “Pack your bags!” she ordered Sammie.

  “What!?” she shrieked. “What in heaven’s name do I need to pack my bags for?”

  “My perfect idea, of course. Do you remember the cottage in Scotland your Uncle Bernard bought for me a couple years before he passed?”

  “Oh wow, I haven’t thought about that for years!” Sammie let out a laugh from the fond memories of her great uncle. “I remember he would always go on and on about the Highland magic and the mysterious creatures that roam there.”

  “Exactly! I am booking your flight right now! You better hurry and get packed. What you need is to get away from the humdrumness of life and explore the magic life can bring, my dear.” Sammie has always loved and envied Auntie’s adventurous spirit. But she wasn’t sure. She had never, not once, done anything like this before. No plan, schedule, or research? That is just not who she is. Finger combing her mass of curly red hair away from her face, she huffed out a breath.

  “Auntie, I can’t do that. I…I just can’t pick up and go at a drop of a dime!”

  “And that right there is the root of your problems. You are afraid to take risks, explore new things. You must open yourself up and grow into the woman I know you are meant to be. Now your flight is all ready, you leave in the morning, I will e-mail all the details to you. Just pick up your ticket at the counter, and no, the ticket is not refundable. You have four days at the cabin. Have fun and make the most out of it, my precious one.”


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