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Bite Me, Baby

Page 11

by Alice Brown, Lady V, Samantha Potter, Rayne O'Gara, Lei Carol, Hazel Gower

  “But Auntie—”

  The click of the call ending left Sammie staring wide-eyed at her phone screen. Damn it, she didn’t leave much to argue. But she is right. Overanalyzing is just what I do. Can I just spontaneously do this? Closing her eyes and rubbing her now upset stomach, Sammie pushed the half empty mug away and rested her head on the scarred tabletop of the dining table. With a shake of her head, she quickly jumped up and ran over to her computer bag and pulled out her planner. I have until tomorrow, I can get some sort of list setup.

  A plan started to form on paper. Just when she finished writing her fourth to-do item, her phone let out a tinkle of bells signaling a text message.

  Auntie: NO PLANNING!! I know what you are doing and it’s the opposite of what you need. I have taken care of everything, just pack and get to the airport on time. I have emailed your info. I love you and I know you will love this Christmas present! : )

  Well, can’t say she doesn’t know me. Crap. When did the old bird get so familiar with technology? Sammie ripped up her list and threw it away in the trashcan under her sink. All right. Just pack. She trusted her aunt, she could do this. A quick walk down her hallway had her in her room. The small one bedroom apartment was cramped but she never needed a lot of space so it really didn’t matter.

  Looking at her now open suitcase covering her cream and maroon bed cover, she ran both hands through her frizzed out hair. With a whispered sigh, she said out loud to her empty bedroom, “I can’t believe I am going to do this,” before she started pulling her heaviest winter clothes out of her closet. Placing her folded clothes gently into her suitcase, she unzipped the hidden compartment.

  “Well it is a holiday getaway,” she mumbled as she walked to her bedside table. Perched on the edge of her bed Sammie pulled open the drawer and picked out her favorite lover. She may not be outgoing and skinny, but she had a very good sex drive. If it weren’t for her drawer boyfriends, she really would have been insane by now. Not willing to go without while she was away, she slipped her favorite vibrator into the secret pocket of her suitcase and looked over the rest of her goodies in her drawer. Also packing her tingly massage gel and one other ‘lover’, she zipped and re-hid the compartment before heading into the bathroom to finish packing.

  Suitcase by the door and flight information written down, Sammie climbed into bed hoping her stomach would settle just a little so she could get some sleep as she set her alarm. At least I can get a couple hours of sleep before I head out. All snuggled into the mattress she pressed her large breasts into her body pillow. Throwing a leg over the feather softness and bringing the pillow between her thick thighs, she wished, like most nights, that one day it would be a man and not feather fluff between her legs. With thoughts of glorious Highlanders wearing kilts and magical forest creatures running through her mind, Sammie drifted off.

  Chapter Two

  Body shaking and thankful for being back on solid ground, Sammie made her way through the crowded airport located in Inverness, Scotland.

  The eleven and half hour flight was a killer, then add in the three a.m. departure with only a few hours’ sleep and Sammie was completely wiped. A quick check of her watch, and having already set it with the six hours difference while on the plane, it read eight p.m.

  “Good Lord,” she mumbled. She was hoping to at least see the place she landed in. With it already covered by darkness, the cab ride to the cottage was going to be so exciting. It was an estimated hour and half outside the city, according to her aunt’s itinerary.

  Her body, already numb from the long flight in cramped quarters, she woodenly made her way to the luggage retrieval. She started to daze as she stood in front of the silver shining machine. People surrounding her at all sides had her squeezing her carry-on bag and her purse closer to her chest in an attempt to be more invisible. The lulling cadence and gruff voices swam in the air around her. She has always loved a Scottish accent. Come on, who doesn’t love a good Braveheart fantasy now and then, right?

  Deep in her own thoughts of accents, she almost missed her bag as it made its way around the circle. Trying not to bump into anyone, she gently retrieved her bag, but being the clumsy person she was, she was counter balanced by the heavy bag, and fell forward onto the conveyer belt. Thrusting her hands out trying to catch herself, the moving slats propelled her onto the woman next to her. With the stopping jolt from the impact, Sammie was able to catch her balance and return herself to standing.

  “I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to plow into you,” she apologized with wide eyes. The older woman gave her a kind smile as she finished pulling hers and Sammie’s bags off the demon machine.

  “Ach, it’s alright, lass, doona fash yourself.” Her thick brogue stilled Sammie with slight confusion. Once the words processed in her brain, she smiled and mumbled a thank you and retrieved her bag.

  “Have a good night,” she wished her latest clumsy victim with a blush. She already had a death grip on her suitcase handle and was two quick steps away before hearing the soft, “You too.” Geez, just arrived and I’ve already done something stupid. I know I’m not light on my feet but I thought the weight in my butt and boobs would even it out. Make me steady. Ha. Now outside, she inhaled a lung full of the cold, clean night air. The air chilled her but it felt so good to be outside. Hailing a waiting cab, she stowed her bags in the trunk and climbed into the back.

  After giving the jovial if not tired driver the cottage address, she relaxed into the plastic covered seat. The view outside the cab window, in fact, was not spectacular. With a quick add to her mental to do list for a sightseeing trip she pulled out her iPod mini and earbuds. The calming sounds of one of her playlists flowed into her. Music was her main soothing technique. She carried a way to always listen to her songs wherever she went. Which was unfortunately only from home to work, then vice versa. Thus, the need for a getaway. Looking into the rearview mirror she caught the driver’s eyes watching her with curiosity. Giving him a little embarrassed smile she rested her head on the back of the seat and stared into the darkness.

  Magic, Aunt Gurtie said. One simple word that brings otherworldly to life. Yes, just like many others, Sammie has always wondered—what if? She had just always been too afraid to find out. There were a lot of ‘what ifs’ in her past. Closing her eyes, falling deeper into the music, she wondered another one. What if magic was real?

  So caught up in the past fanciful stories her uncle would tell her of the Highlands, the taxi pulled into a gravel and dirt road. And, at some time during her musings, it had started to rain. Bumps and dips over the uneven path made her shift in her seat and brace against the door to keep in place. There is a reason these things are called ‘oh shit handles’, she thought with an inward chuckle. When she gets back stateside, she’ll probably need to let her aunt know of the road and driveway conditions. Sammie very much doubted her aunt had knowledge about this matter.

  As the rain subsided down to a drizzle the taxi driver had perfect timing when they came to a complete stop in front of the small, darkened cottage. Purse in hand, she jumped out of the idling car and snatched her bag out of the trunk and paid the driver before watching him creep back down the pothole driveway. Not even chancing the suitcase wheels to make it through the mud, she lifted her case fully up and carefully tried to miss the mud puddles caused by the rain.

  Two steps up and she was walking on the porch, stopping in front of the small door she started to dig for the cottage key in her purse. Never in a million years did she ever think she would need this key. Given to her a couple years ago for safekeeping, she had it tucked away in her jewelry box after it was handed over and was forgotten until now. Glad she remembered it so she didn’t have to search in the dark and drizzle for the hidden key somewhere around the property, she bent closer to the knob. Key and a key ring flashlight in hand, she tried to get it open.

  One try turned into three. Those three turned into five. Come on! she thought to herself. I just want to crash and s
leep for two days straight. Work, dammit! Frustrated at the non-working key and lock, she gave the door a kick for good measure. After wiping her loose damp hair from her face, she bent back down to try one more time. With her hand around the knob and the key scraping, she froze when the knob was ripped from her grasp.

  Jean-clad legs filled her vision where the door was. Jerking up into a standing position, her eyes focused on amber eyes. As she stepped back, she tripped on her forgotten suitcase laying on the porch, making her stumble back, and she fell down the porch steps, sprawled out in the mud.

  Of course the clouds overhead chose that exact moment to reopen and pour down on the land below. Laying fully on her back, Sammie let out a growl.

  “Oh come on! Really!” she yelled out to the sky. “Why me? Always me! This is just ridiculous. This is what I get for being spontaneous. I knew. I knew not to listen to Aunt Gertrude! Why did I let her talk me into this! Son of a mother!” So caught up in her ranting she forgot completely about the jean-clad legs and amber eyes in the doorway.

  Chapter Three

  Gavin McDaniels watched in surprise and amusement at the curvy little trespasser's rant to heavens. Who the hell is she? Why is she here? Her words processing in his mind, he narrowed his eyes. Gertrude? Why would she send someone here to me? Knowing he will never get his answers by just standing under his porch, Gavin made his own way into the rain.

  Next to her still laying body, he crouched down with his knees apart resting his ass on his heels.

  “You alright, lass?” he rumbled out, his voice raspy from nonuse. There was really only a few people he had contact with, and not very many conversations to those few.

  Startled by her company, Sammie jumped and snapped her head in his direction, letting out a shriek. “W-what?”

  “I asked if you were alright down there.” He swallowed hard trying to swallow the chuckle he knew she wouldn’t appreciate. He didn’t know her but the little contact he has had with other women gave him the knowledge to not laugh at them in this kind of situation. Not that he ever thought he would be in this circumstance but, it would be better to play it safe.

  “Uh, yeah, I am just peachy,” she retorted, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

  “All right then. Come on, ye little she cat, up ye go,” Gavin said as he gripped her under both her armpits and lifted straight up until she settled on her feet like she weighed the same as a small child.

  She wondered, who is he and what is he doing here? So she asked, “Who are you and what are you doing here?”

  “My name’s Gavin and I live here. Now I have some questions foo ye to answer as well so let’s get ye inside and cleaned up before we jump into that,” he said to Sammie in a whiskey smooth voice, gesturing to the open door. Seeing her reluctance, he ran a hand through his short blond hair.

  “It's winter and raining. If we doona get inside we’re going ta freeze. Let’s go.” Done with explaining, he didn’t wait for her response, just grabbed ahold of her upper arm and gently but swiftly dragged her up the steps and inside the small house.

  Once he deposited her in front of the roaring fire, he released her and headed to what looked like a small kitchen area. Feeling the warmth from the flames, she felt the shivers of cold rack her body. When outside she didn’t even notice the temperature she was so frustrated, but now, knowing warmth, her body rebelled.

  Eyes on the strange man in her aunt’s kitchen she watched as he set a pot on the stove then walked out of the kitchen, right passed her and through a door into maybe a bedroom. Teeth now chattering, she rubbed her arms up and down trying to circulate the blood flow. Gavin returned a moment later with what looked like a sweat suit.

  “Here ye go. The bathroom’s right over there,” he said, handing Sammie the clothes and motioning his head to a closed door behind her. “Take off these wet clothes, jump into a hot shower, and put those on. I will have something hot made foo ye ta eat when you get back.”

  “I am not going to shower. I don’t know you. That’s ridiculous.” The nerve of him. Like she was going to strip down with a complete stranger in the next room. Even if said stranger looked like him. Broad shoulders and long lean legs showcased so very well in the denim with short blond hair, square hard jaw, and amber eyes, which were currently snapping fire at her.

  “Ye will. Yer freezing. So don’t take a shower, but get out of those wet and muddy clothes. If ye want ta have mud all over yer face and all in yer hair then by all means, doona use my hospitably.” His anger at her carelessness for herself showed in his speech, making his brogue even thicker.

  At her realization of her rudeness, she did a mental face palm. “I’m sorry, Mr. McDaniel. I am tired, hungry, and jet lagged. You being here when I knew nothing of it has me surprised and uncomfortable. Thank you for the clothes,” she said quietly.

  The hardness in his strange eyes softened and a nod from him sent her scurrying into the room he gestured to moments ago. Turning on the light switch, she gasped in horror.

  “For Pete’s sake. No wonder he recommended a shower! Gah!”

  Mud smeared on her face and clothes. Her wet hair now stringy with clumps of mud matted to the back of her head. The cold, wet, sopping, baggy clothes were now plastered to her frame hiding nothing from her scrutiny.

  “Yeah, shower. I’ll just make it very quick.”

  Hearing the shower turn on, Gavin gave his head a shake and continued to stir the stew heating on the stovetop. Eyes focused on the darkness through the small window, he watched the rain fall. Sometimes he loved the rain, but mostly he hated it. When it rained, he felt almost defective. His high sense of smell and keen hearing from being a shifter was hampered. All he could scent was water and mud, and if it wasn’t raining he would have been able to hear the taxi coming up the drive. His ears picked up the sound of the shower shutting off. With the stew also done, he turned back to set the table for his unexpected guest. Thoughts of her naked body under the spray of his shower only a door away had him groan out loud in need. Moving a hand, he gave his inflating cock a good hard squeeze before adjusting himself in his restrictive jeans. ‘Don’t go there, focus.’ His cat snarled at him to change his thought direction. Trying to settle down his inner animal, he started to pace with one main question repeating in his head, why did the only person who knows my secret send her here?

  Chapter Four

  The hot water felt amazing against her skin. Rinsing off the pine scented suds her body relaxed and she leaned into the tiled wall. When her skin was a light pink from the heat, she quickly turned the knob shutting off the water. After snatching a fuzzy towel, which was hanging on a hook next to the door of the walk-in shower, she wrapped it around her body. Trying to close the gap in the small towel across her breasts, she let out a huff of frustration before flipping her head down and wrapped it up around her head turban style to dry her hair. Never can find big enough towels, she complained silently.

  Dressed in the borrowed sweats, she rolled up the sleeves and legs. Well this is a first. A first for her in a pair of man’s sweats and also, now that she’s in them, she never thought they would be too large for her. Shaking her now damp hair from the towel, she re-hung it on the hook before turning to the door. “I will not freak out at this turn of events. We will figure it all out as rational adults, and I will not let his awesome sexiness throw me into mind numbing fantasies,” Sammie whispered encouragement to herself before grasping the bathroom door handle. She opened the door and with a puff of steam, entered the main room where the sexy-as-sin stranger awaited her.

  Cheeks a beautiful pink, her skin glistened with moisture made his tongue itch to lick it all off. Damn, but she is beautiful. Not in a movie star way but a quiet beauty you had to look for. The tips of her long auburn hair made even darker by her shower, brushed across her full breasts, leaving a water trail. Gavin was having a hard time pulling his eyes away from the temptation. He should not have to be worrying about an erection from a woman in sweats! Maybe it
has been too long since his last lay. Come to think of it, it has been over a year now. Making an hour long trip one way just to round up a pretty face in a pub to take care of his needs wasn’t really something he liked to do very often.

  “May I sit?” Sammie asked quietly, gesturing toward the empty chair at the table.

  “Yes, please do, sorry. I will have a bowl ready foo ye in a bit.”

  Placing a spoon in the already full bowl he filled a mug with hot tea and placed it down in front of her. A deep breath in through his nose had him recognizing the pine soap he used and something else. A confused look marred his taunt face as he sat down in his own chair.

  “Thank you,” she said before delicately taking the spoon in her mouth.

  There’s that voice again. The light tones relaxing his tight muscles but sending his cat into a fit. ‘Settle down,’ he admonished the prowling animal inside. ‘What is with you tonight?’ Seeing the large cat in his mind’s eye, he watched as it sat and with his large snout sniffed the air. Whiskers and tail twitching, he let out a yowl in excitement and pain. Taking cues from his beast, he scented the air while she was busy looking into her bowl. Underneath the lingering pine scent, a light flowery and mint aroma hit him hard, sending his cat clawing to get out.

  “Oh shit!”

  “What? Are you okay?” Sammie ask, surprised at his outburst.

  Not able to speak, Gavin just nodded his head and scooting his chair back, he rose from his seated position and started to pace around the small living area.


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