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God’s FURY, England’s FIRE

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by Braddick, Michael

  Newcastle Propositions, attitude to 467, 468

  political influence 190, 249–50, 295, 308, 316, 353, 381–2, 409, 409, 470

  raising support for royalists 255, 253, 264, 285, 289

  in York, 1643 298

  Henry VIII 19

  Henry, Prince (brother of C) 478

  Henry, Prince (son of C) 577

  Herbert, George: ‘Sacrifice’, parody on 526

  Herbert of Cherbury, Edward Herbert, Baron 265

  Hereford 384, 385 siege of, 1645 386, 388, 413, 414

  Herefordshire 59, 105, 204, 219, 223, 287, 542

  clubmen in 413, 414, 425, 421

  purgation of churches 275

  heresy 338, 343, 446, 522, 536

  ordinances against, 1647 477

  See also schism

  Herle, Charles 338–9, 339

  Herring, Michael 313

  Hertford, William Seymour, 3rd Earl 105

  as a royalist 228, 538

  royalist troops under, in west country 215–16, 222, 252, 287

  Prince Rupert, disagreement with 290

  Hertfordshire 82, 99, 222, 235, 334, 405

  Hertfordshire Trained Band 249

  Hewson, Thomas 136

  Heylyn, Peter 121, 282

  High Commission, Court of 121, 141, 153 See also legal system

  Houghton Tower 390

  historical records, as accurate/truthful 582–5

  Hobbes, Thomas 453, 458, 591

  Leviathan 458, 591

  Holborne, Robert 69

  Holcroft, Mr 217

  Holland see Netherlands

  Holland, Henry Rich, 1st Earl 88, 210, 224, 542

  Hollar, Wenceslaus

  London, 1647, engraving 113, 114–15

  ‘The execution of the Earl of Strafford’, engraving 138

  Holles, Denzil 248, 252–3, 324, 350, 371, 481, 503

  on Arminianism 253

  Cromwell, his plan to arrest 494

  his ‘declaration of dislike’ 489

  Ireton and 489

  militia act, 1647, his petition against 501

  New Model Army charges against 498, 500; his support for their disbanding 488–9, 491

  at Newport negotiations 555

  John Pym and 252–3

  Holmby, C taken to, from Newcastle 473–4, 476

  Holt/Holt Castle 81, 394

  holy days/holidays 76, 116, 204, 264, 279–80, 482–3, 496, 497, 531

  as focus of dissent 531–3

  May Day 264, 280, 482

  New Year 256

  Puritan suppression of 204, 482

  Sundays 279–80, 340, 393, 482 See also Christmas

  Honeywood, Sir Thomas 541

  honour 300, 301–2, 362, 515

  codes of conduct 395–6

  definition 450

  honourable surrender 332, 459

  See also allegiance

  Hooker, Richard 47, 49

  Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity 20–21

  Hopkins, Matthew 429–30, 432, 434, 435, 463

  Hopton, Ralph 92, 321, 390

  military experience 242

  royalist troops under, in west country 215–16, 223, 252, 264, 266, 267, 287, 288, 289, 326, 388

  William Waller, correspondence with 227

  Hopton Castle, atrocities following siege of 395–6

  Hopton Heath, battle of, 1643 265–6

  horses, supply of 399, 542

  Horton, Colonel Thomas 539

  Hotham, Captain (son of Sir John Hotham) 221, 298

  change of allegiance 298–9

  execution 289, 300, 356, 362, 362

  Hotham, Sir John 182, 190, 191–2, 476

  Sir Hugh Cholmley and 298

  as a parliamentarian 221, 288; change of allegiance 298–91, 300; execution 289, 356, 362, 362

  rebellion charges against 190–91

  House of Commons see Commons

  House of Lords see Lords

  How, Samuel: The Sufficiencie of the Spirits Teaching 109

  Howell, James 175

  Hull 38, 172, 206, 300, 301

  C refused entry to 221, 446

  as parliamentarian 221, 222, 251, 288, 289, 321

  weapons/ordnance assembled at 182, 190; C’s attempt to gain control of 190–92

  Humble Petition of Thousands of Well-Affected Persons, presented to Parliament, 1648 553–4

  Humble Remonstrance, 1647 498

  Huntingdon, Henry Hastings, 5th Earl 66–7, 68, 134

  Huntingdonshire 99, 428

  Huntly, George Gordon, 2nd Marquess 83, 84

  Hurst Castle, C in custody in 560, 575

  Husbands, Edward 535

  An exact Collection of all Remonstrances… 272–3, 284, 296, 315, 444, 492, 510, 584

  Hutchinson, Anne 340

  Hutchinson, Lucy 408

  Hyde, Sir Edward see Clarendon, Edward Hyde

  iconoclasm 144–5, 146–7, 274–5, 274, 296

  Cheapside Cross, demolition of 262–4, 262, 274, 275, 280, 282, 314, 315

  William Dowsing as an iconoclast 313–14, 347, 406, 428, 429–30, 433, 434

  by English troops 100–102, 215, 345

  Essex’s funeral effigy, attack on 478–9

  by parliamentarian troops 241, 283–4

  provincial 146–8, 201–4, 462

  Impressment Bill, 1642 186

  Inchiquin, Murrough O’Brien, Earl 306, 381, 530

  Indemnity Ordinance, 1647 492

  Independent churches 311, 314, 338–9, 344–6, 427, 442, 486, 533

  beliefs 372; in millenarianism 345, 454, 455, 464, 567–8

  Thomas Edwards on 340, 346

  in London 410, 458, 486, 489

  New Model Army, relationship with 354, 373, 480, 488, 489–90 507–8

  parliamentary troops as members of 345–7

  ‘seekers’ 341

  under lay preachers 344–5

  women in 410, 411, 434

  See also individual denominations; sectarianism

  individual, liberty/liberties of xxv, 47, 78, 79, 194, 258–9, 591

  individual conscience 106–7, 109, 440, 442, 514, 565

  latitudinarianism 490

  religious xxv, 340, 341, 343, 442, 443, 490, 500, 521

  of speech 196, 342–3, 458, 460

  industry see trades/industries

  Inglesbye, Matthew 407

  intellectual enquiry 454, 455, 458, 462–3 See also books/reading; pamphlets/tracts

  Inverlochy (Scotland) engagement, 1654 335–6

  Ireland 163, 562

  Catholicism in xxiii, 39, 165, 304–5; See also Confederated Catholics

  C and 24, 162, 165, 190; Cessation negotiations, 1643 295–6, 303–9, 315, 316, 317–18, 319, 349; after his surrender, 1646 469

  Covenanters, opposition to 164, 165

  Covenanter troops in 305–6

  Dublin see Dublin

  Glamorgan in 358, 369, 471

  the Old English 162, 163–4, 165, 166

  English troops in 295–6, 303, 305, 306, 307, 309, 469–70, 530

  Ormonde in: as C’s representative 470–71, 530, 555, 559, 563, 564; as commander, English troops in 305, 306, 307, 485–6

  peace negotiations with, 1648 555

  plantation policy 162, 163, 165, 166

  Protestantism in xxiii, 162–3, 164–7, 305, 469; See also Church of Ireland

  Scottish troops in 469–70

  Ulster see Ulster

  Wentworth as Lord Lieutenant 84, 130, 164–5

  See also Irish…

  Ireton, Henry 376, 488, 510, 533

  on The Agreement of the People 515–16

  at Colchester 548

  dissolution of parliament, his argument for, 1648 561, 565

  Heads of Proposals, discussion with C on 509

  Denzil Holles and 489

  at Naseby 376, 377

  New Model Army and 555–9

  on parliamentary representation 516–17

  peace proposa
ls, 1648 and 554, 559

  The Remonstrance of the Army and 556–9, 561

  Irish Parliament 164, 165, 166

  Irish rebellion, 1641 161–9, 171, 172, 174, 469–71, 472, 486

  aims 166–7

  atrocitiy stories on 167–8, 167, 197

  causes 162–6

  C’s support for 168, 175, 181

  effects of 178, 181, 197, 199

  Parliament’s response to (Additional Instructions) 168–9, 170, 178, 181

  support for 166, 168, 201

  in Ulster 166, 175

  Irish troops 159, 190, 317

  Confederated Catholic see Confederated Catholics in England, as royalists 317; atrocity stories against 317–18; C’s request for more 384; ordinance against 318, 319;

  parliamentary army’s treatment of 318–19, 322

  Prayer Book rebellion and 39, 83, 84, 96

  Isle of Wight see Carisbrooke Castle

  Jackson, Philip 219

  Jackson, Thomas 255

  A great wonder in Heaven… 255, 256

  James VI of Scotland (James I of England) 4, 13, 16, 45, 57, 536, 577

  abduction of, by William Ruthven 15

  Book of Sports 279

  Buckingham as his favourite 52

  character 24

  images of 587

  Andrew Melville, his opposition to 15–16

  Scottish Reformed Church and 15–16, 17–18

  James, Duke of York (James II) 190, 246, 537

  Jenison, Thomas 203–4

  Jenkins, David 490

  Jennifer, William 407

  Jermyn, Henry 467

  Jesuits 23, 94, 139, 169–70

  Johnson, Joane 402

  Johnston, Sir Archibald, Lord Wariston 34

  Jones, Inigo 73, 387–8, 527, 577

  Jones, Michael 530

  Jonson, Ben 63

  Josselin, Ralph 579

  Josselyn, Elizabeth 53

  Joyce, George 493–5, 525

  Julius Caesar 54–5

  Kent 43, 68, 99, 119, 130, 215, 222, 230, 420

  enclosure riots 420–21

  Prayer Book petition 205, 212, 228

  royalist rising, 1648 531–2, 535, 538, 539–42

  witch trials 430

  A Key To the Kings cabinet 382–3, 459

  Kilsyth, battle of, 1645 386

  King, Colonel Edward 409

  King, James 242

  King, William 407

  The Kings Cabinet opened 380–83, 408

  King’s Covenant 38

  King’s Evil (scrofula), touching for 474–6, 527, 581

  Kingston-on-Thames, arsenal at 182

  knighthood fines 68, 140–41

  Knox, John 12, 106

  Knyvett, Thomas 207–8, 211

  Komensky, Jan see Comenius

  labour supply 57–8, 400–401

  Lambe, Dr John 46

  Lambert, John 542, 543–4, 545

  Lambeth Palace 93–4, 94, 97, 116

  Lanark, William Hamilton, Earl 520

  Lancashire 130, 172, 222, 265, 266, 430

  militia in 214, 217, 223

  neutralism 219, 221

  royalist troops in 328, 386–7

  Lancaster 265

  Lanes, Colonel Thomas 402

  Langdale, Sir Marmaduke 376, 377, 384, 386, 529

  at Preston 544, 545

  Langley, John 582

  Langport, battle of, 1645 384–5, 413, 439

  language(s) 380–81, 450

  contested meanings 449, 450–51

  foreign 453

  political 461

  Lansdown, battle of, 1643 288, 321

  Large Petition, to Commons, 1647 487, 488, 489, 493, 503

  Last will and testament… 534

  Lathom House 265, 326, 393

  latitudinarianism 490

  Laud, William, Bishop of London, Archbishop of Canterbury 2, 22, 23, 24, 28, 44, 78, 279

  Catholicism, rumoured conversion to 93, 97, 103, 116

  anti-Laudianism 78, 81–2, 93, 96, 98, 119, 121, 124, 127, 134–5, 145–6, 147, 152, 228, 312, 313, 324–5

  as anti-Puritan 42, 79

  John Felton and 42

  impeachment/trial 134, 147, 359–60

  Influence/importance 48, 53, 71–80, 95, 116

  as a martyr 360–61, 369

  William Prynne and 359

  visitation powers, use of 72

  execution 356, 359, 360, 459; speech from the scaffold 360–61

  See also Lambeth Palace

  Lauderdale, John Maitland, 2nd Earl 520

  Laugharne, Major-General Rowland 385, 538, 539

  law 44, 490, 511

  common 47, 54

  criminal 62

  habeas corpus 45

  military 286

  royal prerogative see royal prerogative

  salus populii principle 557, 558, 573, 586

  vox populii principle 573

  See also legal system

  Le Neve, Sir William 246–7

  legal system 212, 218, 405–6

  assizes 62, 205, 212, 213–14, 216, 285

  Commissions of the Peace 212

  courts 62; Exchequer 69; High Commission 121, 141, 153; Oyer and Terminer 94–5; See also Star Chamber high constables 58–9, 60

  judicial torture 95

  juries 52; See also Grand Juries

  King’s Negative Voice 189, 194, 554

  litigation 114, 123

  magistrates (Justices of the Peace) 59, 61–2, 65, 79

  Parliament’s role in 123, 183, 188–9, 194, 405

  quarter sessions 61–2, 65, 67, 212, 285

  sheriffs 70

  village/parish constables 58, 60, 64, 65, 70

  Leicester, sack of, 1645 375–6, 384, 442

  Leicestershire 66–7, 68, 211, 214, 254

  Leighton, Alexander 278

  Lennox, Esmé James Stewart, Earl (later Duke) 14, 15, 34, 185

  Lenthall, William, Speaker of the House of Commons 379, 440, 443

  Leslie, David 492

  letter writers, professional 173, 454


  C’s 382–3, 459, 525, 581

  publication of 382–3, 450, 459

  Levellers 195, 373, 591

  Agreement of the People revised by 565

  Humble Petition… 553–4

  ideals/motivation 234, 443, 444, 549

  influence/importance 444, 549, 551, 553–4

  John Lilburne as a Leveller 458, 508, 565

  origins/growth of 443–4, 448, 489, 508

  petitions by 410, 487, 553–4, 555

  print campaign by 444, 519


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