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Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent

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by Eduardo Galeano

  Commodity fetishism: as symbol of power, 271

  Common Market, 240

  Copper, 1, 134

  Chile, 136, 141, 144–47, 178

  Cortés, Hernán, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18–19, 42, 43, 122

  Costa Rica, 97

  bananas, 106

  Cotton, 61, 79, 80, 94–96, 97

  Creole Oil Company, 169

  Crowder, Enoch, 70

  Cruz, Artemio, 125–26

  Cuba, 2, 15n, 54n, 270, 280

  African cults, 86

  changes in economy, 74–78

  education, 73

  minerals, 72

  nickel, 136

  petroleum, 159

  revolution, 72, 76, 159, 224, 234

  slave revolts, 84–85

  sugar, 67–78

  Currency: disposal by multinational corporations of, 242

  Cuzco (Peru), 19, 20, 44, 47

  Dantas, Maneca, 93

  Davis, Arthur, 137n

  Debt: Latin American external, 276–77

  Diamonds, 94, 130, 137

  Minas Gerais, 54–55, 56

  smuggling, 138

  Díaz, Porfirio, 120–21, 122

  Díaz del Castillo, Bernal, 13

  Direct foreign investments, 215–19, 276

  International Monetary Fund, 220–23

  Disease, 18, 37, 46–47, 49, 50, 54, 58, 63, 87, 90, 98, 152

  Dominican Republic, 59, 61, 65, 77–78, 83

  U.S. Marines, 108

  Dos Passos, John, 109

  Dow Chemical, 215

  Dulles, Allen, 74, 113

  Dulles, John Foster, 114

  Dumont, René, 15n, 48, 64

  Dutra, Eurico, 135

  Duvalier, Francois, 275

  Economic Mission for Latin America (ECLA). See United Nations

  Ecuador, 6, 42, 100

  agrarian reform, 128

  bananas, 61, 110

  cacao, 94

  poverty, 282

  Education: Cuba, 73

  higher, 245

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 6, 113, 159

  Eisenhower, Milton, 211

  Electric Bond and Share, 206, 234, 235

  Eliécer Gaitán, Jorge, 103

  Elizabeth I, 26, 80

  El Salvador, 6, 97, 98, 107, 111

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 203

  Emmanuel, Arghiri, 238

  Engels, Frederick, 38

  England, 6

  Brazilian gold, 55–57

  cacao, 93–94

  coffee, 105

  commerce with Latin America, 173–75

  cotton, 94

  exports, 26, 177–78

  Industrial Revolution, 173–74

  industry, 60, 173–79

  loans to Latin America, 197–200

  Methuen Treaty, 55

  ninteenth century Argentine relations, 174–78, 185

  nineteenth century Brazilian relations, 178, 193–94, 199–200

  protectionism, 200–4

  slave trade, 79–82

  Estrada Palma, Tomás, 72

  Export-Import Bank (Eximbank), 228, 229

  External debt, 276–77

  Exxon. See Standard Oil of New Jersey

  Family planning, 5, 138

  Ferdinand (King of Aragon), 12, 25

  Ferré Pedro, 184

  Ferreira Machado, Simão, 52

  Firestone, 270

  Flores, Edmundo, 125

  Ford, Henry, II, 253

  Ford Foundation, 6

  Foreign aid: United States, 227–36

  Foreign capital. See Direct foreign investments

  Foreign investments. See Direct foreign investments

  Fortune, 254

  Fraginals, Manuel Moreno, 67

  France, 4, 28, 60, 136

  Francia, Gaspar Rodríguez de, 188–89

  Francisco Sugar Company, 74

  Franco, Francisco, 25

  Frank, Andre Gunder, 31–32, 250

  Free trade and protectionism, 179–82, 200–4

  IMF and, 220–23

  market inequality and, 237–43

  nineteenth century, 175–82

  Frei, Eduardo, 130

  Fuentes, Carlos, 125–26

  Fuentes, Miguel Ydígoras, 77, 231

  Furtado, Celso, 30, 56, 198, 241

  García, Antonio, 242

  García, Gregorio, 41

  Garmendia, Salvador, 170

  General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 239

  General Motors, 276

  Ginés de Sepúlveda, Juan, 41

  Gold, 1, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18–20, 24, 29, 37, 60, 144

  Brazilian, 49, 56, 130, 137

  Mexican exports, 36

  Minas Gerais, 51–58

  Nicaraguan, 47

  Gómez, Juan Vicente, 168

  Good Neighbor policy, 110–11

  Goodyear, Charles, 88

  Gordon, Lincoln, 272

  Goulart, Jango, 272

  Goulart, João, 135, 212, 217

  Grant, Ulysses S., 200, 204

  Great Britain. See England

  Guadeloupe, 59, 65

  Guanajuato (Mexico), 36–37, 60

  Guano, 139–41, 174. See also Nitrates

  Guaraní Indians, 190n

  Guatemala, 7, 19, 77, 112, 206, 231

  agricultural exports, 280

  bananas, 106, 108

  coffee, 97, 98

  cotton, 95

  Indians, 50

  years of violence, 113–15

  Guevara, Ernesto Che, 70, 78, 124, 136

  Guinea, 83

  Gulf Oil Company, 158, 163–64, 166, 168, 268

  Guyana (British Guiana), 136–37

  Gypsum, 137

  Haiti, 2, 6, 12–13, 15, 59, 60, 65, 108

  coffee, 97, 98

  poverty, 275

  revolution, 66

  slave settlement, 83

  voodoo, 86

  Hamilton, Alexander, 202

  Hancock, Thomas, 88

  Hanna Mining Company, 57, 135, 154–56

  Harvey, Robert, 141

  Hawkins, John, 80

  Hearst, William Randolph, 121n

  Hematite, 137

  Hemo Caribbean, 270

  Henequen, 61, 121

  Henry VIII, 26

  Hernández Martínez, Maximiliano, 110, 111–12

  Hidalgo, Miguel, 46, 116, 120

  Hides, 174, 186

  Holland, 56

  cacao, 94

  Dutch Guiana, 83–84

  industry, 60

  slave revolts, 83–84

  slave trade, 56, 62, 80

  Holy Inquisition, 12, 24

  Homestead Act (1862), 131

  Honduras, 106, 107, 108, 110

  poverty, 282

  Huayna Cápaj, 21

  Huerta, Victoriano, 122–23

  Humboldt, Alexander von, 8, 31, 36–37, 45, 175, 180

  Humphrey, George, 154

  IMF. See International Monetary Fund

  Imperialism: early twentieth century nature of, 205

  foreign banking, 223–27

  International Monetary Fund, 220–23

  role of national bourgeoisie, 215–19, 222

  technocracy, 227–36

  technology and, 243–47

  Incas, 15, 16, 17, 21, 42, 43, 44

  Indians, 30, 31, 32, 33, 38–50, 98, 111

  Peru, 116

  Veracruz, 19. See also specific Indians

  Indigo, 91, 102, 105, 133

  Indonesia, 28

  Industrialization: labor force, 247–51

  and market inequality, 237–43

  Industrial Revolution, 173–74

  Inquisition. See Holy Inquisition

  Inter-American Committee for Agricultural Development, 96

  Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), 152, 160, 228, 229–30

  International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), 228

  International Coffee Agreement, 100

p; International Labor Organization (ILO), 282

  International Monetary Fund (IMF), 7, 209, 219–23, 273, 277. See also World Bank

  International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT), 206, 233n

  Investments. See Direct foreign investments

  Iron, 1, 57, 134, 135, 153–56

  Isabella (Queen of Castile), 12, 16, 25

  Jagan, Cheddi, 136

  Jamaica, 14, 59, 66, 82

  James, William, 108

  Japan, 6, 11

  Jesuit missions, 190

  Jesus, Maria Carolina de, 281–83

  Jews, 12, 18, 25, 41

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 6, 78n, 136, 155, 195, 228, 231

  Keith, Minor, 109

  Kennecott Wire and Cable Company, 144, 145

  Kennedy, John F., 226n

  Kirkland, Edward, 201

  Kissinger, Henry, 272

  Kruel, Riograndino, 138–39

  Labor: exploitation, 277

  labor force, 247–57

  miners, 147–53

  prices and wages, 279–81

  strikes, 285

  Lacerda, Carlos, 231

  Lane, Arthur Bliss, 111

  Language: and political discourse, 266

  Latin American Free Trade Area (LAFTA), 252–58

  Lead, 136

  Leeward Islands, 65, 66

  Lenin, V.I., 205, 226

  Letelier, Orlando, 272–73

  Lisboa, Antonio Francisco (Aleijadinho), 57–58

  List, Friedrich, 179

  Loans, 227–29, 232, 234–35

  railroads and, 197–200. See also Banking

  López, Carlos Antonio, 189

  López, Francisco Solano, 189, 192, 193

  Louis XIV, 79

  McCloy, John J., 235

  McKinley, William, 71–72

  McNamara, Robert, 5, 273

  Magellan, Ferdinand, 14, 16

  Magnetite, 137

  Malaria, 50, 87

  Malaya, 89

  Manganese, 134, 135, 154

  Mann, Thomas, 231

  Mariátegui, José Carlos, 95, 140, 141

  Market: cheap labor for, 275

  industrialization and inequality of, 237–43

  monopoly capital and, 267–68

  prices and wages, 279–81

  Martí, José, 69, 70

  Marx, Karl, 28, 65, 180

  Mayas, 17, 18, 43, 48, 50, 121

  Meat industry, 1, 65, 68, 69

  Médicis, Lorenzo de, 14

  Melchor de Jovellanos, Gaspar, 118

  Melville, Thomas, 114

  Méndez Montenegro, Julio César, 112

  Mercury, 32, 39, 40, 137

  Mexico, 4, 13, 14, 15, 32, 38, 36–37, 41, 46, 48, 116, 208, 210, 226

  agrarian reform, 120

  agricultural exports, 280

  cotton, 94, 95, 96

  debt, 276–77

  foreign capital, 218–19

  importation of technology, 278

  petroleum, 159–60

  poverty, 282

  sulphur, 136n

  textiles, 175, 181–82

  Middle East, 157

  Minas Gerais (Brazil), 51, 52, 55, 56, 57, 135–36, 154, 155

  Minerals: mining industry, 147–53

  United States need for, 134–35, 137–38. See also specific minerals

  Mitre, Bartolomé, 191, 192, 193

  Molybdenum, 145

  Montezuma, 15, 17, 18, 19

  Montoneros, 182–87

  Morelos, José María, 46, 116

  Moscoso, Teodoro, 231

  National City Bank, 108, 196

  National Sugar Refining Company, 77n

  Natural gas, 156

  Netherlands. See Holland

  New York Times, 148n

  Nicaragua, 47, 95, 107, 110, 270

  Nickel, 75, 134, 136

  Nieto Arteta, Luis Eduardo, 102, 104

  Niobium, 139

  Nitrates, 3, 139–44, 174. See also guano

  Nixon, Richard M., 3, 5, 229

  North, John Thomas, 141, 142

  OAS. See Organization of American States

  Oil. See Petroleum

  Onganía, Juan Carlos, 128–29

  Open Veins of Latin America: aftermath of publication, 267

  Opium War, 194

  Organization of American States (OAS), 3, 78, 113, 114, 206, 223, 229, 230–31

  Ouro Prêto (Brazil), 51, 55, 60

  Ovando, Alfredo, 163, 164

  Palmer, Bruce, 77

  Panama, 107, 108, 109, 270

  debt, 277

  Pan-American Coffee Bureau, 99n

  Paraguay, 6, 42, 61, 118

  cotton, 95

  move for independence, 188–97

  petroleum, 163

  Parsons and Whittemore, 270

  Patents, 244

  Patiño, Antenor, 148

  Patiño, Simon Ituri, 147

  Patman, Wright, 243

  Pearls, 11–12, 14

  Pedro II, 93, 195

  Pemex (Petróleos Mexicanos), 160

  Peñaloza, “El Chacho,” 187

  Pepina y Pibernat, Juan, 85

  Pepper, 12, 14

  Pérez Alfonso, Juan Pablo, 269

  Pérez de Holguin, Melchor, 33

  Pérez Jiménez, Marcos, 169

  Perón, Juan Domingo, 129, 162, 210–11, 273

  Peru, 6, 20, 31, 32, 45, 269, 279

  cotton, 95–96

  debt, 277

  guano, 139–40

  Indians, 115

  minerals, 136

  nitrates, 139–44, 175

  petroleum, 136

  poverty, 282

  sugar, 59, 61

  textiles, 175–76

  Petrobras, 161–62

  Petroleos de Venezuela, 268

  Petroleum, 1, 3, 96, 156–70, 270

  Argentina, 136, 162

  Bolivia, 163–64

  Brazil, 161–62

  Colombia, 160, 242

  Cuba, 159

  Mexico, 160–61

  Middle East, 157

  Paraguay, 163

  Peru, 136


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