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Surprise Mates

Page 4

by Grace Goodwin

  This was my time.

  I had two guys with eager brains and cocks as they eyed me.


  The energy between us practically crackled, the intensity of their gazes, their need almost tangible.

  For me.

  That controlled power had me almost whimpering, but I bit my lip to hold it back. I wanted to feel it when they touched me. Kissed me. Fucked me.

  A throaty sound escaped.

  Nik’s eyes flared. Sam’s narrowed.

  They breathed hard. Deep, as if they could scent me, knew that I was wet for them.

  That gave me the boldness I needed to continue.

  I took Nik’s hand, and I gasped again. His skin was hot to the touch, as if he were an inferno and I was going to get burned. I felt the calluses on his palm, a sign he worked hard with his body. These two weren’t just posh dignitaries who’d come to their queen’s party. Sam was clearly a fighter. A guy in a uniform was hot even in space. As for Nik, I didn’t know what he did, but his muscled physique filled out his Prillon dress clothes in ways a political blowhard from Earth never could. Hell, not one of the males at the party were built anything but huge, fit and hunky.

  Nik followed silently over to a plush chair in front of the window. With a hand on his chest, I gave him a push, and he dropped into the seat. He was doing exactly as I wanted, as if I were the aggressor here. If he hadn’t wanted to sit, my little nudge would have had no effect. His hands rested on the arms of the chair, seemingly relaxed. His neck was taut, and I felt his energy, the tension in him, all directed at me.

  I glanced over my shoulder at Sam.

  Why weren’t they pouncing? Why weren’t they pushing me up against a wall? Bending me over a flat surface? Pressing me into a soft bed? “I thought Prillons were all alpha and bossy,” I said.

  Sam approached. For such a huge guy, he was practically silent as he settled beside me, arms crossed over his chest. “Do I not look alpha and bossy?”

  I laughed. “You look like you just came from battle.”

  He cocked his head to the side, studying me. “Battle, no. Niklas and I only returned from our day’s mission a short time before the party.”

  I glanced at the ion pistol strapped to the holster on his thigh. Then the tree-trunk thigh. Then the rest of him in black and with armor, all badass. “Yes, you look very alpha and bossy.”

  Sam nodded toward Nik. “As for him, he might not wear armor, but Niklas is an ambassador. This week alone he’s worked with the head of IC to interrogate a Hive Nexus unit, tracked down criminals on Rogue 5 and managed to show up for the queen’s surprise birthing day celebration freshly bathed.”

  I’d heard of the IC. Jessica had told me it was like the CIA, only with more power and they had to deal with the Hive as well as all the usual—spies, weapons dealers, drug dealers, slave traders. All of it sounded pretty bad. The fact that Nik had to work with the head of that branch of the Coalition told me a lot about his status and level of responsibility. Although I had no idea exactly what an ambassador did out in space. Didn’t sound like he shook hands and kissed babies. Not by the rippling muscles and calloused hands or the mention of a captured Hive prisoner.

  Nik stayed silent as I stared at him, although he did arch a dark eyebrow. The contrast between them was making me swoon. They didn’t look human—their features were too angular, Sam’s gold skin and Nik’s copper-colored eyes not like anything I would have seen on Earth. But God, they were big, muscled bad boys if I’d ever seen one. And I wanted.

  Swallowing hard, I compared myself to them. I was average height and a bit too curvy to be fashionable back home. My hair wasn’t just red, it was a dark, curly auburn that I’d been told matched my temper. I was pasty white with my makeup on and burned if I didn’t slather on sunscreen. No one knew what I really looked like under my armor.

  Well, no one but Olivia, and she wasn’t here.

  I was covered in freckles, especially my face, arms and shoulders. The redhead’s curse. I looked like a speckled freak without the magic of liquid and powders I spread across my skin before I set foot out of my bedroom.


  I wasn’t smooth-skinned and stunning like the other ladies. Queen Jessica was the perfect, Barbie blonde. Rachel had that dark hair and skin the color of a perfect latte going on. Lindsey, Kristin and Caroline were fair, like me, but they weren’t cursed with a road map of spots covering every inch of their bodies. I shouldn’t even get started about Mikki, with her perfectly straight black hair and petite, athletic surfer’s body. She didn’t have a speck of cellulite.

  “That’s… impressive.” I ran my hand over my hair, which had been pulled back into a pretty twist I’d thought would show off my bare shoulders.

  No, not bare. Covered in makeup. And the twist had been just as much about hiding the wild curls as about the overall look. Not that my plan had worked. My hair had a mind of its own, and my face was framed with escapees.

  Who was I kidding right now? I wasn’t ready to reveal myself to these two godlike warriors.

  I was not what these aliens expected from a human female. I didn’t look like any of the others, nor surely any females they might have met in the Coalition. If the freckles weren’t enough, the red curls pushed me over the edge from cute to… odd. Even the queen of Viken had straight, perfect red hair and unmarked skin. I looked like a road map without the roads connecting the dots.

  Maybe this wasn’t a good idea after all.

  Or maybe I could do this and not get naked? Would they do me in my dress?

  Nik held out his hand, and I realized I’d been standing like a mute, staring at him for far too long. Not wanting to give myself time to panic, I stepped closer and placed my hand in his. His huge, warm fingers wrapped around mine, and something inside me settled instantly. Like he’d just unplugged the panic button and set me on a slow, warm simmer.

  I could do this. If they didn’t like me, I never had to see them again. One and done.

  “We do not have the advantage of a mating collar surrounding your neck, Lady Lucy,” Nik said, his voice calm and even. Yeah, I doubted he was having body image issues right about now. I doubted either guy was modest. “We do not know what you are feeling. You will have to tell us.”

  Oh shit. “Mating collar?” I squeaked, then swallowed hard. “I don’t want a mating collar.” Just to make that perfectly clear. This was a one-night stand. Mikki, Kristin and Rachel all had a collar, and I knew what it meant, the power of it. “I have to return to The Colony after the birthday ball. I’m only here for two more days. Two days.”

  “You must return there for your work?” Niklas asked.

  I put my hand to my chest. “Me? No. On Earth I cut and styled women’s hair. Well, some guys, too. I worked with Olivia on the Bachelor Beast show doing makeup. I’m a makeup artist and hairstylist.”

  Sam’s pale brows winged up. “I’ve heard of the Earth comm program. It is fortunate I am not an Atlan, as that did not sound enjoyable for Warlord Wulf.”

  I shrugged. “He found his mate, so he thinks it was worth it.”

  Both of them looked me over. “Yes, I can understand,” Nik said, glancing at my hair. “Did you style yourself tonight?”

  I patted my curls. “Yes.”

  “The color is lovely. Everything about you is beautiful. Is styling females necessary on The Colony?”

  I held up my hand to stop his words. “Necessary? No. Not on The Colony. There are only a few women. Besides, my goal is bigger than just being a stylist.”

  “Oh?” Sam asked. “What is your desire?”

  “To run a spa. A place for women—females—to go to relax, to pamper their bodies and make themselves feel confident and beautiful. I want to give them a place to take care of themselves.”

  “That is a mate’s job,” Nik added.

  “No. It’s really not. If a woman feels good about herself, then that comes out in everything she does. I want to help with that.” />
  “You wish to care for others’ health and well-being. Your goal is admirable.”

  I gave Niklas a funny look. “Admirable? I’m talking about makeovers and massages. What you guys do is admirable.”

  Sam stepped up behind me, his hands gentle as he placed them on my shoulders. I could feel the heat radiating from him. “If not for this work, then why must you return to The Colony so soon?”

  “My family is there. I will not abandon them.”

  “Family? I thought you were unmated.”

  “I consider my best friend, Olivia, and her mate, Wulf, my family. They have two small children with them, Olivia’s niece and nephew. Long story. They’re not blood, but they’re mine nonetheless.”

  That was as clear as I could make it. Olivia, Tanner and Emma—and now Wulf, too, the big, overprotective lug—were mine. I loved them with every cell in my body. Aunt Woocy would never abandon them.

  Sambor’s lips settled against the curve of my neck where it met my shoulders, and I was once more pleased with my decision to put my hair up and out of the way as a shiver raced through me. I was sure he could see and feel the goose bumps on my skin.

  “Two days then. So, my lady, along with orgasms, exactly what do you want with us?” Niklas asked, his gaze locked on mine as Sam’s lips lingered and desire rocketed through me. “Have you been with two males before?”


  “Are you a virgin, Lucy?” Sam whispered, his breath fanning my ear. His hands didn’t move from where they rested atop the curves of my hips, and the heat seemed to be amplified by the fact that Nik watched. These were warriors, not schoolboys. They were aliens. Protective. Obsessive. I’d seen how Maxim and Ryston were with Rachel. Hunt and Tyran with Kristin. I knew this could go sideways if I wasn’t careful.

  “No. I’m not a virgin. I want sex. Hot sex. And yes, orgasms. Ones I don’t have to give myself. Then I want to go home.”

  Sam chuckled and the sound felt like it vibrated through my skull. “You want to use us for your pleasure and walk away?”

  Well, when he put it that way, I sounded like a total piece-of-shit human being. But yes, that was exactly what I wanted. “On Earth, we call it a one-night stand.” I cleared my throat, more nervous than I wanted to think about. “I guess, technically, I want two nights—and a date to the royal ball. But then I’m going home.”

  Sam wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, his chin now resting on my shoulder as he looked at Nik. “I have no problem with that. Niklas?”

  Nik looked from Sam to me, and his gaze locked with mine as the heat of Sam’s entire body melted me from behind. His hard cock pressed to my back, and I held off a groan by sheer force of will. I wanted this. Them. The males on The Colony were sexy, amazing warriors, but none had managed to make me feel as much as Nik and Sam had in the last few minutes.

  I was in trouble here. I knew it. I just wasn’t sure how much. I’d been bold and brave and propositioned them and taken them to my room. I did not want to walk away. I wanted to get naked, touch them everywhere, taste them. Sleep between them and know I was totally and completely protected. Safe. Wanted. I needed to feel beautiful and desired and like a woman instead of a nanny. At least for a couple of days. I didn’t want to go to one more stupid event as Olivia’s and Wulf’s third wheel. I needed a break from taking care of everyone else. Making others look pretty. For once I wanted to do something for myself.

  “Niklas?” Sam lifted his head and removed his hands. Suddenly the room chilled, and I shuddered at the loss of his heat. The green and gold dress I wore was fairy-tale princess gorgeous, but it wasn’t thick. In fact, the soft material clung to every curve but didn’t do much to hold in the heat.

  Nik didn’t look at Sam. He still watched me. “We are males of worth. Of honor. Based on your words, you are not ours to claim. If you want as you described, my lady, we are at your service. You must take what you need.”

  “Thank the gods.” Sam’s statement was followed by the sounds of him eagerly removing his boots. Armor hit the floor next.

  All while Nik’s gaze locked with mine. There was a challenge in his eyes. A dare. He waited for me to do just as he’d said. I had to take what I needed. I was in charge.

  I licked my lips, lifted my chin and said, “Take off your clothes, Lord Niklas. I want to look at you.”

  Slowly he stood to remove his dark blue tunic. My mouth practically watered as he revealed sculpted abs and a massive chest. Definitely not a desk jockey.

  Heart pounding, I looked over my shoulder at a nearly naked Sam. He’d left some sort of soft underpants on, something that must have been beneath his armor. His golden body was even more massive, more muscled—like that was possible. And his cock? It strained against the black fabric like a wild thing aching to break free.

  “You too, Sam. Stand over there.” I pointed to the spot next to Nik. “I want to see both of you.”

  Sam looked at Nik for permission to move, which both fascinated and annoyed me. I narrowed my gaze at Nik, feeling my feminine power now. “I told him to move. He might be your second, but I thought I was in charge here.”

  Nik’s gaze darkened even further, the copper turning a burnt color I’d never seen before, but it made my pussy clench with heat. Teasing him, taunting the beast was fun.

  It seemed he liked it, too.

  “I will allow you to set the pace, my lady, to take what you need from us, but you were never in charge.”

  Shit, that was true. They could dominate me. Good and bad. They weren’t because it was Nik’s choice to allow me to guide them. To take what I wanted.

  “I allow you to set the pace, but your pleasure is mine.”

  Double shit. I’d said I wanted orgasms from them. I was at their mercy, no matter how bossy I was.

  Fine. I had some ways to make his control crumble. I reached for the ties that loosened my dress. Pulled them. Held my arms over my head like a goddess as the fabric slid silently down my body to pool at my feet. Beneath, I wore a strapless lace push-up bra and G-string panties. Green, to match my dress. And my eyes.

  The Coalition’s S-Gen machine came in handy after one learned to use it properly.

  Neither male moved as they took in the human underwear. They both looked—dumbstruck.

  I smiled. God, did this feel good. They hadn’t said a word about the freckles that covered my legs and back. And unlike some of the other ladies, I had decided to keep a nice little landing strip down there.

  They hadn’t seen that. Yet. They stood side by side, shirtless. Hard cocks straining against the fabric. That kind of reaction couldn’t be faked, and the dark spots of pre-cum wetting their clothes made me feel even more powerful. They were mine right now. To do with as I pleased. The high-and-mighty lord of Prillon Prime had spoken, and I believed him.

  Mine. Mine. Mine. Both of them.

  “Shall I continue, Lord Niklas? Sambor?”

  “Yes.” They answered as one and I smiled.

  “Get naked.”

  They immediately did as I asked, and my knees wobbled when I saw what they’d been hiding. Two cocks. One golden. One a deep, luscious brown. Both big. Hard. Eager.

  They stood before me bare. Cocks long and thick and pointed right at me.

  Placing my hand on Nik’s chest, I pushed him back down into the chair. Again he allowed it. “I want you,” I said, although that was pretty much a given.

  His silence was all the encouragement I needed to keep going. I set one knee beside his hip, then the other, straddling him. I crawled up his body, kissing and licking as I went. He shuddered, but his hands remained rigid on the arms of the chair. Sam watched; the sound of his ragged breathing had me reaching out to wrap one hand around his cock as I claimed Nik’s lips in a kiss.

  I tasted him. Explored. For all of five seconds.

  Then Nik’s hand was in my hair, his mouth taking mine with a ruthless desire I had no hope of resisting. He plundered my mouth as I squeezed and rubbe
d Sam’s cock, mimicking the movements of my tongue as I dueled with Nik.

  Nik pulled my hair, and I moaned at the slight sting of pain. It had me rubbing my body against his hard cock. Reaching up, I released the front hook of my bra and threw the damn thing across the room. I wanted skin on skin. I wanted Nik’s hard cock inside me. I wanted Sam clawing for sanity as I worked him with my tongue. I wanted to conquer them both like a badass bedroom warrior. I might leave in two days, but I wanted them to think of me every single time they touched a woman for the rest of their lives. I wanted to be that girl. The one that haunted them. The one they could never forget. The wild, uninhibited bad girl that I so totally was not.

  “Rip the panties off,” I ordered, my breath ragged.

  Nik looked at me as if he didn’t want to obey. But I wasn’t having it. “Rip them off. I can make more.” I lifted my hips, rubbing the wet scrap of fabric that covered my clit and pussy over the hard length of him.

  That was all it took. With a growl and a sharp snap, they were gone. But I still wasn’t exactly where I wanted to be.

  Slowly, deliberately, I removed Nik’s hand from my hair and placed it back on the chair. His other hand had not left my ass once my undies were gone, so I wrapped my fingers around his and moved that hand to the chair as well.

  His chest heaved, but he watched me. Waiting.

  Looking up at Sam, I removed my hand from his body and rose onto my knees. Glancing from one to the other, I had to make sure they were going to let me do this. I was getting consent from them. “Anything I want?”

  “Anything, my lady,” Sam agreed. This time his voice was deeper. Raspy.

  “Yes.” Nik’s one-word response was so restrained I wondered if he was going to bust a blood vessel in his head.

  I moved then, standing long enough to turn around. I reached for Sam and pulled his head toward me, kissed him the way I’d kissed Nik. All heat and tongue and lust as I melted into his arms. He wrapped me up, the long stretch of his chest hot and hard against me.


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