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Surprise Mates

Page 5

by Grace Goodwin

  “Enough.” I ignored Nik’s command; however, Sambor obeyed at once, setting me back on my feet. His chest heaved, and I knew he was mine now, just like his impatient friend behind me.

  With a grin up at Sam, I backed up to settle once more into Nik’s lap, but now I faced away from him. Reaching behind me, I placed the head of his cock at the entrance of my wet, aching core. I slid onto him slowly, confident the medical team I’d visited on The Colony had taken care of any pregnancy or other concerns. No condom was needed in space. I was free to… enjoy. God, just the way he stretched me open, the way he filled me so completely, I was going to do just that.

  I wiggled, using my legs to rise and fall on his hard length, taking a bit more of him every time. He groaned, his hands in fists on the arms of the chair, exactly where I had placed them.

  Finally he was all the way in, and I sat once again upon his sturdy thighs. I’d taken every long inch of him.

  I curled my finger. “Sam, come here.” My words were urgent, breathy, and I was relieved when he came to stand before me. Close enough so I could reach out and wrap both hands around his cock, one at the base and one at the tip as I shifted my hips and heard Nik moan behind me. “This cock is mine now, Sam.”

  I glanced up at him through my lashes. He looked stunned at my words, but I was beyond caring. I was going to make him lose his damn mind while I rode Nik’s cock. I was going to make them both want more. And more. And more. I had two days. I wanted to spend every moment I could in bed with them. I had a lot of loving to cram into a short time, and I had found the perfect males.

  Not one but two aliens to satisfy me.

  Sam stepped closer, close enough that I could sit up straight and take him fully into my mouth, setting my hands on his thighs.

  With one more glance up, I swallowed him down. Sucked. Licked. Didn’t stop until I felt his balls swell up and his cock tighten just that little bit.

  I stopped. Moved on Nik. Rolled my hips as I lifted and lowered, fucked myself on him in a random way that made my clit pulse, made my pussy clench. Reaching down between both of their legs, I cupped, then stroked their balls.

  “By the gods, female.” Sam threw his head back but didn’t move, didn’t make one demand.

  Giving them a break, I lifted both of Nik’s hands from the arms of the chair and placed them over my breasts. “Touch me.”

  He needed no further encouragement, quickly sliding his thumbs back and forth over my hard nipples. Squeezed. Tugged. Learned what I liked. What made me gasp. And moan.

  I took Sam back into my mouth as Nik’s hand dropped between my widespread thighs to cover my clit. Tease. Stroke me as I moved over him.

  It was too good. Too much. The feel of both men surrounding me. The sounds of fucking. The scent of it. The feel of them both so deep. I couldn’t hold back. I wasn’t going to try.

  My body went off like a firecracker, and the spasms took over as both of my lovers sank into my body. As far as I could get them. I wanted them inside me. Completely. Where I was beginning to realize I might never get them out.

  Nik moved beneath me, thrusting up into my tight pussy, my legs forced wider as he shifted forward and moved his knees apart.

  I was open and vulnerable, his heat at my back, Sam’s in front of me. I was between them, Nik’s cock in my pussy, Sam in my mouth. Nik sat up, and his chest pressed to my back like an iron wall as his hands worked my body, one on my clit, the other up to rest wrapped around my throat. There was no pressure, but the touch made my pussy clench like a vise and he noticed my reaction. My pervy, orgasm-inducing reaction.

  I liked feeling vulnerable. Open. Exposed. Knowing that he truly was in control.

  Sam took his cue, and his hands fisted in my hair, pulling just hard enough to make me gasp. I couldn’t move, couldn’t get away from them as they both fucked me harder. Faster.

  I screamed around Sam’s cock when I came again, both of them following me over. Their hot cum felt like an anointment into another world. An alien world.

  A fucking amazing universe of pleasure and heat and lust.

  I had vainly wanted this night to haunt both of them, but I realized, as Nik stroked me to a third orgasm, his still-hard cock stretching me wide, Sam’s taste on my tongue, that the joke was on me.

  The only person who wasn’t going to be able to forget tonight was me. When Sam reached down and lifted me off Nik’s spent cock and carried me to bed, I knew we’d only gotten started.


  Sambor, Transport Station 345, Prillon Prime

  * * *

  “I don’t like leaving her,” I grumbled. Again. “Especially after last night.”

  I leaned against the wall, arms crossed, the room crowded with a fighter squad armed and ready to transport to a battlegroup. Others, like us, waited to transport to their latest mission or destination. While I was back in my armor, prepared for battle, I wasn’t going off to fight the Hive. I followed Niklas, and today we were to accompany Prime Nial’s second, Lord Ander, to another security briefing hosted by one of my least favorite Prillon Warriors, Dr. Helion.

  Niklas wore his usual ambassador attire. It wasn’t an official uniform, especially not one of the Coalition, but his black pants and navy tunic indicated he was a high-level Prillon. A planetary representative. His role wasn’t part of combat operations. He didn’t personally battle the Hive, but he did direct the flow of weapons and fighters from other worlds, deal with interplanetary disputes, and act as Prime Nial’s eyes and ears out in the political nightmare that helped hold the entire Interstellar Coalition of Planets together. Lots of egos. Lots of kings and queens, lords and ladies, commanders and captains, merchants and smugglers. Everyone had a role to play. And everyone had a price.

  I thought his a terrible duty. My role was much simpler. I only had to protect him, kill if necessary. I didn’t have to negotiate with the enemy. I didn’t have to make them happy. Niklas was the smiling face Prime Nial presented to planetary leaders. And on Niklas’s—or Prime Nial’s—orders, I was the knife at their throat.

  “I don’t like it either,” Niklas countered in a far from diplomatic tone.

  The hum of the transport pad followed with a crackle of static as another transport was completed.

  Of course, our balls had been emptied and our needs slaked multiple times over multiple hours. We should be relaxed and smiling. We should be anticipating our return from IC Command later this evening when we would see Lucy again. Touch her. Make her writhe and beg and scream her pleasure.

  Instead we had to leave a naked, sleeping female in the warm bed we’d shared with no collar about her neck announcing our claim.

  “Duty calls and not even a willing female can keep us from it,” he added, watching a group of palace officials climb the steps to leave next.

  “You focus too much on your role as ambassador. Even the Prime takes time from his duties to tend to other things, like his mate.”

  “I have had no reason to focus on anything else. While I’m not keen about Helion, he is dedicated, as I am.”

  I stared at him wide-eyed. “You wish to compare yourself to that asshole? I think he sleeps in the command room.”

  No one I’d met liked the head of IC. He was, as I’d said, an asshole.

  “I did not sleep in the command room last night.” Apparently Niklas felt the need to remind me of where we’d spent the last few hours. Not that I could forget. I could still taste Lucy on my tongue, scent her on my skin.

  I thought of the sated, naked female and the warm bed we’d left to stand here and bicker. “Only because she propositioned you. Us.” I paused, worried. “Lucy is not our mate,” I reminded him. “At least if she were ours, if collars were about our necks, everyone would know she belonged to us. What if she leaves the planet while we attend this meeting with Dr. Helion?”

  Niklas frowned. “Yes, I thought of that. However, there are more events planned for the birthing day festivities. Lucy will not leave for The Col
ony before the queen’s celebrations are over. She has already insisted we accompany her to the royal ball.”

  “True. And she must please the queen,” I replied, somewhat appeased but not completely. The festivities were planned to continue for two more days. Still, that didn’t give us much time to woo her. Even if she stayed.

  Niklas arched a brow. “The queen is her friend. She won’t leave early. Lucy is loyal. We know that from her dedication to the Atlan Wulf and his family.”

  “Loyal. Trusted with a Warlord’s family. And she’s a screamer,” I added, although I lowered my voice so only Niklas could hear. “When her pussy clenches as she comes…” I didn’t finish that sentence, for I had to shift my cock in my pants. If I said more, I might just come in them. I was that aroused by the Earth female. “What if she meets another warrior while we are away? Chooses another for one of her Earth customs, this one-night stand? There are many honorable warriors among the palace guards.”

  Niklas growled, his hands curled into fists and his eyes became dark and menacing, as if we were heading into battle. Exactly the reaction I had hoped for.

  “We are in agreement?” I asked. “We are keeping her?”

  “She is ours.”

  I smiled then, relieved. “Then why are we in transport on our way to Dr. Helion? I can think of more pleasing things to do with the time.”

  “Duty calls.”

  I hated that answer. I had to hope, now that he’d agreed to make Lucy ours, that he would soon bend to less work and more pleasure.

  “You wish to make her your mate,” I said, ensuring I understood him correctly, although a diplomat never misspoke. “Despite the fact that we do not know her well? That dozens of other females would line up and beg to be your mate, Lord Niklas? Favorite of Prime Nial. Best friend of the most feared Prillon assassin in the universe?”

  Niklas looked at me like I’d lost my mind. Perhaps I had. Lucy consumed me, every thought, every moment. “Most feared? What of Ander?”

  The giant he spoke of had just entered the transport room, so I made my voice loud enough to carry. “Lord Ander? No one’s afraid of him. He’s too pretty.”

  The scarred warrior scoffed at me and clapped me on the back. Hard. “I am beautiful. It is true. My mate tells me every time she screams her pleasure on my cock.”

  The mate he referred to was our queen, so I wisely agreed. “Exactly.” I turned back to Niklas. “He’s too pretty. No one’s afraid of him. They’re all terrified of me.”

  Niklas actually smiled, the first one I’d seen on his too serious face in months. “Agreed. You are terrifying. As to Lucy, we know enough. She will be ours.”

  I sighed, relieved by his words. She’d propositioned us unexpectedly. After that, we’d been too occupied to talk, to strategize how we would proceed with her. “What is your plan?”

  A Prillon like Niklas always had a plan, especially after a night like we’d had, when he’d allowed the lovely Lucy to be the aggressor. It was so unlike the dominant male Niklas was, but it appeared he’d been… amused by her boldness. It had certainly gotten my cock hard. More than once.

  “She had her fun last night. It’s my turn to take charge next. To let her know what it will be like to be claimed by Prillon warriors.”

  The image of Lucy, with hair the color of a sunset over a Trion desert, submitting to Niklas, of the two of us fucking her together, collars about our necks, made me puff up with pride. The thought of our cocks buried deep in her pussy and ass as the color of our collars changed from black to dark blue while we claimed her officially, made my heart race. Made me… hope. A mate had not been what I expected to find at a palace party.

  Never would I dread such an event again.

  “You will collect the collars before we return to the palace?” I asked. He had to claim them from his residence. He hadn’t expected to find a mate at the palace either.

  Lord Ander moved to the front of the line to mount the platform. He turned to look back at us. “You two done mooning over that female? We have work to do.”

  I checked my ion pistol on my thigh and followed Niklas onto the transport platform. When Ander’s personal guard did not follow, I looked to him for confirmation. “No personal guard?”

  Ander shook his head. “No. Dr. Helion has called in an entire squadron of guards.”

  “Why?” Niklas asked.

  “There was an incident involving the Nexus unit last night.”

  “An incident? Is that why a new meeting has been added to my schedule tomorrow?”

  “Yes.” Ander provided no additional details, so I waited for Niklas to do the clever thing and get some answers out of the male.

  “The meeting appeared on my schedule, but there is no location listed.”

  “Helion and Nial agreed not to register the location in any official records.”

  Fuck. Only Ander could get away with calling the prime by his given name. Well, Ander and the queen. No doubt she could call Prime Nial by any name she wished. As Lucy could summon me…

  Something in Ander’s tone caught Niklas’s attention. “What? Why? Exactly where are we going tomorrow?”

  Ander checked his own weapon, and I realized he was wearing armor, not the tunic he would wear if this were a political meeting. “We will be transporting to Sector 437.”

  Fuck. “Battlegroup Karter’s sector?” That area was a hotbed of Hive activity. “I need more weapons.”

  That made Ander chuckle. “No. You don’t. We’re having a private meeting on a cargo ship in Commander Karter’s sector.”

  “With whom?” Niklas did not like surprises. He was used to knowing everything about everyone.

  “A human female and her mate.”

  Lord Ander took out three more ion blasters, checked their charges before putting them away and adjusted the thigh-length blade strapped to his right side. I didn’t ask. It wasn’t my place. And Niklas was apparently too distracted by mention of a secret meeting with a human female to ask on my behalf. But Ander’s concern heightened mine. Exactly what kind of incident had the Nexus unit caused?

  Between one heartbeat and the next I dismissed the question from my mind. I did not care. I cared about one thing right now. One. And she had red hair, green eyes and liked to sleep between us.

  The transport pad buzzed with building energy, and I leaned in close to make sure Niklas could hear me over the noise.

  I was much more interested in what would happen when we returned from this errand than in pestering Ander for answers he clearly had no intention of providing. The idea of including Lucy in our future made my heart race and my cock harden. “This is no time for misunderstanding, Niklas. If you don’t want Lucy, I will claim her and ask another to be my second. She is perfect. I will not give her up.” She was bold, passionate, affectionate—she’d curled around me and clung for hours as she slept—loyal to her friends, admired by one of the most famous Warlords in the war, trusted by Governor Maxim of The Colony, beautiful, and alone.

  Just like we were.

  “No need to threaten me, Sambor. She is ours. Tonight she will know our intentions.”

  “Tonight we will be at IC Command and every Prillon warrior in the palace will be pursuing our mate.”

  “No. I have made arrangements to return early. We will not leave our mate unclaimed.”

  “Excellent.” I nodded, not for the first time relieved that he’d thought ten steps ahead, as usual. “Tonight.” I was pleased to know I was fighting for more than just the Coalition now, that I would be protecting more than just Niklas. I was fighting for a mate. Her name was Lucy. She was ours. She didn’t know it yet, but I looked forward to seeing her face when she found out.

  Preferably with my cock buried deep and her gasps of pleasure filling the room along with her surprise.

  With that, the hum of the transport and the electrical zing pulled us from Prillon Prime and sent us to IC Command headquarters to tangle with an uncooperative Nexus unit. I hated this p
lace. Hated war and killing, if I was being honest. But my father had told me when I was just a child that a warrior didn’t choose this life, it chose him. I’d never doubted his words, but today was the first I arrived on this rock with a smile on my face.

  Fuck Dr. Helion, the vice admiral and her Elite Hunter mate, Quinn, who awaited us. Fuck the Hive Nexus unit buried in a holding cell somewhere deep in the rock beneath our feet. I didn’t want to worry about the Nexus unit, Dr. Helion, or what the fuck we were going to do if we couldn’t stop the Hive expansion into Coalition space. All that analysis and worry? That was Niklas’s job. I’d watch his back and I’d think of the warm, pliant female who now slept, sated and filled with our cum. Her body knew she was ours. It was time for her mind to accept that fact.

  Next time we fucked our female, we would know every emotion, every desire, every want and need and fear coursing through her head. The collars would bind us three into one and make clear to every male on Prillon Prime that she was under our protection. Our care.

  That we had claimed her and would kill for the right to court her.

  Once our collar was around her neck, we could begin to win her heart. Her trust. I wanted to see more in her eyes than lust. I wanted… more. I wanted it so badly I didn’t dare think the word.

  By the gods, the collars would be next.


  Lucy, The Palace, Prillon Prime

  * * *

  “I’d tell you to spill, but it seems by the look on your face that it was good,” Gabriella said. She hadn’t transported with us, but had shown up later. She had baby Jori on her shoulder, and she was gently patting his back although he’d been asleep for the past ten minutes.

  “A look isn’t enough,” Caroline countered, pointing at Lindsey, then Rachel. She stabbed an odd, three-pronged fork into a piece of reddish Prillon fruit that was piled in the center of a fancy palace plate. “She has to spill. I want details. Every. Single. Detail.”


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