Book Read Free


Page 24

by Torrie Robles

  “She’s safe. That’s all you need to know.” Cut continues the argument. “When we make the switch is up to you. When you bring us your father, then and only then, will you have your daughter back.”

  “You better not be fucking with me. Don’t let history repeat itself or your body count from last time will be child’s play compared to the death I will rain down on you.” Louie growls out.

  The hairs on my neck stand up. My heart beat picks up, adrenaline coursing through my body. “Don’t.” I say, turning my head in Louie’s direction. “Don’t fucking threaten us.” I stand up. “You think that’s what this is? You think that we are so fucked up, just as fucked up as your old man that we would take your daughter and torture her. Fuck her, sodomize her like the sick fuck that you call dad did to my sister?”

  “Sin.” Cut’s voice warns.

  “You think we would willingly put that picture in your mind? Make you live with it for the rest of your life like we do. Do you think this club gets off on having females hanging from cables?” I slam my hand on the table. His face has gone pale. “We would never put that shit on anyone! So don’t fucking threaten us. Bring us that piece of shit who fathered you and you’ll get your daughter back. Not before. This discussion is over.”

  I turn away and start to walk down the street. The sound of an engine, that isn’t a motorcycle, has me turning my head. A black fucking Tahoe. Tyson Redding. This day just gets better and better. “Sinclair.” He calls out and I keep on walking. “Surprised they let you out without a leash.” I shake my head allowing his words to roll off my back. Ignore him, Sin. “How are my girls doing?” Fuck!

  I meet his mocking stare as I throw my head back and laugh. His pretty boy features aren’t so pretty anymore. His face is covered in deep purple and blue bruises. His right eye is barely able to open because of the swelling. It’s been a few days since Lick paid him a visit. I can only imagine what he looked like right after. “I’m not going to justify that with an answer.”

  “You think you can just take what’s mine?” Chills roll over my skin. He says the same thing that was in my dream the other night.

  “She isn’t property.”

  “She’s something isn’t she?” He questions.

  “Hey now. You’re the big and mighty, Tyson Redding. Go find some other chick to take as yours and leave Savannah alone. This entire thing is getting old. Move the fuck on. I certainly know she has.” I wink and continue to walk on. The tires slowly roll behind me so I know this isn’t over.

  “You think you’re hot shit don’t you, biker boy? You think you can just go to her and be the white knight and she’ll fall on your dick?”

  “She didn’t fall, fucker, she slid on willingly.” He grinds his jaw as his nostrils flare and I laugh again. “Just go back to Texas, Tyson.”

  “I’ve got plans you know.” Why the fuck won’t he just leave me the fuck alone? “I know you’re aware of my little hobby seeing as though your men paid my friend a visit a week ago and both he and the precious packages are now missing. I’m sure you and your little biker gang had something to do with that. What you don’t know is how much money is in my little hobby. People pay a lot of money for purity. Untouched.” I stop at his words and turn to face him. He’s lucky he’s in the protection of his car because I would not have any restraint if he were standing in front of me.

  “What the fuck does this have to do with me?”

  “Not you, biker boy. But my daughter.” I flinch at his mention of the baby. My baby.

  “She's not fucking yours.”

  He chuckles. “I beg to differ. Anyways, when I knocked Savannah up I had hoped get a son out of it. It’s so important to teach kids how to become an adult, you know. And a son? Man, to be able to teach them the ways of the world. To show him the tricks and skills to be just like his old man. That’s something. But sadly, it’s not the case. This time anyway. Don’t you fret though. It will happen. She will give me a son, a true heir. In the mean time I’ll make the best of the situation with any girls she may bear me.” This guy is fucking insane.

  “You’re fucking crazy.” I say and turn to leave him to his insanity.

  “But, man,” he continues, ignoring my comment. “The money I’ll make for a girl. Raise her to listen, obey the men in her life. To never talk back, maybe cower like her mother will learn to do. Then when the time is right, I’ll get prime money. I mean, come on, the actual dealer giving up his own flesh and blood to the highest bidder. Talk about a total high.”

  “You’re fucking sick. It’s never going to happen, at least not with my daughter, you asshole. Stop obsessing with what’s mine.”

  “But she’s the one, Sinclair. Savannah. She’s the only one, and soon it will be her and me again.” He steps on the gas and his SUV takes off before I can say anything else.

  There’s a knock on the door, waking me from my sleep. “Savannah?” Cut’s voice comes from behind the door.

  “Come in.” I sit up in bed. It’s then when I notice that Sin isn’t here. It’s been over two weeks since his confession. Two weeks of him being attentive, considerate, and loving. He spends our alone time showing me how much he loves me. Whispering words of love to the baby growing in my stomach.

  It’s not just when we’re alone either. He touches me whenever we’re in the same room. It’s as if he’s afraid that if he isn’t touching me, then I might disappear

  He clears his throat. “Hey.” He looks around the room, clearly uncomfortable with being here with me.

  “Sit.” I say and I instinctively pull the covers up over my chest.

  “Yeah, thanks.” He takes a seat and pulls his leg up on his knee. He shifts as he tries to get comfortable.

  “You okay over there?”

  “Yeah.” His eyes dart around. He’s anything but alright.

  “What can I do for you?”

  “Oh yeah, right. Sin’s gone. He had to take care of business.”

  “Club business?”

  “Shop business. He should be back tomorrow. But I told him I would let you know. He didn’t want to wake you.”

  “Right.” I say.

  “Everything okay with you two?”

  “I know about Douglas.” I get situated in the bed. “He told me that night. Um, things got a little heated between us when he got back. He wasn’t his normal self, which I was okay with. He seemed fine at first now that I think about it, but things escalated.”

  “Like the night you found a letter from Redding at my mother’s house?” He tilts his head at the question. “Yeah, he told me. He said you came at him like a cat in heat.”

  “Well I wouldn’t put it that way.” I defend myself.

  “Don’t get me wrong, he wasn’t complaining, he was just concerned as to what that letter meant to you.”

  “He didn’t tell me he knew about that. I should have told him, but I didn’t want to worry him. I know he stresses about too many things.”

  “The same reason why he didn’t tell you that Redding paid him a visit a couple weeks back.”


  “Yeah. You guys need to start talking and stop worrying about what shit life is throwing at you and how it’s going to stress each other out. Life is stressful. You guys gotta learn to work as a team and let the other harbor some of the burden. It’s easier to deal with shit as a team than doing it solo.”

  “Like you and Lily?”

  “We work. That’s all you need to know.”

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to pry. I know you do. Bianca only has good things to say about the two of you. I would never think otherwise. Every relationship is different. I have no reason to judge.” He nods. “Do you think you’ll ever be able to be normal, though?” His mouth goes into a thin line and furrows his brow. “Not that you aren’t normal.” I back pedal. “It’s just what I mean is, do you think you’ll ever move her here? Closer to the club, to your day-to-day life.”

  “Once I feel any threat to her is
eliminated. I think so.” He shifts again in his seat. “I know I’m being a little overly cautious when it comes to her. I’m not dense. I know that people know we’re married. It’s public knowledge for Christ’s sake. Maybe I think if people see that we aren’t close or a ‘normal’ married couple, they won’t see her as one of my weaknesses.”

  “Or maybe there’s no threat to her at all.”

  “I’m not willing to take that chance. Louie Sr. is sick and I’m not willing to have the woman I love be the object of his obsession.”

  “I don’t understand all of that. It’s been years and he hasn’t made a play for your mom at all.”

  “He hasn’t been able to because he’s a wanted man. Not just by my club. He burned many people back in the day and each one of them has a bone to pick with him. He’s smart to stay hidden.”

  “Until he’s not.”

  “Yes, soon. Hopefully.”

  “Are you really going to keep that girl from her father until he can produce his dad?”

  He drops his foot from his leg and crosses his arms. He smiles then looks at me. “No.”


  “Jesus, it’s like you and my wife are the same person at times. If you need to know, we gave her back last night.”

  “Without getting Louie Sr. in return?”

  “Yeah, Louie says he’s good to his word and I’m trusting that. I can’t expect my club to be something better if I continue to live the way we’ve always been. She’s his child and not an object. She shouldn’t be used as a pawn.”

  “That’s very big of you.”

  “Yeah well,” he stands up, “Thank my wife for that. Anyways, your doctor’s appointment today.”

  I cock my head. “What about it?”

  “The three amigos are going with you.”


  He laughs again. “Hawk, Lick and Jenni. They’re taking you to your appointment.”

  “Oh, okay.”


  “Everything looks good, Savannah.” Doc pulls the rubber gloves from his hands. I look over to Jenni and her eyes are still wide in disbelief.

  “He has to do that every time?” She points at my feet, which are still propped up. I pull them down.

  “Not every time.” Doc smiles. “How are you feeling?”

  “I feel great. The nausea has subsided.”

  “That’s good news. It looks like the remainder your pregnancy should be easier on you.”

  “Yeah, I think so. Oh, I do have this pain.” I point to my rib cage. “At times it feels like its burning.”

  “Okay.” He stands and presses on the area. "Does this hurt?”

  “No, not right now.”

  “It may be your muscles stretching as your body conforms to your pregnancy.”

  “That’s what I thought.”

  “So how’s everything else?”

  “Fine. Good.”

  “And Sin?”


  “What about sex? Are you having any discomfort when you achieve an orgasm?”

  I laugh. “That’s not an issue.”

  “Oh?” He questions. “You realize that it’s perfectly fine to have intercourse, right? You don’t need to abstain from it.”

  “Oh, I know. I get that, but there aren’t any issues in the sex department except maybe I’m wearing him out. I’ve found a completely new sex drive that I didn’t know I had. I can’t get enough.”

  “Are you shitting me?” This comes from Jenni.

  “No, I’m not shitting you.” I make an effort to move my eyes to the doctor.

  “Lucky bitch,” she says under her breath.

  He laughs. “Well, pregnancy wise everything’s right on schedule. I do think you need to at least check in with an OBGYN to make sure I’m not missing anything. If it makes the club feel better, I’ll sit in on the exam, if you’re alright with that.”

  “Okay, I’ll find out and then I’ll call the office.”

  “Great.” He turns to Jenni and reaches his hand out. “Jenni, it was nice meeting you. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around.”

  “Yes,” she says. She waits until the door shuts and she starts peppering me with questions. “I can’t believe you and Sin have been going at it like rabbits and you never told me! I thought we were friends.”

  I roll my eyes. “So because I haven’t told you every time Sin and I have gone at it, I’m not your friend? Seriously?”

  “No offense, but look at you right now. You’re all round and stuff. How is it that you’re even more sexual now than when you were skinny?”

  “So you’re saying I’m fat? I’m not fat, you imbecile. I’m pregnant. And it has nothing to do with that.” I throw on my clothes and gather my purse. “I’m not overthinking anything. Jenni, what I feel for Sin and how we express it is something I’ve never experienced. This is love, Jenni, real life love.”

  “So much so that you’re wearing your man out.” She laughs.

  “I guess. Its hormones. It won’t always be like this.”

  “You being a sex machine? Let’s hope so. Do you at least have a vibrator?”

  I stop before my hand turns the handle of the door. “No, I don’t.”

  “Well at least if you had one, it would make the situation better. Maybe give that boy a break. You wouldn’t want to break his dick off. You’ve still got lots of years left when that particular body part is crucial.”

  “Gah! I’m not talking to you about this.” I pull the handle and walk out.


  “Everything good?” Hawk asks as we leave the office. The guys opted to stay out front this time. Hawk mentioned that he felt like fresh meat the last time he took me. Plus, I wasn’t sure how Lick would be with all those women with round stomachs and huge tits everywhere. I didn’t want Doc to incur a lawsuit because Lick has no filter.

  “Yeah, perfect.” I glance at Jenni and she just shrugs her shoulders.

  “Savannah.” I stop in my tracks at the sound of my name.

  “What are you doing here, Meredith?” She approaches the group.

  “The company you’re keeping these days’ just keeps getting better and better.” She snidely remarks.

  “I may not be a doctor, but I know a cunt when I see one.” Lick comments.

  “Please do not waste your breath on me, boy. Insults do not affect me nor do I care to hear the sound of your voice.”

  “Bitch.” Jenni swears under her breath.

  “What a mouth, Jennifer. I’m sure your father would be so proud.”

  “It’s Jenni, you prude, and my father is of no concern to you.”

  “What do you need?” I ask again. “Why do I feel like you’re following me?” I glance around for Tyson.

  “Looking for me?” Tyson asks as he joins us. His sudden appearance causes me to gasp.

  “Well, there’s my son.” She smiles as he approaches from behind.

  Hawk and Lick both close in until their arms are touching my shoulder. I know they won’t let anything happen to me.

  “Seems as though you’re a slow healer.” Lick says, as Tyson gets closer. I can see what Lick’s referring to. Evidence of fading bruises.

  Tyson ignores Lick’s jab. “You’re getting rather fat.” He eyes me up down. “I figured you’d take care of yourself and my baby.”

  “You need to step back, motherfucker.” Lick says as he pulls himself to his full height. He towers over Tyson.

  “This doesn’t concern you, you white trash piece of shit. This is about my fiancé and my daughter.”

  “Not your fiancé and certainly not your daughter.” Hawk defends.

  “Honestly.” Meredith interjects. “I’m so tired of all this. We are going on months, Savannah. Months. Do you not think it’s time to make a decision that’s right for my grandbaby and come home? I know Tyson would be grateful to be back in Texas. The company needs him and he’s neglecting it to be close to you.”

  “He isn’t here for
me, Meredith. Your son’s been a busy little boy. I’m sure I’m the last on his list of reasons why he’s still here.” I turn to him. “Aren’t I? Tyson’s part of–”

  “Nothing. I’m part of nothing and this isn’t about me.” He glares at Jenni and smiles. “Well, hello Jenni. It’s been years, hasn’t it? You’re looking good.”

  “Don’t you fucking eyeball at her.” Lick advances, causing Tyson to step back, hands raised.

  “No need, big guy. Jenni and I go way back, don’t we?”

  “Shove it, Tyson.” She responds.

  “Still the same spitfire. I guess your daddy hasn’t been able to snuff you out. Anyway, enough.” He looks at me. “I’m done with all this.” He waves his hands around. “I’m done with you being disrespectful. You’ve been living your life without regards to what I want and I’m done playing your games. It’s time for you to come home. You had better come on your own volition, Savannah. It won’t be pretty if you force my hand.” My heart pounds at his threats. Looking me up and down again, he sneers. “I know what you’ve been doing, baby.” He steps closer but the guys put their arms around me in protection. He eyes them both as he continues talking. “I know who you’ve been doing and that shit isn’t going to fly with me.” He steps back. “Now.” He pulls at the bottom of his jacket. “I’ll call the salon; get you an appointment so we can get you back to normal.”

  He walks away with his mother by his side. “Eat shit!” I yell.

  Turning around, he chuckles. “Seems as though Jenni’s wearing off on you. We’ll fix that too.”

  “Motherfucker.” Jenni says. “He’s lost it, Savannah.” I nod in agreement.

  “Is that how that asshole is all the time?” Lick asks.

  “He’s seems to have gotten worse. I think the fact that he can’t control me or doesn’t have a say in my life right now is starting to push him off the deep end.”

  “You’ve got nothing to worry about.” Hawk says. “Let’s get you ladies home.”

  “What are you girls talking about?” Bianca comes into the kitchen from her room. She takes a glass from the cupboard and fills her glass with the red wine that Jenni is drinking.


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