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Bloodlines Trilogy

Page 27

by J. Thiele

  “Mmmm. She tasted so good too. Such a shame you found her when you did. I was hoping she’d bleed to death before you came to the rescue, just to prove her wrong - that you’re not all that she makes you out to be.”

  “You’re psychotic,” Casey accused, in a judgemental tone.

  Saligia tilted her head at her, “Hmm, maybe. But that’s not for you to say.” Her mood seemed to shift. “I don’t like name calling. I’ve been nice to you and so far you’ve called me a crazy bitch, a liar, and now psychotic. I’ll give you one last chance to play nice, or I’ll be taking you to the learning tree - to teach you some fucking manners,” she spat the words at Casey, in an undignified fashion.

  “Go fuck yourself!”

  Casey barely got the words out of her mouth when Saligia pounced on her. Suddenly they were both gone, and the bridge was empty.


  Rick sat in his lounge surfing channels looking for something worth watching. He took a large swig of his beer and wondered what other single men did on lonely nights when the television offered little, to no entertainment. He got up to get another beer from the fridge when he thought he heard a rustle in the bushes outside the kitchen window. He stood still for a moment looking at the glass, listening intently.

  Suddenly, the neighbour’s cat landed on the ledge outside and let out an annoying meow. “For fuck sake Garfield, go home.” He was forever telling Marie to stop feeding the neighbour’s animal. He hated cats to begin with, but Garfield was the epitome of a nuisance cat, always digging holes in the flower beds, spraying the back door with his scent, and constantly meowing for free food.

  Rick turned to head back to the comfort of his lounge when Garfield began to growl. He looked over his shoulder, to see the cat was gone and the growling had stopped. Just as he was about to take a seat and resume his surfing, he heard a thud outside the back door. He pulled his weapon from its holster and crept towards a rear window. He peered between the curtains and saw Garfield lying very still in a pool of blood by the glass door. ‘The fuck?” he said under his breath, frowning.

  “He was making too much noise. He was going to blow my cover.”

  Ray spun around to find Saligia standing in his living room. “How the fuck did you get in here?”

  “Oh come now, surely you don’t think your silver trinkets could keep me out. I’m too old for that rubbish, and at my age, I certainly don’t need an invite to enter this,” she looked around, “humble abode.”

  “What do you want?” he asked.

  “Want, want, want, everybody keeps asking what I fucking want, when it’s perfectly clear what I want. I want it all. But for now, all I want is for you to pass on a message to Dominic. Tell him I have the one and only Casey Marks as my guest, and I intend to have her for…” she smiled a sickening smile before continuing, “dinner, until the city is turned over to me and he relinquishes his position as your so called, fearless leader.”

  “You’re out of your fucking mind! If you hurt one hair on her, I’ll kill you myself.”

  Saligia roared with laughter. “You humans are so funny, always judging, always threatening,” she sped across to grab Rick by the throat, “but I’m getting a little pissed off at all your empty threats. Now just for once, do as you’re told and I promise I won’t eat your kids.” She dropped him back on his feet and vanished.

  Chapter Seven

  Rick ran through the front door of headquarters. “That bitch has got Casey now,” he gasped out.

  “What? How?” Ray asked.

  “I don’t know, but she came to my house, straight in, no invite or anything. Told me if you didn’t hand over all your duties to her along with the ‘keys to the city’ so to speak, she would kill Casey,” he looked at Dominic.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll get her back,” Dominic assured him.

  “Dominic,” Rick called to keep his attention, “She threatened my kids, man.”

  They all stood in disbelief. “This shit’s going too far now,” Ray declared.

  “Everybody, stay calm,” Dominic called for order.

  “Calm? She has Casey and threatened his fucking kids! And you want us to stay calm? This shit just got real.” Ray was getting worked up. Part of him never let go of the crush he secretly had on Casey, and the thought of something happening to her was making him anxious.

  Sarah stood in Dominic’s defence, “What would you have him do? Just give in to her demands? What do you think would become of your precious city then? Do you think she would maintain order? I can tell you what would happen. You would all become her play things. She would treat you like live stock, and the city would become nothing more than a feeding ground for her.” She looked Rick in the eyes, “Your children are safe. I have put a protection spell on them for now, but you must tell your wife to stay out of the city until this is over. Right now we have a million other kids to keep safe.”


  Casey was unconscious again; she’d been in and out of it for days. Saligia was talking to what Casey thought, must have been herself. She blinked a few times to clear her blurred vision, then shook her head to clear her thoughts.

  “Oh look General, our guest is waking up again. Should we tell her the good news, or the bad news?” Saligia turned to Casey with a twisted look in her eyes. “Say hello to the General, Casey. He’s been dying to meet you.” She held something up to Casey’s face that took her a few seconds, in the dimly lit surroundings, to figure out what it was.

  “Get that thing away from me!” Casey shouted.

  “Now, I’ve spoken to you about your manners Casey and that is no way to talk to your host.”

  She turned the aged, skinless skull toward herself and kissed it on the forehead. “Don’t worry my darling, I will always love you, and as for our guest, in time she will learn to love you as well.” She placed the skull on a sideboard next to a candle that lit up one side of its face. It was facing Casey and looked every bit as evil as Saligia herself. “Now, I was about to tell you the good news. Well the good news is, that you’re staying with us a little longer. The bad news is, your friends don’t seem to want to play with you anymore. They haven’t even called to see how you are.” Casey glared at Saligia as she closed in on her, “But in the meantime, you can’t stay here for nothing, the General won’t hear of it,” she said, as she tore Casey’s shirt open and began to caress her breasts.

  “Get your hands off me bitch,” Casey demanded.

  “Now that sounds familiar. That’s just what Kara said at first too. In the end she was begging me for it,” she said, as she started to slide her tongue over Casey’s torso, while she unbuttoned her jeans. She knelt down between Casey’s legs and lowered her jeans and panties, exposing her mound. She placed her hands between her legs, spreading them as far apart as the chains that bound her would allow. She opened her lips to get her first glance at Casey’s perfect jewel.

  Casey began to struggle when Saligia wrapped her mouth over her clit and began licking at it with her tongue. “Don’t fight it Casey. I don’t really want to hurt you,” she muttered between gulps.

  She could feel Casey’s pussy getting wetter despite the protests, so she slid her fingers into her well and began sliding them in and out, slowly fucking her until Casey’s legs began to tremble in her standing position.

  Saligia looked up to see Casey’s hardened nipples. She drew her fangs and sank them into Casey’s inner thigh, causing Casey to scream with a mixture of pain, delight and ecstasy all at the same. Saligia began drinking from her vein, as her juices flowed down her leg and into Saligia’s mouth, creating a cocktail of delight for the undead. Her fingers continued to pump in and out of Casey’s tightening pussy, as her orgasm rattled her restraints.

  Once she was done, she stood and wiped Casey’s juice from her face. “See General, I told you she would pay her way. She’s an honourable woman like myself,” she smiled.

  “What did you do?” Casey panted accusingly, furious at herself for not b
eing able to resist climaxing.

  “Nothing you didn’t want or enjoy. Think yourself lucky, at least you didn’t fight as hard as Kara did, so I didn’t have to hurt you.”

  Casey’s heart broke at the thought that Kara fought her, and yet she herself hadn’t. She lowered her head in shame, riddled with guilt, knowing she’d failed her Kara.

  “Keep an eye on her General. I’m still hungry. I’m going out for a bite.” She stood eye to eye with Casey. “If you’re a good girl, I might bring you back something nice.” She reached behind Casey’s head and took hold of a fistful of her hair, then pulled her face closer to her own, crashing their lips together. Casey struggled to free the hold, but eventually Saligia released her with a force that left Casey’s head slightly rattled.

  Casey built up the courage to spit in her face. Saligia wiped the spit away, then with an almighty force, she backhanded Casey for her insolence, rendering her unconscious again. “That should make your job easier General. She’ll give you no trouble now.” She lifted Casey’s face and whispered, “You will learn obedience my love, or you will feel the full force of my wrath.” She kissed her sleeping lips once more, then vanished.

  Chapter Eight

  Rick threw himself fully clothed onto his bed, too exhausted to change before he fell asleep. He thought he must have been dreaming when he felt his wife’s hand cover his thickening shaft in his pants. She knew she was to stay away from the city until he gave the word for her to return. He wasn’t sure what hurt him the most, telling her to stay away, or her willingness to do so by slamming the phone down in his ear.

  But her disobedience in his dreams would at least be a Band-Aid to his wounds for now. He felt his cock getting harder by the second as her hand began to undo the zipper that restrained his pulsing member.

  He went to reach down to grip it and relieve himself, when he realised he couldn’t move his arm. It was stretched up over his head and somehow tied to the frame of the bed. In fact, his entire body was stretched out, spread eagled, and tied at every corner.

  His eyes flashed open. This was no dream. He lifted his head to find Saligia perched between his legs and her hand firmly massaging the growing mound in his crotch. “Get off me! Get off me!” he shouted, struggling against his bindings.

  “Oh do shut up, you’re killing the mood. Might I point out the obvious,” she smirked, “I’m in charge here, not you.” She pulled his erect cock free from the elastic of his underwear, examined its proportions, and then lowered her lips to lick the tip.

  “Please, don’t,” he begged, but it was too late. She’d taken the entire length of his shaft in her mouth and begun sliding it in and out. Reaching the back of her throat with its tip on every downward thrust, she sucked him deep.

  “Marie!” he called out.

  “Oh, you are just a kill joy aren’t you?” she stood up. “Marie. What is it with you fucking humans and your loyalty to the undeserving? Marie doesn’t appreciate you. Where is she, huh?” She knelt down on the bed and leaned into his ear, “She’s gone. Poof!” she said as she stood back up. “Just like that. Took the kids and ran. Not for one minute did she stop to be thankful for everything that you have provided her with. A house in the ‘burbs, the kids, stability, why…” she paused briefly, then frowned, “any other woman would be envious of her… I know I am.” She spun on her heels and tilted her head in an awkward way, which mimicked the uncontrollable habit of a crazy woman. “But I’m not like most women am I?” She looked to his crotch and noted that his erection had gone soft. “I bet if I were Marie, you’d still be hard. Why couldn’t you just pretend, the way I’m sure she does, when you touch her?”

  Then she was gone.


  Rick’s phone began to ring, but being tied up, all he could do was listen to it ring out. He was due back at headquarters and hoped someone would miss him enough to come looking for him.

  The hours clicked by and he was beginning to feel more hopeless by the minute. Suddenly, he heard pounding at the front door. It was Ray.

  “Open the door you son of a bitch. I know you’re in there!” he shouted. Rick could hear the anger in his tone, but was helpless to do anything about it.

  A second later, Ray was at the back door pounding again. “Open up Rick! Don’t be an ass.”

  “Ray! Help, I’m tied up for Christ’s sake!”

  “Shit!” Ray hadn’t been to Rick’s place before and needed an invite. “Invite me in! I can’t cross the threshold!”

  A split second later, Ray was untying Rick. “What the fuck happened man? Or is that something personal?”

  “Let’s get to headquarters, I’ll explain on the way,” Rick said, as he adjusted himself in his trousers, “But this bitch has gone way too far now.”

  Chapter Nine

  Casey woke to find Saligia combing her hair and tidying her clothing around her. “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m cleaning you up Casey, isn’t it obvious? You really should take a bit more pride in yourself.” She looked over her shoulder, “Isn’t that right General? Casey should look after her appearance a little more.” She looked back at Casey, “After all, first impressions count.”

  “What is that smell?” Casey asked.

  “Oh that? My apologies, I haven’t had time to take out the trash yet. I’ll get around to it.”

  She carried a candle into the corner, where the light of the flames bounced off the amber coloured walls lighting them up, reflecting the light onto a pile of rotting body parts that had been thrown into the corner, discarded like left over scraps. Casey felt sick to her stomach and began to heave.

  “Oh come now, it’s not that bad. I’m sure you’ve left an empty pizza box lying around with the crust still inside more than once. Don’t be hypocritical.”

  “Saligia, I need water,” Casey begged.

  “Say please. How many times do I have to remind you of your fucking manners?” Saligia reprimanded.

  Casey licked her dehydrated lips, “Please.”

  “Nope. You can wait a little longer I think. Next time I won’t have to remind you, will I? And stop calling, me, SALIGIA!”

  Casey flinched, “What is your name then?”

  “It might surprise you to know that my name is, in fact, Astrid,” she announced, with pride.

  “Astrid?” Casey asked.

  “Yes. It’s Latin. It is the name chosen by my parents for different reasons of course. My father, before he threw me out, looked at me with such pride. For him, the name represented a shining star, and for some time, that’s what I was.” She paused for a second while she reminisced. “He used to beat my mother senseless ya know? She would constantly instil in me my worth as a person and as a woman, reminding me I was destined to overcome all obstacles. To her, my name meant Divine Strength.”

  Casey hated admitting it, but she was intrigued by her story. It also took her mind off the foul odour coming from the other side of the room. “Go on, please tell me more,” she said.

  Saligia looked at the skull and asked, “What do you think General? Should we tell her more?”

  She waited a few seconds for a response. “The General thinks you should wait.”

  “Wait? Wait for what?” Casey asked.

  “Playtime first, story time later,” she said, as she got close enough for Casey to see her fangs were exposed. She knew there was no point in fighting, it would only hurt more, so she tilted her head, flicking the hair from her shoulder, giving Saligia full access to her neck.

  “Oh, you’re learning fast. Good girl,” she praised, as she sank her teeth into her jugular and rested her palm between Casey’s legs.

  A moment later she stepped back spitting Casey’s blood from her mouth. “Yuck!! You need water you stupid girl, why didn’t you say something? Your blood is coagulating in my mouth.” She reached for a bottle of water and held it to Casey’s lips, “Here, drink up. You need plenty of fluids down here.”

  Casey frowned in
confusion, but dared not argue. “I’m sorry, I should have known better. I just got lost in your story. It won’t happen again,” she promised, before drinking the entire bottle in one session.

  “It had better not. Now where were we? Ah yes, I was telling you about daddy dearest,” she went on, “His name was Algia. It means…”

  “I know what it means,” Casey announced.

  Saligia slapped her face hard “Don’t interrupt me!” Her temper was flaring. Casey had already worked out that meant she was hungry, horny or both.

  “I’m sorry, forgive me,” she begged.

  “You can show me your remorse later. Right now I’m talking,” she continued.

  “Algia, it means denoting pain; to feel and inflict it, and that’s exactly what he did. He took great pleasure in beating my mother to a bloody pulp. Oh, he always felt bad about it later, that’s when he’d rape her. Of course, it wasn’t rape back in those days, it was her duty to allow her betrothed any sexual desires he could imagine in his sick and twisted mind.” She paused again. “I caught him once with a Viking whore. Sodomizing her while whipping her back, she screamed in agony as my mother too, watched on, grateful it was the whore and not herself. When he realised I, too, was watching, he ran into the woods. I caught him later cutting into his own flesh, punishing himself for what I’d seen. Funny, I’d always wondered where daddy got all the battle wounds from, considering he never went to war.”

  Casey began to psychoanalyse Saligia. Her behaviour was beginning to make sense, a little anyway. She actually began to feel sorry for her. It was just a pity she despised the psycho bitch.

  Chapter Ten

  Pearce was being released from the hospital, and against Rose’s better judgement, he headed straight to headquarters. Until now, no one had told him or Rose about Casey, hoping to have rescued her before his return.


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