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Bloodlines Trilogy

Page 28

by J. Thiele

  “Are you all out of your cotton picking minds?” he shouted, “Case goes missing over a week ago and not one of you had the forethought to let me in on it?”

  Rose tried to settle him down. His cheeks were dangerously flushed, indicating his blood pressure was on the rise.

  “No Rose! These clowns call themselves a team, yet one of their own is behind enemy lines and no-one’s been able to make contact or negotiate a deal to get her back.

  The phone rang and Pearce snatched it up. “Pearce!” he announced before rolling his eyes in frustration. Sweat began to bead on his forehead. “Yes sir, I understand and my team is working around the clock to bring it under control.” He listened for further instructions before hanging up.

  “Well that’s just fucking dandy isn’t it. Were you going to tell me when the casualty rate had bounced back up across the city? Or were you going to hope nobody noticed? That, if anyone’s interested, was the fucking men in black, wanting to know if any of us like our jobs!”

  He stepped up to Dominic, “You have big shoes to fill young man, but if you intend to be half the leader Damon was, you’d better start showing some fortitude.”

  Dominic growled under his breath. “Don’t growl at me son. You know I’m telling the truth.”

  He headed toward the conference table, then stopped when he realised no one was behind him.

  “Well? Come on! Don’t just stand there, let’s have a meeting and start from scratch. We need to regroup, and fast. Big boys are giving us a week to get things under control, but my guess is, Casey has got less than that.”

  They all had to admit it felt better having the captain back in the seat again. Dominic knew how to control the vampires, but he had no clue about interacting with the humans. They could all feel the shift in the balance of power now that he was back.

  “Now, where’s Sarah? If she’s going to be part of this team, she needs to be here too,” his voice was stern.

  “We’re here,” she said, as she came through the door at that precise moment.

  “We?” Pearce asked, “Who’s we?”

  “I brought reinforcements,” she answered. “Meet my Aunty Clarisse and my cousins, Chelsea and Andreas.”

  “Great, we need all the help we can get.”

  Pearce shook their hands and offered them a seat at the conference table.

  “So what is it you guys think you can do for us, that we aren’t already doing?” Pearce asked.

  “Are we just going to let them in too?” Rick asked, “More witches? Why don’t we just invite more vamps to? Christ, let’s see if we can’t find ourselves a stray wolf or maybe even a God damned dragon to add into the mix.” He was becoming more unstable by the day.

  “Easy son. We’re just keeping our options open. Let’s see what they can offer us before we burn any bridges.” Pearce tried to settle him down, but Ray was already on the edge.

  “I know what they can offer us, a lot of hocus pocus bullshit, that’s what!” he snapped.

  “Hey c’mon man, that’s not fair. I’d be fucked if it wasn’t for Sarah and her hocus pocus,” Ray tried to intervene.

  “Have you looked in the mirror lately Ray? You are fucked. You’re a dead man! You’re fucking dead!”

  Ray’s eyes turned brilliant amber and his fangs exposed themselves as he let out a vicious hiss.

  A moment later, both men were pinned against opposing walls as Sarah’s Aunt Clarisse held up her hands, palms facing each of them. She walked over to make eye contact with Ray before speaking.

  “You fear what you do not understand boy, and that fear will lead to danger. You’re angry at what you cannot control. You must learn to trust a stranger.”

  Rick’s eyes filled with tears and he collapsed on the floor. Pearce knew he was at breaking point, but until Casey was returned and the battle with Saligia was over, there was little he could do to comfort him. Ray helped him to his feet and escorted him to the table.

  “C’mon man, we’ve got this, okay?” he reassured Rick.

  Clarisse looked at Pearce, “We can put your team back together for starters.”

  “That’s as good a place to start as any, what do you need?”

  “Something personal from each of you. A strand of hair, a piece of clothing, anything that is yours and yours alone,” she answered, “and find something of the girls’, Casey and Kara as well.”

  The team sat waiting for the next instructions.

  “Well? What are you waiting for? GO!! Leave us to cleanse this place. Return once you have chosen your scourge,” she ordered.

  The witches began to chant and waved burning switches of herbs and flowers around the entire premises while the others were collecting their offerings.


  “Tell me where the name Saligia came from?” Casey requested, desperate to show interested in Astrid’s life, hoping to gain time and strength until her team came to rescue her. By now she knew they were not in the old abandoned subway that she was holding Kara in. It was quiet, more like an old cellar or basement of some kind that was dug into the ground.

  “Why do you want to know?” she asked in a suspicious tone, “What could you possibly gain by it?”

  “Nothing. I’m just interested in hearing all about you, that’s all.” Casey said convincingly.

  “What do you think General? Should we tell her, hmm?” She held the skull to her face as she asked its opinion. “Okay,” she said, excited to talk about herself again.

  She put the skull back on the bench and perched herself up next to it.

  “Well, I ran away from my home when I was no more than fourteen or fifteen, I forget now, it was so long ago. My father, Algia had arranged for me to marry his cousin, Iolaus. He was a pig of a man, and I would rather have died than give my body to him to indulge in, so I ran away.” She went on to explain, “I’d been on my own for about three years, when I met Genesis. I’d been beaten, raped, starved and robbed several times in those first years, but I wouldn’t have changed a thing if it meant marrying Iolaus.”

  Casey began to sympathise with her.

  “I was staggering home one night after “servicing” a customer, when I was jumped by none other than the thwarted Uncle Iolaus. He beat me to a bloody pulp, then dragged me by the hair into the woods and finally had his way with me.” Saligia shuddered at the recollection.

  “I felt his dirty cock enter my swollen, infected pussy and hoped it would snap shut and cut it from his disgusting body. Instead, Genesis came to my aid. I was almost dead from Iolaus’ beating and the infection that flowed through my body. Genesis came from nowhere. He threw Iolaus into a tree, snapping his back, then he drew his claw-like fingers and plucked his heart from his chest,” she said smirking, “It was still beating.”

  Casey cringed at the thought of the barbaric behaviour.

  “He scooped me up and healed me. It was a fucking miracle,” she said, “But I disappointed him. He said I was greedy and ungrateful for all that he’d given me. So what if I had a taste for children? Their flesh was so tender, and their blood was so sweet it reminded me of honey. I could gnaw on their bones for hours, but Genesis disapproved. He was so grumpy about it back then too.” She looked down at her feet as if confused about his disapproval.

  “Go on,” Casey insisted, “I’d love to hear more.” She was grateful for the negotiating skills she’d picked up in her career as a detective.

  “Maybe later,” she said. “I’m getting hungry. I’m going to get some take out. You want something?” she asked Casey.

  Casey knew that meant she was going to kill another innocent victim and bring them home to rot in the corner. “Please stay?” she asked. “You can’t be hungry. We just ate. Stay and tell me more of your story. I hate it when you leave me alone. I…I miss you.” Casey was desperate to find a way to keep her off the streets, even at the risk of her sacrificing herself.

  Saligia got down from the bench and closed in on Casey. “You miss me? Well how
can I possibly leave you here alone then?” She opened her mouth on Casey’s and began to undress her where she stood, tied up and helpless.

  Chapter Eleven

  Pearce had just gotten back from Casey’s apartment. He didn’t trust anyone else going through her things. He’d brought Casey’s hair brush and a charm bracelet he recognised as Kara’s, because he’d helped Casey pick it out. He knew it meant a lot to Kara and hoped it would do the trick.

  Everyone was ready to start. They placed their belongings on the table for Clarisse to examine them. She picked up every item, one by one, then placed them in a dish in the centre of the table.

  “Everyone hold hands,” she instructed.

  Rose and Pearce were first, followed by Dominic and Sarah. Brandy snatched up Ray’s hand after shooting him a look of disapproval at his resistance, then, she took Rick’s hand to complete a circle of everyone present.

  Clarisse began to chant in a foreign tongue, while Chelsea and Andreas circled them, waving a smouldering smudge stick made of various herbs, around and over them.

  “Do not break the hold,” Clarisse told them, “It is what will bring you back together.”

  Their veins began to bulge and they could feel their blood flowing down their arms and into their hands. It felt as though it were leaving their bodies and they could feel the blood of the person next to them enter it. As Clarisse continued to chant, they could feel their bonds rebuilding.

  Andreas lit a match and tossed it into the bowl setting the objects on fire, burning them while fanning the odourless smoke toward each of them to inhale.

  “The ties that bound them have come undone. Bring them back together and make them one.” she chanted.

  The fire in the centre of the table flared up and burned intensely until everything had turned to ash. One lone item survived. Clarisse put her hand into the ashes and smeared it across the forehead of everyone at the table, then held up Kara’s bracelet.

  “I believe that belongs to me,” a voice from behind her announced.

  “Kara!” Ray said as he leapt up to greet her.

  “Hello Ray,” she said as she welcomed his embrace.

  “Are you back?” he asked, “I mean, really back?”

  “Yeah, I’m back. I was heading out of town when I felt this strange pull dragging me back. A sense of family, of belonging kept tugging at me. I knew it was you guys, so here I am, if you’ll have me that is?”

  Pearce stood to welcome her back.

  “Are ya sure kiddo?” he wanted to know.

  “I’m sure. You’re family,” she told him as she entered his outstretched arms.

  He looked over her shoulder and mouthed the words, ‘Thank you,” to Clarisse, who closed her eyes and bowed her head to the old man.

  Kara went to reclaim her bracelet when Clarisse held it from her reach, “With this charm comes great responsibilities,” she announced. “You must be prepared.”

  Kara looked at the old woman, “What are you talking about? That’s mine, give it back.”

  “This bracelet has survived the embers for a reason. It holds the energy from all of you within. Fate has chosen you to keep these ties intact. You must protect it. It is the only thing that will hold you all together as blood. It is what makes you family, do you understand child?”


  “Don’t just say yes! Mean it! DO YOU UNDERSTAND CHILD?”

  “YES, I understand,” Kara replied, as she took the charm from the woman’s reluctant grip.

  The second she had it in her palm, she swooned. Pearce reached out to balance her.

  “That is the power of love,” the old woman told her. “That is sacred, you must protect it.”

  Kara felt as though she actually understood now.

  “I get it.”


  Kara sat toying with the bracelet on her wrist. She could feel the love of her family in every link, but something wasn’t right. She couldn’t sense the commitment from Rick that she felt from everyone else. With a sigh she stood and prepared herself to find out where his head was.


  Rick was sitting on the rooftop of headquarters looking out towards the city lights.

  “Hey, you wanna talk?” she asked, as she came up behind him.

  “Not really,” he replied, “I was hoping to be alone for a while actually.”

  “Yeah well, don’t let me interrupt you,” she said, taking a seat on the edge of the building next to him.

  A few minutes passed before he finally broke the silence, “Everything’s changed Kara.”

  She could hear the tremble in his voice, but said nothing. She waited for him to continue.

  “Marie’s gone. The kids hardly know me. Ray now lives on a steady diet of blood, God only knows where Casey is. Damon left us to play on the other side with his maker, Captain’s on his last legs and you… well… what can I say? I feel a little out of sorts, being as I’m just a man. A man who’s lost everything. I don’t know what I’m living for anymore… I’ve forgotten what normal is.”

  “You’re not just a man Rick, you have more integrity than any other man I’ve ever met. This team needs you. I need you. You keep me sane,” Kara consoled.

  “I’m lost Kara. I feel as though if I walk away, I’ll always be looking back, but if I stay,” he sighed, “I’ll always be looking away. Every fucking day just gets harder and harder.”

  She could hear the desperation in his voice.

  “What do you need Rick?” she asked.

  “I just need it all to end,” he said, and before she could say another word, Rick leaned forward and dropped off the edge of the building.

  “RICK!” she screamed.

  Too slow to stop him, she watched him land with a thud. Kara jumped off the building and swooped down next to his fractured, motionless body. She felt for a pulse, but already knew he was gone, as blood pooled around his broken skull. Her bracelet began to burn her. With a look of confusion, she glanced down to notice it was smouldering and a small portion of the links had turned black.

  Chapter Twelve

  Casey woke to a knot in the pit of her stomach. It was as if something or someone had punched her. A sadness swept over her and tears welled in her eyes. She’d lost something but didn’t know what. It caused her to experience a soul-deep sorrow that she couldn’t explain.

  She looked around the dark room for signs of Saligia, but she was alone. For the first time since she’d been captured, she actually wished the crazy bitch was there. She needed comfort, but was left alone to sob in silence.

  Saligia came in about an hour later. She was bloody and full of energy and Casey knew she’d been out feeding. The thought of it made her stomach churn, but she was glad she’d returned and she wasn’t alone anymore.

  “Honey, I’m home,” Saligia laughed, as she approached Casey. “Oh dear, you’ve been crying. What is it? Has the General been up to his old tricks, trying to frighten you?”

  “No, not at all, he’s been the perfect gentleman,” Casey told her. “I’ve just missed you, that’s all.”

  She didn’t really know what else to tell her, because she didn’t know what it was that had made her cry.

  “Well, I’m here now. How about we get you cleaned up, so you can eat? I’ve brought you your favourite - sushi, though I don’t know how you can stomach raw fish. Yuck, just the thought of it makes me feel positively ill,” Saligia explained.

  ‘This coming from someone that eats people alive,’ Casey sarcastically thought to herself.

  The smell of the rotting flesh made Casey dry reach when she tried to eat, but she knew she was getting weaker by the day and needed to regain her strength, so she tried to hold her breath with each bite she accepted.

  “Good girl. Now if you eat it all up, I’ll tell you a bit more of our story. Would you like that?”

  Casey nodded her head. She needed a distraction from her sadness, and the story had her intrigued her enough to block out the
stench of her prison.


  “So where were we again?” she asked Casey.

  “You were telling me about the name Saligia.”

  “That’s right. Well nothing I did was good enough for Genesis. I was too messy, too greedy, too envious, too, too, too! Always too fucking everything!” she threw a burning candle against the wall in her frustration, making Casey flinch.

  “Have you heard of the seven deadly sins my darling?” she asked her.

  Casey nodded her head.

  “Well I’m the epitome of them, according to Genesis anyway.”

  Casey frowned in confusion, “What do you mean?”

  “Oh pay attention! And for fuck sake do try to keep up,” she snorted. “Starting with Pride, I was always trying to look my best for the great one, Always spruiking about my achievements. He called it showing off, I called it pride. The Latin word for it is, ‘Superbia.’ Are you keeping up my darling?” she asked.

  “So far,” Casey responded.

  “Good. His disapproval didn’t stop there. He also thought I was greedy. I’d been without for most of my life and suddenly I discovered everything was in abundance. All I had to do was take it, clothes, money, jewels, whatever I wanted…everything. Of course the maker thought we should only take what we need, but I’m a firm believer of, ‘If you don’t take it today it may not be there tomorrow,’ so, I liked to save it for a rainy day. I was simply being prepared. The Latin word for greed is... Do you know what it is Casey?” she asked, “No? Well of course you don’t know, it’s ‘Avaritia’.” She smiled as she went on. “Well then, of course, I needed to feel the love that I wasn’t getting from home, so I went out looking for it. I didn’t care where or whom it came from, as long as I felt it. Pretty soon I got addicted to the kind of love I was getting. But did he take any responsibility for my lust? NO! Men, women, both at once, I didn’t care. I revelled in it. ‘Luxuria’ he called it.” She put her hand down the front of her pants and began to fondle herself.


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