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Sam's Little Girl (Soldier Daddies)

Page 7

by Pepper North

  Sam released his control. Entering her at a rapid pace, the powerful man drove her into a final climax before allowing himself to explode inside the protective condom as he buried himself deep inside her. His yell of pleasure echoed in the tiled enclosure.

  When their breathing had settled, Sam lifted her gently off his shaft. Placing Hope on her feet, he wrapped a protective arm around her waist as she clung to him unsteadily. Hope rested against his chest until her legs could support her completely.

  To her delight, Sam bathed her thoroughly. Then striding from the shower stall, he wrapped Hope in a thick towel. “Stay here, little girl. Daddy will help you dress in a few seconds.” He returned to the shower and washed himself quickly. After toweling off, Sam guided her with a large hand on the small of her back to the bedroom. Hope was disappointed when he dressed quickly in the baggy shorts.

  “We need to get you some clothes, candy girl. I think I might have something to fit you,” he mentioned casually.

  Instantly, anger filled her mind. “I’m not wearing something one of your floozies left behind.”

  Sam took her hand and held it firmly, despite her efforts to yank it away. “I said that poorly. Come with me. I want to show you a room that no one has been in except me. That’s where the clothes are. They are new—never been worn.”

  Baffled by this information, Hope felt her heart rate slow as her anger dissipated. “No one’s been inside?” she questioned as he opened a door in the hallway.

  “No one but me,” he assured her, pushing the door open and tugging her inside.

  Hope looked around in disbelief. It was a nursery but made for an adult. Everything was oversized. Her gaze flitted from the large crib to the changing table, to the double-wide rocking chair, before settling on a small pink chair that faced an empty corner.

  “That’s your naughty chair,” he provided quietly.

  “Naughty?” she repeated as her brain whirled in circles.

  “Every Little chooses to misbehave from time to time. I predict your cute bottom will be in that chair often for a while.”

  “Why?” she whispered.

  “Because Littles need to challenge their Daddies to see where the boundaries are. It’s part of adapting to being Little.”

  “I don’t think I’d like that.”

  “I don’t think you will either. Let’s get you dressed, and we can explore your room.” He swept her off her feet and laid her on the changing table. Immediately, Hope tried to scramble off, but Sam held her easily on the padded surface with a hand on her abdomen. “You’re okay, candy girl. Just relax. I haven’t given you any reason to think I’d hurt you, right?”

  Hope continued to struggle for a few seconds as his question processed through her mind. She collapsed down to lie on her back and whispered, “No. You wouldn’t hurt me.”

  “I would never hurt you. There will be things you don’t like but I’m always taking care of you, little girl.”


  “It’s okay, Hope. I’m glad you have some fire. Now, I need to check your temperature before I dress you.”

  She opened her mouth and snapped it shut when he chuckled.


  “Little girls don’t have their temperatures taken in their mouths.” Sam opened a drawer under the padded top and withdrew a large tub of lubricant. After setting it by her hips, Sam withdrew a thick thermometer. Instantly, she knew where he meant to put that.

  “I feel great. Never better. You don’t need to check my temperature.”

  “Once a day, I will place this thermometer in your bottom. Little girls might be tempted to lie if they’re not feeling well.”

  “I’ll tell the truth!” she promised, drawing an X over her heart to demonstrate her truthfulness.

  “Thank you, candy girl. I’ll still make sure. That’s a Daddy’s job, right? To take care of his Little.”

  What could she say to that? Before she could figure it out, Sam turned her on her side and anchored her in place with a thick strap over her ribcage to tether her securely. “Sam?” she squeaked, scared.

  Immediately, he leaned over her as he stroked her back. “You’re okay, Hope. I’m always going to make sure you’re safe. Can you be brave for me?” he asked, holding her gaze.

  “I don’t want to,” she whined.

  “I know. Take deep breaths with me.” Sam inhaled deeply before letting it out in a big gust. “Again.”

  He continued to lead her in slow, deep breathing as he bent her legs up. Hope concentrated on following his example. It was hard when Sam spread her buttocks and spread lubricant on her tight opening. She squeaked as his finger pressed inward to smooth the slippery fluid on the walls of her rectum. She blew out the air in a shuddering gust when he removed his index finger.

  “Deep breath, Hope,” he instructed. As she inhaled, he pressed the thick tube into her bottom despite her clenched muscles. Once inside, he turned and twisted the thermometer until it fully entered her.

  “Good girl, Hope,” he praised, as he held the device in place. “Ten minutes.” Sam reached up on the shelf above to grab a blue figurine. Winding it with his free hand, he placed the bunny-shaped timer in front of her. It ticked loudly as it slowly turned around.

  “The bunny needs a name,” Sam suggested.

  She knew he was trying to distract her. Hope wiggled, hoping to escape his restraining hand and the thick band. “How about Slowpoke,” she suggested sarcastically.

  “Great name. Slowpoke it is.”

  “Are you always going to set the time for ten minutes?”

  “Sometimes, it will be for more time. If your tummy needs help from an enema, I’ll set the time for thirty minutes or more.”

  Hope looked at him in horror. “You are never doing that to me.”

  “If your tummy is unhappy, I will definitely treat it,” Sam replied evenly. His tone conveyed that he wouldn’t budge.

  “Maybe I’m not Little,” she spit out.

  “You don’t get to choose, candy girl,” he answered, swirling the thermometer inside her bottom. “There is good and bad in all situations.” His finger delved between her labia to discover her response to his treatment. Slick juices welled from inside Hope.

  “Your body doesn’t lie. It enjoys having Daddy’s touch. Your bottom is definitely an erotic zone for you. You respond pleasurably every time I touch you here. Soon, I’ll place a plug in your bottom to prepare you to take me here as well.”

  Refusing to respond to that, Hope chose to ignore that plan. She closed her eyes, hiding from his knowing gaze and the proof on his fingertips. Her body loved his control. Surely she wouldn’t enjoy an enema or a plug in her bottom. One small portion of her brain answered yes while the rest dismissed that as impossible. The ring of the timer yanked her from the thoughts that whirled through her mind.

  Immediately, Sam slid the thick tube from her bottom and rotated it to read her temperature. “Perfect, little girl. It’s time to get dressed. Then I bet you’d enjoy exploring your nursery.”

  She watched Sam clean the thermometer and store it in the drawer. Hope swallowed hard imagining what else was in the changing table. Noticing that he left the lubricant out, she knew he planned to use it again. His comment about preparing her bottom ricocheted into her mind. Sam planned to care for her completely.

  Sam shifted her onto her back with the strap still stretched across her ribcage. When his footsteps trailed away, Hope peeked under her eyelashes to see what he was doing. She watched him open a drawer in the chest and pull out a pair of brightly colored leggings and a matching T-shirt. He hesitated and turned to look at her.

  “Candy girl, do you like pink or purple better?”

  “I like blue.” She deliberately chose a color he hadn’t offered.


  Replacing the items he had selected, Sam pulled out a pair of light blue leggings and a darker blue T-shirt. He returned to her side and dropped the clothing next to Hope.
Leaning over, he selected something from the shelf below her and laid a white diaper on the padded top.

  “I don’t need a diaper.”

  “Your panties will be soaked in a minute. The diaper will keep you dry.” Sam gathered her feet in one immense hand and raised them into the air, lifting her hips from the padding. Within seconds, he had it fastened securely around her bottom.

  Exploring the plastic outer layer with her fingers, Hope didn’t know what to say. In all those books she’d read, the Daddies often dressed their Littles in a diaper. She’d always wondered what it would feel like before dismissing the thought as weird. Now she knew it was true. Daddies wanted their Littles in a diaper.

  “I don’t have to use this, right?” she asked as Sam threaded her feet through the leggings.

  “Yes. Remember, we’re trying everything to see what’s right for you. Letting your daddy take care of your basic needs could make you feel loved and cherished.”

  “You don’t want to deal with all that,” she protested, lifting her bottom to help him smooth the stretchy garment over her now padded hips.

  “There is no part of you that repels me, candy girl. Definitely, if you suffer from cramps during your cycle, I will insist that you ditch tampons and use your diaper.”

  She looked up at him in shock. He spoke so casually about embarrassing topics. His expression was gentle and understanding. When Sam unfastened the strap that confined her to the padding, she sat up quickly and wrapped her arms around his waist to cling to him. Burying her face in his chest, Hope wondered how she had found this man. He was so unlike any of her previous boyfriends.

  A thought sparked in her brain. Sam wasn’t a boyfriend with an emphasis on boy. He was her daddy. A man who knew what he wanted and had searched for her. Sam had known immediately that she was his. A feeling of rightness settled over her. Hope knew she could trust him completely.

  “I’m so glad I found you, little girl. You’re everything I wished and dreamed of finding,” he gently told her.

  “I’m glad you found me, too,” she mumbled against his chest.

  Dropping a light kiss on her head, Sam instructed, “Hands up, candy girl. Let’s get this shirt on before you catch a chill.” He smoothed the large garment over her head before lifting her down to stand next to him.

  “That’s not exactly the right size shirt, but it will be comfy,” he pointed out when the hem settled almost to her knees.

  “I can’t believe you had all this!”

  “I always set up the nursery when I’m transferred. I wanted to be ready for you when I found you.” He came close to hug her.

  When he stepped away, she asked, “Can we go look at the toys?”

  “Of course!”

  Hope skipped to the bin and dropped to her knees to look inside. There were board games over there. Several puzzles sat on the other side. Sam had gathered art supplies in a large tub in the middle. Unsure of what to do, Hope didn’t touch anything. Something was missing.

  “I thought we’d go to the toy store to pick out a stuffie or two. It’s important to choose the right one,” Sam suggested.

  “Really? I get to choose a stuffie?”

  “Let me put some clothes on and we’ll go.”

  “I can’t go like this,” she protested with a hand on her hip.

  “No one will know that you have a diaper on, Hope. Go look at the mirror. You look adorable,” he said, pointing to a long mirror on the wall.

  Immediately, Hope jumped to her feet and raced to the mirror. She looked normal—just like anybody in a pair of leggings and a tunic. Turning to look over her shoulder at her backside, Hope smoothed a hand over her bottom. There was a slight crinkle but otherwise, there was nothing to give away that she wore a diaper.

  Sam stopped to kiss her softly. “Trust me, little one.”

  Nodding, Hope followed him back to the master bedroom. She flushed at the sight of the crumpled covers and the clothes scattered everywhere. Quickly, she gathered up her clothing and folded everything in a neat pile on his dresser. The bed was her next target. Hope walked toward the top of the large bed. She was forced to stop when Sam stepped in her way.

  “Let’s do it together,” he suggested. When Hope nodded, he rounded the bed to the other side. In a snap, they had it straightened.

  “Good job, little girl. Shall we go get a stuffie now?”


  Chapter 9

  “Stay right there. I’ll let you out.”

  Nodding, Hope followed his directions. They had come to an enormous toy store. She’d been inside a few times to buy birthday and baby shower gifts. It was so much fun to look around. Hope was always there for hours. She’d pick a stuffie quickly, so Sam didn’t have to wait.

  When the large man helped her out of the truck, he took her hand. Gripping it securely, she walked with him to the front door. As they headed toward the stuffed animals, Sam squeezed her hand. “Get what you love. Take your time. There is no rush.”

  He can read my thoughts? Hope stumbled, and Sam immediately steadied her.

  “Careful, candy girl. Here we are. There’s an entire row of stuffies. Choose the perfect one.”

  Hope walked the length of the aisle and touched nothing. She clasped her hands together in front of her heart to keep from squeezing all of them. It would have to be soft and cuddly. On the way back down the aisle, Hope hesitated in front of a brown hedgehog. He looked at her with a giant grin.

  Looking over at Sam, she checked to make sure it was okay. His quick nod gave her permission to pick up the toy. The hedgehog’s plush outside was silky and its adorable face begged for kisses. Tentatively, she hugged the stuffie to her chest. Perfect! He was squishy and fit into her arms like he was made for her. Surreptitiously, she checked the price and immediately put him back on the shelf. She couldn’t ask Sam to pay that much and her pre-employment funds had dwindled.

  Leaving the hedgehog on the shelf, Hope dragged herself down the row. Everything was cute, but it wasn’t exactly what she wanted. Finally, she forced herself to pick up another stuffie. It was a pink flamingo. She liked it fine. It wasn’t as soft or huggable, but she could learn to love it. The price was half what the hedgehog was.

  “I like this one,” she said, holding it up for her daddy to approve. Her budget could afford it.

  “Are you sure that’s the one you want?” he questioned her closely. “Get the one you love—not the one you’re settling for.”

  “This one is awesome,” she answered instantly, forcing herself not to look at the brown stuffie who seemed to watch her with sad eyes.

  “I think I’ll get myself a stuffie, too.” Sam went down the aisle and plucked the hedgehog from the shelf. “This is so loveable. We can’t leave him here. Let’s take these two up to the cashier.”

  “Wait, Daddy,” she blurted without realizing that she called him the D word in public. “You don’t have to buy both.”

  “The hedgehog told me he liked you a lot and wanted to go home with us. He’s willing to share you with the flamingo if you want her, too.”

  “I really want Hedgie. But he’s so expensive.”

  “Can you put a price on something that feels right?” Sam probed. “Let’s take Hedgie to the cash register. Your flamingo friend can come with us, too. Does she feel right to you?”

  Hope squeezed the pink stuffie to her chest. She really was a sweet stuffie. Suddenly, Hope knew what to do. Carefully, she set the flamingo in an obvious spot at the front of the shelf where everyone would see her. “Pinkette deserves someone to love her as much as I love Hedgie. It’s not fair to her to be in second place.”

  “That is very sweet of you. Let’s take Hedgie to one more aisle before we check out.” Sam handed the stuffie to Hope before taking her hand and leading her to the nursery aisle. There, he stopped in front of a display of blankets. “Every Little needs a blanket. Which one do you prefer?”

  Scanning the display of all types of blankets, Hope
tried to decide. She touched all the display samples to see which was the softest. The picture on one drew her. The blanket had a jumble of cartoon kittens and puppies cavorting on it. Made of soft quilted cotton fabric, it looked cuddly.

  “This one,” she decided. With a start, Hope realized she hadn’t looked at the price.

  Sam didn’t hesitate. He simply scooped up the plastic-wrapped package. “Come on, little girl. Let’s go introduce Hedgie to your nursery.”

  She’s so precious. Sam held Hope’s hand in his. He liked how she clung to him. When he needed his hand to pull out his credit card, Hope pressed herself to his side. He loved that his presence reassured her.

  “Could you cut the tag off the hedgehog, and we’ll carry him out of the store? Just put the blanket in a bag,” he requested.

  Without commenting, the cashier quickly arranged things. “Thanks for shopping with us today. Enjoy your new friend.”

  “Here, candy girl. You hold Hedgie.” Sam handed the stuffie to Hope, who immediately hugged him to her chest before holding her hand out to him to take. He linked his fingers with hers and guided her back to the truck.

  Boosting her up into the seat, Sam reached across her to buckle the belt securely around her. He kissed her lightly before stroking Hedgie’s back. “I think you chose the best stuffie ever.”

  “I love him,” Hope confessed.

  “Good. Hedgehogs need love, too.”

  Sam knew he was smiling from ear to ear as he rounded the hood. He’d searched for his Little for so long. A couple of times, he’d thought he’d found the right one, but eventually things hadn’t gone well. This time felt different—more than right.

  Climbing into the truck, Sam noticed Hope licking her lips. “Are you thirsty, candy girl?”


  Running through the drive-thru of a nearby burger place, Sam ordered a bunch of burgers and two large soft drinks after checking what she liked. When he handed her the drink, Hope sucked thirstily on the straw. By the time, he pulled into the garage, her cup was empty.

  After carrying their packages and Hedgie into the kitchen, Sam pulled out Hope’s chair for her. Pouring her a large glass of water, he placed it in front of her before unpacking their fast-food lunch. He shook his head at himself for not feeding her better.


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