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Sam's Little Girl (Soldier Daddies)

Page 8

by Pepper North

  “Don’t you like burgers?” she asked, reading his expression.

  “I love them. But I should feed you better.”

  “We’ll go to the grocery store later,” she decided.

  “That’s a great idea. After naptime,” he agreed.

  “I don’t need a nap,” she protested. “I’m not a baby.”

  “Of course you’re not. Naps are good for everyone.”

  “Do you take a nap?”


  “Oh!” Hope took a big bite of her burger and wiggled in delight. “I was hungry.”

  “I bet. You’ve had a lot of exercise today.” He winked at her.

  “Daddy!” she protested, blushing furiously.

  “Eat, little girl.” He kissed her on the head before sitting down at his place to open a wrapper. “Yum!” Sam devoured one burger and reached for another.

  “You ate that in three bites!”

  “I did. Daddies have big mouths.” He laughed when Hope opened her jaw as widely as possible. “Yours looks just the right size.”

  “Really? For eating hamburgers?”

  “No, candy girl.” He waggled his eyebrows at her suggestively. “Perhaps later, we’ll experiment.”

  “Daddy!” she protested before confessing quickly, “I’d like that.”

  “I would, too. Drink your water, so you stay hydrated,” he directed.

  Sam plowed through the mound of burgers he had purchased. When they were out on a mission, there was never enough time to eat the sparse supplies they sacrificed other equipment to carry. It was a balancing act that had gone awry on the last mission. Not anticipating being there for an extended amount of time, they exhausted their food in the first week and had existed on protein pouches. The goo resembled peanut butter and provided enough calories for an entire day. But that didn’t keep them from getting hungry. Learning to focus solely on the mission had been an important lesson for each of them to master.

  He was pleased when she ate another that he placed by her. As she finished her water, Sam wiped his hands carefully. Picking up the wrapped blanket, he unzipped the protective cover and pulled out the soft blanket. Shaking it out, he got rid of the cardboard interspersed in its folds. “This is so cute. Maybe I need a blankie, too.”

  “Daddies don’t have blankies,” she protested. One hand rubbed her eyes sleepily.

  “Naptime for little girls,” he announced as he grabbed the blanket and scooped Hope from her chair.

  “Don’t forget Hedgie.” Leaning her close to the spot where the hedgehog waited, he watched her pull the stuffie tight against her chest. He carried her to the beautiful nursery. Laying her in the crib, he covered her with the blanket. As he raised the side railing, she sat up.

  “I need to use the restroom first,” she protested.

  “Of course.” Sam placed one hand low on her tummy and the other on her back. Squeezing firmly, he helped her wet her diaper.

  “No! Don’t make me!” she protested before getting very quiet as a soft hissing sound reached his ears.

  Sam maintained the pressure until she slumped against him. “All out?” he asked.

  “I don’t like that.”

  “I know, little girl. It’s scary in the beginning. Let’s get you cleaned up.”

  He lifted her from the crib and hugged her tight to his chest. “You’re a very good Little.”

  Sam rocked her until she relaxed against him. Then he carried her to the changing table. Stripping off her leggings, he disposed of the wet diaper. He pressed her knees fully apart to reveal her pink folds. After carefully wiping her skin clean, Sam stroked those sensitive areas he’d pinpointed again. Her body responded to his touch instantly.

  When she pulled her knees together, Sam warned, “Be good, candy girl. Close your eyes if you need to.”

  Slowly, she lowered her legs back to the table. Hope squeezed her eyes shut as pink flooded her cheeks. She looked adorable.

  He caressed her intimately. Stroking his fingertip around her wet opening, Sam was pleased to see her glistening juices. His little girl enjoyed his attention as much as he loved touching her. Unable to resist, he leaned over to taste her.

  “Mmm!” he hummed against her. Her wiggling response clued him in that she enjoyed that sensation. Instantly, the image of her in the naughty chair with a vibrator pressed against her clit sprang to his mind. He knew that punishment would be extremely potent for his Little.

  Flicking his tongue over her clit, Sam pressed two fingers into her body. She bucked against him, trying to speed up his actions. Sam took his time. Her climax would come quickly. He wanted her to want it badly. Moving slowly, he glided his fingers in and out of her tight channel as he maintained his attention to that bundle of nerves at the top of her entrance.

  He could feel her thighs quivering as her climax approached. Sam curved his fingers to rake lightly over that sensitive spot on the walls of her vagina. Hope bounced slightly on the padded top as she held her breath. Sucking her clit lightly between his lips, Sam provided the last sensation she needed. With a cry, his Little contracted around his inserted fingers as her body spasmed with pleasure.

  Moving quickly, he removed a small plug from the drawer below her. Dipping it in the lubricant, he pulled her buttocks apart to reveal that smaller opening. Sam pressed it inside and watched her body clamp around it as the invader revitalized her climax. As she protested weakly, he wrapped her once again in an absorbent diaper.

  “Shhh! Little girl. It’s time you were napping.” He stripped her large T-shirt off, leaving her naked except for the wrap around her bottom.

  Picking her up, Sam rocked her in his arms until her eyes blinked heavily. With a kiss on her forehead, he carried Hope to the crib and settled her on the soft mattress. “Hold on to Hedgie,” he instructed, placing the stuffie against her chest. He loved her shiver as the plush toy caressed her bare breasts. His Little was definitely a sensuous concoction. Sam covered her with the blankie and lifted the side railing to keep her safe inside.

  By the time he’d closed the blinds completely, the rustling in the crib had disappeared. Sam turned on the baby monitor and picked up the view pad. Thank goodness, he’d prepared for his Little to appear. With one last look in the crib, Sam forced himself to leave the room. Hope needed to rest.

  Chapter 10

  Yawn! Her jaw popped as it stretched widely. Blinking, Hope looked around the nursery as she tried to get her bearings. So much had happened so fast. Finally, with everything straight in her mind, Hope pushed herself up to sit in the crib. She shifted as the plug in her bottom made itself known to her as she moved.

  Holding on to her blankie and Hedgie, she called softly, “Daddy?”

  A rustling outside the closed door reassured her that Sam had heard her. In just a few seconds, it opened and her daddy walked in. Hope loved the big smile that spread his lips upon seeing her. She could tell he was totally into her.

  “Hi, candy girl. You napped well. I bet you feel better.”

  “Can you take it out?” she asked urgently.

  “I think the plug has done its job for this afternoon. Your bottom will soon be used to being filled,” he assured her as he lowered the railing.

  “I don’t need it. Really!” she said quickly when he just winked at her.

  “Come here, little girl. I need to hold you.” Sam picked her up and paced slowly across the floor. His arms around her torso tightened. “Go potty.”

  “No!” she pleaded as she struggled to prevent an accident. Unable to withstand the pressure, Hope peed into the thick padding. Hiding her face in the crook of his neck, she felt her face flame with embarrassment.

  “Good girl. Let’s get you cleaned up.”

  Within minutes, Hope stood on the floor next to the changing table. Freshly diapered and dressed, she clung to Sam’s hand. Hope felt good—better than she had for a long time. She looked around the room, ready to explore. Math problems dashed into her mind, interrup
ting her plans.

  “I need to work for a while. I think I have an answer to something that has plagued me for a while. Do you mind?”

  “I’ll get caught up on my bills and cleaning the house. If you’re still working later, I’ll run out to the grocery store. If not, you can come with me,” Sam suggested.

  Hope looked at him in disbelief. “You don’t mind if I work for a while?”

  “Candy girl, we both have obligations that will interfere with our time together. I won’t allow you to endanger your health, but you’ve taken a good nap and I bet your brain is raring to go.”

  “I feel good,” she admitted.

  “I’m going to try to make sure you always feel good,” he said, pulling her in for a tight hug before releasing her. “Want to sit at the kitchen table?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Within minutes, she was quickly recalculating a tricky proof. To her delight when she looked up an hour later, she’d figured it out. A half hour after that, she’d run through it again to check her results. Guiltily, she listened to determine where Sam was. The house was quiet. A memory of him dropping a kiss on her head before leaving flashed into her mind. She smiled as she realized he must have gone shopping.

  Quickly, Hope contacted the study team with her results. From all corners of the world, the mathematicians downloaded her solution and went quiet. Thirty minutes later, her computer erupted with congratulations and excited chatter. She’d done it.

  The rattle of the garage door sounded, and Hope said goodbye to her long-distance friends. They had been matched by a think-bank several months ago and had worked together very successfully. With one last wave, Hope closed down her computer and darted out the door into the garage to help Sam.

  “Whoa, little girl!” Sam exclaimed as they almost crashed into each other in the doorway.

  “I did it! I solved the problem!”

  “That’s incredible, candy girl. I got lost in the first line of all those symbols and numbers. We need to celebrate,” he declared.

  “I’d like that!”

  “Let’s get all this food inside and we’ll decide what to do.” Sam handed Hope what she was sure was the lightest bag to carry inside.

  Hope chattered excitedly, sharing the team’s reaction and how something incredibly simple had turned out to be the solution. “We were looking for a complex answer and it turned out to be simple division.”

  “How did you figure it out?” Sam asked, steering her toward the nursery without interrupting her celebration.

  “I woke up, and it just came to me.”

  “Naps can make a big difference.”

  Heat flashed over her face, and Hope knew she was blushing. “It was actually the plug.”

  “Really?” Sam asked conversationally, as if there was nothing strange about this confession. He lifted her to lie on the padded mat.

  “I needed to insert one bit of the puzzle as the divisor. It seemed so obvious when I woke up.” As Sam stripped off her leggings, Hope realized that her diaper was wet. She’d been so involved in mastering that problem that she’d automatically used it. “Oh!”

  “Let me get you changed, candy girl, and we’ll decide how to celebrate.”

  “I didn’t mean to use my diaper,” she rushed to tell him.

  “Your brain knew you were wearing it when your body needed relief without interrupting your calculations. A win-win situation if I’ve ever seen one. The Little inside you is strong, Hope.”

  “Is that a good thing?” she asked.

  “It’s an amazing thing,” he reassured her before leaning over to blow air on her tummy to make a funny sound.

  “That tickles!” she giggled. She grabbed his head when he lowered it again.

  “Daddy!” she protested, wiggling on the table.

  Sam lifted his head to look at her. His eyes shone with unshed tears. Her breath caught in her throat, and she held her arms out to this invincible warrior who obviously cared deeply about her. Without an explanation, he swept Hope up in his arms and hugged her tightly. For several seconds, he held her close before kissing Hope tenderly.

  Allowing her body to slide against his, Sam set Hope on the soft carpet. Taking her hand, he said softly, “I’m so glad I found you, little girl.”

  Hope nodded and squeezed his hand. “I’m glad you found me, too, Daddy.”

  Laughing at the long piece of cheese that drooped over her daddy’s chin, Hope took another bite of the pizza with extra mozzarella cheese. Sam had allowed her to choose her favorite restaurant for her celebration. It had taken thirty minutes to create the thick masterpiece, but he had been happy to wait. She loved that Sam enjoyed being with her, regardless of minor annoyances.

  “This is the best pizza, candy girl. I can see why you love it so,” he complimented her choice as he lifted the white string of deliciousness and popped it into his mouth.

  “Sam! Who’s your friend?” a deep voice called from a few inches from the table.

  “Doniphan! How come you never shared this pizza joint with the team? It’s amazing!” Sam dropped his pizza to hold out his hand in greeting.

  Turning to Hope, he explained, “This is Doniphan. He’s our team medic. He keeps us all healthy. Doniphan, this special woman is Hope,” he said, completing the introductions.

  “Hope, I’m glad to meet you.” Doniphan extended his hand to shake Hope’s.

  She watched the two men exchange a meaningful look. Sam nodded subtly. Doniphan’s smile grew broader. The medic turned back to Hope.

  “Sam and I have a lot in common. I’m glad you found each other. I hope someday, I’ll be that lucky.”

  He couldn’t be talking about what she thought. Is Doniphan a Daddy, too? While questions whirled in her mind, the two men chatted easily.

  “I’ll get out of here and let you eat. That pizza is best steaming hot. Hope, it has been a pleasure to meet you. Sam, carb up. Mark’s planned a long run for us tomorrow.” With that advice, Doniphan left them alone.

  “He’s the medic?” Hope asked a simple question to give herself time to think.

  “The absolute best. Doniphan has a degree as a nurse practitioner. That’s one step below a doctor. He’s overqualified to be out in the field, but that’s where he wants to be. Thanks to his skills, we’ve all returned from some dicey missions.”

  “It scares me that your job is so dangerous,” she whispered.

  “I’m sorry, candy girl. I don’t mean to frighten you. Our commander, Mark, keeps our training schedule rigorous, so we’re prepared for almost anything. Remember, now that I’ve found you, I’m going to fight like hell to make it back to you.”

  Hope nodded, but the tendril of fear that curled in her tummy didn’t go away. She took another bite of pizza to cover her reaction, before asking, “Would you mind sitting for me? I’d love to draw you.”

  “As long as we’re together, little girl, I’m happy to try anything.”

  Chapter 11

  Hope had spent four days with Sam before he’d been deployed again. That call had come in the middle of the night as she had lain cuddled next to his warm body. Hope had stayed at his house just in case he’d return quickly. On the third evening alone, she’d tidied up and cleared out the refrigerator. It was time for her to make plans.

  When she arrived back home, her parents hadn’t asked any questions, but Hope knew everything was different now. With a clear focus, she’d reviewed all her job possibilities. There was only one she really wanted.

  “Thank you, sir, for this opportunity,” Hope spoke confidently into her cell phone. She’d called the general from her old room at her parents’ house. She wouldn’t call it home anymore. Her heart belonged somewhere else now.

  She’d accepted the job with the military. The ability to work with a team as she had been doing was a big lure, but the deciding factor was that she could do it from anywhere. She would be able to stay with Sam. That’s where she wanted to be.

  Packing her clothes
and technology, Hope tried to keep busy. She had a million things to do before being settled at Sam’s. The government would send a specialist to the small home to connect a secured line with a ton of bandwidth to make her communication with the other teammates seamless and protected.

  Hope kept waiting for the feeling that she was doing the wrong thing to hit, but it didn’t. She wanted to be with Sam. He wanted her safe in her nursery or in his arms. Before he left, he’d paused long enough to ask her to be ready to move in when he returned. To surprise him, she wanted to be there already.

  “Hope,” her mother spoke softly from the doorway. “Would you like any help?”

  “Hi, Mom! I’d love it if you’d just scoop up the stuff in those drawers and throw it in a box.”

  The two women worked in silence for several minutes, making steady progress. Hope peeked over at her mom several times. Was she worried?

  “Hope, I never told you the story of how your dad and I met.”

  “Sure you have, Mom. You ran into each other at a dance and you fell in love,” Hope recounted with a smile.

  “That’s not quite the first time that we met.”

  “Really?” Hope stopped packing her art supplies to sit down on the bed. “How did you actually meet?”

  “I was driving home late at night—much later than my curfew. I’d snuck out the back window of my bedroom to go out with my friends to a party. They used to have enormous bonfires in the woods and all the kids hung out together.”

  “Mom, you rebel!” Hope was astonished.

  “Now you know why we were so strict with your curfew,” she commented before continuing her story. “My tire went flat in the middle of an abandoned road that no one drove anymore. It was too far to walk, and there was no one to help me. When a car pulled up behind me, I panicked and ran into the woods to hide. It didn’t take your father long to find me.”


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