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The Easily Defeated Hero's Monster Girl Adventure

Page 94

by Amanda Clover

  Worse, your lewd imaginings begin to arouse your desire. You stare down at the swell in your trousers and grunt with anger.

  You resist the urge to pleasure yourself to the thought of your companion being fucked by a monster. You turn to the bland food you have been given, eating the flatbread and scooping the mealy spread into your mouth. There are two desert plums, which are sour and unripe, but which you force yourself to eat to keep from thinking about Theora crying out with ecstasy. Theora slurping eagerly on Toad’s cock. Theora begging, “More! More!”

  “Goddess, give me strength,” you mutter and drain the last of the water from the pitcher as if drinking a strong alcohol to forget your troubles.

  You glance over at the Holy Sword of Veleda, leaned against the wall. It would be so easy to flee into the sword and escape your troubles in the embrace of one of your other companions.

  “No,” you growl, angry at yourself for even considering such an escape. “While Theora suffers, I cannot escape to pleasure. I must embrace my guilt.”

  Surprisingly, this acceptance of your role in Theora’s misery for the evening helps you to find some peace. You even hope she is enjoying herself. Though perverse, it is better than the alternative.

  You curl on the bed, still angry with yourself, but at least willing to accept that blame. After the exhausting events of the day, sleep comes mercifully quick.

  You descend into the fires of a faraway place.


  Lick Theora’s filthy ass

  The scent of Toad’s foul, reptilian spunk is nothing compared to the raunchy sight of Theora’s cum-flooded anus clenching repeatedly. Your cock throbs in your trousers and you let out a moan of lust. You slowly extend your tongue towards her creamy crack.

  “That’s right,” croaks Toad. “Taste my cum, pitiful human. My seed will fill her holes before I am done with her. Go on! Do it!”

  “No, please do not humiliate yourself,” cries Theora, wiggling her hips and unwittingly rubbing her cum-covered ass against your tongue.

  Your first taste of Toad’s salty, bitter spunk nearly makes you retch. You jerk back and try to spit the taste from your mouth.

  “Lick,” croaks Toad, pushing on the back of your head.

  You tell yourself you have no choice as you thrust your tongue into the cummy valley between Theora’s glazed globes. You feel the hot divot of her anus twitch and tighten beneath your lick and it makes your cock throb in your trousers. You moan pitifully and begin to lave her creamy crack, the taste of Toad’s reptilian cum filling your mouth as you clean Theora’s ass. You have no choice but to swallow most of the foul liquid, gulping again and again as you lap at Theora’s clenching ring.

  “That’s it,” croaks Toad with amusement. “You are only fit to like the seed that drips from her ass.”

  Theora whimpers with despair, but your eager tongue, swirling at her ring, encourages her to push her big ass into your face. You are smothered by her soft, round ass, your face smeared with reptilian cum and your mouth full of the taste. You worship her angelic ass, your cock twitching each time you taste her from taint to twitching ring. The more cum you lap up from her cheeks, the hotter and more eager you become.

  “I think he likes it,” laughs Toad.

  “Noooo,” wails Theora, nevertheless rolling her hips and fucking back against your face.

  You finally manage to thrust your tongue into her ass, tasting her pink pucker and escaping the musk of Toad’s cum. She is ironically fresher and cleaner inside her pink hole than any other part of her ass. You thrust your tongue deep, eagerly, eliciting a wail of pleasure from Theora.

  This seems to irritate Toad and he roughly hauls your chair back and tips it over backwards. Your head thumps painfully against the floor.

  “That’s enough!” He croaks. “The little human has cleaned you up. Now I’m going to give your ass a proper fucking! Kahad, come untie this boy and get him out of my sight! Make sure he is taken care of!”

  Toad grunts and you hear Theora wail in shock. The huge, masked warrior appears standing over you. He unties you and wrestles you to your feet. You fight him, glimpsing Toad rutting furiously with Theora from behind, but you are no match for the muscular brute. Kahad drags you out of the throne room as you hear Theora being assfucked. You are taken to a small, windowless bedroom, given a tray of food and a pitcher of water, and locked inside.

  All you can think about is Theora’s plush ass being plundered by Toad’s vile cock. And there is nothing you can do to stop him.


  Defeated by Saleen

  You cannot meet Toad’s lecherous reptilian gaze. You hang your head in defeat as the brutish reptile lumbers closer.

  “The proud little boy cannot face the consequences of his defeat,” croaks Toad.

  “Leave him be,” says Theora.

  You watch sidelong as Toad waddles over to her and wraps his scaly arms around her. He runs his fat, pink tongue up her neck to her ear and reaches around her to fondle her ample breasts through her gown. She shudders and you wince in disgust at the sight of his filthy brownish-green hands pawing at her immaculate body.

  “You must pay the price for your hero’s failure, Theora,” he croaks with amusement, squeezing her breasts roughly and causing her to cry out.

  “Please, stop this,” you cry.

  “Stop?” Toad releases Theora and steps past her, his throat inflating as he stands upright and looms over you. “Kahad, tie the boy up. Let him watch while I take my pleasure from his precious angel.

  “No!” You cry in outrage.

  You kick and flail as the huge human warrior grabs you and drags you over to a wooden chair. He ties your arms behind your back and your ankles to the legs of the chair with unbreakable silk rope. Your bonds are far too tight to allow you any hope of escape.

  “Now watch, boy,” croaks Toad, returning to Theora and fondling her as she looks away from him. He parts her gown and slips it from her alabaster body. His clawed hands squeeze and shape her soft breasts. Toad’s pink tongue caresses her neck and her ear and she winces with disgust. One of the foul lizard man’s clawed hands slides down Theora’s gold-tufted sex and he cups her delicate mound.

  “Bastard,” you hiss.

  “If you hate this so much,” croaks Toad, thrusting a scaly finger into Theora’s pussy, “be a coward and look away.”

  He turns Theora’s face to his, forcing her into a kiss and thrusting the wide pink wedge of his tongue into her mouth. He pumps his fingers in and out of her folds, making her breasts jiggle and shake as he violates her perfect pussy.

  What do you do?

  Look away as Theora pays the price

  Watch as Theora pays the price

  Drink the Pink Milk Potion

  Saleen seems driven by her hatred of human men. Changing into a woman might disarm her of her anger and give you an opening to strike.

  You parry another of the nimble elf’s attacks and switch to a one-handed grip on your sword. You reach into the leather pouch worn on your hip and retrieve the vial containing the pink milk potion. You pop the stopper and tilt the vial to your lip and drink a small measure of the potion. You stopper the vial and return the potion to your pouch.

  “What was that?” Saleen sneers, feigning another attack. “Some potion is not going to be enough to give you… give you the… what is happening to you?”

  “Ohhhhhh!” You cry, barely able to keep your guard up as your body begins to change. Your hair grows long and silky, your waist narrower, your arms less muscular, and your cock retreats, splits, and forms the entrance of your new pussy. You gasp as your chest swells with ample breasts and thick, erect nipples straining beneath your robe. Your hips grow wider, your bottom softer and rounder, and your legs become more slender.

  “What trickery is this?” Saleen snarls. “You have become a woman?”

  “The woman who will best you, Saleen,” you say, doing your best to sound tough with your newly soft
and feminine voice.

  Your hopes of catching Saleen off-guard are vanquished the moment you attempt to press the attack. Your large breasts get in the way of your swing, bouncing beneath your robe and completely shifting your body’s balance. You nearly fall over you are so top-heavy on your swing and Saleen is there to take full advantage of your mistake.

  “Stupid speck turned into a stupid wench,” she laughs, catching your sword blade on both her daggers and wrenching it violently out of your grasp. You cry out and fall backwards onto your ass, your breasts bouncing violently inside your robe and your thick, sensitive nipples rubbing against the material. There is no chance for you to recover before Saleen is on you, bowling you over onto your back with her weight. She straddles your abdomen and presses the sharp blade of a knife to her throat.

  “Don’t hurt that one,” croaks Toad. “I want to have a look at her.”

  “Yield to me,” she hisses, presses the blade just hard enough to cause a little pain.

  “I yield,” you hiss through clenched teeth. She mistakes your response for anger at her, but you are furious with yourself. Quaffing that potion was foolish.

  “Oh, Lucas, what have you done?” Theora moans.

  “Well done, Saleen,” says Toad. “You may leave us.”

  The petite elf bows to Toad and heads for the curtain covering the entrance to the throne room. As she passes you, she salutes you with one her daggers.

  You rise to your feet and find that Toad has descended from his perch of pillows. He walks confidently towards you, his scaly limbs still easily carrying his weight despite his ample belly. His bulging, reptilian eyes blink and he licks the lips of huge mouth with his wide, pink tongue. You catch the strange bestial scent of him as he draws closer.

  “Look at what you have become Lucas… or should I call you Lucia?” He runs a hand over your shapely hip, sending a shudder through your body. The big reptile lumbers behind you and his clawed fingers drag over the swell of your rump. He gives your ass a squeeze and you let out a girlish cry.

  “Unhand her – him – you perverse brute,” shouts Theora.

  “She can speak for herself,” croaks Toad, circling back around to your front. “You were such a brave warrior against my Saleen. How far does your bravery go, Lucia?”

  “W-what?” You stammer, your face flushed and the erect shape of your nipples plainly visible beneath your robe.

  “Do not do this, Grazzek,” says Theora.

  “Oh, so you remember my real name?” Toad smiles, revealing his sharp teeth behind his wide, thin lips. “You’re not jealous are you, Theora? Thinking about how my cock felt all those years ago?”

  His bulging gaze snaps back to you.

  “I am going to defile your pretty angel, Lucia,” croaks Grazzek. “Unless…”

  You shudder as his clawed fingers caress your cheek.

  “No!” Theora snaps.

  “I will give you the choice, brave Lucia,” says Grazzek. “Take Theora’s place and spend the night with me. Or refuse me and I will force your pretty angel to do things you cannot imagine.”

  Your fear is cold, but a strange lust quivers in your thighs and fills your tender core with heat. You try to tell yourself that you are man, not a woman. Could you really allow yourself to be used by this ugly creature to spare Theora?

  What do you do?

  Agree to Take Theora’s Place

  Refuse to take Theora's place

  Meeting with the Toad

  As you make your way through the endless souks, peddler tents, and narrow, winding alleyways, you become aware that people are gawking at you. Theora notices as well and pulls you aside.

  “First thing, we find you clothes more appropriate to the desert,” she says. “Stay here. I will return.”

  She slips out of the shadow and you listen to the overlapping voices of the crowd and the occasional high-pitched calls of the water and food sellers. Theora returns and presses several layers of airy, cream-colored robes to wear instead of your trousers and tunic. She blocks the view of the crowd as you strip off and slip into the robes. They are comfortable and despite the multiple layers they are quite cool.

  “Good enough,” says Theora as if annoyed by the need to dress you.

  “Sorry I don’t have a shape-shifting gown like you,” you mutter at her hooded white gown that seems more modest than before.

  The outfit works though and allows you to slip unnoticed through the crowd alongside the hooded angel. She leads you to a sleazy bar, brushing past a tawny-skinned woman with breasts painted with red pigment. The whore offers herself to you in a language you cannot understand. Inside the tavern, Theora approaches the swarthy, black-bearded bartender and speaks to him in the same language the whore had used. The bartender is gruesomely ugly and large, though you don’t really see much resemblance to a toad.

  “Here,” he says, beckoning you both to step behind the bar.

  You follow Theora and the man holds open a door between the shelves packed with bottles of exotic spirits. Theora ducks inside and you find yourself with her in a dimly lit tunnel that seems cut into the stone itself. You travel for quite a long time, reaching a barred iron door. Theora pulls a string on the frame beside the door and you can faintly hear a bell sounding on the other side.

  A slender man with long black hair and armor of green leather greets you. He draws a curved dagger and holds it at the ready.

  “We are here to see the Toad,” she says to the man.

  “He know you?” The man growls.

  “Tell him Theora is here to see him.”

  “Best not be wasting his time,” the man growls, but sheaths his dagger and motions for you to follow. You are in an opulent building made from huge red bricks. Tapestries hang on the wall depicting, oddly, armies of lizard men triumphing over humans. In one tapestry, you see a depiction of lizard men slaughtering human men and raping women. In another, you see a legion of lizard men sacking a desert city.

  “What is this place?” You whisper to Theora.

  “The Toad runs the underworld in Vorokesh,” she whispers. “He will be the one that brokers the caravans to and from Kazadar. He will arrange travel for us to that accursed city.”

  “But, you know him?” You ask.

  Her lips tighten into a frown. She nods her head, but offers no further explanation.

  You reach an archway hung with a heavy curtain of red silk. The man in the green armor pulls the curtain aside and motions for us to enter. You step out into a large throne room open to the sky. Sunlight forms a bright semi-circle on the golden sandstone floor defined by the angle of the sun and the shape of the walls high above. In the shade, atop a great many silky cushions, lounges a corpulent lizard man. His arms and legs are muscular, but it is clear by his ample belly that he has spent his recent years indolent. His scales are a pale green color, almost the same shade as the leather armor worn by our escort, though lighter across his abdomen and chest.

  A huge human warrior, bare-chested and with a face covered in an iron mask, stands guard beside the lizard man. Two nearly-nude concubines lounge alongside the lizard man, one caressing his legs with her head against his loincloth and the other stroking his shoulders.

  “Toad,” calls Theora, pulling back the hood of her gown.

  Toad’s lidded eyes slowly open to reveal narrow vertical pupils and yellow irises. He stares at Theora and runs his wide, pink tongue along the reptilian lips of his enormous mouth.

  “Theora of Veleda,” he croaks, sitting up slightly and shifting the girls resting against him. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit? Back for more?”

  “Business,” says Theora, her jaw tight with restrained anger.

  “You are as beautiful as I recall,” croaks Toad, brushing aside the cooing affection of his concubines. “I never expected to see you again, but it is a delight. What business? Tell me of the business you bring to me. Is there profit in it?”

  “Afraid not,” says Theora. “I
have come to ask for your help.”

  “My help?” Toad throws back his head and lets out a warbling laugh that inflates his throat. His smug laughter sends a jolt of anger through you.

  “We are trying to save the world,” you say, stepping towards the lizard man.

  Toad snaps his head in your direction, his pupils narrowing with anger.

  “What is this thing speaking to me, Theora?” He croaks.

  “That is Lucas Le Blanc,” says Theora. “He is the chosen hero of Veleda and a formidable warrior.”

  “Is he now? He doesn’t look like much.” Toad’s throat swells up again and he turns his attention back on you. “Well, little hero, one of the ones that came before you, one of the other chosen, killed off my entire tribe and only spared me because the girl liked games.”

  “He speaks of Ayana,” murmurs Theora. “She fought the monster invasion of the desert.”

  “I won her game,” says Toad. “And I lived.”

  “And you have flourished,” says Theora.

  Toad reaches a brawny arm around one of his concubines and pulls her against him. He growls and fondles her plump breasts as if ruminating with them in his hand.

  “It is a lonely existence,” says Toad. “I am the last of my kind. Why would I help you?”

  He roughly squeezes the concubine’s breast and she cries out in shock. He shoves her away and she falls to her knees on the cushions beside him. Toad hunches forward, looking from you to Theora.

  “Because, Toad,” says Theora in a soothing but firm tone, “I have honored the deal for over a century. You have been left alone. And now I need your help to reach Kazadar.”


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