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The Easily Defeated Hero's Monster Girl Adventure

Page 95

by Amanda Clover

“Kazadar?” Toad’s eyes glittering cruelly and his mouth curls into a massive smile. “Taking your new hero to feed him to Yasmeen? I won’t stop you going.”

  “We need a guide, a caravan, through the Sea of Sand,” says Theora. “Veleda’s magic will not take us into Yasmeen’s domain.”

  “Mmmmmm.” Toad leans back on his cushions, and his cooing concubines return to him, stroking his scaly chest and broad shoulders, their shapely bodies molded to him. “Such a thing could be arranged for you, of course, but at a price.”

  “We bring no gold,” says Theora.

  “A game then,” says Toad, clapping his clawed hands together. “I do enjoy them so. A wager. Win or lose, I will send a caravan to take you to Kazadar.”

  Theora tilts her head to look at Toad sidelong as if suspecting there is a catch.

  “If I win, I bed you tonight, Theora,” says Toad. “Since you have left me so alone in this world, it is only fair.”

  “You disgust me,” says Theora.

  “No,” you shout, stepping forward. The huge warrior standing beside Toad draws a huge sword from his back and takes a step towards you. Toad raises his hand to stop his warrior. “I will not allow you to defile her.”

  “Good! Wonderful!” Toad claps his hands again. “You have some fighting spirit. You can stop it, little human. All you must do is defeat my champion in combat.”

  Your gaze burns with anger as you look from Toad to the hulking warrior beside him. Despite the brute’s massive muscles and brutal sword, you do not fear him.

  “I won’t let my champion kill you,” says Toad. “And I have healers that can repair any injury before your journey.”

  “We accept,” says Theora.

  “Wait,” you say. You can think of no way to stop this fight from happening. “What do I receive if I beat your champion?”

  “Why, Theora, if she is feeling grateful,” laughs Toad. “Oh, but you mean another prize. Well, my concubines could be yours for the night if you prefer.”

  The two lovely women step forward, their bodies barely clothed in gold chains and sheer silks. You tear your gaze from the two dusky beauties and look again upon the massive warrior. You have faced powerful monster girls and your talents and abilities have grown, but you still doubt your ability to face such a massive warrior.

  You turn back to Theora, gripping her arm tightly as you whisper, “We cannot do this, Theora. Look at the size of that brute.”

  “We have no choice,” she hisses. “His champion might be big, Lucas, but he does not have your training nor the Sword of Veleda.”

  You start to offer an objection and she presses a passionate kiss to your lips. Her mouth opens to you and for a moment her tongue presses against yours.

  The Toad laughs, “Ah, you’ve grown too close with this one, Theora. I think I will tie him up and make him watch while I might with you.”

  She breaks the kiss. You turn to Toad and jab a finger towards him.

  “I will fight your champion!” You shout. “And I will win.”

  Toad croaks loudly, his throat inflating with more laughter. He claps his hands together and one of the concubines rings a huge gong.

  “Quiet!” Toad shouts over the resounding gong. “Prepare to meet your foe, little boy!”

  He turns his attention to the curtain through which you and Theora entered the throne room.



  Saleen charges you and you catch her daggers on the edge of your sword. You parry her strike and step aside, letting her momentum carry her past you. For a moment, her back is turned, but you would have to wildly slash at her and possibly terribly wound her. She is too close to human. You would rather talk her out of this fight.

  “I’m not going to hurt you, Saleen,” you say. “Not like that bloated reptile sitting on the throne.”

  “Toad?” She turns, her ponytail momentarily swinging around her face, her violet-flecked eyes blazing fiercely. “He made me into what I am.”

  “A cold-blooded killer?” You ask, backpedaling out of the reach of her daggers.

  “Cold-blooded?” Saleen laughs, circling you and keeping her daggers in motion. “I watched humans slaughter my village. I saw three of them rape my mother. They slit my brother’s throat in front of me. I hid under a wagon and watched it all.”

  “That wasn’t me,” you say. “I would never do something like that.”

  “You’re right, you wouldn’t,” she says and you can hear the anger vibrating in her voice. “I won’t give you the chance. If you tried I would slit you open from your throat to your cock and cut that off for good measure.”

  Her anger raises gooseflesh on your arms. Her relationship to the fat reptile sitting on the pillows might not have been the right weak spot to probe.

  Saleen leaps at you and you only just get your sword around in time to deflect her dagger. Her other blade opens a slash in your tunic and you feel the hot prickle of blood welling from a scratch. You hiss with pain, turning again to meet her next attack.

  “Humans are the evil in this world,” she snarls. “They wiped out his family just like they wiped out mine!”

  “It wasn’t me!” You cry, deflecting another attack.

  Your deflection has left you wide open. Saleen brings her other dagger up with lightning speed. The flash of silver is so quick that you are sure you are dead. Somehow, she stops the blade short of plunging it into your neck. The cold edge presses against your throat.

  “Refuse to yield,” she growls, her voice barely louder than a whisper, “and I will slice open your throat.”

  “Yield to her!” Theora cries out in dismay.

  “I yield!” You shout, tossing your sword down on the floor with a clatter.

  “Pity,” whispers Saleen, pressing her veiled lips close to yours. “I would have preferred to see more of your blood.”

  “Well done, Saleen,” croaks Toad, his pleasure evident in his huge smile as he rises to his feet. “Leave us.”

  She pulls the dagger away from your throat, wipes the edge on her trousers, and sheaths it in a hidden belt sheath. She bows slightly to Toad, turns, and walks from the room.

  Your shoulders slump and you turn to face the ugly lizard man.


  The Easily Defeated Hero’s Monster Girl Adventure

  Book 6: The Succubus Queen

  By Amanda Clover


  Art created for the cover by Delacroix_Legion

  Prayers for Aid

  The night wind stirs sparks from the smoldering timbers of your ruined house. You kneel in the dirt and ashes, your hands clasped around the golden holy symbol of Veleda given to you as a gift by Theora. The hard feeling of the golden twined serpents in your hands gives you a tiny measure of reassurance.

  “Please, goddess,” you whisper, “I am your faithful servant. I have battled great evil in your name and filled the Crystal Sanctum with prisoners. Please turn back the hours. Save my sister from the Succubus Queen. Please. Please…”

  Your voice trails off as tears fall from your cheeks. Your sister Genevieve has been taken by the Succubus Queen Lady Rachelle and, according to the broken Hina, your mother was with the Succubus Queen and persuaded Genevieve to join them. You farm has been destroyed and your livestock slaughtered. In the end, the Gedry brothers tried to protect your farm and paid for it with their lives. You buried the succubus-drained husks of their bodies behind the ruin of your barn.

  “Please, Veleda,” you begin, your voice rising. “I… need you more than ever. Please show me the way.”

  You hear footsteps beside you and look up to find Theora standing over you. Her brow is furrowed in sympathy and her white-feathered wings seem to droop sadly. She slowly lowers herself to her knees beside you.

  “I will pray with you,” she says, clasping her hands together, fingers intertwined.

  You bow your heads together and pray to Veleda. You beseech the goddess to show her mercy. Theo
ra prays in a language you do not understand, her voice deep and melodious. Her reverent tone raises gooseflesh on your arms and the hairs on the back of your neck. This is an angel calling out to her goddess and creator.

  You lose track of time praying and listening to Theora’s voice, so you are not certain how much has passed when you feel the wind stirring and warmth growing in the night air. Ashes swirl around you and the wind begins to howl. Golden light blooms in the air above and peels back in radiant petals to reveal a swirling passage into the heavens. The giant figure of Veleda descends and you are struck with awe and horror as the beautiful goddess stands above you.

  “Lucas.” Hearing your name on her lips sends a shudder through your body. “Theora. Rise from your knees.”

  You both rise. Theora looks up into Veleda’s eyes, but you cannot stand to face her radiance directly. You keep your head bowed and your gaze averted.

  “I cannot turn back time to save your farm,” says Veleda, her voice gentle but unyielding. “I am sorry your sister has gone with the Succubus Queen, but she is not lost. Not yet.

  “What must we do, my goddess?” Theora cries, her voice wracked with emotion.

  “It is clear,” says Theora, spreading her arms, palms up. “The Succubus Queen dwells in the underworld of Chthona which may only be reached by finding the entrance in the deadly jungle of Saturana. You have the lamia, Lucas?”

  “Y-yes,” you haltingly cry.

  “She will know the way to open the path,” said Veleda. “I will send you to Saturana when you are ready, but beware, Lucas. It is filled with many monsters and monster girls. I will know if you perish or become trapped, but I because of the nature of this accursed jungle I will only be able to return you to the moment you entered Saturana. You may struggle to retrace your steps.”

  “I w-will do my best,” you shout.

  “Good,” booms the voice of Veleda. “Gather your slaves and make ready.”

  “S-slaves?” You say, uncertain of her meaning.

  “She means the monster girls you keep in your sword,” says Theora, gesturing to the sheathed blade at your side.

  “Most heroes like to think of them as slaves,” adds Veleda.

  “Well, I do not think of them in this way,” you say, “but I will gather them and will discuss the next step.”

  “This is acceptable,” says Veleda. “Call out to me when you are ready to begin this, the final quest in your journey, and at last defeat the succubus queen.”

  In a brilliant flash of light, Veleda departs. The air rushes in with a thunderclap to fill the void.

  You draw the Sword of Veleda from its sheath, raise it above your head with one hand and grasp Theora’s hand with your other.

  “SANCTUM SERENITY!” You shout and in a flash of warm, pink light you and Theora are transported from the real world to the pocket realm that contains the palace of white stone and your harem of monster girl companions.


  Tell Theora to fight the goblins

  “You sure you can handle these guys?” You ask Theora as you eye the four goblins.

  “It would be my pleasure,” says the angel, balling her hands into fists and grinning as she stares at the goblins.

  “Then take them down,” you say.

  “For Veleda!” Theora cries and leaps into the air, her wings snapping open as she flies over the head of the goblins. They fire arrows at her and she spins to avoid them, knocking away the one that comes closest with a well-timed swing of her arm. She lands among the quartet of goblins. She kicks the one that spoke in the common tongue and he pitches over the side of the gulch and lands in the shallow creek.

  Two of the other goblins try to draw daggers and one tries to knock another arrow. Theora punches one so hard he drops as if shot through the head with a powder gun. The other two manage to strike with their daggers, but the beautiful angel knocks aside their blows and suffers only a rip in her white gown. She takes both goblins down with a spinning kick.

  “Shall I finish them off?” She asks, her ample breasts heaving with excitement and her grin even bigger.

  “No,” you say. “Break their bows and send them on their way. We’ll keep the one that talks and try to get some answers from him.”

  “As you wish,” says Theora. She quickly smashes up the goblins’ bows, snapping them like twigs over her powerful thighs.

  The three goblins not in the gulch turn and run into the jungle, yipping in pain and fear. Theora reaches down into the gulch and hauls the fourth goblin out of the creek by the sodden back of his loincloth. She deposits the whimpering goblin on his back at your feet and crouches down beside him.

  “Not talk,” screeches the goblin, flailing his arms.

  Theora presses him down with a hand on his chest.

  “I know what will make him talk,” she says.

  Before you realize what she is doing, Theora has yanked down the goblin’s loincloth and grabbed hold of its little, bumpy cock. She strokes it as it stiffens in her hand, hardly bigger than her thumb.

  “Really?” You scoff. “This is your plan?”

  “Goblins think with their cocks,” says Theora, wanking her pale hand on the goblin’s bumpy green gherkin. To your amazement, the goblin stops struggling and its whining sounds become soft whimpers of pleasure.

  “Where is your village?” You demand.

  The goblin points up the path in the direction you were traveling.

  “We should avoid that,” you say. “What’s that way?”

  You point to an even fainter path out of the small clearing. The goblin shakes his head.

  “What’s that?” Theora asks in a soft voice, her hand deftly working the goblin’s shaft as it begins to ooze precum.

  “Old house,” pants the goblin. “Humans live there once.”

  “Have you seen any humans nearby?” You ask.

  “Furry green man.”

  “What about that direction?” You ask, pointing through a thicket with an unusual bloom of flowers.

  “G-garden,” says the goblin. “We not go way. Very dangerous.”

  “So we check out this abandoned house,” you say, slightly mesmerized by the sight of Theora continuing to wank the goblin’s small cock. “And decide where to go from there.”

  “Right,” she says, continuing to stroke the goblin as he whimpers with pleasure. “And what about him? What shall I do with him?”

  What should Theora do with the goblin?

  Knock the goblin out and leave him

  Finish the goblin with her hand

  Finish the goblin with her mouth

  She should fuck the goblin

  Call upon Oola to defeat the goblins

  The bubbly slime girl Oola should be more than a match for these four goblins. You raise the Sword of Veleda over your head and shout, “Oola emerge!”

  There is a soft “pop” and a bright flash of pink-tinged light. The slime girl drops from several feet in the air, falling to the ground and splashing into a puddle. For a moment, you and the goblins stare at the violet-colored, glistening puddle on the ground.

  “Awoo?!” A voluptuous human-shaped slime woman bounces upright from the puddle, gathering mass from the puddle as she forms a gooey head, huge, jiggly breasts, a slender waist, and shapely, wobbling hips and ass. Her chubby legs rise upwards. By the time her feet have appeared, the puddle of slime is gone.

  “What this thing!?” The goblin leader says with concern. His comrades chirp in confusion.

  “I am Oola!” Burbles the slime girl and she slides eerily towards them without taking steps.

  “Shoot it!” The goblin screams.

  The goblins fire a volley of arrows, which pierce Oola’s gelatinous body, passing through her, and landing on the ground on the other side. She burbles, but sees completely unharmed. It takes a moment for the goblins to realize that their arrows had no effect. One of them screeches in their savage language and the quartet turns and flees.

is not about to let them escape. The slime girl burbles with excitement and leaps into the air, catching the lower branches of the nearest tree and swinging in a way that takes full advantage of her flexible body. She swings from branch to branch, gaining speed with each swing, her body elongating and her weight shifting for maximum momentum. You have never seen the slime girl move in this way and are astonished by her nimbleness. She disappears into the jungle in pursuit.

  After waiting a moment, you turn to Theora and ask, “Shall we just carry on?”

  No sooner have you spoken the words than the foliage nearby stirs. A moment later, Oola comes splashing out at high speed, her body wildly deformed by her velocity. She has four arms and a goblin tucked under each. She splatters and reforms on the ground in front of you, burbling happily as you see each of the goblins bound tightly in one of her arms. Their loincloths have been pushed aside and she has a slimy hand wanking each of the four goblins. They writhe and moan as they are pleasured by the slime girl’s hands.

  “You don’t have to stroke them like that,” you say. “Only one of them even talks.”

  “Yes, but they have yummy boy juice,” burbles Oola. “Extra spicy from little wild boys.”

  “Aaiiiieeeee,” cries one of the goblins. You watch as his bumpy little cock twitches inside Oola’s slime and releases a quickly dissolving cloud of his cum into her violet hand. She does not relent, continuing to stroke him through his period of oversensitivity.

  “Which one of you can speak sensibly?” You demand as another of the goblins screeches and ejaculates inside one of the slime girl’s hands.

  “It… it me,” moans one of the goblins. He thrusts his hips and his cock twitches inside Oola’s fist as he pumps out a load of cum into her hand. He whimpers as she continues to stroke him.

  “Where is your village?” You demand.

  The goblin points a trembling hand at the continuing path through the clearing.


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