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Fate of the Fae

Page 7

by Jenee Robinson

  At the end of the block, I find a boutique. OMG Raelyn would be in heaven with all these clothes. I see a mannequin in an awesome bikini, it is sapphire blue with sparkles all over it, it may be selfish but I have to have it.

  I tell Evans that I’m running in for some pants, which isn’t a complete lie, I really do need some. He comes in with me to clear the store of any creepers. We each find one in the changing rooms. Poor things have been locked in since their transformation. Yuck. I take the one in her underwear, not leaving much to the imagination, while Evans takes the one wearing a cute pink halter dress.

  Taking care of them as fast as possible, I head to find that bikini and some jeans. Finding the jeans first, grab two pairs in my size and look up to see the mannequin with the bikini on it right in front of me.

  Evans eyes me as I head over to the rack it’s on and do a little happy dance when I find the right size. This gets a chuckle from Evans. Satisfied, I stuff them into a bag and we head to the other side of the street.

  On this side the road, we see a small grocery store. Loading up on bags from the front registers and head down the aisles, keeping a lookout for creepers. We head to the canned food, stocking up on veggies, fruit, and whatever canned meat we can find. The aisles are almost bare and a mess but we do find a few useful cans. We check the junk food, with how they are made they survive forever. I don’t think a bomb would wipe out some of this stuff.

  Once we have our arms over loaded with full bags, we trek back to the front of the store. Lucky for us, Roman pulls up and hops out to help us load up. We tell him about the rest of the haul down the block.

  “Gas tank is full, so we can reach the portal on this tank. We will drive till dark and find somewhere to stay again. Tomorrow we will reach the portal.” Roman tells us.

  It’s a little weird having Roman drive us around like a chauffeur when I know he’s the King. Pulling out my book I go to read again. Roman inserts a CD into the player and music starts to come out through the speakers. Not really what I’m into, but a welcome change to the awkward silence.

  I continue reading till I start to doze off. Driving for too long always does that to me. Closing my book, I lay my head on Evans’ lap and he starts playing with my hair again. I’m really glad he is on this adventure with me. This will give me time to get to know him too, not just Roman.

  I wake after a few hours, feeling more tired than when I laid down. It is almost sunset, so we have to start looking for some place to sleep. Stretching my achy body, I feel stiff from sitting so long. My body isn’t used to this.

  Roman exits the highway, the last sign showed a town on this exit, Kingman. This is bigger than the little town we were just in. We will have to take more care and be cautious. A town this big, there are bound to be a ton of creepers. Roman continues to drive until he finds a one story motel. This place looks like a dump, but still better than last night’s stay. Routine is same as last night, Roman and Evans clear the motel, while I’m left in the car. Hopefully they will realize I’m not a defenseless girl.

  They return to the car, letting me know they found two adjoining rooms with one king bed in each. Great either I share with my father or Evans. Evans will not share with my father as he is his king and I won’t share with him as he is my father. Evans is stuck with me.

  Grabbing my bags, including the new jeans and a couple of bags of the food we found, I head into the room on the right. Evans follows me in, so I guess the decision is made. We will need to eat tonight and I want to repack my bag before we reach the portal.

  Adding the new jeans and bikini into my pack, I get it all loaded as Evans is bringing me a plate with a food. I notice the twinkie, which brings a smile to my face. I miss my dad. I wonder how they are doing without me. I’ve never spent much time away from home. Evans sees the distress on my face, he sets down the plate and pulls me into a hug.

  “I’m sorry, Princess, I know your dad likes twinkies, so I thought you may too.” He says lightly.

  “Oh, don’t be sorry it’s perfect. I just miss home and my family. Thank you for being so thoughtful.” I reply.

  He lets me go sooner than I wanted him to, but we need to eat and get ready for the last part of this journey. We eat in comfortable silence. I finish and take my plate to the trash and Roman enters from the adjoining room.

  “Good news, this place has HOT running water, for anyone that wants to shower,” He tells us.

  “That’s the best news I’ve heard all day.” I reply.

  Evans excuses himself to shower and change.

  Roman sits on the edge of the bed, next to me.

  “I need to know why you left me with my mother, not that I’m ungrateful, I love my parents. I also want to know about this soul mate and what being betrothed means.” I turn to him pleading.

  “Well, twenty years ago my wife and I were trying for a baby as were your parents, luck wasn’t on our side and she passed giving birth to a son. Your brother only lived for a few minutes, passing away as well. Fae children are a rare and a wonderful gift. Depressed, I came to the mortal realm for a few weeks. I thought I could drink my problems away. I loved my wife and was angry. We were so happy to finally have a baby, then just like that they were gone. It was my last week in this realm, I knew I couldn’t stay much longer, my people needed me. I walked into a bar in Oklahoma and your mother was there looking miserable. I knew she was destined for me, I could feel she was my soul mate. Her friends and I talked and your mother just sat there quietly taking everything in. We all had too many drinks and at some point your mother and I spent the night together.”

  He continues after a few moments, “Even with as badly as I wanted her, she was in love with your father. After you were born I came to visit. I needed to take you to my world, to show my people you were real. Your parents wouldn’t allow it. I had no proof I was your father, so instead we made the deal. For your twentieth birthday you would come and visit the fae realm and it would be your choice to stay or not. I visited the mortal realm more often than I should have, just to check up on you. I made arrangements with other supernaturals to ensure you were safe.” Sighing then he continued.

  “On the betrothed subject, Evans was destined to marry you the moment you were born. It just so happens you share the same birthday, him being two years older. I even brought him with me on an approved visit from your parents. When you two touched your little hands together sparks flew, so much so that even your parents saw it. We knew he was yours and you were his. As for soul mates, in our history only our family has ever had more than one. My wife, Angelica, and your mother were mine. It is told that your soul mates are your other half, or have a quality you need to be whole. Evans is your fae soul mate partly because he connects you to the fae realm, there may be more, but that’s for you two to discover. As for the other two, they must have something your human half needs. Only time will tell.”

  We hear the water turn off.

  “Well Evans is almost out of the shower, rest up daughter and know I’ve always loved you. Even though I wasn’t in your life as I wished I could’ve been, I’m very proud of the woman you are becoming. Sleep well.” With that he disappears into the other room and closes the door.

  Evans comes out of the bathroom in only a pair of shorts. Is it getting hot in here? I turn and fan myself, hoping he can’t see me.

  “Does my attire displease you, Princess,” he asks with that wicked grin of his.

  “Not at all, I’m going to brush my teeth and turn in,” I reply ducking my head as I walk passed him.

  Geez, where did Evans hide this flirting side. I almost miss the asshole Evans, almost I think with a smirk. When I return from the bathroom Evans is on his side of the bed asleep. Good no more awkward talk before bed. I slid out of my jeans and hop into bed, hating myself for not packing pajamas. I pull the covers up and roll on my side, it’s the fastest way I fall asleep.

  Just as I drift off Evans rolls over, pulls me to him and wraps his arms arou
nd me.

  “Evans?” I ask.

  “Yes, Princess.” He sleepy replies.

  “What do you think about this soul mate stuff?” I ask him.

  “I haven’t put much stalk into it. I don’t remember when we first met, I didn’t really think it was a thing until I grabbed your hand the other night and I felt the sparks.” He answers.

  “How do you feel about Anton and Callum being my soul mates as well?” I question.

  “I’m not extremely excited to share, but I don’t want to lose you either.” He replies.

  I whisper back, “I don’t want to lose you either.”

  I hear light snores in my ear, signaling that Evans was now asleep. Just like a man, snoring before we are done talking.

  I reflect over some of what Roman told me, that my soul mates are my other half. I don’t really know what or how they complete me, but deep down I feel that they do. I ache to have Anton and Callum close. In the same bed would be nice. I laugh at myself, careful not to wake Evans. I’m grateful that I have at least Evans here, even as my heart longs for the four of us to be together. Here’s to hoping to sooner, not later. As if he senses my ache, Evans holds me tighter and a few minutes later I’m out.

  Waking up refreshed and ready for the day, I grab a clean set of clothes, my razor and deodorant, then head to the bathroom. Evans is still snoring.

  Entering the bathroom, I set up my flashlight, so I’ll have some light, place my clean clothes on the top of clean towels, pull the curtain and start the water. In this dim light, this tile color looks yellow. Yuck, what were these people thinking. I reach in to check the temperature, Roman was right it is hot. I’m excited, I love hot showers.

  Giddy, I shed my clothes to the floor and step in. I wash fast, especially since I need to shave.

  I am almost done when I hear the door creak. I gently pull the curtain back to see Evans standing there in all his glory. Holy Crap! Evans naked is now seared into my brain. His sculpted chest, chiseled abs and… Nope, don’t look down. How is he so damn perfect? Great, now I’m even more self-conscious, I think rolling my eyes.

  “Evans, why are you naked and in the bathroom?” I ask.

  “I thought we could share the hot water.” He replies.

  “Give me two minutes to get dried and dressed then the bathroom is yours.” I call over the curtain.

  No reply, then I see the curtain being pushed back and Evans steps in.

  “See we can share.” He grins, wrapping his arms around me. I try my best not to think of his nakedness and failing.

  “Evans that was rude. If I wanted you to join me I would’ve asked.” I say irritated.

  Unwrapping myself from his arms, I exit the shower. I turn to see him sulking as he starts to wash his amazing body. I dry off, get dressed and brush my teeth.

  When I get back into the room, Roman is waiting on the bed. Great, I wonder if he knows that I was just in the shower naked with Evans. Gathering my things up I don’t look at him, hoping he can’t see the blush on my cheeks.

  We only have a couple more hours till we are in the Fae Realm.

  “When Evans is done showering we’ll head out.” He says and throws me a twinkie. “I cooked breakfast enjoy.” He laughs.

  Laughing, I catch it mid air. Feels like just a normal moment between father and daughter.

  And I do enjoy it. Mmm, so good. Making sure my bag is sitting by the door, I help pack up the leftover food and retrieve my old clothes and toothbrush from the bathroom.

  Sitting on the bed I wait for Evans to finish. Letting my mind wonder, I realize that physically I was ready, mentally not so much. Not knowing what was in store is frightening. I’m a princess in a world I don’t know. Will I act right, will they accept me? Fake it till I make it I suppose.

  Out of my thoughts, I see the guys waiting for me. Throwing my bag over my shoulder, I jump in the SUV and we take off. I’m glad we only have a couple hours in the car today, I’m a nervous wreck but ready for this part of the journey to be over.

  I take Evans hand this time, I get a flash of him in the bathroom this morning and my face is flush. I turn to stare out the window and hear him chuckle.

  Chapter Nine

  Liauna, things are different in the Fae Realm.” Roman states as if reading my thoughts. ”I am King, so you will address me as such or father. You will be addressed as Princess. We have a different style of clothing than you are use to. You will be expected to wear a dress at all times, except of course at bedtime. Please don’t argue, this is tradition for the queens and princesses in our world. You are to wear your tiara at all times in public. In the castle you’ll wear it only at meals or social settings. And lastly, Evans is not only your fiancée but your personal bodyguard and you are not allowed out of the castle if he is not present.”

  I glance at Evans and he has a smirk on his face. Fantastic

  “He doesn’t sleep in my room does he?” I ask.

  Roman chuckles “That is between you two.”

  We hit the California state line and stop for a pee break and to eat lunch. More canned meat, veggies, fruit and a ding dong. Cleaning up our mess, I’m about to throw away the trash when I spot them, a horde of creepers headed in our direction. Yelling, I run to Roman and Evans. We all hop in the SUV and hightail it out of there.

  “I have never seen so many together and this close to the portal.” Roman says.

  “We will need to defend the portal if they continue on this path.” Evan remarks.

  “This is gonna be all out war to save our people. We need to get the warriors ready to defend the portal. Evans run ahead and warn them.” Roman commands.

  “As you wish, my King.” Evan replies.

  Roman stops and before Evans hops out, he kisses my cheek. “I’ll be back for you.”

  I blush and my father just nods.

  Roman sees the confused look on my face, says “Part of being a Fae is the ability to run fast. We could’ve run the whole way but it takes too much energy for us to run that far so fast.”

  “What other abilities do we have?” I ask.

  “You’ll have to wait till you’re in the fae realm, we won’t know till you cross into it. Each fae is unique as are their gifts.” He tells me. “But I can tell you that we all have magic. Not like the wizards of the human realm, no wands or staffs. We draw our magic from the earth itself. Wooded areas are where we are most powerful. That’s why most villages are in the forests. I myself can shape shift at will into any person or animal. Whatever I want to at that time. I can also control water. I can find it, move it and shape it.”

  Continuing on, “Once we figure out what your abilities are we will train you to use them correctly, as to not wear yourself down to fast. Magic has a cost, the more expelled, the more your energy is drained. I know this is a lot to take in, but seeing as a horde is headed to our portal, I must give you more information then I wanted to at once. “

  “Got it. I’m a half-fae princess. I have three soul mates. I have magic but we won’t know what kind until I enter the realm and you shape shift while controlling all things watery. Think I have it Father.” I reply.

  With Evans absent in the car, my heart hurts. I had to leave Anton and Callum behind to protect my loved ones and now Evans is out there running to warn the fae of the impending hoard of creepers. Where did these things come from, why are they wiping out humanity and headed towards my family’s portal?

  “Dad, why would Deezy start this?” I ask, “How is it that the creepers and Deezy are related, please talk to me, I’m not a child.”

  “Well there have been rumors that Deezy has been building an army to take over all the fae realms in the Americas. I met him once and had complete distaste for him. He rubbed me the wrong way, I couldn’t put my finger on it but I didn’t trust him.” he continues. “Only meeting him once leaves us at a disadvantage since as we don’t know his nature or magic. We will consult the elders as soon as we arrive.” Roman replies.

  “So we are facing an unknown enemy as well as the creepers.” I state

  Mentally I make a checklist. First, get to fae realm. Talk to elders and figure out my magic. I wonder if being half-human if my magic is weaker than a full blood fae. Trying not to dwell on that now, I have to remain strong.

  I notice Roman is getting sleepy at the wheel.

  “Would you like me to drive?” I ask.

  “Yes, I could use a nap. Stay on this road till we start seeing trees pop up everywhere. Once you do please wake me.” Roman says as he pulls off on the shoulder.

  We trade seats. Adjusting the seat, mirrors and wheel, I pull back on the highway. I hope we see those trees soon. I was already getting restless in the back seat. I can’t wait to stand and stretch without having to get right back in the SUV again.

  Thirty minutes into driving and Roman is snoring in the back seat. I sneak a peek at him, not really doing so till now. He has the same dark brown hair that I have. He is classically handsome, strong square jaw line and a slight dimple in his chin just like mine. It’s nice to finally know who where I got that from, since my mom and dad don’t have it. Honestly, it’s weird to look at this man in the backseat and see bits of myself there.

  I continue to drive and start to daydream of Anton’s green eyes and kissable lips. I wonder if he’s missing me as much as I miss him? I long for his strong arms around me, reassuring me that I can do this.

  I miss Callum’s ornery smile and cheeky attitude. I miss his laugh. My head still finds it weird that they complete me but my heart doesn’t care. I think about Evans and how rude he was to me from the start. How could I ever fall for someone like Evans? Because he’s starting to let me see the real him underneath. Not just the uptight and moody side. Remembering him in the bathroom this morning brings a smile to my face.

  Peeking in the mirror, grateful that Roman’s still sleeping, he can’t see me blush.

  Can I marry all three of my guys? Since the creeper virus started, we haven’t heard if any of the law makers or president survived, so maybe I can! I giggle to myself. Rae will be so jealous if that happens. Maybe I can find her a fae, or three, of her own.


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