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Fate of the Fae

Page 8

by Jenee Robinson

  Out of my daze, I start noticing the trees but not enough to wake Roman up yet. This part of California is more beautiful, then where we entered. I start seeing random creepers popping up. The closer we get, the more there are. This isn’t good, what happens if they join the horde? How will we defend the portal with that many? California is a bad place to have a portal, but no one asked me my opinion.

  “Wake up Roman,” I call into the back seat.

  “Yes, daughter, are you needing me to drive?” he asks.

  “No, I’m fine, just a little anxious with all these random creepers popping up, what if they join the horde?” I reply looking in the rearview mirror.

  “Our army will be ready for them, we have many skilled warriors, young and old. We train every day, men and woman side by side.” He says reassuringly. “We are not far from the portal. Stop and I’ll drive.”

  Pulling over, I climb into the passenger seat and wait for Roman to get into the driver seat. Nervous energy washes over me, I shudder, wishing Max was here to calm me down or that the cell phones still worked. Damn creepers, it was one of the first thing to go offline. Mom’s voice could always calm my nerves. Rae’s texts would make me smile and Dad’s jokes were the best for a laugh.

  I hear a thump; it shakes me out of my own thoughts. Roman just clipped a creeper.

  “That came out of nowhere, I didn’t see her till it was too late, thank goodness this SUV has a great bumper.” He smiles at me.

  “We’re nearly there, next exit then we will travel into the woods a few miles. Evans will be there, readying the soldiers. Speaking of Evans, he may be your betrothed and soul mate, but it’s your choice if you want him or not. When you were born on his birthday, from that day on you were engaged. Your mother knew none of this as it is a fae tradition. As king and your father, I say follow your heart.” Roman says.

  “What if my heart leads me in three directions? I have feelings for Evans, Callum and Anton. I don’t want to lead them on but they all complete me in a different way.” I say truthfully.

  “Liauna, trust your heart and it will not lead you astray. After the death of my wife in the Fae Realm, I took a break from the fae realm and met your mother, I felt the sparks with her and knew she was to be mine. But with free will I let her choose, and that she chose your father. It hurt me, but I wasn’t going to make her do something she didn’t want to.”

  “I wish I could change not getting to know you sooner but I knew your mother would raise you well. Her husband always loved you even though he knew you weren’t his. You brought your parents back together from heartache, loss and confusion. Strengthened their bond and as for me, you helped heal my heart. Even without you in my realm, I knew you were growing, learning and loving. I finally had the child my wife and I wished for, for so long. You are our miracle and I know you will do great things for the humans and fae alike.” Roman stated with pride.

  That was a lot to take in I wipe the tears rolling down my cheeks and smile at my Dad.

  “Bonus, I have two dads now and I know where I got this dimple on my chin from as well,” I say with a smile.

  Roman returns it. He really is a handsome man; I can see why my mom was attracted to him.

  We exit the highway and start traveling through the woods. I’m on the edge of my seat. Roman places his hand on mine and squeezes lightly.

  I’m grateful for the reassurance, but I’m worried about Evans. I won’t relax till I see that stubborn ass fae of mine.

  Thinking of Evans, brings my emotions to the front of my brain. I’m still in awe of how easy my feelings for him have changed since we first met.

  Anton was the one I was drawn to. Those emerald green eyes, pouty, kissable lips and cocky attitude, a mystery all rolled into one.

  Callum was the scruffy, amber eyed, sweetie of the group, with an ornery streak.

  Evans was an arrogant ass, Mr. Perfect, not one hair out of place, searing blue eyes and a holier than thou persona.

  And in spite of everything, they have wiggled their way into my heart.

  Roman slows down to makes a left turn, then I see them. All decked out in silver armor, swords and shields at the ready. Standing in the middle, is my Evans. He looks like someone straight out of the movies, too perfect to be real.

  Roman parks, I grab my bag then head to the trunk and unload my sword.

  Roman walks towards Evans and I follow. I can feel everyone’s eyes on me so I stare at the ground. I’m sure I’m not what they expected for their princess, I’m half-fae. Royal or not, that prejudice is everywhere, even with the apocalypse. When we reach Evans, I’m still looking at the ground.

  He reaches under my chin and lifts my head; my heart skips a beat as we make eye contact. He sure is stunning.

  “You will not look at the ground, you’ll hold your head up high. You are our princess.” He says.

  “I will, I’m glad you’re not dead.” I smile at him.

  “Did you miss me?” he says with an amused look on his face.

  “I’ll never tell.” I grin back.

  Roman is back from walking down the line, checking the ranks and chatting with his generals. He smiles at Evans and I as we hold each other’s hand. I blush some, but still hold my head high.

  Two fae soldiers I have yet to meet walk up carrying armor. One of them steps towards Roman, kneels, then starts to dress him in it. The other one does the same to me. This is my first time ever getting dressed in armor, as well as be dressed by a stranger. After the fae is finished assembling the armor on my body, I let out the breath I didn’t realize I was holding. If only I had a mirror to see if I look badass or nerdy. Since I don’t, I’ll go with badass. No one wants to go into battle feeling nerdy.

  Wishing I had put up my hair, two female fae step up on either side of me, braiding my hair and pinning it on to the back of my head. Then top me off with a gorgeous tiara, covered in diamond and sapphires. I’m starting to think my dad has a thing for those two jewels. First on my sword, then engagement ring and now my tiara. I thank them all for their help, look at Roman and he nods in approval. I notice that he is wearing a crown now, similar to my tiara, more masculine but just as beautiful.

  I look at Evans and he winks at me. I can feel my blood rush to my cheeks again. Damn why do I blush so much? I love that he is standing next to me for this battle, but I can’t help the longing to have Anton and Callum at my side as well.

  Sensing my distress, Evans kisses me on the forehead, whispering in my ear. ”They are here with you in your heart. Know they are protecting your family as asked, but missing you as well.”

  I give him a weak smile. “Yes, you’re right. It’s just hard not knowing if they are doing well. This upcoming horde has me nervous.”

  He takes my hand again, those sparks run up and down my body, oddly enough calming my nerves some.

  Just as I start to settle down, a drop-dead gorgeous fae female runs up. I have to close my jaw before I look like an idiot. Evans chuckles next to me and I glare at him.

  “You highness, King Roman, I have news on Deezy.” She says still kneeling.

  “Rise and tell me.” Roman orders.

  “Deezy, hungry with power and wanting more, stuck a bargain with a witch in the mortal realm. He was to infect them with a black death. The witch wanted to cleanse the earth of mortals. Something went wrong with the spell, changing Deezy into a walking disease. That is all I know my lord.” She says and kneels again.

  “Thank you, Alix, that is all for now. Please go through the portal and find out as much as possible, we need to stop this disease, as well as Deezy.” Roman tells her.

  “As you wish my lord,” Alix replies and walks to a spot between two trees. I see a shimmer as she disappears through.

  Contemplating what it would feel like to step through portal, I’m shaken back to reality as I hear the first of the guards ready their shields and swords. Evans, Roman and I are positioned in front of the portal.

  “If we get
over run we will go through the portal and close it, until it is safe again to re-open it.” Roman says turning to look at Evans and I.

  “What about all these fae? We can’t just leave them out here.” I reply.

  “Liauna, our people are prepared to die to keep our world safe. If it is their destiny to die, they accept it; it is the fate of the fae.” Evans lightly adds.

  Looking around at all the fae, I see men and woman standing strong together, ready to sacrifice their lives for a world I have yet to see. I feel a single tear run down my cheek. I wipe it from my face as there is no time for sentiment.

  We hear the creepers before we see them, some dragging their feet, some groaning. Then comes the scent. Rotting flesh is never something you get use to. There has to be at least a horde of five hundred. The fae numbers are about half of that. I feel a little hope rising up in my chest until I see the second hoard approaching, it’s larger than the first.

  The first horde is almost at the first row of fae. All at the ready, I start seeing sparks; flashes of blue light hitting the creepers. The fae are using magic to combat the massive number of creepers. It was a sight to see.

  Evans and Roman raise their swords, I follow suit. I’m ready to cut down any creepers that come my way. The first horde was taken out swiftly by the first few ranks, but they look worn. Evans leads me to my people, as if he read my mind. Knowing I want to help if I can.

  I step up in front of the worn fae and say, “You have fought well, please go through the portal and rest.”

  They stare at me in disbelief.

  “I understand you are prepared for death, but I don’t wish that fate upon you. If you would not go through then please step back and let the fresh soldiers fight this second horde, you’re help may be needed still.” I reply.

  Most stay where they are, then I see the fae behind them step up in front and ready. Evans and I stay standing in front, ready to take on the creepers heading towards us.

  I look at the sword in my hand, the jewel in the middle of the sword started to glow blue, same as the magic I saw earlier. The closet creeper, smelling worse than the ones I remember. Half its face is dripping off and it’s wearing jeans that looked ripped to shreds. Evans dispatches him easily. The next one is mine, a beautiful face is all that’s left. It’s missing an arm but that doesn’t stop it from trying to attack. I cut it down with one blow. I start seeing blue lights flashing, we fight for what feels like hours and Evans doesn’t once leave my side.

  I don’t have time to check on the other fae fighting next to me. These creepers just keep popping up as fast as I cut them down. Blow by blow, I take on each new creeper. In this moment I am thankful they are slow, but I am wearing down. I keep telling myself, one at a time, just take it one at a time.

  Lumbering up, a giant creeper that has not turned all the way attacks me. Black veins cover his neck and most of his face but there’s barely any rot. No way I can take this one, he is still too human. This death will facture my core and soul. I don’t take pleasure in killing creepers, I do it for survival and this one is to new for me.

  “Evans, I’m sorry, please take care of this one.” I plead.

  One swift movement Evan takes care of him without a second thought. Stepping back into his fighting stance, he smirks at me. In that moment my heart melts with love and pride. I continue on with the fight.

  Finally I see Roman cut down the last one, at least for now. Gathering all of the uninjured to help those who need it through the portal, we make our way to the fae realm. Our losses were minimal, I’m grateful for that. Eagerness replaces my nervousness as we are now the last to step through the portal. I’m excited to see this new world and if I belong.

  Evans grabs my hand and leads me into the realm of fae.


  I would like to thank my family for supporting me in this adventure. It has been a stressful one, but you never let me give up.

  Also, I want to thank all my friends, your support means the world to me.

  Next are my betas, Sosha, Caitlyn, Kassie, Crystal, Amanda, Genni, Leslie and Madison. Thanks for having my back and helping me make this book great.

  Thank you, Madison Ryan, for editing on short notice.

  Thank you, Cece Rose, for formatting.

  Thank you Bella Emy Graphics for the amazing cover.

  A special thanks to all my author friends and friends in the indie community.

  Last but not least, thank you, A.K. Koonce, for always being there to answer my questions and never being annoyed with me bugging you so much.

  About the Author

  Jeneé Robinson is a new author, Fate of the Fae is her first novella to complete and publish. She is married and has three lovely girls.

  Other then writing she loves reading and photography. She’s a Harry Potter nerd and loves the show Supernatural.

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