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Captive of the Wolf Pack:Captive 0f The Wolf Pack (Bonfire Falls Paranormal Romance Book 2) A Bonfire Falls Paranormal Romance

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by Liv Brywood

  I can finally breathe and enjoy the sunshine without someone watching my every move. I can finally sleep at night without the threat of imprisonment. I know that if I open the bedroom door, creepy Oscar won’t be there.

  Remus’ house is small yet cozy. The lemony scented air helps me relax. It’s also energizing. I like the open, airy feel of this place. It’s completely different from the dark, ominous Academy which felt like it harbored evil within its walls. I’m so glad to be gone from that prison. I should have left a long time ago, but I was scared. Not anymore.

  Since my arrival, Remus has made sure I have everything I need. He’s the perfect housemate. He even massages the tension from my shoulders and brings me flowers. For the first time in a very long time, I have a home and a family. Maybe not in the conventional way, but nothing about my life has been conventional.

  I’m just happy to be safe. I don’t have to look over my shoulder for Lexus or one of her witchy minions, but I’m still scared Lexus will somehow make good on her threat. I’m afraid she’ll cause me to have an “accident”.

  What terrifies me even more is the possibility that Lexus will hurt my friends to get back at me. I wouldn’t put it past her. My friends are shifters, and she loathes shifters. It would be a double bonus for her to do something evil to Nyx, Remus, and Torak. Since Remus has given me safe haven, Lexus would probably go after him first. She wouldn’t show any mercy toward anyone helping me. I have the distinct feeling she views me as one of her possessions, and she’s going to want me back.

  I still don’t have any proof that she hates me or that she’s evil. All I have is a gut instinct that’s telling me there’s something vile about her. I have to trust my gut. I can’t question it even for a second. It’s too dangerous.

  She keeps pushing for a war between witches and shifters, even though no one else really wants to fight it. No one has been strong enough to stand up to her. I’m not strong enough either, but I hope someone stops her.

  She teaches witches how to strip shifters of their ability to shift. It’s terrifying and heart wrenching to see it happen. That seems like more than enough evidence to prove she has a dark heart—if she even has one. Sometimes I doubt it. She’s more like the evil stepmother from the old fairy tales than the kindhearted mother figure she wants me to believe she is. But I’m on to her. She can’t fool me.

  Unfortunately, my evil stepmother took it upon herself to pick a man for me. Oscar. As if you could call him a man. He’s nothing compared to my shifter guys. They’re all real men, while Oscar’s still a boy trapped in a man’s body. I’d rather eat raw toads than marry that idiot.

  Does Lexus think she has me fooled? She’s very shrewd and rarely underestimates those who oppose her. I’d give almost anything to see the look on her face when she finds out I’m not at the Academy. She’s going to freak out when she realizes she has no control over me anymore. I may not have as much worldly experience as she does, but she’s underestimated me. I’m smart, and I have common sense, which is more than I can say for Oscar the Dolt.

  Lexus may have used her beauty and charm to manipulate my father, but I see through her charade. I see her dark spirit. I’m not so naive as to believe her lies.

  I’ve escaped, at least for now. I’m safe here with Remus. Even though I haven’t told him much about why I left the Academy, I know he’s extra cautious and watchful for anyone or anything out of the ordinary.


  I inhale. He really is the perfect man. He’s been absolutely wonderful. Not only is he letting me stay with him, but he’s also allowing me to help him with his herbs. I have a lot to learn about these plants, but he’s a great teacher. What else could he teach me?

  My mind goes to a dark and sexy place. With that gorgeous body, I bet he could teach me all kinds of things. Butterflies dance in my stomach. I try not to picture him shirtless, but it’s no use. Earlier in the day, he was outside, shirtless and sweaty. I’ve never seen him so sexy. I could hardly focus on what he was trying to tell me about various herbs. I could listen to him talk about plants all day long.

  His presence puts me at ease. He doesn’t even have to talk. When he puts his hands on my shoulders or gives me hug or looks at me with that quirky, sexy smile of his, I melt. There’s nothing more relaxing in the world than being in his presence.

  Even though shifters don’t have magic, I swear Remus has the innate magical talent of being able to make everyone around him happy.

  I catch him watching me now and again, but it’s not creepy, not like when Oscar would stare at me. No, with Remus, it’s sweet. I’m filled with warmth when he looks at me. I can tell Remus cares about me. He loves me as a friend—or maybe something more. A couple of times, I thought he was coming close to kissing me. He never did, but I think he wanted to.

  It makes me think of Nyx. If Oscar hadn’t interrupted us, I’m sure Nyx would have kissed me. Ugh! I want to find Oscar and stab him right in the eye. He’s such a jerk.

  I take a calming breath.

  What if Remus actually kisses me? I bet his kiss would be as delicious as Nyx’s but different. Kind of like strawberry milk versus chocolate milk. Nyx would be chocolate for sure, sensual and enticing. Remus would be strawberry, sweet and natural. And what about Torak? Certainly not vanilla. Something else. I’m not sure what, but I want to find out.

  I chuckle. I should probably get out of bed, but I like sitting here thinking about my guys, especially Remus. How can I think about anything else when he’s around all the time?

  He has a classically chiseled face, watchful eyes, and a beautiful mouth. His face often has dirty smudges on it since he works with plants, and his hair is charmingly scruffy. Sometimes his hair even has bits of dirt or leaves in it. He’ll often push his hair out of his face while he works. For some reason, seeing him a bit dirty makes him even sexier.

  I decide to get out of bed and finally start my day. After quickly dressing, I join Remus in his shop. We work together for several hours. Business is brisk, so we don’t have a lot of free time to talk.

  At least four girls have come into his shop today for no reason other than to talk to him. He doesn’t even notice they’re attracted to him. He’s the consummate professional as he answers their questions, rings up their purchases, and moves them along. I’m glad he doesn’t notice them flirting with him, because I’d hate to have to claw their eyes out. He’s mine, even if he doesn’t realize it yet.

  I love to watch him work. His arms and chest are muscular from years of hard work and herb gardening. The afternoon is so hot that he takes off his shirt. Beads of sweat glisten like diamonds on his brawny chest. It’s all I can do to not cross the room and lick up one of those droplets just so I can find out what he tastes like.

  What would happen if I slept in his room instead of mine? Does he sleep naked? He’d probably be an amazingly gentle lover. He’d take it one step at a time, and he’d guide me down a path I’ve never traveled. I’ve never been with anyone before, but I’d let him be my first.

  Even though Nyx, Remus, and Torak all make me want to explore that part of life recently, I’m still a little nervous about it. I’ve never even had a true kiss. Lexus would always set up my dates so that they wouldn’t amount to much.

  These thoughts I have about Nyx, Remus, and Torak are simply a reaction to my body’s response every time I’m near them. I have to stop thinking about them like this. It’s the only way to save our friendships.

  I’m about to head into the main house when a bunch of noise comes from the driveway. I recognize Torak and Nyx’s voices, so I jump to my feet and run outside. I hug Torak, then Nyx. They start pulling snacks and my favorite cherry cola out of the trunk of Torak’s car. It’s all my favorite stuff. I never knew they paid such close attention to what I like. It’s too sweet of them.

  “How did you know I was here?” I ask as I lead them into the main house.

  “We’re stalking you.” Torak waggles his eyebrows at me.
br />   Remus wanders into the kitchen. “I called and told them where you were. I know they’re worried about you.”

  “You guys are awesome. I’m a lucky girl to have best friends like you.” I smile.

  Torak notices there’s a lot more junk food than Remus’ table can handle, so he grabs another one.

  It’s one of the many things I love about Torak. He’s always thinking about potential problems and how to solve them. If he faces a particularly difficult problem or he’s bothered by something, he plays his guitar. He also plays it when he’s happy and wants to have a good time. I wonder if he brought it with him.

  Torak’s also incredibly sexy. His tight black T-shirt outlines his well-sculpted arms, chest, and stomach. His hair is a little long, perfect for running my fingers through it. Not that I’ve done it, but I want to.

  I envision my hands in his hair, his gorgeous face dipping down toward mine, our lips melting together into a burning passion. His tight pants show off his masculinity. He has an incredible behind, muscular legs, and of course, he’s wearing his signature pair of cowboy boots. He never leaves home without them.

  I lick my lips and hope no one else notices.

  Nyx tells everyone where to put everything. It’s almost a shame his sexy body is hidden by his clothes. The top button on his shirt is undone and reveals a little tuft of hair on his chest. My fingers desperately want to feel that chest hair to see if it’s as wiry as it looks. The hint of scruff on his face fits his alpha personality.

  I do love a man who takes charge. He can definitely take charge of me.

  I sip the soda with a smile and lean back against the couch cushions. My leg rubs up against Remus’ and my heart beats so hard I’m sure everyone in the room can hear it.

  Casually, he drapes his arm over my shoulder. I lay my head against his chest. Remus is the most laid-back person I’ve ever met in my life. No matter what’s thrown at him, he sits back and calmly analyzes the situation before he acts. If there’s a conflict, he scrutinizes both sides before he takes a stance. He’s my rock. I can always count on him.

  Right now, he’s a bit dirty from working in the herb garden. I have a sudden urge to kiss away the smudge on the tip of his nose. I picture us on a blanket together among the lavender blooms, making sweet love for the first time.

  I’m startled out of my stupor as Nyx snaps his fingers in front of my face.

  “Is anyone home?”

  I jump a little and laugh. “Sorry, I was lost in thought.”

  I lift my head off Remus’ shoulder. He still has his arm around me.

  “Apparently!” Nyx laughs. “Either that or you were in a coma. Want to share your thoughts with the rest of us?”

  “Girl things, which makes you absolutely unqualified to hear them.”

  “Glad you noticed I’m a man and not a girl.”

  “It’s hard not to notice all three of you are men.”

  The playfully wicked smiles that spread across their faces are mirror images of each other. Even though they’re all very different men, one could get easily confused and think they’re all brothers. In a way, I guess they are brothers. Not only because all three are wolf shifters, but they’ve been together since we were all very young. Sometimes blood isn’t thicker than water, which is definitely the case with my guys.

  “So, why’d you decide to move in with Remus?” Nyx asks. There’s an edge to his voice, and I’m not sure what to make of it. “If you were going to run away from home, I was hoping you’d move in with me so I could have a full-time chef and a maid to clean up after me.”

  Everyone laughs.

  “Remus’ place seemed like the right fit,” I say with a shrug.

  All three men turn their heads instantly toward me. I blush.

  “I mean his herb shop and his lavender field are so nice. It just seemed like the right place to go.” I stop talking because I really don’t know why I chose him over the others. Probably because Nyx still runs “errands” for a dangerous motorcycle club, and Torak’s place is never quiet because he’s always picking a new song on his guitar.

  Nyx, Torak, and Remus all nod as if they understand, although I could swear Remus looks disappointed by my answer.

  “Seriously, though. Why’d you suddenly decide to leave the Academy?” Torak asks.

  I hesitate. What if I tell them my thoughts about Lexus and they all think I’m crazy?

  But will they think I’m crazy? Really? These guys are my friends. They know I’d never say anything bad about anyone unless I was absolutely sure it was true. I might not have proof that Lexus is evil, but I’m sure she is.

  “I’m afraid of Lexus. I’m pretty sure she is evil.” Nyx, Torak, and Remus don’t say a word. They all look confused. Nonetheless, I continue, “Lexus is training witches to stop shifters from shifting. Also, she can force a shifter to shift. She’s teaching other witches how to do it.”

  It’s hard to miss the looks of shock and disbelief on their faces.

  “I promise you it’s true. I’ve seen witches do it before.”

  Their expressions would be funny if the situation wasn’t so serious. If anyone besides me told them this story, they wouldn’t believe it. However, since they trust me, they take my word for it.

  Remus unintentionally jerks his arm up from around me. He stands with Torak and Nyx, and they all stare at me as they think about what this could mean for the shifters.

  Nyx’s voice shakes with anger. “We’ve got to tell the pack elders. If these witches can force us to shift, then every shifter needs to know about it.”

  Even though all three men are very independent, they’re still members of the wolf pack. It’s their duty to protect the pack at all costs.

  I nod. I’d expected this reaction. I want to protect them, so I knew I had to tell them. I don’t want anyone in this stupid war to get hurt.

  “Did Lexus teach you the spell? Can you do this magic you told us about? Can you force a shifter to shift?” Nyx’s voice sounds harsh at the thought that someone could control him in such a way.

  All three stare at me anxiously.

  “I’ve done it once. It freaked me out so much I never tried it again.”

  “You need to come with us to the wolf pack den in the woods. You have to show the elders the magic spell so they’ll believe us. They have to be warned.”

  Remus and Torak nod in agreement.

  My heart drops into my stomach. I’m terrified of going into the woods to talk to the wolf pack elders. I glance at Nyx, Remus, and Torak, and it dawns on me. I’ll do anything to protect them, and they’ll do anything to protect me. I’ll be safe with them.

  I nod sharply. “We must warn the pack.”



  Nyx, Remus, and Torak waste no time. As soon as they learn of Lexus’ plans, they immediately take action. This cozy chill session quickly transforms to a strategy meetup. Even Remus, who usually is more laid back, is adamant we go immediately to warn the other shifters about the danger. The sooner they have the information, the quicker they can figure out how to protect themselves from my stepmother’s dark magic.

  We decide to go to the wolf den and talk to the elders after dark. The darkness might keep Nyx, Remus, and Torak out of sight while in their wolf shapes and hide the fact that I’m with them. We can’t alert Lexus to our plans.

  I don’t want to go into that forest. I know we have to, but I don’t want to. I’m terrified someone or something may hurt Nyx, Remus, and Torak.

  “The elders will listen to you. I promise,” Remus says. “They’ll listen to you after you show them the magic spell that Lexus taught the witches at the Academy. None of the shifters want war. They want to be left alone.”

  Remus knows I’m terrified, and he tries hard to comfort me. However, this time, it doesn’t work. Or maybe his charms do work, because I’d be a complete basket case otherwise. At least he has me calm enough that I can function.

  Besides, if my guys beli
eve me even after I’ve told them something so unbelievable, then I have faith in them. I know neither Nyx, Remus, nor Torak would ever lead me into any kind of danger. If they say the elders will listen to me, then the elders will listen to me. No question about it.

  We spend the rest of the afternoon in Remus’ living room. He closes his shop for the day, and we plan our actions for the night. Although none of the men want to show they’re anxious, I know they are.

  Nyx paces around the room, sits for a couple of minutes, and then he jumps back up to pace again.

  Remus sits still as he stares into space, lost in thought. More than once, I assume he’s fallen asleep with his eyes open. Then he moves, and I know he’s awake.

  Torak strums his guitar. Normally, I love to hear him play. He’s so talented and can play almost anything for any mood or occasion. Today, I barely hear him.

  An uninterrupted line of “what ifs” dance through my brain. I try to focus, but I can’t.

  Remus sits on the couch next to me again. I lean into him as I try to breathe. In through my nose for four seconds, hold it for four seconds, out through my mouth for four seconds, wait four seconds, and repeat. Remus taught me this breathing exercise years ago. I use it all the time.

  Even though Remus seems to be completely absorbed in his own thoughts, he slips his arm around my waist. It takes all I have to not climb into his lap, wrap my arms around his neck, lean against his chest, and lay my head on his shoulder. I’m content to snuggle against him for now, but my desire for him gets stronger every day. Soon, I won’t be able to resist kissing him.

  While I count breaths, I notice how good Remus smells. He doesn’t use cologne or anything else. It’s his natural scent, woodsy and herbal. Despite my anxiety, I enjoy being so close to him.

  After dark, Nyx, Remus, and Torak turn into their wolf forms. They’re very handsome wolves. To relieve my tension, I playfully scratch each one between the ears and tell them they’re good boys. All three howl, and Torak nips playfully at my hand. Before my mother’s death, I had a dog. Scratches would start between the ears, but he would slowly walk forward until the scratches were on his butt.


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