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Captive of the Wolf Pack:Captive 0f The Wolf Pack (Bonfire Falls Paranormal Romance Book 2) A Bonfire Falls Paranormal Romance

Page 6

by Liv Brywood

  “Would you guys like me to scratch your butts too?” I ask in a baby voice.

  I’m not surprised to see all three turn their butts toward me. My best friends are smart asses, but those asses will have to scratch themselves.

  Too soon, we’re serious again. It’s time.

  I climb onto Nyx’s back. He takes the lead through the dark forest to the wolves’ den. Even though I know none of my guys would ever let anything happen to me, I’m afraid. Not only for myself, but for the guys too. I’m scared to death something bad will happen to one or all of them. I worry more about their safety than mine. It should be the other way around, but it isn’t. I have magic, they don’t.

  Remus and Torak flank us to guard us. They’re on edge and constantly survey the woods around us as we fly through the forest.

  This is a bad idea. This is a very bad idea.

  It’s so dark out. I don’t know how the guys can see the path without any light to guide them. There’s no moon out. Even if there was, the trees are so dense no light could shine through them.

  Unseen eyes watch us from everywhere. I can sense them even though I can’t see them. I know they’re out there. The goosebumps on my arms and the churning in my gut confirm it.

  Are the unseen enemies shifters? Or has Lexus figured out where I am? I don’t know which is more dangerous.

  Actually, I do. I fear Lexus and her followers a lot more than I would ever fear shifters.

  Since there’s still technically peace between witches and shifters, I can enter the forest. However, it’s an unwritten rule that no one goes into the wolves’ territory without permission. This isn’t a rule I wanted to break.

  Finally, I can’t take it anymore. I tug on Nyx’s ear, and he stops. I hop off, and Nyx turns into his human form. I’m so scared I don’t even stop to admire the sexy naked man in front of me.

  Remus and Torak stay in their wolf forms and stand guard. They move close to us, and their fur brushes against me. I lay my hands on their backs to steady myself. But I can see they’re uneasy over the situation too.

  “I’m worried. Are you sure we should tell the other wolf shifters about the magic spell? What if the information makes them so angry that they decide to start a war?”

  “It’s not the shifters who want war.” Nyx does his best to reassure me. “We told you, the elders and other shifters want peace. But if Lexus gets aggressive, we need to be prepared to stop her. You know how powerful and determined she is.”

  I nod.

  “If we tell the other shifters, they’ll at least have time to figure out how to defend themselves if the witches attack.”

  “But shifters can’t defend themselves against this type of magic. It’s a very dark magic. Shifters don’t have any magic, let alone dark magic.”

  “They can come up with a plan to protect the shifters from attack. Although shifters aren’t magical, they’re very intelligent and cunning.”

  Nyx and I are so intense in our discussion that we don’t notice we’re surrounded by wolves until several step out of the darkness. Dozens of wolves come out of the forest and stare us down. My knees buckle. I have to grab Nyx to stay on my feet.

  No, no, no. This can’t be happening. My guys don’t stand a chance against all of them. We’ll be torn to pieces.

  One of the wolves shifts into human form. Despite my terror, one ridiculous thought flies into my head—he definitely isn’t as sexy as Nyx, Remus, and Torak. I almost laugh at how stupid it is to debate the sexiness of the wolf who’s about to eat me.

  I cling tightly to Nyx’s arm while Remus stands next to me and Torak stays behind me.

  In a deep baritone voice, this incredibly huge man informs us that Argus would like to have a word with us. Although his statement is phrased in a very polite manner, it’s clear it’s not a polite request. It’s a command.

  “Who’s Argus?” I ask.

  “He’s the alpha of the wolf pack.” Nyx whispers in my ear. His eyes are still on the other wolf, who crosses his arms. The man’s stance indicates he means business. I wouldn’t mess with this guy. He looks like he’s ready to kick all of our butts.

  “We’re on our way to see Argus anyway. We don’t need an escort.” Nyx sounds bold and shows no intention to back down.

  “Perhaps I wasn’t clear enough. You’re Argus’ captives. We’ll escort you to see him. He’ll decide whether to free you or not. Who knows? You could remain captives.” He says it so nonchalantly that it sends a chill down my spine.

  I hyperventilate. This is exactly what I was afraid of. I can’t catch my breath. My heart thunders at a million miles an hour. It feels like a baseball is lodged in my throat. My entire body trembles with fear. I’ve never fainted before in my life, but I’m about to pass out now.

  I shouldn’t have said anything. I knew I shouldn’t have said anything. I put everyone in danger when I told Nyx, Remus, and Torak about the magic spell. They’re good, honorable men. Of course, they want to protect the shifters and warn them of the dangers, but at what cost?

  Nyx rubs my back. “It’ll be okay. I promise. Please don’t be afraid. You know I’ll rip the throat out of any wolf who tries to touch you. None of us will let anyone touch you.”

  I know he means it too.

  He pulls me in close for a quick hug and then he shifts back to wolf form.

  Remus and Torak brush up against me before they take their place on either side of Nyx as guards.

  My heart slows. I can breathe again. My legs have calmed enough that I can mount Nyx. I place my hand on Remus’ back to steady myself so I can swing a leg over Nyx’s back.

  The pack closes in tightly around us and barely leaves us any room to move. The spokesman shifts back into a wolf, and we journey through the forest together.

  To know Nyx, Remus, and Torak have my back reassures me. I know with my three guys around, nothing in the world can hurt me.

  After my mother’s death—or murder—my world became very isolated. I couldn’t count on my father because of his infatuation with Lexus. Without these guys, I’d have no one to turn to. Their protection and loyalty mean more to me than they’ll ever know. I don’t know what I’d do without them. I’d be lost.

  As we travel, my thoughts shift.

  It’s hard to miss the strength of Nyx’s body as we run through the forest. He carries me on his back like I’m no heavier than a feather. He’s not even out of breath. His wolf form mirrors his human form—strong, handsome, and sturdy. His muscles between my legs, despite my fear, pulse a familiar heat throughout my body.

  I don’t know how I could possibly be turned on at a time like this, but I am. I crave Nyx’s naked body against mine. How would it feel? How would if feel to have his naked human body clamped between my legs? Maybe I’ll never have the chance to find out.

  Remus and Torak run beside us. They’re equally hot. Their movements show off how strong they are. Their muscles ripple from their front legs, through their chests, across their backs, and down their hind legs. Would riding them feel any different from riding Nyx? Would they feel the same in bed as they feel when I ride them in wolf form?

  I want to run my hands over their bodies and explore every inch of them. I want to know what it would be like to kiss Remus. To kiss Torak. To kiss Nyx.

  The three of them are so incredible. They’re so different, and yet I love them because of their differences. Each is perfect in his own way. I know they could make me feel things I’ve never felt before. If only I could share my most secret fantasies with them.

  I love them all so much. What if I didn’t have to choose? I want all three. And not just their bodies, but their hearts too. Now I might never have the chance. I should have acted when I could.

  My fantasies are abruptly cut off by reality. Nyx, still in wolf form, carries me deeper into the forest. If I can’t convince Argus we have good reason to trespass in the woods without permission, then we’ll be in serious danger. It’s up to me to protect all of us
. I just hope I don’t screw this up.



  As we travel into a part of the forest I’ve never been through, tension shrouds us like a wet wool blanket. It’s getting harder and harder to catch my breath. Inky darkness swallows us like a black hole. Even a magical light orb wouldn’t penetrate the dark void that stretches through the forest. I don’t like it here, and I already never want to come back. The sooner we can get done with this meeting, the better.

  The closer we get to the wolf den, the more nervous I get. Nyx senses my anxiety and twitches his ears to reassure me. I practice controlling my breathing again. I remind myself that I’m a grown woman who is strong. I’m not a scared little girl. If I pass out and fall off of Nyx during our journey, I’ll lose any credibility with the pack.

  Eventually, my breathing slows, and my head clears. I stay calm by replaying what the guys told me. The shifters want peace. The pack leader will listen to me, especially if I can prove that what I’m saying is true. I trust Nyx, Remus, and Torak. They’d never do anything that would put me in danger.

  But what if I can’t perform the spell? I’ve only tried it once. What will happen when I fail?

  I sit up straighter. I can’t fail. I won’t fail. Even Lexus admits I’m a powerful witch. That’s why she wants to control me and why she wants Oscar to marry me.

  Besides, with Nyx, Remus, and Torak standing beside me, there’s no way that I can fail. Their faith in me and their support give me strength and power. I can use that to strengthen my magic. I can do this.

  The rational side of my brain banishes the frightened side. The men give me strength and power. Because of them, I can stand strong. Because of them, I’m able to do my part in preventing war and saving the shifters from Lexus’ evil.

  I’ll make Argus and the other shifters believe me. If I have to, I’ll perform the spell to show them that Lexus’ dark magic is danger not only to them, but to all shifters.

  My love for Nyx, Remus, and Torak steadies me. I smile as I picture each of their faces. They’ve always been there for me, no matter what. They’ve helped me get through the death of my mother and the dark days at the Academy. They’ll help me get through this. Nyx, Remus, and Torak are my true family.

  As tension drains out of my body, Nyx twitches his ears at me again. It’s amazing how in tune he is with me and my feelings. Sometimes, it feels like we’re one. I guess we are, in a way, since my soul feels connected with all three of them. It’s almost as if we can communicate our thoughts and feelings without even talking. I wish I was telepathic, but I’m not. It’s a skill I’d love to develop some day.

  We start climbing up the side of a mountain using a path hidden by trees. Branches snap and leaves rustle as we maneuver our way along. The path is narrow, and we all have to walk single file. Nyx is sure-footed, and never slips. I’m grateful that it’s dark, because I’m not particularly fond of heights.

  Soon, we arrive at a small opening in the mountainside which is partially hidden by trees. It’s just large enough for the wolves to squeeze through. No one would ever be able to see it from the base of the mountain or from anywhere on the path leading to the entrance.

  Two wolf guards meet us at the den entrance.

  Several of our escorts, including the leader, turn into human form while the rest stay as wolves. Nyx turns human and grabs my hand. He squeezes it to remind me that he’s there for me. Remus and Torak stay in their wolf forms. They’ll work together to keep me safe.

  The leader of the wolves who captured us enters first. Nyx, Remus, Torak, and I are right behind him, followed by the rest of our escorts. Nyx holds my hand tightly. His warmth chases away the chill from the damp cavern walls.

  We travel through an endless maze of cave-like passages. It’d be so easy to get lost in this maze, but the wolves know exactly which passages to take.

  Finally, after what seems like miles, we arrive at a great stone room. I gaze about in awe and amazement. Torchlight glitters off multi-colored gems which are embedded in the walls around the royal room. Crystal stalactites hang from the ceiling, creating beautiful, deadly daggers.

  A stone dais sits at the end of the room. Argus, an older man with graying hair, rests on the throne. His stately countenance leaves no doubt that he’s the leader of the pack. His very presence demands respect. Thoughtful wisdom gleams in his eyes.

  Dozens of shifters gather into the room, until it’s very crowded. Apparently, it’s highly unusual for a non-shifter to be brought into the den, let alone the throne room. The leader, who so politely issued the invitation to speak with Argus, walks up to him and bows his head. He speaks quietly to him.

  Argus nods. He looks at us and then addresses Remus and Torak. “Would you be so kind as to turn into your human forms so we can discuss the purpose of your visit?”

  Argus’ request is very polite, but once again, it’s obvious that it’s not a simple question. It’s a command that Argus expects them to obey.

  Remus and Torak shift. Remus stands on one side of me and takes that hand. Torak stands behind me and puts his hands on my shoulders. Nyx remains on my other side, holding my other hand. The message is clear. These men support me and stand behind me, no matter what.

  Nyx, the alpha of our little pack, speaks in a clear, strong voice. “I am Nyx. This is Remus, and this is Torak.” He points to me. “This woman is Iris. She’s a witch and she’s come to warn the shifters of a grave threat.”

  There’s dead silence in the throne room. Every shifter seems to want to hear what we have to say. All eyes are on us and Argus.

  Argus looks at me. His grey eyes show wariness and curiosity but also kindness and fairness. Still, I’m nervous as I begin to speak. There’s a slight tremor in my voice as I address Argus and the rest of the shifters. Remus and Nyx squeeze my hands to reassure me, and Torak tightens his grip on my shoulders to remind me that he’s there. His hard body presses up against me from behind.

  “My stepmother, Lexus, is the head witch at Dark Magic Academy. She has many witches in training for the upcoming war between shifters and witches.”

  Argus frowns. “I’m aware of the Academy and what’s taking place there. While it’s disconcerting that they’re preparing for a war with us, I’m not sure why you came to tell me this. I’m not even sure there’s going to be a war. Many shifters and witches are working hard to prevent it.”

  “Sir, Lexus wants a war. She’ll do anything in her power to create one. They’re training to fight you. But there’s something else…” I breathe deeply to calm my nerves. Remus and Nyx squeeze my hands again to give me courage. Argus waits patiently, intently staring at my face.

  “There’s an evil spell that I fear poses a great danger to all shifters. It’s a spell that you can’t fight.” I pause, knowing that what I’m about to say will sound unbelievable. Argus waits patiently. “There’s a spell that can force shifters to change form. The spell can also prevent shifters from being able to shift.”

  The entire room erupts at this news as everyone shouts in disbelief. Argus merely lifts his hand, and the room quiets.

  “I find this very difficult to believe. I don’t see how it’s possible.”

  “I understand, sir. If I hadn’t seen it myself, I never would’ve believed it. But I swear to you, it’s true.”

  “What proof do you have?” His voice is still quiet and calm, but now there’s an edge to it. An edge that proves there’s still danger lurking inside the pack leader.

  “Sir, may I cast a spell on you to prove that what I say is true?”

  “Yes, you may.” He smiles as if he’s placating me.

  I step away from my friends and move closer to Argus. He sits, unmoving in his chair. I close my eyes and focus on Argus and my intent. I repeat the spell silently. Argus is fighting me, trying to resist the spell. I picture his resistance as a brick wall. Little by little, I pull the bricks out of the wall, destroying his internal protection. I push harder, and finally,
there’s a large grey wolf perched on the throne, staring at me in bewilderment.

  He continues to fight me, trying to turn back into human form, but I hold the spell for a few minutes, showing him its evil power. Once he’s shifted, preventing him from changing back doesn’t take much energy. It’s simply my will keeping Argus in his wolf form.

  No one in the throne room moves. Every shifter is frozen, unable to comprehend what’s happening in front of their eyes. Even Nyx, Remus, and Torak are unmoving and unblinking.

  When I release him, Argus stares silently at me. The disbelief in his eyes is replaced by a hint of fear.

  “Where and how did you learn to do that?”

  “As I told you, my stepmother is training witches to use their magic to defeat shifters in an upcoming war, a war she wants to start. She hates shifters. I’ve been living at the Academy since I was a little girl. I was trained there as well. Lexus taught me and every other witch how to use this spell against shifters.”

  Rage burns in Argus’ eyes. “The Academy must be destroyed.” His thunderous voice echoes around the stone room.

  “If you and the rest of the shifters are to be safe, it must be.” I’m amazed at how calm my voice is. I’d hate to see so many people hurt in such a battle, but for the sake of the greater good, the Academy and all those who know this spell must be destroyed. If one person from that Academy survives, shifters will never be safe, and peace will eventually give way to war.

  Argus looks at me with a mixture of gratitude and confusion. “Why did you warn us? Aren’t you in putting yourself in danger by warning us?”

  “I am. But warning you and the other shifters is more important. I don’t want war in Bonfire Falls. I want peace. Most of the other witches want peace. I want to help stop Lexus from destroying our world.”


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