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Fire & Flesh

Page 71

by Kerri Carr

  “Yes? Can I help you?” Daphne asked, shoving water bottles under her arm.

  She needed to hurry so that she could help wrap the players in ice and check them for injuries. She did not have time for Luke following her.

  “What’s your problem?” he asked, picking up some empty bottles.

  Daphne looked behind her and the players were disappearing into the locker rooms. Coach Daniels started walking after the players, but he looked back and was watching Daphne speculatively.

  “Coach is waiting on you,” Daphne said, avoiding eye contact with Luke.

  “I can see him. For real, man. What’s your deal? Did I say something to piss you off or what?” Luke asked, shrugging his shoulders, “Look, you’re not even looking at me.”

  Daphne stood up straight, looked up, took a breath and looked at him. She was trying so hard not to stare at his biceps. He really was a big guy. Dennis, her ex, was tall, but he was skinny. Daphne had just the right amount of muscle and curves and always felt like Dennis was too small for her. Her mind wondered if Luke was big everywhere…

  “Okay, I’m looking at you. So what?” Daphne asked, pursing her lips at him.

  “Never mind, man. I just want us to be cool. Sorry for bothering you. Can I help you bring this shit in?”

  Daphne looked around at all of the equipment and before she could answer, thunder crashed loudly overhead. She jumped.

  “I’ll just help. Jesus, you’ll drown out here,” Luke said, gathering the water bottles.

  Daphne wanted to protest, but the weather was pretty bad today. Normally a school would have more than one athletic trainer on a team as large as football, but the athletic training program was new. That and no one took the football team seriously.

  After they gathered everything, Daphne grabbed one cart and Luke gathered the other and they wheeled them into the hallway of the athletic department offices.

  “Thank you,” Daphne said, pulling her coat hood back.

  She was out of breath and was drenched in sweat and rain.

  “What was that?” Luke asked, smirking down at her.

  Daphne knew he was messing with her. She clearly said “thank you” loud enough for him to hear her. He was wearing a cheeky, crooked smile that made her smile too.

  “I said—thank you. Now, get in there so Coach can follow up with you. Plus, you need to shower. I’ll be in soon,” Daphne said, pulling off her rain coat.

  “You’ll be in the shower? Hmm, I usually like to shower alone, but if you’re offering—”

  Daphne shoved him playfully. He winked at her and walked backwards to the showers. She distinctly saw him look her up and down. Daphne’s cheeks felt hot, but she looked away and rolled her carts away so the bottles could be washed down by the cleaning staff. She caught her reflection in the glass of an office and she hated how needy she looked.

  “Get it together, girl,” Daphne said to herself under her breath.

  In the trainer’s medic room, the players who had already showered were lying on the tables wincing. It would take Daphne an hour to tape up all of them.

  “Looks like we may need to get you an assistant,” Coach Daniels said, walking up behind Daphne.

  “Tell me about it,” Daphne said, walking over to the ice machine at the end of the abandoned hallway and packing plastic bags.

  “So, I saw you talking to our new stud,” Coach Daniels said, helping her pack bags.

  Daphne froze and looked up at him. He was eyeing her with a downturned stare like he was accusing her of something.

  “We were just talking,” Daphne said, returning to the bags.

  “I see. Might I ask what about?”

  “Um, it was nothing. He just wanted to know if I needed help. He helped me bring the gear in. No big deal.”

  “I see,” Coach Daniels said.

  “Did I do something wrong?” Daphne asked.

  “Nope,” he replied.

  “Then why do I feel like I’m in trouble.”

  “Look, we, and I mean the school, has a lot riding on Luke’s performance this season. It’s the only year he’s eligible to play college football. Don’t spread it around, but we are attempting to get division one status in the next two years. A good football program can do that.”

  “That’s good news, but what does that have to do with me?”

  Coach Daniels took a deep breath, dropped the ice bags in a cooler and turned to face Daphne.

  “Daphne, you’re a good student, a good worker. Everyone in the athletic department thinks so. It’s why I requested you. I knew we would need someone focused with us bringing such a high profile athlete on the team.”

  “Thank you, but again, it still sounds like I’m in trouble,” Daphne said.

  “I guess I didn’t count on you being a—distraction.”


  “I mean this with all due respect, but you are an attractive girl, Daphne. The other players notice it, and it looks like Luke does too.”

  Daphne was fuming. Her looks had nothing to do with her job. She had every mind to run to the director of the athletic department, but she wanted to hear what else Coach Daniels had to say.

  “Hear me out, Daphne. I’m not hitting on you for Christ’s sakes. That’s not what my point is,” he said.

  “Then what the hell is your point, Coach?”

  “I’m asking you, please, one professional to another to just let Luke play. In fact, I might be doing you a favor.”

  “A favor? What does that even mean?”

  “It means he likes women. Like a lot. Most men his age with his level of skill do. I’m just saying you have a bright future here, but so does he. I will gladly give a well-written letter to any professional team whenever it’s time for you to graduate. I have a lot of contacts in pro sports. I understand you like lacrosse?”

  Daphne’s face softened and her ears perked up.

  “You know people in lacrosse?” she asked.

  Coach nodded and a smile broke on his face. Daphne knew that Coach knew he had her. Still, the idea of someone bribing her not to talk to a guy did not set well with her.

  “My cousin coaches for the Atlanta Blaze. I would gladly put in a good word with anyone in major league lacrosse for you. It’s very rare for undergraduate college students to get a job in their field, especially in pro sports. I will scratch your back—if you scratch mine. Deal?”

  Daphne looked down at the freckled hand outstretched in front of her. She let out a sigh and took his hand in hers, shaking it stiffly.

  “Deal, Coach.”


  When Daphne got back to her dorm room she was exhausted. Her and Emma’s room was on the top floor and her legs and arms were aching. Emma had talked her into a room on the third floor so that they could get the vaulted ceilings but Northeast State College was a historic school, over one hundred years old. There were no elevators in the campus buildings over one hundred years ago. After the second flight, Daphne could have easily fallen asleep in the stairwell. When she did finally get to the dorm room, Daphne could hear rock music blasting from the outside. Emma was home.

  Daphne keyed in, hoping Emma was not in a talking mood. She had just made a deal with the coach that felt akin to a deal with the devil. It felt like a compromise that was wrong no matter how she spun it. Her parents did not support her, so she needed an edge. They often told her there was no way she could get a job in her field. Her parents also weren’t together anymore and disagreed on everything—everything except that Daphne would be a failure in the athletic training field.

  “Hey!” Emma said, yelling over the music.

  Daphne covered her ears and Emma jumped up and turned the music down.

  “Sorry, better?” Emma said, closing her laptop.

  Daphne breathed a sigh of relief as the music disappeared from her hearing.

  “Rough day?” Emma asked, plopping on her bed.

  Daphne dropped her backpack on the floor, chewing on her bot
tom lip. She was not sure what she should tell Emma.

  “Oh, wait! Before you say anything. I bought you something,” Emma said, riffling through her oversized purse.

  “What is it? It’s not my birthday,” Daphne said, sitting on the edge of Emma’s bed.

  “Here,” Emma said, handing Daphne a plastic bag with a drug store emblem printed on the front.

  Daphne narrowed her eyes at the bag. A box was in it. Daphne half-wondered if it was a box of tampons.

  “Oh my God!” Daphne said, dropping the bag.

  Emma fell backward, laughing loudly.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” Daphne asked, picking the bag up off the vinyl floor.

  Daphne pulled the contents out. It was a warming, personal lubricating gel and a small, ring-shaped vibrator.

  “It was a combo pack. I needed some more Band-Aids for the soccer team and some condoms for me and I saw this at the drug store. I had to get it. It was on sale. You’re welcome.”

  “Emma! No, no, no. Take it back.”

  “Um, no. I can already tell you’re are going to be weird about using your finger and sometimes it’s hard to get wet enough without a well-stocked spank bank. It’s fine. I won’t look.”

  Daphne pinched her eyes closed and shook her head.

  “Emma, I’m not using that.”

  “Oh, come on! Please, please, try it. It’s waterproof so you can take it in the shower. We have our own shower this year, so no one would know. It’s worth it. I bought one for me too. Mine’s pink so that we don’t mix them up.”

  Daphne retched and got up off the bed.

  “Come on, Daphne. Are you really that mad about it?”

  Daphne folded her arms and faced Emma. She really was not that mad about it. She was more frustrated about Coach Daniels and Luke.

  “No, it’s not that. I already know you’re a fucking pervert.”

  Emma smiled proudly like it was a compliment.

  “Then what’s your problem?”

  “Coach. Luke. I hate football,” Daphne said, lying on her bed.

  Emma walked over and sat on Daphne’s bed.

  “What happened?” Emma asked.

  Daphne sat up and pulled her pillow to her chest.

  “I think I like Luke,” Daphne said, burying her face in the pillow.

  Emma squealed loudly and hugged Daphne.

  “I knew you would! Are you going to tell him?”

  “I can’t.”

  “Why? You don’t think he likes you back?”

  “Worse. I think he does. He was looking at me during practice and he helped me pack up the gear.”

  Emma narrowed her eyes at Daphne like she was confused.

  “This all sounds like good stuff. Did I miss something or what?”

  Daphne took a deep breath and rattled off to Emma about Coach Daniels and his offer and the Atlanta Blaze and her parents and how Luke was off limits.

  “Ugh, that bitch. I fucking hate Coach Daniels. You should fuck Luke in Coach Daniels’s office, on his desk.”

  Daphne laughed and shook her head.

  “Emma, I can’t—nor would I want to—do any of those things.”

  “Liar. Hmm, we need a plan. I think Luke needs to be involved. That way Coach backs off, right?”

  “No, no, no. This is done. I don’t need any Emma schemes.”

  “Then let me talk to him. He is my dad after all.”

  “Yes, your dad that you don’t even talk to. I don’t know how you worked his team last year without a screaming match.”

  “Ugh, don’t remind me. He intentionally put me on football so we could bond or whatever. My mom was furious. And, I don’t talk to Jeffry Daniels cause he’s just a loser sperm donor. He was married when he fucked my mom. Ugh, what a cunt. I talk to him long enough to get my scholarship papers signed. If he didn’t work here I’d never be able to afford this damn school.”

  “Sorry I asked. And please, just don’t say anything.”

  Emma went to speak and Daphne held up her hands and gave Emma a warning look.

  “Fine. Then this is more reason for you to use my gift. With football you won’t have any chance of meeting someone. Trust me, last season was brutal and not just ‘cause I was working with my dad. It’s just a lot of work. They have a ton of practices and the off season is just as busy as the regular season.”

  “Today was pretty bad. Your dad is really pushing them hard.”

  “Okay, enough calling him my ‘dad.’ Coach is fine in this room.”

  “Don’t say anything, but he’s trying to make the school a division one athletic program. That’s why Luke is here.”

  Emma’s eyes widened and her jaw looked like it would hit the floor.

  “Holy shit. That means tuition is going to shoot through the roof. And we would look better as athletic trainer from a D1 school. Looks like Coach Daniels might have some balls after all.”

  “Well, nothing is set. It’s all speculation. They have to win games. And Luke is just one person.”


  “Still, it makes sense for us to get Luke, but I don’t see what’s in it for Luke.”

  Emma seemed deep in thought.

  “I don’t know, man. Something seems fishy, Emma.”

  “Who knows? College sports are all politics. Shit, it’s almost six. Anyways I’ve got to go to practice.”

  Emma rose from the bed and slipped on her black converse shoes and quickly changed into a black polo shirt. She threw her purse over her shoulders and tossed Daphne the gift.

  “I’ll be gone for about two hours. Have fun,” Emma said, winking at Daphne.

  Before Daphne could say anything, Emma disappeared behind the door and the lock clicked in place.


  Daphne stood naked in the shower, savoring the hot water loosening her tense muscles. Her long, strawberry blonde hair was piled on top of her head, and she looked down as the water ran down her hardened nipples and hips. All she could picture was Luke standing behind her, rubbing his large hands over her body. She could feel him breathing against her neck as he kissed her back and shoulders. Daphne closed her eyes, stretching her stiff neck. She could smell Luke’s woodsy cologne. She could see him, biting his lips and studying every inch of her naked body. He was tall, muscular, and with her eyes closed she could imagine how the water off the shower would flow through the groves of his perfect body. It felt so real.

  Daphne touched her own breasts with her soapy hands and imagined it was Luke. The gift from Emma was unwrapped in her shower caddy. No one was around. No one would judge her. No one would know. If she could not have Luke in real life, maybe she could have him in her fantasies. She opened the bottle of lube. It smelled like citrus and there was an oaky undertone. It was perfect. Daphne squeezed some of its slippery contents on her index finger and rubbed the slick liquid between her thumb and index finger. She was already wet, not just from the shower, but because in her head Luke was fucking her. In her head, Luke was not off limits.

  Daphne rubbed her lube-coated index finger over her pussy and started stroking herself. Her clit was so swollen she gasped when she made contact with it. It took a second, but a warming, tingling sensation was shooting from her pussy to her ass, down her muscular legs. It was the best thing she had ever felt in her life. She did not even need the vibrator. She started moving her finger faster, adding a second finger and groaning.

  Daphne covered her mouth with her free hand, biting her palm as the sensation took over every nerve in her body. She knew no one would hear her because she and Emma had the corner room, but she just wanted to be sure, since her body was shaking with pleasure. With her eyes closed, Luke was there, naked, fully erect with a thick, long cock, easing himself into her, calling her “baby” moving faster and faster.

  “Oh fuck,” Daphne groaned, cumming hard on her own hand.

  Daphne took a deep breath and turned off the shower after a quick rinse. She could feel a slight sheen of swe
at on her body and she was a little lightheaded. Thinking back, she could not imagine Dennis making her feel lightheaded. Daphne smiled to herself, in complete disbelief that she just made herself cum in her college’s shower. If Luke could make her feel half of that, then it would be worth breaking her stupid pact with Coach Daniels.

  After throwing on her towel, she grabbed the shower caddy. She made sure the lube and vibrator were tucked in the bottom. When she opened the door, Emma ran over to her bed.

  “Emma!” Daphne yelled, feeling her cheeks get hot.

  Emma was in a full fit of cathartic laughter and blushing bright red.

  “I’m sorry! It’s took me a second to realize what you were doing. I didn’t mean to listen. I swear. Practice was canceled. I thought you fell or something.”

  Emma said, laughing so hard that she snorted.

  “Ugh! You bitch! That’s so rude!”

  “I was coming to help, I swear. I was trying to make sure you were okay, but when I heard you say ‘Luke’ a couple times I just couldn’t help myself.”

  Daphne covered her face and growled out of frustration.

  “Damn it, Emma! Why get this shit for me if you’re going to make me feel bad about using it?”

  Emma’s face got more serious.

  “I—I’m sorry. I’m really happy you’re open to trying new things. I would be mortified if anybody caught me when I first started masturbating. My ex said I sounded like a wild hog.”

  Daphne stared at Emma like she had three heads.

  “Your ex? How did he—how did you—wait, what?”

  “Oh, right. Um, well, it came up during pillow talk that I like to pleasure myself and for our one-year anniversary, he asked to watch so I let him.”

  “You just let him? Just like that? That’s a thing?”

  “I thought it was hot that he wanted to see.”

  Daphne slumped onto her bed, feeling super behind about how sex works. She could not believe that this was actually something other couples did.


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