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Fear Me

Page 6

by B. B. Reid

  I whimpered as my body reacted to his threat. It caused this familiar ache I felt deep inside me, whenever he was near, except this time was stronger. His eyes darkened as he pressed harder against me.

  “This business between us has taken a dangerous turn and I have no intentions on stopping. I’m going to enjoy stealing away what you cherish most and making you love it while I do.” His voice was barely restrained, animal lust as his hand slid further up to rest at the apex of my thighs.

  “If you had even the smallest idea of all the things I’m going to fucking do to you, you would run and run fast.” I shook my head weakly and pushed forward as I licked my lips and met his eyes, letting him see the need he was creating inside me. “But then…I wouldn't let you get far.”

  He suddenly pushed off the wall and scrubbed a hand down his face, his normal blank mask in place as if the last sixty seconds didn't just happen. Without another word he moved to the window. So he did come through the window.

  I watched him go and had the fleeting thought that desire and fear were the same. Was that screwed up or what? He lifted the window and paused, gazing out into the night.

  “There isn’t a worse threat out there to you than me.” His shoulders tensed and I held my breath, waiting for him to continue. “Do as you’re told,” he gritted, disappearing into the night.

  * * *

  Morning came too soon. It was my birthday. I was now eighteen and miserable. I’d forgotten my birthday was coming until Aunt Carissa reminded me last night. Ever since the pharmacy my mind was stuck in one place. Keiran.

  I hated my birthday though. It was the day I found out my parents weren’t coming back. I stopped thinking of it as my birthday and instead considered it the anniversary my parents became dead to me. They left.

  I’d come downstairs expecting my aunt to be gone but found her waiting with my favorite dessert. I was a sucker for ice-cream cake. She tied balloons to the bar stools and had streamers everywhere and I laughed at her when she blew on those blow out things that sounded like an elephant with a cold.

  “Happy Birthday, Lake!” she jumped up and down much like a big kid, which was sort of embarrassing, but I loved it.

  “Thank you, Aunt Carissa. This is great.”

  “Oh honey, Willow was supposed to be here, but she’s running late. Something about Peepee hiding her keys.”

  “Pepé,” I laughed, correcting her. “He is still mad at her for leaving for the entire summer.” He was a sneaky little guy but cute as a button…for a rat.

  “Shame. He’ll come around. No one can stay mad at Willow for too long.” That was true. Willow had a gift for winning people over except for the ones who thought she was a freak. It was more about the way she dressed than it was about her.

  “I’m making your favorite mixed-berry pancakes so I hope you’re hungry.” I was hungry though I never ate much in the mornings. My appetite usually developed later in the morning but today was different considering I skipped dinner after Keiran left. I went straight to bed, too emotionally wrung out to hang.


  “You should be.” She turned from pouring the batter into the skillet and gave me a hard look. “You didn’t eat the dinner I prepared last night.” I knew my aunt enough to know when she was questioning me without actually asking a question.

  “Uh, yeah. I was too tired after my shower and decided I wasn’t all that hungry so I just crashed.” She nodded her head but continued staring me down until she finally turned to flip the pancakes. “I thought you were leaving early?” I asked, taking the attention off me.

  “No, I said I had an early start. I had to at least be here this morning to make you pancakes, so I chose a later flight. Tara will be driving me to the airport on her lunch break.”

  The doorbell stopped me from answering and I hopped off the stool to open the door. Willow usually just walked in so I wondered who it could be this early. I opened the door and immediately slammed it back. Oh God. Oh no. Oh God. Oh no.

  “Lake, who was that?”

  “Aunt Carissa won’t the pancakes burn?”

  “The pancakes are done. Who was that?” she asked more sternly.

  “Paperboy?” I lifted a shoulder but knew guilt was written all over my face. She rolled her eyes and nudged me aside to open the door.

  Her eyes widened in surprise before she whispered, “Oh my.” She turned to me with accusation in her eyes and a huge grin. “And who are you?” she asked when I refused to explain why Keiran was on our doorstep.

  “Keiran Masters.” His deep voice rushed over me causing goose bumps to cover my skin. “I go to school with your niece.”

  My aunt hid her surprise well but I knew she recalled his name. “Well, you aren’t a friend. I would have seen you before, “she bluntly stated and I suddenly had the urge to hide her from Keiran. She didn’t know the danger she was in just by being this close.

  “No ma’am, I’m not her friend,” he answered truthfully. I could feel his eyes boring into me even as I avoided eye contact.

  “Too bad. You’re cute…enough.” I almost snorted. He was gorgeous and she knew it. My aunt was baiting him.

  “I’m glad you approve,” he smoothly replied.

  “Not quite, so come in so I can see more.” She walked away, heading into the kitchen and leaving us standing in the foyer alone.

  “Why are you here?” I whispered, vehemently. I wouldn’t let him anywhere near my aunt. He merely smirked at me before shouldering his way past me.

  “Didn’t you hear? Your aunt wants to see more,” he threw over his shoulder before disappearing into the kitchen.

  I pulled at my hair before pushing the door shut and following them into the kitchen. Keiran was already settled into a seat as if he belonged here. I made a sound of frustration when I saw my aunt pushing my pancakes into a plate for Keiran. She looked at me in surprise while Keiran wore a smug look on his face.

  “Lake, did you just growl at Keiran?” No, actually I was growling at you. “Sit down and stop being rude. It’s your birthday. Keiran did you know that today is her birthday?”

  “Sure,” he mumbled around a mouth full of my pancakes.

  “Well maybe, you two can celebrate later. I feel so bad that I have to leave today. Keep her company for me, won’t you?” She winked at Keiran and I rolled my eyes.

  “I’ll keep an eye on her,” he agreed. My aunt smiled, completely oblivious to the deception in his words. He made eye contact with me, holding my gaze until I looked away.

  “Ooh, I have to finish packing and leave for my flight. It was nice to meet you Keiran. Don’t let me down.” With that she disappeared up the stairs, leaving me alone with Keiran again.

  “Let’s go,” he commanded. I grabbed my backpack to follow him out the door and sent Willow a quick text to let her know I was leaving and would explain later. Willow knew when not to push. Sometimes.

  “Why did you come here? You could have called to let me know you were coming.” He ignored me until we were seated in his car and then shrugged.

  “I wanted to meet the woman whose life you held in your hands.”

  “Do you really believe your plan will work?” I asked, mockingly. If he didn't think I was afraid of him maybe he would leave me alone. It was a long shot but worth a try.

  His jaw clenched before he hauled me over the gearshift and into his lap, wrapping his hand around my ponytail. “I will do everything in my power to make it work, you see, I have nothing to lose…but you do.”

  “Maybe you do, but you just don't care,” I argued.

  “Then that makes me a very dangerous man.”

  * * *

  It wasn’t easy trying to ignore Keiran when he was a part of most of my day—by force and by circumstance. I was still fuming over the stunt he pulled this morning.

  Most of the day was gone. Lunch and French had come and gone and I’d just arrived to art class. I was setting up my station when Keenan walked in with Trevor
Reynolds. I felt a cold chill run down my spine when Trevor and I made eye contact. I flipped him off when he continued to watch me with a smug expression. When his face fell, I turned away satisfied. What a jarhead.

  I didn't recall him being in my class yesterday so he must have changed courses though I didn't take him or Keenan for an art person. When Keenan disappeared inside the supply closet, Trevor chose that moment to saunter over to me.

  “How’s it going Lake?” he asked cheerfully.

  “Fuck off.” I didn't bother to spare him a glance.

  “You may want to be a little careful with how you speak to me.” He leaned down to whisper into my ear. “Unlike Keiran, I don't hold a secret torch for you. I will end you.”

  I finally looked up to meet his glare with one of my own. “I don't know what you mean. Keiran wouldn’t hold a torch for me unless it was to burn me alive with it.”

  “You might be right...” A cheshire grin spread his lips as he walked away to sit in his seat.

  Keenan came out the supply closet with a giggling brunette following. I had one guess at what they had been doing, and shook my head. He really had no shame. I snorted and turned back to the poster in front of me and thought about Trevor’s unnecessary threat. Keiran would never listen to me anyway. I looked too guilty. The day Keiran went away and left my life for the first time was a day I would never forget…

  * * *

  One year ago

  “Are you sure you’re okay? We can totally bail if you want.” I smiled at Willow because she really was a good friend. The day before Keiran had humiliated me in front of the entire cafeteria when I asked to speak to him.

  “Thanks Willow, but you are not using me to get out of your Biology exam.”

  “Ugh, don't remind me. Ms. Thompson is such a beyotch. I swear she fails me on purpose.”

  “Willow, you made an “A-” on an assignment one time because you skipped a question.”

  “Whatever, she’s still a witch. Hey, did you ever find your cell-phone?”

  “No, but I’m sure it will turn up.” My cellphone disappeared yesterday after the scene in the cafeteria.

  “Maybe someone stole it.”

  It was possible. I remembered sending Willow a text in third period before heading to the bathroom. I thought I left my phone on my desk and didn't realize it was missing until fourth period when Willow asked why I didn't respond to her text. After searching my backpack I went back to the bathroom I used and even asked the lost and found committee, but it never turned up.

  “Maybe. I’m going to search again and ask around before I report it missing.”

  We pulled into the school parking lot and I immediately noticed the flashing lights. There were squad cars and a gang of students gathered around, watching the school anxiously.

  “Whoa, did someone die?” Willow asked.

  “I don't think so. There aren’t any ambulances.”

  We quickly approached the large crowd to see what was happening. I was not prepared for what I saw. Just as I breached the wall of students, I caught sight of Keiran being led in handcuffs to a squad car. Another police officer followed with small bags of what looked like marijuana in Ziploc bags.

  “This is bullshit!” I heard and saw an enraged Keenan emerge from the building followed by a furious Dash. They both looked as if they were ready to kill. I’ve never seen the two of them with so much as a frown on their face before.

  “Son, you might want to calm down and step back before we arrest you too,” an officer stated.

  “Fuck you, let my cousin go. That shit was planted!”

  “You pigs are making a grave mistake. I will have your badges by the end of the day.” That came from Dash who was standing nearby deceptively calm.

  “Mr. Chambers we are only doing our jobs.” With that they placed Keiran in the back of the car.

  Later that day, I was doing homework at home when the doorbell rang. I opened it to find Keenan and Dash on my doorstep with fierce expressions. To say I was surprised was an understatement.

  “Um, hi –” I was about to ask why they were here when Dash cut me off.

  “Cut it, this isn’t a social call.”

  “We know you sent that bullshit tip to the authorities and planted the drugs, bitch.” This came from Keenan, who looked to be only one wrong move or word from strangling me.

  I shifted nervously, wishing my aunt were home. “We are giving you only one chance to go down to the station and tell them you planted the drugs.”

  “I don't know what you are talking about. I did no such thing.” I tried to shut the door but Dash quickly lodged his boot in the door.

  “Money talks, so we have good word that it was your cell phone that called the station…and you left your name. Not very smart,” Dash mocked.

  “I told you I had nothing to do with it. Leave before I call the police.”

  “No need to be scared little lamb,” Keenan’s voice lowered. “Keiran wants to deal with you personally.”

  Chapter Six

  Later that day, I walked into fifth period with Keiran trailing behind. He had been standing outside the door, talking to Quentin as I walked up. When I entered the classroom he wordlessly followed me in.

  I discreetly looked around for Willow as I sat in our seats from yesterday. I had to talk to her and see if she was okay. She wasn’t in volleyball, French, or lunch and she hasn’t answered my texts. I don’t even know if she ever made it to school. I sat down in my seat from yesterday and texted Willow again.

  Could Keiran have done something to her? “Monroe, come sit here.”

  “I’m fine right here.” The silence that followed was more intimidating than if he had yelled and screamed and I knew now was not the time or place to piss him off. He wouldn’t care about the other people in the room. It would just be another opportunity to humiliate me.

  I sighed and gathered my books to move and sat next to him. Keenan and Sheldon walked in a moment later with ruffled clothing and secretive grins on their faces as they made their way to the back but sat in the row in front of us.

  "Mr. Masters and Ms. Chambers it would behoove you to make it on time to class next time. Tardiness will not be tolerated."

  "Sure thing, Mr. Lawson but I don't think people say ‘behoove’ anymore," Keenan joked. The class erupted into laughter causing Mr. Lawson to turn red.

  “Keenan, quit it,” Sheldon scolded.

  “Yes, dear.”

  I watched the couple as they settled in. Keenan was tickling and poking her, making her giggle. He always found reasons to touch her and I’ve noticed the way he looked at her. He seemed to really adore her despite his unfaithfulness, which I didn't understand. Sheldon was beautiful and I felt sorry for her.

  “Hi, I’m Sheldon. Lake Monroe, right?” Sheldon smiled at me as she sat down with her bag. Her eyes were bright amber and her hair was a light shade of blonde. I always thought she looked exotic and admired the athletic build she got from cheerleading.

  “Uh…yeah. Hi.” I replied but didn't return her smile. I was still wary of Sheldon—she was, after all, popular, gorgeous, and had an amazing rack. Shit, now I sound like Keenan. I often caught Keenan motor boating them for everyone to see.

  She seemed nice enough but didn’t seem all that smart when it came to men. Keenan was a slut and made no secret about it, yet she stayed with him. I didn't understand that type of commitment although I never had a boyfriend thanks to Keiran.

  “Senior year. You excited?” she asked. You have no idea. I nodded my head politely but said nothing else. I couldn’t see why she was talking to me much less sitting next to me. “So you and Keiran, huh? You two an item?” she waggled her eyebrows suggestively.

  Keiran had been talking to Quentin but I knew he heard her question when his conversation with Quentin stopped and his attention shifted to me. I couldn’t rebuff him and I couldn’t tell her the truth either. His smirk told me he was enjoying the power he had over me.

nbsp; I was saved from responding by Willow entering the classroom. When she spotted where I was sitting she sent me a questioning glance. I forced a smile but sucked in a breath when she walked over to me.

  “Happy Birthday, Lake,” she said cheerfully as she leaned downed to kiss my cheek. Just as I was about to respond Keiran seized my chin in a hard grip and turned my face up to him.

  “If you want to be cool then you can’t talk to her anymore. We talked about this. You have to drop your deadweight.”

  My world came crashing down at the double meaning in his words. Silence passed between us as I stared at him with hate in my eyes.

  “Lake?” Willow’s voice trembled and I knew she heard him. She was meant to.

  I wanted to turn and reassure her. I couldn’t let him do this. I couldn’t let him take away the only two people that I had to love. Did giving up one really mean saving the other? Despite my doubts I knew I couldn’t risk it. He’d won. He knew the moment I submitted because he finally let go of my face.

  My gaze dropped down to my notebook in front of me but I didn’t see it. I didn’t see anything. All I could feel was the weight of my best friend’s stare and the hurt I just caused her. She wordlessly walked to our normal seats and sat down. Only then did I allow my gaze to rise and it immediately landed on her slumped shoulders. Whoever said choosing between right and wrong was easy is a damn liar.

  * * *

  Drop your deadweight. I played the words over in my head repeatedly as I stood in front of the bathroom mirror. I didn’t like who I saw looking back at me.

  I was mortified.

  I hurt Willow.

  I never hurt Willow and Willow never hurt me. Once class was over she practically ran out the room and I couldn’t stop her.

  I finished cleaning up and tossed away the many tissues I used to cry my pain into. I never thought when I woke up this morning that any of this would happen. He said he would take her away from me but I didn’t believe him. There was a lot I didn’t want to believe. Like the fact that Keiran was going to use sex and control to destroy me and I had to let him.


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