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Page 4

by TK Lawyer

  Her eyebrows furrowed with concern. Was Nightfall talking to her, or was she making up fantasy stories about her dog again…and if so, why?

  Tamara nibbled on her lower lip, and the dog’s eyes darted to her mouth. His body stilled for several long seconds, like a predator watching unclaimed prey, blissfully unaware of its surroundings. His irises darkened and then he lowered his head and, noisily, breathed in her scent.

  I love you. I won’t scare you anymore.

  Nightfall stepped further back. Tamara could’ve sworn she heard a long, low groan from him.

  Amidst her racing thoughts, she tried to make sense of the situation, but couldn’t. She lifted up and muttered under her breath. “I can’t believe I went through all this with a dog.”

  A message floated across her mind. I’m sorry, Tamara.

  She laughed out of pure nervousness. This couldn’t be happening to her, could it? She must’ve imagined all of this. Nightfall couldn’t have known what he was doing. And those voices…she must have made them up, right? Dogs don’t talk…and certainly not in English.

  Tamara wanted to laugh, but instead she shook her head, thinking how weird this whole scenario played out. In her attempt to give Nightfall a chicken nugget, she ended up on her back in the middle of the kitchen floor with him on top. Goodness.

  Maybe she should reconsider giving him away, after all he was acting strange today—really kooky. Maybe she should’ve let him go home with the skanky blonde from the pet store. She seemed to like him a lot, and he liked her too.

  She’s nothing compared to you, the voice informed her. She’d never make me happy.

  Her eyes widened. Okay, that was weird. Did she reply to herself in her mind? People, did that sometimes…talk to themselves, right?

  Lost in her thoughts, Tamara barely noticed Nightfall lifting off her, shifting away from her while she recalled the men she dated in her recent past.

  It had been a long while since she had a boyfriend and just as long since she felt a man’s touch. Sometimes, when life got difficult, she craved a long cuddle from someone who cared. She longed for those cozy, beautiful memories with someone of substance. Yet, he was more difficult to find than winning the Powerball jackpot. She’d be luckier to win that, instead, it seemed.

  Nightfall lay on the floor directly in front of her. His head moved side to side, and he paused a few times to chuff, whine, and snort.

  Tamara lifted herself off the floor, and Nightfall followed. He lay down by the entrance to her bedroom, his paws in the way when she attempted to close the door.

  “Move. Go away.”

  She slowly pushed the door shut until the lock clicked. She heard whimpering, a couple of thuds, and finally a loud whump. A strange noise she couldn’t make out followed. She listened intently until she figured out it was Nightfall sniffing underneath her door. Pulling her hair back, she happily sighed at the antics of the furball on the other side. She strutted toward her comfortable king-sized bed and sank into the softness of the mattress.

  Finally, she had privacy, blissful privacy.


  Tamara changed into a red, cotton print nightgown, smoothed the gown across her hips and fingered the material afterward.

  “Is this material too thin?” she wondered to herself aloud.

  Wait a minute. What am I thinking? Am I monitoring my own clothing because of a dog? How ludicrous.”

  She unlatched the door to find Nightfall’s head popping up from the carpet. He had pushed himself forward as much as possible against the door. Was he trying to jar it open with his body? Tamara chuckled. He looked like one of those draft stoppers, only longer, wider and with a massive amount of fur.

  His eyes shifted when she exited the bedroom. She could’ve sworn his gaze drew upward toward her chest, but she figured her imagination was in overdrive again. She unlocked the French door and called out. “Nightfall! Come here, boy.”

  He ran to her side, looked at the door, and then back at her.

  “Come on. Let’s go.” She pointed through one of the long, clear glass panels in the door to the fenced-in backyard.

  He didn’t budge.


  She pushed hard against his bottom and tried to force him out the door. Unfortunately, he was an immense, strong, stubborn dog, and he wasn’t going anywhere he didn’t want to.

  “Honey, please go outside to do your business. I’ll be right here, waiting, okay?”

  She rubbed her fingers under his chin and smoothed his hair down one side of his muzzle, trying to reassure him he would be okay. It must’ve worked because a few seconds later, he licked her arm and took off running. He turned with the slam of the door.



  Josh loved being outdoors, but he’d rather be in the backyard with his mate. However, Mother Nature and the fact that he was still in wolf form demanded he relieve himself while he could, and not in her home. He looked back to make sure Tamara kept her promise and found her watching him through the glass. Good.

  He trotted toward the fence in the back of the yard and lifted a leg, turning back when he was done to locate her. He relaxed the tension in his muscles when he found her standing in the same spot.

  Josh continued his exploration around the yard, sniffing and finding an old, faint scent that surrounded the entire area. He recalled in the vet’s office, heavy sadness had overcome Tamara, and there were pictures of a beagle in her home.

  This must’ve been the dog’s scent, he realized.

  It was undeniable she loved her beagle and was devastated by her loss. Josh wished he could comfort Tamara and ease her pain, but unfortunately it took time to heal.

  His nose trailed another scent when he decided to search out his beloved mate once again. His heart started racing and a tightening sensation threatened to engulf it. Panic struck him hard when he didn’t spot her. Where did she go? Tamara left him! How could she do that? What if she needed him and he couldn’t get to her?

  He raced to the French door, barking non-stop until she returned.

  Tamara threw open the door and shouted, “Nightfall, I’m right here. Stop barking.”

  He pushed past her, turning his head left then right, surveying the details of each room with satisfaction, finding nothing disturbed. Only then did he return his attention to her.

  She placed her hands on her hips with a snort of frustration. “What am I going to do with you? For God’s sake, I was only gone for a minute.”

  Tamara walked past Josh and bumped into him along the way. He whined low in apology, but she ignored him. Tamara took a pint of ice cream from the freezer and sat on the couch.

  She patted the area next to her. It was an invitation Josh wasn’t about to pass up. His love wanted him to sit next to her soft, almost naked body. There was no way he was going to let her second guess her decision. Josh jumped up to a stand, ran around the coffee table, and practically propelled himself through the air onto the couch.

  “You know I don’t usually believe in letting dogs on the couch,” Tamara told him. “But you don’t seem like a typical dog to me. I figure you’d be more comfortable here, anyway. Right?” She looked into his eyes.

  He nodded.

  Josh laid his head gently on her left thigh. Sniffing the air, he sighed and buried his muzzle into her soft, delectable flesh until she jumped and hollered at him about his cold nose. He chortled in response and lay happily across her thigh once more, wanting to do much more with her. His grin widened. That wonderful day would come soon. If Tamara only knew what was in store for her…

  Tamara looked down at Josh, opened her mouth, and then abruptly closed it. She pushed him gently off her. Nightfall chuffed a retort seconds before he vaulted back over her naked thighs, leaving very little room between them. Tamara wasn’t pushing him away this time—oh no—not when he yearned to be as close to her as earthly possible.

  With her eyes half closed, Tamara stroked her fingers throu
gh his fur and sighed. In between scoops of melted ice cream, she cooed to him and murmured loving words while stroking the fur on the top of his head. He covered her thigh with his paw. Then rubbed his leg across her before settling his paw at the lower edge of her nightgown. Tamara finished her ice cream and tossed it into the garbage. Returning to the couch, she yawned, stretched her arms overhead and let her head fall back.

  Josh watched his mate as she gave in to the sweet serenity of sleep. He stood up gently, moved closer to her, on the wobbly cushions, to gauge her breathing before he looked down at her nightgown, and grinned.


  He heard Tamara’s small gasp before the couch vibrated beneath him. Tamara was moving, likely pulling down the night gown he had hiked up past her thighs, and almost to her belly, in the middle of the night. He had exposed her loveliness to his hungry eyes which devoured every inch of her smooth, creamy skin while she remained fast asleep.

  Feigning just waking, his eyes opened slowly and his head moved up. He stretched his legs. His paw fell gently against her right thigh. A little later, he brushed a paw down the inside of her thigh several times before pressing forward and licking her left thigh. He stood up, bent his head toward hers, and eyed her as she opened her eyes.

  “What is it, Sweetie? You’re not tired?”

  No, I’m not actually.

  There was that comfortable, soft-spoken voice again. She still didn’t know where it was coming from.

  She stroked across his head resting gently on her chest, her hand delving further into his silky fur. Her fingers caressed down across his lower back. Nightfall edged closer and whimpered. He lay back down, lapped the inside of her right thigh, sniffed the air, and closed his eyes.


  Josh lay quietly against her bedroom door.

  He craved her with his entire being. He couldn’t help it if his body reacted to her soft, warm body snuggled up against his. He sent her a message waiting to discover her response. I want you, Tamara. I’ve never wanted anyone so badly.

  Tamara stirred on the other side of the door, and Josh grinned knowing that she heard him.

  How long would he continue the charade by remaining her pet and catering to her every whim? Every second she remained by his side, he lost more of his remaining self-control. What little she wore didn’t help either.

  Her thin nightgown, tonight, was no match for him. He shoved the material up and over her thighs easily to delight in her natural beauty and her raw, intense, exotic fragrance.

  Yet, he wanted more with her—much more—as a man and a human, not her pet. The fact she only knew him as an animal frustrated him. He didn’t know how and when to reveal himself to her. Still, he had to do it soon before they engaged in some sort of sordid game that ended in a way neither of them wanted. Visions of them intertwined together invaded his mind and pained him.

  He wanted to howl. Instead, he yowled out his frustration.

  Josh listened from outside the door. Her breathing slowed—she was sound asleep. He returned to human form, thankful for the brief respite, and glanced at the kitchen with a longing.

  He stepped softly into the kitchen and tried not to make any noise. His sensitive ears listened out for any sounds to indicate she was awake. Opening the refrigerator, Josh quickly drank the glass of water he filled and voraciously ate a dry sandwich before remembering she had condiments.

  Suddenly, something stirred within her bedroom, and he became acutely aware of his limited time. Tamara was approaching the door, and there wasn’t enough time to clean up the mess of breadcrumbs or plate he used.

  Josh changed back into wolf form and walked halfway between the kitchen and the bedroom before she unlatched the door. He lay down, shut his eyes, and relaxed his breathing to resemble sleep.

  Her footsteps approached him softly and she asked, “What are you doing over here, silly boy? You’re usually by the bedroom door.”

  Tamara hesitated as she knelt beside him and whispered, “Nightfall,” but he didn’t respond.

  Josh lay still, but listened to her tiptoe back into the bedroom and heard the bed creak from her settling back onto the mattress. He waited a few more minutes until he heard her bedsheets rustle, then squinted through the darkness. Something was different.

  He widened his eyes in surprise when he discovered what it was—Tamara forgot to latch the chain on her bedroom door, and it remained wide open.

  Did she forget, or was this some type of ruse or a possible invitation to her bedroom?

  Whatever it was, he was more than willing to take the plunge without second-guessing her decision. He decided to test her in order to determine if she remained awake and was merely waiting for him to make a mistake by entering her room without her permission.

  Sitting at the edge of her doorway, he telepathically relayed to her the following words. Tamara, there’s a burglar.

  He knew if she was alert or even half asleep, Tamara would have responded. Yet, she didn’t. Granted, with Josh around she had nothing to fear. He’d dispense of the burglar before he disturbed his sleeping goddess.

  Josh decided to send her calming, comforting words, instead, to assure her peaceful slumber and to help nullify his previous, false alert.

  You’re safe, my love, that was a mistake. There’s nothing to fear. Sleep soundly now.

  He continued watching her, monitoring her heart rate for any oddities. To his relief, the beats remained steady. The last thing he wanted was to cause her nightmares.

  In mid-pace, while aiming for the kitchen, Josh returned to human form and paraded around, naked, cleaning up the mess he made. He lifted his arms up into the air and arched the muscles carved into his back, relishing standing on two feet versus four paws. He contemplated the look on Tamara’s face if she found him in her home, exposed and nude. Would she be pleased with how he looked? He hadn’t received any complaints before, but she was different—she was his mate. Her opinion was the only one that mattered to him.

  He moved his head side to side until he heard a “crack” and his tension released. His stomach grumbled in the meantime, reminding him of its neglect. As a shifter, his body burned through calories faster than any exercise program. It was the best way to stay in shape but also the worst when it came to keeping food in the house and budgeting expenses for meals.

  He stretched out the muscles in his arms and murmured in satisfaction. Although his wolf burned through calories naturally, there were several other ways he’d savor expending energy. Yet, these required several few compromising positions, and his incredibly sexy, willing mate.

  Josh’s grin widened as he cracked open the refrigerator to explore what nourishment was available. He grabbed a yogurt and devoured it. The cold, silken texture slid easily down his throat. He licked the sides of his lips and hummed seconds before he looked down at the empty container. Oh no. Was this a favorite yogurt of hers, and would she miss it, now that it was gone?

  Well… no time for regrets, he told himself. Maybe she’ll think she ate it already.

  He glanced through the living room and into the open bedroom door beckoning to him.

  Back to Tamara.

  He grinned, stretching his muscles down, and returning to his wolf form.

  Josh wandered over to her side of the bed, placed his front paws on the edge of it, and looked at the freckles dotting sporadic areas across her face. She was incredible and beautiful. Was she in the middle of a dream? Where did she go in her dreams? What did she experience? Did she dream of Nightfall? She hadn’t mentioned it, and it wasn’t something he could ask her—at least not as Nightfall.

  Her straight, dark brown hair fell wildly across her pillow. A hint of her bare shoulder peeked out from the protection of the bedsheet. He looked longingly at it, envisioning planting a burning trail of kisses down her back to the upper crease of her buttocks.


  He sighed as the clear vision wreaked havoc with his senses. Next, he’d flip her
onto her back and massage her in places that would have her saucy mouth screaming out his real name. His head fell back, and he shuddered, imagining the vivid, erotic scene. It was only the start of a lengthy list of risqué things he wanted to do with her.

  He leaned forward and breathed in the captivating elixir of her scent, an intense longing lingering within his heart to hear his real name uttered from her soft, kissable lips. With a heavy sigh, he found an area of the floor out of the way of her immediate path. He lay down, disappointed another day was gone, and he remained, solely, her pet.

  With a final grunt, he closed his eyes and let sleep overtake him.


  Tamara awoke in the early morning hours to find Nightfall asleep on the floor beside her. She closed her eyes and continued lying on her side, her head dangling close to the edge of the bed. When she opened her eyes again, she found two large amber irises staring back at her. She yelped and jerked up before realizing her mistake. Laughing long and hard, she apologized to a startled, wide-eyed Nightfall.

  She gathered him in her arms, kissed his muzzle and then his forehead, apologizing profusely for scaring him. He reached over and licked her lips. She grimaced slightly but didn’t move, understanding now that this was Nightfall’s way of showing affection. Still, it grossed her out at times. Yet, she was getting used to his mannerisms. She kept her lips closed while he continued licking her.

  A moment later, he turned and licked across her cheek. She steadied him to kiss him on the muzzle, once again, when he suddenly moved his snout, and she ended up kissing the side of his mouth.

  “Ewww, Nightfall. That was disgusting. Don’t do it again.” She wiped a hand across her lips several times. “Yuck!”

  She turned away from him, pulling the sheets over her body when a low whimper pierced the stillness. His nose nudged part of the sheet across her back.

  “No, go to sleep.”

  Another nudge on her back, this time more deliberate, urged her to react. She whipped her arm out and pointed for him to lie down when he licked her arm instead. She turned to face him, a lazy smile quirking up the corners of her lips. The bed sheet unraveled from her body. Nightfall nudged away the remnants of it right before he lay his chin down on the bed and gazed up at her. She stroked his head and kissed him several times before she fell back asleep.


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