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Page 5

by TK Lawyer


  Josh gazed at her sexy, wanton lips and couldn’t help himself. Waiting until she was sound asleep, he stretched up and returned to human form. He then knelt by the edge of the bed and brushed his lips tenderly across hers before he stilled and watched for any sign of movement, wary of changing back into the form she was more familiar with. Fortunately, he didn’t find any signs to indicate her increased awareness. Relieved and unable to stop himself, he lightly caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. He let his hand linger before he spread his fingers wide, threading each of them between silky strands of her lush hair. His heart swelled as he watched her stir. He loved her. Yet, he wouldn’t spoil their chances by revealing himself now. It wasn’t worth the risk.

  “I love you, Tamara. Sleep well,” he whispered.

  He returned to his wolf and started formulating a plan to win her heart.


  Shortly after Tamara left for work the next day, Josh called in a favor. He taped up the door jams to prevent Tamara from fully locking the bedroom doors. Next, he located her spare key and left her home to put his plan into action. He moved stealthily through the shadows of the early morning, darkness cloaking his wolf form as he aimed for his house. With the spare key between his teeth, he ran through residential streets then out toward a small forest, making it home in record time.

  His plan was a good one. Still, he needed it to be enough to win his mate. Regardless of the time it took, Josh would wait for her. Wolves didn’t walk away from their mates. Now that he found her, he had no intention of going anywhere without her.

  Josh located his spare key taped beneath a loose tile to the side of his door. He burst through the entrance, slamming the door behind him before any of his neighbors found him—ahem—naked.

  Zipping straight to the bedroom, he threw clothes on faster than a pot of coffee brewed. Once he was dressed, Josh glanced at his watch and rushed back to Tamara’s home. He sighed with relief at the vacant house and brought in the small duffle bag he brought back with him. Locating a shelf high enough and out of the way from Tamara’s view, he stored his bag behind a few other items in a spare closet. Compared to Josh’s six-foot, three-inches, Tamara was a short five-foot-one. It was unlikely she’d trouble herself to get a step stool to search for anything beyond her reach.

  He pictured his luscious mate in his mind. The world was often cruel to women who didn’t mimic the proposed ideal: rail-thin or tall in stature. Tamara was neither, but this didn’t bother him. To the world, she might seem ample and short, but to him, she was perfect in every way, with curves meant for fondling, awaiting his thorough exploration. He was proud of his mate. He couldn’t have asked for a better, sexier match.

  Josh took a quick shower, conscious of the time passing by. He pulled the wet towel he used off him and stared first at the towel rack in front of him and then back at the bathroom counter. Now that he had a wet towel in his hands, what was he supposed to do with it? Tamara would likely notice there was one extra among her own.

  His preference was a shower back at his apartment. It would’ve made things easier, but it also would’ve been too risky. If Tamara came home earlier than expected and found Nightfall missing…

  That setback was one he couldn’t afford.

  Of course, showering in her house was also tricky. Either option had its pros and cons and neither was going to win him any prizes. He folded the used towel in half, looping it on the rack next to hers. Maybe she’d think she made a mistake and laid out two towels instead of one. Of course, if she found one of the towels still wet, that would end his sneaky plan.


  Hours later than expected, Tamara walked through the door, followed by an overwhelming, delicious scent that didn’t belong to her. Nightfall sniffed the air beside her and followed close behind as she made her way into the kitchen. “I brought home fried chicken, Sweetheart.”

  Nightfall drooled onto the tile floor.

  Overjoyed, he turned around in circles, barking happily into the air. Tamara backed away as the dog lowered his head in shame.

  Her giggle came out with a half snort. “I guess you really like chicken, huh? Were you a good boy while I was gone?”

  She knelt in front of him, grabbed his furry face, and kissed him on the forehead. Bending over him, she ruffled the hair on his back with both of her hands while her blouse and necklace fell forward. Nightfall stared at the tied, looped keyhole of her blouse and tugged at the material.

  “What in heaven’s name are you doing now?” Tamara demanded.

  Nightfall bucked up and looked at her.

  Her head tilted to the side, and she squinted at him suspiciously. “Up to no good again, are you? Oh, I almost forgot…”

  She pulled an elongated package from her car and held it across one arm, displaying it in front of him.

  “Look at what came to my office. It’s a box of chocolates from a really nice man named Josh.” She tugged on the card underneath the bright red ribbon, opened it and read it to him aloud. “The card says ‘Remember me? We should talk, Josh.’ Isn’t that interesting? I didn’t think he’d remember me.”

  She remembered the time he first came to her office like it was yesterday. Josh accompanied his nephew to her office for an appointment. He was gorgeous with a stunning full head of medium-brown hair and a stellar, genuine smile. He was gentle and kind during their interactive sessions. It was beyond doubt that he loved his nephew.

  Yes, Tamara was interested in Josh. A little too interested. She met with them a total of six times before discussing transferring his nephew’s case to another counselor. To her dismay, Tamara’s emotions were in constant turmoil every time Josh was around—she couldn’t concentrate. There was also a comfortable familiarity about him she couldn’t explain.

  Ethically, she knew she couldn’t keep scheduling appointments for his nephew for a plausible excuse to see Josh. It would have been unprofessional and wrong. After the fourth meeting, Josh asked to speak with her alone. He inquired about her relationship status, following up on the question with a dinner invite. However, she had no interest in a permanent relationship or getting her heart broken again.

  She declined his invitation, using a valid excuse instead of the real one, which kept running through her mind. Josh had the potential to be the real thing, and that frightened her. She figured one date with him might lead to forever, and that scared her enough to scamper out the door, never to return.

  Reciting the known but unwritten ethical code in the Counselor Policy Manual, she ended up with a great excuse as to why she couldn’t date clients, or family members of clients. Josh asked her to reconsider, but she simply couldn’t risk it.

  Tamara had given her heart to one too many louses in the past. They used her to “borrow” money, get expensive items, or just “loved” and left her for their space or for a younger, slimmer version. Each glaring disappointment tore through her heart, shattering it to bits and pieces. Over the years, she built a wall around her heart with every bad choice she made.

  Now, that wall seemed impermeable.

  Her mind retorted, telling her Josh wasn’t a louse—he was different—surprising and pleasantly so. Still, she was afraid if she gave Josh a chance, she wouldn’t be able to retrieve her heart ever again. Despite her concerns, she smiled. Josh was intriguing and a mystery.

  Nightfall chuffed. He connected with Tamara telepathically. Oh, he remembers you all right. Do you like them?

  Tamara’s eyebrows knitted together as she looked down at the dog beside her. She turned, seeming to locate something, before looking back at him. After a brief pause, she glanced over his head, and replied aloud to no one.

  “I swear I don’t know who’s talking to me. I feel so foolish, replying, but yes, I do like these chocolates very much. They’re my favorite brand.”

  Nightfall telepathically relayed another message. Josh is happy you like them. He really likes you.

  She felt a tugging sen
sation on her pants, just below her knee. Glancing down toward the source, she caught Nightfall twisting his head to one side as he looked up at her.

  Are you okay?

  Her eyebrows narrowed. She, immediately, fell to her knees in front of Nightfall. Her voice cracked as she looked at him, asking, “You’re not talking to me, are you?”

  Tamara almost forgot to breathe as she looked directly at him, awaiting some sort of reply from the canine.

  She snorted, looking down at the floor and laughed hysterically. “I’m sorry, Nightfall. I can’t believe I was waiting for a response from you like you can open your mouth and talk to me.”

  Tamara stood up and wiped the dirt off her pants. “I must be hearing things.”

  No, you’re not.

  She jerked back. Her hands flew to her mouth, startled at the response. Her teeth chattered as she spoke. “Where did that come from?”

  Just know that you’re not hearing things. You’re not going crazy, and I love you.

  Tamara lifted her chin up and spoke. “I’m not sure who you are, but as long as you’re not evil and you have nothing bad to say to me, I guess I have no choice except to listen.” She continued, the stern tone of her voice rising with her words. “If, however, you are evil or you have bad intentions, please leave my house at once and don’t ever talk to me again.”

  She whipped her hand out, pointing toward the front door to indicate where the negative entity should go.

  Nightfall blinked. I told you, you’re not crazy, and I’m definitely not evil. Regarding my intentions…

  Tamara stilled and waited. When he didn’t respond, she released a sigh, shook her head and returned to the kitchen. She had just slipped out a notepad from her kitchen drawer when the voice spoke up again.

  Regarding intentions, I know what I desire. I love you. I’d never harm you. I just want to be with you.

  She glanced around again, confused. “Who said that? …Maybe I am talking to myself….” Tamara rubbed her arms, briefly warding off a noticeable tremble before taking out a pen.

  She rambled on about the delightful chocolates Josh gave her as she scribbled a few notes down on a sheet of paper.

  “Frankly, I’m surprised to receive a gift from a man I barely knew. It’s sweet, though. The fact that he knows the brand of chocolates that I like and that he has the money to afford them is, well, amazing. I mean, these are not cheap chocolates.”

  She walked over to Nightfall and scratched the fur behind his ear.

  “I love talking to you. Thanks for listening, Nightfall. Anyway, like I was saying, those chocolates are imported from France, and they’re not cheap.”

  Tamara walked back into the kitchen and separated a part of the chicken for the dog. She took as much meat off the bones as she could, placed the individual pieces down on a plate, and presented it to him. He gobbled it up with relish, silently thanking her for filling up his famished stomach.


  After they finished eating, Josh followed her through the French door and into the backyard. He walked beside her, happy to accompany her instead of wandering around the yard, checking the back door periodically to make sure she was still around. He liked knowing where she was, preferring to know if she was in danger so he could come to her aid.

  A shrill ring interrupted his thoughts and continued from inside the house. Tamara rushed back toward the door. Josh ran after her, whipping past her and through the open door, almost tripping her as he squeezed between her leg and the doorframe.

  She yelled and swore at Josh while she grabbed onto the door handle, steadying herself from falling forward. He sat in front of her, whimpering and hanging his head low in apology.

  Her anger soon dissipated. “It’s okay, Nightfall, just don’t do it again.”

  Tamara reached for the cordless phone and accepted the incoming call. Josh listened to her bubbly chatter, unaffected by it until he heard two simple words escape her lips. A date. The caller was asking her out on a date.

  “Nooo!” Josh silently screamed while visions of his mate in the arms of another threatened to undo him.


  Tamara paced, chatting animatedly with the stranger on the phone while Josh stood still and grimaced. He growled in disapproval at each U-turn amidst his pacing.

  This is not going to work, he thought. She can’t be dating. She’s my life mate.

  He paced back and forth, huffing, snorting, and glaring at her the entire time.

  She chatted on and on, making plans with someone named Keith while Josh grew increasingly upset. The fur on his back ruffled, and he ground his teeth. He imagined what Keith looked like. It was unfortunate they couldn’t settle this as wolves. Josh was the Alpha and, after he finished with him, Keith would be lunchmeat.

  To his chagrin, Tamara was flirtatious on the phone, interspersing giggles with gushing compliments. Josh strove to contain himself. He wanted to march through the kitchen and pull the phone cord out of the wall, if only to keep her from wasting her time on a man not suited for her. She wasn’t supposed to be sharing herself or her time with anyone else. He stood outside the kitchen watching her, completely blinded by jealousy.

  After finalizing plans with a wide smile, Tamara ended the call and then she called someone named Vee. Based on the way they spoke, the extent of the call lasting more than one hour; Josh assumed Vee was a close, female friend of hers. Tamara dropped her phone on the charger and then hummed happily to herself. Josh imagined exactly how he planned on greeting Keith at the door. He followed her, ending up at the threshold of her bedroom, only to find the door slammed in his face.

  Stunned at her disregard, Josh growled his dissatisfaction aloud. He waited, but she didn’t come out to apologize or to even acknowledge he was there. Her rejection stung his heart, wrenching it into two. Seeking her attention, he pawed at the door and received no response. He whined, still no response. He barked, and there was nothing. He barked twice, still nothing. He barked continuously until she finally threw the door open.

  She wagged a finger at him. “Nightfall, knock it off. Stop it now.”

  Josh hung his head low to elicit the normal loving response from Tamara, but this time, it didn’t work. Astonished, he found himself instead, in his crate and her locking it before she sauntered back into the bedroom and closed the door behind her.

  She left him in his crate. She never left him in the crate. He waited for her to return, but she didn’t come out of the bedroom. He couldn’t believe it. How could she treat him this way? Disgusted, he threw back his head and howled.


  Tamara threw open the door to her bedroom wide-eyed. She swallowed back the immediate dryness that overtook her throat the moment she heard the howl. She stared at her beloved dog and tried to move forward, but her legs, frozen in place out of pure fear, refused to cooperate. Drumming up courage from somewhere deep within, she crept toward the crate, reminding herself she locked it, and therefore he couldn’t break free.

  Still, she never thought Nightfall would howl and here he was belting out the sounds of nature within her small residential neighborhood. Who knew what he was capable of anymore?

  Tamara crouched in front of his crate and stared at him through the metal bars. Unfortunately, there was no help-manual in the world to refer to regarding the situation she found herself in. Her mind wanted to deny what she heard, but she couldn’t dismiss the truth. She distinctly heard Nightfall howl like a wolf. He was supposed to be a German Shepherd dog. At least that’s what everyone said he was, except for her vet. He mentioned something about a wolf hybrid. She looked over at Nightfall again. Could the ASPCA adopt out a wolf hybrid if she turned him in?

  Tamara, you silly thing, he’s done nothing to harm you or anyone else. He only howled. Some dogs howl especially small ones. Maybe he normally howls, and you didn’t know. Whatever you do, don’t show him fear. You’re supposed to be in charge.

  She watched Nightfall, worried, and unab
le to take her eyes off him. What was she supposed to do now?

  He lowered his eyes and panted.

  Tamara stood up from the ground and shivered. In her haste to open the door, she had rushed out in her plunge cut bra and nothing else. Nightfall’s glance went south. His tongue lolled out of his mouth, and moisture pooled at the tip. His eyes rose to her chest, his tongue resurfaced, and drool dripped through folds, scattering onto the floor.

  Was he a wolf? He looked every bit like one. If the crate wasn’t locked, he’d have launched himself at her. She swallowed down a hard, extremely dry lump forming in her throat.

  Words wafted through her mind. Don’t go on the date. Stay home with me, instead, though you might be safer on the date.

  Tamara’s jaw dropped, and her breathing intensified while amber-gold eyes continued watching her. Nightfall hung his head down for several long seconds, and he pawed the ground. He looked back up at her when she heard words flow again through her mind.

  Please, don’t be afraid. We have a bond where I can speak to you in your mind. I love you. I’d never harm you.

  Her mouth continued to hang open. She widened her eyes and pointed to Nightfall. “It is you! You’re the one talking to me. Before you, I heard nothing and now…”

  Tamara’s breathing faltered while realization hit. Her dog was speaking to her...

  Now that she knew it, what was she supposed to do about it? What would Cesar Millan, the dog whisperer, do?

  She stared at him for what seemed like an eternity, unsure and unwilling to make the next move; he stared back, motionless. Why wasn’t he talking to her? He could be chatty when he wanted to. She eyed him curiously. What was he, anyway?

  Suddenly, Nightfall broke the ice. Please, believe me. I’m sorry this came out all wrong. Truly, I’m sorry for this.


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