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Absorbing White

Page 14

by Charlotte E Hart

  “Where is your collar? Show me.”

  “I don’t see how that is relevant, dear boy. And this is not up for debate, no matter how glorious you become in your rage.”

  “You will not walk away from me.” Every dominant trait was now in full flow, that calm before an impending storm rumbling along beneath his skin for the first time since the office, and this time strengthened with a sense of fear he’d not felt before.

  “Temper, temper. Do calm yourself. There is nothing you can do, and your orders are somewhat negligible at this point, beautiful as they are.”

  Alex was across the room and flooring the man before he could think anymore on it, the pit of his stomach dropping with that undiluted sense of power as Pascal immediately relaxed in his grip and rolled in perfect unison to his movements. There was probably nothing either of them wanted more in this moment than to accept nature and let whatever it was that could happen, just happen. All those innuendos over the years, combined with every vision of lust or debauchery, brought on a strange sense of belonging, needing, wanting something other than the normal immoral acts of another time. What was that? Pascal turned in his arms and manoeuvred himself until he was inches from his face, his lips hovering as their breaths mingled. He was so close, so very close to touching him in a way he’d never considered unless a woman was between them. It had happened many times before but never had he even be tempted by the thought, until now. But force and anger at the circumstances overrode as his fingers grasped and hauled the man back to his feet again until he was standing in front of him with an annoyed expression.

  “What do you want from me, Alexander? To be your toy for amusement? Hmm? What do you have to offer me? You tell me I cannot leave you, yet you offer nothing more than the occasional beating, perhaps a taste of your woman to share as and when she thinks it acceptable,” he spat out at him, hands waving about and sneer firmly in place.

  “That’s not fair. You made me this way. You always knew I couldn’t do what you needed. And you gave her that choice, not me. You’ve turned her. I would have kept her the way she was, introduced her slowly.”

  “Made you this way? You are this way. This is all you. Do not dare question yourself. Your sense of decency is as reckless as mine, if not more so, and if you’re going to survive with her, she needs to understand that, needs to see it, feel it, absorb you as I want to and let you be the perfection you are.”

  “I’m trying to show her it all, and you.”

  “What are you trying to show me? Please, enlighten me. That you’re jealous for something you do not want? Jealous of something you cannot give? This has gone on long enough, Alexander. It has been entertaining. However, it is time to-”

  Jealousy? Damn right he was jealous. He couldn’t even hear the man speaking anymore. That woman wasn’t taking his other source of peace away from him, not now he realised he had it. The backhand across Pascal’s face sent him reeling towards the bed and landing on his back. How dare he even think this a possibility? He would do as he was fucking told.

  “Where is your collar?”

  “I don’t have it, and this isn’t helping, nice as that wa-”

  “Where is your fucking collar? Do you want me to beat it out of you?” The thought was fucking appealing at the moment, and the rising agitation combined with the slow calm spreading through his veins was making it damn near impossible to control what was coming next.

  “Alexander, there is nothing you can do to-” That resulted in another blow to the face before Alex crawled over him to grab his throat and choke it out of him. He was going to find that collar and destroy it, burn it if necessary, before he let the man leave the room. Pascal’s eyes bored back into his as his fingers tightened around his skin, his body melting beneath his own as he watched the bright green come back to life and widen in fear.

  “Tell me before I fucking kill you. I won’t share you with her. You will not leave me as well.”

  “It... It makes little difference what you want,” Pascal stuttered as he tried to gasp for air. His hands squeezed together, cock hardening at the very vision as Pascal’s mouth opened again and began to quiver in his grasp. “You don’t want me.”

  “Once more, where is it?” Tighter, closer, almost to the point of feeling the bones in his neck giving way under his fingers, and as he continued to stare down into those vivid green eyes, his heart pounded with the same feelings he had for his angel. Never had he felt such emotion over an act of violence, overwhelming clarity in the perfection of the moment, as he watched pain etch its way across the man’s skin and saw the love reflected back in those eyes. His breathing was disappearing, his jagged breaths rough and panted, and yet not once did Pascal grab onto him to try and stop what was happening. “I won’t ask you again. You will fucking answer me,” he said with a final squeeze.

  “She… She has it,” he eventually spluttered out. The release of Alex’s hands was immediate as Pascal heaved in a breath, trying to calm himself, and blew it out. Much as Alex’s cock was aching at the act, he didn’t much like the colour of the man’s lips, and he could deal with that pain at another time, preferably when Elizabeth got her fucking arse back here. He leaned back on his haunches and sat astride Pascal, whose face was now returning to a more acceptable colour through his panting for air.

  “Why the hell did you make me do that?” he growled as he glowered at the man from above.

  “I was quite enjoying the visual of you up there.” He coughed. “You know how I like you in full force, and the purchase on my cock was quite indescribable,” Pascal replied as he shoved his hips upwards. “Do take your clothes off. Let’s just get this out of the way, shall we?” Alex shook his head at the man and began to move off of him. It wasn’t happening that way, however oddly he may have just been tempted. “Why do you continue to spoil my fun, Alexander?”

  “Get up. We’re going,” he responded as he got to the floor and reached for his jacket.

  “Going where? We have everything we need right here. Elizabeth will be back here soon, and then we can-”

  “She is not having a collar around your neck.” Alex halted and turned back to face Pascal, sudden thoughts of compassion entering his mind. “Unless you want it there… Do you want it there?”

  “I am not entirely sure. I have never had reason enough to beg for its removal.” Alex turned and began walking towards the door again with a smile. Whoever this woman was, she was about to feel his wrath.

  “You’re wrong, you know?” he said as he listened to the grabbing of clothes and mumbled musings behind him, a truly wonderful sound, comforting somehow now he thought about it in a different light. Even in Dutch.

  “It is not possible that I’m wrong, Alexander, but pray tell?”

  “I do want you.” The movement stopped. The mumbling stopped. “It will be on my terms, but if you needed clarification, there it is.”

  If he’d dared to turn around, he’d more than likely have found an astounded Pascal with his mouth hanging open. Instead, he turned the handle and began to leave the room, trying to work out yet another problem he had to deal with. Not only did he now need to understand what those terms would be, but he needed to understand how he was going to make Elizabeth accept them, too. He supposed he could kill two birds with one stone. He was going there for Pascal, and his angel was there, too. She would just have to hear it as it fell from his lips and hopefully feel as at ease with it as he did. And Roxanne? Well, she would just have to do as she was told, because regardless of her status over Pascal, she wasn’t keeping him.

  “She also has my wedding band,” came as a reply to interrupt his planning. He rolled his eyes in response and kept walking, as if anything was ever fucking easy where Pascal was concerned.

  Twenty minutes later and they were sitting in the Limo, staring at each other. The car was idling by the side of the red building, and he cracked his neck to ease the tension that was beginning to develop. A collaring was reasonably easy to deal wit
h. A wedding ring was not quite so simple. Pascal was incredibly wealthy, and while he was sure the man was clever enough to have dealt with as much as possible, if they were married, she could take the man to the cleaners if she chose to. She certainly wasn’t poor herself, but the term ‘a woman scorned’ popped into his mind. And she certainly wasn’t a woman to be taken lightly. She never had been, but now he knew she had control over Pascal, his respect for her power had tripled.

  “Why?” he asked evenly. He wasn’t beating around the bush with the man anymore. If Pascal wanted a dominant, he could damn well have one, a real one.

  “It’s not something you need to-”

  “No, Pascal. This stops now. You will not question me. You will just answer me,” he cut in before the man had a chance to deflect the conversation. Enough was enough. If he was even going to entertain what he was about to do then he wanted the damn truth.

  Pascal stared in response, probably trying to make up his own mind about what was happening between them, what that meant for him, and whether he was prepared to accept what might be coming.

  “I am not sure what your terms are,” he replied quietly as he removed his stare and looked out towards the building with not a flicker of any emotion other than perhaps a small frown. Alex smiled to himself. He hadn’t got a fucking clue what his terms were, either. The only thing he did know was that Pascal would never have his wings clipped, unless he was the one to do it.

  “Look at me,” he said. Pascal turned back towards him slowly with the same expressionless face, green eyes devoid of colour and seemingly lifeless. “My only terms will be that you yield when I ask. That is all. Other than that, you will be able to do whatever the hell you want. Nothing will change between us.”


  “Everything,” he replied with a smile. A Pascal who didn’t do everything he wanted to do would simply be a ghost parading in his clothing. “You will do everything with no restriction from me other than when I need it.”

  The slow creeping of a smile over Pascal’s face was glorious to watch, his eyes returning to a brighter green as he clearly imagined something that amused him and straightened his body to a more Pascal-like posture.

  “Even her?” he asked with a nod of his head towards the building and a devious grin, that brow raised in its most corruptive way. Presumably he was talking about Roxanne, or maybe Elizabeth. He narrowed his eyes in response and thought about it.

  “Roxanne will be your choice. Elizabeth will be mine unless I say otherwise.” The fucker pouted. Clearly he knew what that response was going to be before Alex had even spoken. “Now, why?”

  “It is a long story, dear bo-”

  “And that damn well stops, too. Never again will you call me that.” Pascal chuckled a little and held his hands up.

  “It is a habit I find hard to break. However, you are right. I will stop. Unless it means I’ll get a beating,” he replied, now with a smirk firmly in place. “Will I get a thrashing if I continue? I do so love your idea of punishment. It’s so very limitless, and-”

  “Pascal,” he growled out. This was getting them nowhere, and he had a story to hear before he went in that room. After another snort of amusement, the man reached for the console and filled two glasses, pretty much to the brim.

  “It is a long story so I’ll try to condense it for you,” Pascal said as he handed a drink over and got down onto the floor between Alex’s thighs. He looked down in shock and raised a brow. “It is where I belong now, Sir.” Was it? He was fucked if he knew, and that Sir thing didn’t feel at all comfortable for some reason, unless it was in the right moment. Pascal turned his back, leant backwards and sighed. “Once upon a time, there was a fair young maiden with jet black hair and a heart as bright as gold. Rather unfortunately for her, a spoilt child came along and sat down beside her, an apple in one hand...” Alex tilted his head back and closed his eyes, the effect of Pascal’s voice already creating that familiar sense of peace, comforting him and relaxing that tension out of him once more. Elizabeth should be here for this. She should know, too. He turned his head for the building and scanned the frontage in the hope of seeing her while Pascal continued his story,

  “…and his father’s cane in the other.”

  Chapter 9


  A m I ready? I think I’m ready.

  I couldn’t look any better if I went to some high-end shop and spent millions. The dress the little woman has found for me is simply amazing. I don’t even care that it’s a little short, anymore. I’m not sure what the material is but it’s very nearly see through, with some kind of corseting structural thing holding it all in place. No bra, fabulous, and of course there’s even a pair of matching panties, ones which appear to have diamonds encrusted on the back. It’s all probably worth more than my apartment. My apartment – the one I don’t spend any time in any more. It seems so long since I just sat on the sofa with Belle and Teresa, and just chatted the night away, got drunk, enjoyed myself. You know, all the things normal people do. Unlike me. Instead, I’m sitting in a kink house, staring at myself in the mirror and trying to prepare myself for the onslaught of Alexander White and Pascal Van Der Braack.

  The little woman – I’m calling her that because she says she doesn’t have a name – is scooping my hair up into one of the most elegant creations I have ever seen, while I put on my final sweep of lip gloss and try desperately to shake the off the fear that has started developing. I don’t even know why it’s there. I’m not scared of either of them. Whatever happens, I know they won’t hurt me physically – not unless I ask for it. But emotionally, I just don’t know if I can take anymore. I’m just going to be honest and make him be honest with. No more messing around, and no more hiding from me. I mean, what the fuck else can he have in there that could scare me off, for God’s sake. There isn’t anything left, is there? He’s a sadist and a murderer, who I think still loves me. He doesn’t want anything more than to be himself and have me love him for it, does he? And that’s what I said I’d do. I promised I wouldn’t give up on him, no matter what he threw at me, that I would love him regardless of his past. So I will forgive him for his fuck up on the plane, slap him for it, and find a way to get closer, so close that he can’t hide it from me. I won’t need to share him with anybody to confuse the situation because Pascal will be going, although for some odd reason that saddens me a little. He’s like a second skin for Alex that I didn’t quite appreciate until I really thought about it. The thought of the two of them not being a part of each other is disturbing.

  “You’re finished, ma’am,” she says from behind me. I glance up at the truly exquisite styling and smile back at her. It’s a little Audrey Hepburn for my liking but the rubies sparkling in it do look fabulous. Rubies, Belle. I should call her and explain what’s going on before any of this happens, maybe find out if she and Conner are okay. Jesus, I’m a crap sister at the moment. Thank God the business doesn’t actually need me because of her fantastic Christmas season planning.

  The small woman just stares at my reflection, and the moment I catch her eye, she drops her gaze to the floor. Do I need to say something? I’m utterly shit at this domme thing. This should never be an option for me.

  “Umm, you can go if you like,” is all I can find. Thankfully, she nods at me and walks away, backwards with her head still lowered, quite cleverly managing to not bang into anything on the way. I would so fall on my arse if I tried that. Well done, her.

  Slipping on my red high heels, I grab my bag, with Alex’s knife still firmly inside it, and head back into the lounge area in search of more alcohol. I’ve already had two glasses of champagne, but the very thought of dealing with the two of them has me reaching for a third before I even think about stopping myself. I gently sip at it and wonder what to do next. Do I wait here for Roxanne to materialise? Or do I go out there and search for her? I can’t very well just leave without saying thank you for the clothes and stuff. I should at least tell
her I’m going and offer her some money or something. I can’t stay here forever, can I? I need to go and find her. Besides, I have no idea where Eden is in relation to here. I’m going to need a taxi or driver, or at least directions.

  Slurping down the last of my drink, I take one final glance in the mirror, grab my bag and open the door to go in search of her. Maybe I’ll bump into Vixon on the way and she can enlighten me as to where the hell I’m going. The door opens into a brightly lit corridor, so I follow the sound of music until I reach a set of glass doors leading into a foyer of some sort. The heat hits me first as I pass through it towards another set of doors, which appear to lead into the club area. I keep my eyes focused on where I need to get to in the hope that I know what I’m doing. I keep my head up and stride forward, letting the music own my swagger as I try and find feisty Beth and let her lead the way for me. I will feel in control of the situation I’m about to put myself in. If I can feel in control here then I’ll hopefully be able to manage the two of them with reasonable success.

  My hand pushes the door wide to find a normal club, with normal people drinking and chatting. Well, I say normal, but they can’t be that normal or they wouldn’t be in here, would they? I don’t even know what the definition of normal is anymore if I’m honest. I doubt I could be considered normal myself anymore, not with what I’m about to head into, and the very fact that Alexander White is my other half is far from normal, even to me. I can’t even begin to process what these people think of me. Do they know who I am? Or who I’m a part of? Roxanne certainly did.

  It quickly becomes clear that some of these people do know who I am or are aware of my connections, if the parting of the walkway as I make my way to the bar area is anything to go by. People I have never met before are smiling and nodding at me as I pass, so I smile a little in response and keep heading for the bar, hoping that someone there can show me where Roxanne is.


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