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Page 8

by Casey Peeler

  “Y’all better go easy on that, especially if we’re going out later,” Logan says.

  “What’s the plan for later anyway?” I question.

  “Fireworks then Boondocks to watch Chauna’s dad play,” Logan says like he’s one-upped me.

  “I’m down.”

  After cleaning up from dinner, we take the boat out to the middle of the lake to watch the fireworks.

  I place my arm around Chauna’s shoulders, and she smiles at me before placing her head on my shoulder. As the sky begins to erupt with bursts of light, she jumps, and I pull her closer. We watch for the next forty minutes as the fireworks paint the sky, and as the finale takes over the night sky, Mark drives us toward the shore.

  “So, I guess we’ll see you at Boondocks?” Chauna says to Mark and the rest of the crew.

  “Yeah,” he replies.

  Chauna looks at me. “I’m going as I am. Hope you’re okay with that.” I’m fine with her in a pair of cut-offs and her plain tank top with her neon bikini shining through. What I’m not okay with is everyone else looking at her, too, but I don’t tell her that.

  “Works for me,” I say as I kiss her briefly before cranking the bike.

  “Hey, can we go to that spot?” she asks.

  “Don’t we need to meet them?” I question.

  “We’ve got a few minutes,” she says, but her eyes tell me something more.

  Chapter 19


  Within minutes, we are on the dirt trail to the old fishing hole. Walker cuts the engine off, and we step off the bike. As I take him by the hand, butterflies begin to flutter within my stomach. We take a seat on the bank, and he wraps his arms around my shoulders while I wrap my arms around his waist. We sit quietly taking in the night sky.

  I turn to him, and as he looks at me, I softly say, “Walker Bentley, I’m fallin’ for you hard, and I don’t know if I can stop it.”

  “Keep fallin’, my princess. I’ll always be here to catch you,” he says as he weaves his fingers in my hair, and I bring my lips to his. In this moment, I know that he’s the one for me, and I want to freeze this moment in time, but I also want him to know that I’ve only ever given my heart to one other boy in my life. I know I have to tell him, but I don’t know how.

  As our kisses get rougher, Walker’s hands begin to wander down my body. I follow his rhythm, and my hands are all over his body. He breaks our kiss to ask if I’m sure. I know one hundred percent that I’m ready. We continue to explore each other’s bodies, and in one moment, I know that I will always belong to him.

  He gives me a sweet kiss as he holds me tightly. I savor the moment in his arms as the crickets chirp around us. After my heartbeat settles to a normal pace, I take his hand in mine and say, “Walker, I want to tell you something.”


  Oh, no. No guy ever wants to hear those words. Does she regret it? Did I do something wrong? After a pause, I say, “Okay. You can tell me anything.”

  Sitting up, she turns to face me. “Remember the last time we were here?” I nod my head yes. “I told you I lost my best friend,” she says.

  “Yeah,” I say, waiting for more.

  “He was Logan’s twin brother.” Oh my gosh. I replay those words over and over in my mind. Logan’s twin brother. “He was my best friend since I can remember, not Logan. We were inseparable, and he died because of me,” she says, and my heart shatters for her.

  “I’m sure it wasn’t your fault, Chauna,” I say to reassure her.

  “Yes, it was. We were out hunting, and he had to come get me out of my stand. Another hunter thought he was a deer and shot him. If I hadn’t been out there hunting with him, he wouldn’t have gotten shot coming to get me. He was the love of my life, and he died because of me,” she says as tears pour from her eyes. Grabbing her tightly, I pull her to me and let her cry.

  “Chauna, it’s not your fault,” I say over and over, praying that she believes that.

  When her tears stop, she pulls away from me. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cry, and I didn’t mean to ruin our perfect night. I just wanted you to know. I gave my heart to Lane, and until you walked into Barber, I didn’t have a reason to give it away again. I love you, Walker Bentley. I just wanted you to know. I. Love. You,” she says as she kisses me between the words.

  I’m absolutely speechless. She loves me. “Chauna, I…” As I start to speak, she stops me.

  “Don’t say it, Walker, unless you mean it,” she says, and I do. I love this girl more than life itself. I may not have the best home life, but I would never do what we just did if I didn’t love her. We stand and begin to walk toward my bike. As we reach it, I turn and pull her into my arms.

  “Chauna Jackson, I love you, and as long as you’ll let me, I’m going to treat you like the princess you are,” I say as she leans in and kisses my lips again.

  “Now let’s go get this party started,” she says as she backs away and throws her leg over my bike in one fluid motion. Dang, that was hot.

  Arriving at Boondocks, I feel on edge. I know that my side business is bringing all kinds of people into Boondocks. It also has the people who Chauna loves involved as well. I know that after the moment we shared, I’ll have to tell her eventually. I can’t let her find out the wrong way.

  As we walk inside, we are greeted by Darren and hear Jackson’s Wheel playing on the stage. We take a seat at a table close to the stage so she can watch her dad. When they take a break, the DJ takes over and plays “Hush, Hush” by Pistol Annies. Chauna, Ally, and Beth all look at each other and hit the dance floor. Before I know it, Krista is out there with them as well, and Paige has left the bar. By the time the song ends, every girl in the place is up singing and shaking their hips.

  The next song is a slow one, so Chauna grabs my hand and leads me onto the dance floor. I pull her close, and the smells of sunscreen and sunshine tickle my nose. We sway to the music, and I know I will never forget our first dance together. When the song ends, I look into her eyes and kiss her gently. Her dad takes the stage, and she gives him a holler as he strums his guitar and steps up to the microphone.

  This Fourth of July is one that I will never forget. After the final song of the night, I ask Chauna if she wants me to take her home or wait for her dad.

  “I want you to take me home because I don’t want this night to end.”

  “Well, then Princess, your chariot awaits,” I say as we walk out to my bike. She holds on tight as I drive her home, and I don’t want this night to end either.

  “I had a great time tonight, Chauna,” I say as we are standing outside her door.

  “Just great?” she questions.

  “Yeah, just great,” I say, trying not to smile. When she pushes my shoulder, I take her in my arms and pull her close. “No, it’s been the best night of my life,” I say as headlights turn toward us, and I quickly let her go as her dad pulls into the driveway.


  Seeing Daddy’s headlights, I know we better say goodnight. Daddy is just starting to accept Walker, and I don’t want to give him any reason to be upset with him. I wave bye to Walker as he gets on his bike and tells Daddy bye before leaving. Hurrying inside, I run to my room to change.

  “Chauna, come in here, please,” he says, and all I can think is shit, shit, shit.

  “Be right there, Daddy!” I say as I toss on my pajamas and brush my teeth.

  Walking into the living room, I find Daddy waiting for me. “Chauna, I know you think that I don’t know what’s going on, but remember I was young and in love once, too. I know you’ve fallen hard for the guy with the motorcycle, but I still want you to be careful. He seems like a good guy, but his parents work at Ivan’s. You know as well as I do that means something illegal is going on in his house.”

  “Daddy! He’s not like them. He wants something more. He wants to go to college and not live like they do.”

  “Oh, is that the case?” he asks.

  “Yes, it is. He wa
nts a future where he makes an honest living,” I say.

  “He’s a guy and will say what you want to hear,” he says.

  “Seriously? You think he’s like that? Or is it that you’d rather I date Logan because that would be normal.”

  “No, Chauna, that’s not what I mean. I just don’t want you to get caught up in the moment. I want you to really know who this kid is before things go too far. He might not want the life his parents lead, but they are still his parents, and he may not have a choice. I want you to think things through, and for God’s sake, don’t make out in front of me, please.

  “I understand, Daddy, but I do want you to know that I really care about him, and I think he’s one of the good guys. Didn’t you say Grandpa didn’t like Mama dating a guy in a band, but she went out with you anyway because she knew you had a good heart?”

  “All right, all right, young lady,” he says with a laugh. “It’s been a long day. Get to bed.”

  Chapter 20

  August 2015

  “Bye, Daddy!” I yell as Walker and I leave for our last Saturday night at Sammy’s before school starts. As soon as we get outside, he grabs me and pushes me against the side of the house. Oh my lawd. This boy has me begging for him already.

  Trying my best to get myself together, I push him off, even though I don’t want to.

  “Walker, you better stop, or we’re both gonna be naked, and Daddy’s gonna kill us.” A huge grin escapes his lips before he kisses me long and hard once more and then pulls me toward his bike. I love that bike. Well, more like who’s riding it. He smirks as we put on our helmets and then pulls out of the driveway.

  With the warm summer air blowing against my skin, I wrap my arms tighter around Walker’s rock-hard body. When Walker rode into my life three months ago, I never thought he’d be the person to open my heart after losing Lane.

  As we approach Sammy’s Drive-In, trucks, cars, and anything with two or four wheels line the parking lot. After Walker pulls in, we remove our helmets, and I run my fingers through my long hair. He helps me from the bike and laces his fingers in mine as we see Ally and our other friends hanging out on the picnic table.

  “Hey, girlie! What’s up?” she says.

  “Not much,” I say as Walker gives Paul, her flavor of the week, a head nod. Walker takes a seat on top of the picnic table, and I wedge myself between his legs. We spend the evening laughing and acting like crazy teenagers with our friends.

  When Walker’s ready for some alone time, we say goodnight to everyone and ride to our spot. I continue to get butterflies, just like the first time we rode out here. Walker finds the small dirt trail, and we ride until we reach the old fishing hole. It’s just a little stream now, and that’s why no one comes here anymore. It’s the perfect place for Walker and me to be alone. A perfect place to just be us.

  Walker turns off the bike, and as he begins to step off, I grab the back of his T-shirt and pull him back in place. “Stay right there,” I whisper as I toss my leg over the bike and make my way to the front of it. “Slide back,” I state. He does as I ask with a sly half-grin covering his face. I straddle the bike, facing him and tossing my legs over his.

  “Damn, Princess, you’re so sexy,” he says roughly.

  “Sexy, huh?” I ask. I capture his lips, and his hands begin to roam my body. I raise my arms as he removes my tank top and kisses my neck.

  Walker and I get lost in each other, and I can’t seem to get close enough to him. Each time we are in this spot, we go further and further. It didn’t take long for both of us to lose our virginity, and now, we can never get enough.

  Unclasping my thin lacy bra, he stares in amazement. I giggle, but when Walker pulls his shirt over his head, my giggling stops. I could stare at his perfect body every day of my life. Yearning for each other, we kiss and explore until we are lying beside the creek bed, completely exposed for the world to see. I don’t care if anyone is watching, because as long as I have Walker Bentley beside me, I’m unstoppable.

  “Princess, I love you,” he says as he looks into my eyes.

  “I love you more,” I declare as I kiss his lips tenderly. “But, you better get me home before Daddy sends out a search party for me.”

  “You know he’s not home from Boondocks yet, but you’re right. We better get a move on,” he says as his firm body attacks mine again.

  During the entire ride to the house, I replay the last two hours. How did I get so lucky to find my soul mate? Walker isn’t just a boy; he is my reason to breathe. With only the front porch light on, I know Daddy’s not home yet. Walker doesn’t come inside. Instead, we make out on his bike, and then I peel myself away. He smacks me on the rear, and I glance over my shoulder, smiling as I walk to the house.


  As soon as I’m on the road, I take the shortcut between my house and Chauna’s. Noticing the lights are on at Ivan’s, I pull into the parking lot and am greeted by Jimmy.

  “Where the hell have you been? Unc’s been blowing your phone up.” Shit. I hadn’t paid any attention to it when I was out with Chauna. Pulling it out, I see I have eight missed calls and a few hundred texts all from Ivan or Dad. I’m in deep shit.

  “Where are they?” I ask.

  “In his office. You better get in there,” Jimmy says.

  All eyes are on me as I walk into Ivan’s office.

  “Sorry, I didn’t have my phone on,” I say to Ivan.

  “That’s no excuse,” Ivan states. “I gave you that phone so I could reach you when I need you, not so you could text your girlfriend. We’ve got another run that needs to happen tonight. You know the drill. It’s the same run you always do,” he says, and just like that, it’s another night of running moonshine.

  With the rising of the sun, I pull into Boondocks and meet Darren. I’m living a double life, and I don’t know how to tell Chauna without breaking her heart. He asks me in, and I help him unload.

  “Walker, do you really love her?” Darren asks.

  “Yeah, I do,” I say.

  “Then you have got to stop this. Once she finds out, she’ll never forgive you,” he says.

  “Me? What about you? You’re the one selling it out of her second home.” Darren winces at my comment. “Does her daddy know?” I question.

  “He has an idea, but isn’t part of the operation. I’m the one in charge of the inventory,” he states.

  “Good, then we can keep it between us for now,” I say as I finish helping him put the jars in the cellar.

  Chapter 21


  The first day of school is always filled with excitement as you find out who has what teacher, which friends are in your classes, and which lunch everyone has. Pulling into the parking lot of Barber High, I see Walker propped against his bike, and I have to say that’s the best sight I’ll see all day. As I park my truck beside him, he opens my door.

  “Mornin’, Princess,” he says as I stand and give him a kiss. He grabs my backpack, and we walk hand in hand into school. We wait in line in the cafeteria for our schedule. Logan, Mark, Ally, Beth, and Walker all have a few classes together, and we all have the same lunch period. That will make senior year bearable, but it’s hard to believe that graduation is one hundred eighty days away.


  Chauna and I have first and fourth blocks together, so we will be able to start and end each day on a happy note. As the first day comes to an end with the sound of the bell, we make our way to the parking lot hand in hand just like we started the day.

  We all hang around outside until Logan and Mark go work out. I know I’ve got to be at Ivan’s within the hour to try to make some extra cash. I’m working any day I can so that when this year is over, I can make it on my own.

  I kiss Chauna goodbye and tell her I’ll call her once I get off work. She smiles as I close the door, and I can’t wait until I’m free to let go of my other life.

  Pulling into Ivan’s, I see that Jimmy and James are working on two diff
erent cars. I clock in, change clothes, and ask Suzy who’s next. She hands me the keys, and just like that, I feel at home.

  After work, I head home and begin filling out a few applications for some nearby colleges. When I hear my dad downstairs, I quickly hide them. During dinner, he informs me that Ivan’s business is picking up, and I need to be ready to roll at any time. It makes me sick to my stomach, but the money is good. Right now, I need all the money I can get.

  Before I go to bed, I call Chauna. No matter what’s going on, she makes everything better and helps me focus on the life I want to lead.


  I’m lying on my bed when Walker calls.

  “Hey, Princess,” he says.

  “Hey there yourself. How was work?”

  “It was work. Let’s not talk about me, though.”

  “Oh, and why’s that?”

  “’Cause there’s not much to talk about.”

  “Come on, Walker. There’s plenty. How’d you think it went today?” I question.

  “Same as any other first day of school. Well, except maybe the fact that I’m with you at the beginning and end of each day, so that makes it a little better,” he says.

  “Just a little better?” I question.

  “Okay, maybe a lot. Hey, Chauna.”


  “I love you,” he says, and I know he means it.

  “I love you more, Walker.” After a few more minutes of conversation, I hear his dad come into his room. He quickly disconnects the phone, and I close my eyes and dream of Walker and the future we will have.

  Chapter 22

  October 2015


  Walker and I walk into school together and leave together every day. It’s something I look forward to. Logan still tries to be protective, but he seems to have come around. In fact, I might be able to say they’re friends. He and Daddy are still pressuring me to go to college. I swear, it’s a constant battle with them. I almost feel like I should just fill out an application to get them to leave me alone, but then I’m like heck no because that’s not what I want.


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