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Page 9

by Casey Peeler

  On Friday afternoon, Walker and I are hanging out in the parking lot with Ally and Beth while we wait for Logan and Mark.

  “So, ladies, what’s the plan tonight?” I ask.

  “You’re really asking?” Beth smarts off.

  I start to laugh. “Just making sure y’all are coming to Boondocks.”

  “Um, we haven’t missed a Friday since we started going,” Ally says.

  “Well, there was that time you decided to go out with Jack Jones instead,” Beth says.

  “We all know how that turned out,” Ally says as she starts to laugh then Beth and I follow.

  “I’m glad I don’t know why y’all are laughing,” Walker says.

  “Yeah, you’re right. You do not want to know!” I say as Logan and Mark arrive at my truck.

  “What’s so funny?” Mark asks.

  “We don’t want to know,” Walker says to both of them.

  “We’ll take your word for it,” Mark says.

  “Hey, Chauna, you got a minute?” Logan asks.

  “Sure. Just a sec,” I say. I kiss Walker goodbye, tell everyone we’ll meet up at Boondocks at seven, and then turn to Logan.

  “What’s up?” I ask.

  “I’m going to tour Charlotte this weekend and wanted you to check it out with me.” I roll my eyes.

  “There’s no point for me to look at it. I’m not going away to college. You know that.”

  “I know you say that now, but you’re so smart, Chauna. I think getting out of Barber would be good for you. I think it would be good for both of us.” Just like that, I know he’s talking about getting away from the memories of Lane.

  “No, it will not. I’m okay. I don’t need to go off to school to find myself or to forget your brother because I don’t want to forget him, and you shouldn’t either,” I say with attitude.

  “You know damn well I don’t want to forget him, but I also know you. I know you think if you leave, you’re not going through with the plan you both had. I know he was your best friend, and I know he had your heart, too. It was always Lane and not me. I get it. But, just don’t forget the world is so much bigger than Barber,” he says as he starts to calm down. I know he’s hurting because deep down I still hurt, too.

  “Lo, I’m sorry. I can go if you like, but it’s not going to change my mind. I’m staying here,” I say.

  “Forget I asked,” he says. “So, how’s it going with Walker? I swear, we don’t talk anymore,” he says.

  “It’s going good,” I say, trying not to say too much.

  “Chauna, really? That’s all you’re gonna give me,” he says.

  “Fine, but first tell me what you really think about him,” I say.

  “You want my opinion?” I nod my head yes. “Honestly, I hated him the moment he got in town, but he’s not so bad. I still think he’s hiding something, but I see the old Chauna when you’re with him. You are happier and smile more like you did with Lane,” he says, and I start to cry.

  “Lo, you know you’re still my best friend, right?” I ask.

  “Yeah, but eventually I knew you were going to meet someone to push us apart,” he says.

  “I never want you out of my life. You are too important to me, Logan,” I say.

  “I’ll always be here for you,” he says as he pulls me in for a hug and sweetly kisses the top of my head.

  He walks me to my truck and promises he’ll be at Boondocks tonight. I wave bye, close the door, and drive home.


  Leaving Chauna with Logan was hard, but I also know that she loves me. I know that they are just friends, even though he’d love to walk around with her on his arm. Turning on Barber Mill Road, I cruise past the old mill and turn into Ivan’s. Maybe he has a small job I can do until I have to get ready for Boondocks. When I walk inside the garage, something is definitely off. Maybe this was a bad idea.

  It’s eerie in the shop. No one is working, Suzy isn’t at the desk, and I don’t hear a sound. Unsure what to do, I think about turning around, but then I hear voices coming from Ivan’s office. It’s Ivan and my dad. Great. Just Great. I listen quietly as they discuss their plans to increase sales with Darren. When they mention Chauna’s dad, my blood runs cold, and I get the hell out of there before I hear anything else. I quickly make my way to my bike, and I go directly to Boondocks. Darren is there, and I knock on the back door. He’s startled to see me without shine, but lets me in.

  “What’s going on, Walker?” Darren asks.

  “I don’t know. You tell me,” I say to him.

  “Not sure what you’re talking about,” he says, and it infuriates me.

  “I just overheard a conversation between Ivan and my dad. They mentioned Boondocks and Mike Jackson. What the hell is going on here?”

  “What the hell are you talkin’ ’bout Walker?” he says as fear crosses his face.

  “I don’t know. I left before they realized I was there. I figured you would have the answers.”

  “Look, I know selling shine out of Boondocks ain’t legit, but it’s not the worst thing I could be doing. I can promise you that I know nothing about that conversation you just overheard, but I will keep my eyes open. Ivan’s a guy you don’t fuck with. Everyone knows that.”

  “I know, and that’s what scares me. Answer this. Does Mike know what’s going on at Boondocks?” I question.

  “He knows.”

  “What are his thoughts?” I ask.

  “He isn’t happy about it, but as long as it stays under wraps, he’s okay with it. We’re all country folk here, and it’s kinda in our blood. We’re all honest people around here and wouldn’t do anything to harm anyone. You have to believe that, Walker,” he says, and I believe him.

  “Just promise me that if shit gets too real with Ivan you let it go,” I plead.

  “Oh, I will. I’m not going to jail over a little shine. That’s for damn sure,” he says.

  I head home to get ready for my night with Chauna. When I get home, my dad is on the front porch with a bottle of shine in his hand.

  “Kinda late getting home from school,” he states, and I wonder if he knows I was at the shop.

  “Yeah, we hung out in the parking lot a little while,” I say.

  “She seems to be a good girl, Walker. Just remember she’s too good for a guy like you,” he says, and as much as I want to cuss him out, I don’t. I let it go, but just as I am about to walk into the house, he says something that stops me in my tracks.

  “You know anything about her dad, Mike?” he asks.

  “Not much. He’s pretty nice and plays in a band at Boondocks. Why?” I question and hide the fact that he’s part owner because I feel like my dad’s fishing around for something.

  “No reason. Just curious.” Something doesn’t sit right with me, and I know I need to keep my eyes and ears open to protect not only Chauna but her dad as well.

  Pulling into Chauna’s driveway, I can see that her dad has already left for Boondocks. I turn off the engine, and when she walks out the door in a pair of lace shorts and a shirt missing one sleeve, my mouth falls open. Her dark hair is curled and bounces as she makes her way toward me with a smile.

  “Whatcha smilin’ at me like that for?” she asks.

  “Oh, I think you know exactly why I’m smiling,” I say as I pull her in tightly and give her a kiss. As things begin to heat up, she pulls away.

  “How about we save that for later?” She winks.

  “Sounds perfect.”

  As I drive to Boondocks, I worry about Chauna’s dad and why my dad asked about him. I spend most of my night looking over my shoulder. Chauna notices my unease and asks if I’m okay. I assure her I’m fine, and then I do what any good boyfriend would do—I focus on my girl.

  She leads me to the dance floor. No matter the song or beat, we move our bodies to the music. We do use caution when her dad’s on stage, but as they take a break, “If You Want a Bad Boy” by Brantley Gilbert bleeds through the speakers, and I
just can’t resist.

  From the first beat of the song, I begin to sing every dang word to her, and she begins to laugh as I put on the bad boy front that everyone already believes. As verse two starts, I move in closer to her, and when he references the bad toy in the parking lot, I point to where my bike’s parked. She takes a step toward me, and I hope and pray that her dad is not looking because it’s about to get hot in here… quick. Chauna begins to sway her hips in rhythm with me and sing right along with me. As the final chorus plays, she looks over her shoulder and smiles as she turns to whisper into my ear.

  “Walker, I wanna bad boy,” she says with a slight laugh. When the song ends, we wait for the next, and as I look toward the tables, I see Logan. It’s obvious he’s pissed, which isn’t what I need because I really wanted to be his friend.

  As Jackson’s Wheel takes the stage again, we get a drink, and around eleven when the adults begin to show, we decide to head out to our spot. Once we get there, we don’t waste any time getting as close to each other as possible.

  My hands find her skin, and she begins to laugh. “What’s so funny?” I ask.

  “Nothing, bad boy,” she says.

  “Oh, you want a bad boy, huh?” I say roughly.

  “Damn right, I do,” she says as I capture her lips with more force. We spend the next hour exploring each other, but as the moon shines brightly, I hold her tight and pray that we have a future together.

  Chapter 23


  Logan called me Saturday morning to convince me to go on the college tour with him, and I, of course, told him no. I swear, he thinks one visit will change my life. It won’t. I’ve been ignoring all his texts and calls since he got back. Now, I have to face him at school, and I can already see that it’s not going to be pretty as I pull into the parking lot to see him waiting for me.

  As soon as I get out of the truck, he’s right in front of me. Great.

  “Mornin’, Lo,” I say as I swing my bag over my shoulder.

  “For real? You just gonna act like you haven’t ignored me all weekend?” he asks.

  “Sorry, I was busy.”

  “What, with Walker?”

  “Yeah. Got a problem with it?” I banter back.

  “In fact, I do. You can’t see the world around you. All you see is him. Just like you used to do with Lane. Dammit, Chauna! Can’t you see you’re better than him?”

  “No, I’m not. He’s just as good as everyone else. He’s not the big bad biker guy you all think he is. He wants to make something of himself. He wants to go to college, have a decent job, and make an honest living.” Logan begins to laugh. “Why are you laughin’?”

  “You just keep believing that, and don’t say I didn’t tell you so.”

  “What are you talkin’ about, Logan?” I snap.

  “Nothin’. It’s nothin’,” he says and starts walking away when he sees Walker pull into the parking lot.


  Parking my bike beside Chauna, I walk over and give her a sweet kiss good morning.

  “Everything okay with Logan?” I ask.

  “Yeah, he was just getting on me about college again,” she replies. I sense there is more to it, but I let it go and walk her to class.

  After second block, I see Logan in the hallway on the way to the cafeteria.

  “Hey, Logan. What’s up?” I ask.

  “You tell me,” he says. It’s obvious something is bothering him.

  “I’m not sure what you are talking about.”

  “Look, I’ve kept my mouth shut long enough,” he says, and I notice all eyes are watching us.

  “Well, start talkin’,” I say as I stand there waiting for whatever bullshit he’s about to throw my way.

  “Leave her alone,” he says.

  “Why? What have I done?” I say back.

  “You have her convinced you’re this stand-up guy. That you’re different. Well, I don’t buy it for a minute, and I don’t want to see her get hurt.”

  “Dude, where is this coming from?” I ask, starting to get irritated.

  “You are a piece of trash, and I know you’re fuckin’ her,” he says, and I lose my shit.

  “What did you just say?” I ask, trying to give him an out, but he repeats himself. I walk to him and start to reach for him as he takes a swing at me. He leaves me no choice but to fight back. With the crowd growing, his fist collides with my cheekbone, and then I punch him in the stomach. As his breath is knocked out of him, I grab his shirt and press him against the lockers as Mr. Wall tries to break us up.

  “What’s going on here, boys?” he asks as I let Logan go.

  “Not a damn thing,” I say as I turn and see Chauna standing there watching with wide eyes.

  “Mr. Bentley, I believe you should head straight to the principal’s office,” he says.

  “Yes, sir,” I say as I walk toward Chauna whose eyes are now filled with tears.

  Taking my thumb, I wipe a tear away as it begins to slide down her rosy cheek. “Princess, I’ll be right back.” Then I briefly kiss her cheek and make my way to the principal’s office. Great. Just fuckin’ great.


  The moment Walker’s hand leaves mine I want to fall apart. Who the hell does Logan think he is? I look directly at him, and if looks could kill, he’d be dead. I shake my head at him and then turn to walk away.

  “Chauna!” he yells after me.

  “What the hell, Lo!” I scream at him.

  “Look, I don’t want you to stay in Barber for him. I know there’s something he’s not telling you. I just have a bad feeling about him. He works at Ivan’s and lives in one of his rentals. You know that man ain’t on your level. Plus, you’re so damn smart! Don’t waste all that on him or this shithole of a town,” he says, and I can see the worry in his eyes.

  Taking my index finger, I point it directly into his chest. “Don’t you start that shit again!”

  “It’s the truth,” he says.

  “Fine, you want me to apply to a few schools, go for a visit or two, or whatever. I’ll do it to get you and Daddy off my back, but I will not give up on Walker,” I say.

  “Chauna…” he starts, but I turn my back and walk to the cafeteria. Everyone I pass tries to act like they haven’t been watching us.

  Walking into the cafeteria, I’m no longer hungry so I take a seat with Ally, Beth, and Mark. I pray that Logan has enough sense to stay away, but he doesn’t and takes a seat beside Mark. I ignore him and talk to Beth and Ally who are trying to talk about anything other than what just happened in the hall. Just before the end of lunch, I get a text from Walker.

  Walker: 5 days suspension

  Chauna: Seriously?

  Walker: Yeah, I’m going to leave now to count this as day one. Gonna stop by Ivan’s to see if I can work.

  Chauna: Did they call your parents?

  Walker: Yeah.

  Chauna: You gonna be in trouble?

  Walker: Doubt it.

  Chauna: Good! Love u

  Walker: Love u 2

  Placing my phone on the table, I turn to Logan. “Hope you’re happy. You started that shit, and now he’s the one at home for five days,” I say as I stand to hurry and try to meet Walker in the parking lot.

  Walker is putting on his helmet when I get outside, so I run to him, and as he sees me coming, he pauses and waits.

  “Hey, I just had to make sure you were okay,” I say as I wrap my arms around him. I sweetly kiss him then pull away. “I love you, and don’t worry about Logan. He’s just being protective. I can handle him,” I say.

  “Chauna, I’m not worried about him, but I know if he’s riding you again about your future, he’s right. I want you to live to your potential.” I am so tired of the men in my life telling me what they think is best for me. I decide I better walk away now before I say something I’ll regret.

  “I gotta go. Just call me later.” As I start to turn, he grabs my arm and pulls me into his rock-hard body.
/>   “Don’t do that. Don’t leave when you’re mad. I love you, and this is just a little bump in the road.”

  Knowing he’s right, I fall into his arms. “I love you, too. I just can’t believe he did that to you.”

  “I know he was just trying to protect you, but if he ever brings up our personal lives again, he won’t be so lucky,” he says. The bell rings, so I pull away and start to go back into school. Screw this. I turn back to Walker and let him know exactly what I’m thinking.

  “You’re gonna get in trouble, too,” he says.

  “I don’t care. Let’s get outta here,” I say, and without thinking twice, I toss my leg over the back of his bike, and we both leave Barber High in the wind.

  “So, I guess you aren’t going to work?” I say as we stop at a stop sign.

  “Guess not. Unless you want to go with me,” he says.

  “Nah, I’d rather have you all to myself.” A grin escapes his lips, and he drives to the old fishing hole.

  Chapter 24


  Walker and I sit on the bank and talk about what we truly want for our future and how he sees me in his, and then he asks me about Lane.

  “What made Lane different from Logan?” he asks. I sit for a minute and ponder the right answer.

  “He got me.” Walker stays quiet, so I continue. “When they lived next to us, Lane was the one that did what I wanted to do, while Logan was busy playing ball. Lane would knock on my door by eight in the morning almost every day. He played with Barbies and baby dolls, helped me cook in my Easy-Bake Oven, but mostly, he understood what made me… me. He was my biggest fan.” I sit still as the memories of Lane flood my mind.

  “He was totally in love with you, wasn’t he?” Walker asks.

  “I guess. He knew everything about me, and I knew everything about him. Most people couldn’t tell him and Logan apart, but for me it was easy. Lane had a small scar on his left eye, but even if he didn’t have it, I’d still know. He always looked to me for an answer when we were together, but Logan would just answer for all three of us.”


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