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Killian's Hope

Page 4

by Elyzabeth M. VaLey

  Prudence blanched, taking a step back.

  “That’s not what I meant, Killian. You’re taking things out of context. It’s this.” She spread her arms. “This travesty. Why do you do this all the time?”

  “Why?” Killian swallowed, hating the hollowness of his voice. “You ask me why.” He gripped her forearms. Her lips parted and her eyes widened, pupils dilating. Killian smashed his mouth against hers in a desperate attempt to make her understand. He groaned. The softness of her mouth made his heart ache with yearning. She twisted her head and he released her. Sucking in his cheeks, he let out a long breath. “Because life is not only about war, Prudence. There’s love too. Or at least, there should be, even if you don’t feel it.”

  “Killian, don’t you understand by doing this you’re just making it worse? It’ll be harder when we leave,” she whispered.

  “It’s always hard,” he snapped. “Always, and if you can’t see it, Prudence, then maybe you’re right and spending most of our time apart is the best decision you ever made.” Killian turned his back on her and scrubbed his hand over his face. “I need some fresh air.”


  Shaking his head, he strode back to the elevator. He pressed the button for the terrace. They weren’t supposed to fly within city limits, but fuck that. He needed to uncloak his wings and get out of here before he went back to face Prudence. He was tired of playing this game. It’d been too many years, too many attempts to make things work out. It never would and he had to come to terms with it. The elevator reached the last floor, opening into a small lobby and a closed glass door with a sign.

  “Open from 20:00 to 01:00. Fuck.”

  Killian slid to the floor and curled his knees to his chest. He covered his face with his hands. He couldn’t stay here long or surely, someone from the hotel would come asking him what he was doing, but he needed a minute. He shut his eyes and focused on his tattoos, mentally tracing every inch of his inked skin. The symbol of the Guardians, the words guarding against evil, the shape of his hammer. Focus. This was nothing more than another battle. Another fight. He had to keep his head screwed on. There was an enemy out there, waiting for them to strike. His mission was to protect Prudence, the other Spell Casters, and his team. His personal life was of no consequence. It was something he’d deal with later. Or not. His breathing regulated and his heartbeat resumed its usual rhythm. He’d apologize to Prudence and ask for another room. They had bigger things to worry about than themselves. Taking in a deep breath, he stood up and made his way back downstairs. Inserting the card in the door, he pushed inside. The sound of running water filled his ears. Steam came from the ajar bathroom door. His cock twitched.

  Damn, mating pull. Just come back later. Get a drink.

  His body ignored his mind and he quietly shut the bedroom door and made his way inside, his footsteps inaudible against the rug.

  Turn back, Killian.

  He placed his hand on the bathroom handle.

  I can’t.

  Chapter Six

  Prudence leaned against the bathroom tile. She kept her eyes closed in an effort to relax, but her mind kept playing tricks on her and she kept seeing Killian’s eyes behind her lids. Her chest ached and she knew it was from the pain in her heart. She hated having to push him away, hated having to say no to him when she wanted to scream yes. Gods, she could still taste him on her lips. She bit back a sob. How she’d wanted to give in to him right then, melt into a kiss they both deserved.

  He had to know she loved him, right? But this was for the best. The more time they spent together, the worse it would be for both of them. He was a warrior and she a Spell Caster. They both had work to do and couldn’t have a partner interfering. The greater good was all that mattered. Pru sighed. She could fantasize, though. Dream of a different outcome. She slid her fingertips across the curve of her breast to her pussy. His presence awoke a ravenous desire she neglected when she was away from him. Killian’s proximity sparked her body alive. One touch, and every inch of her rebelled, remembering his touch, pleading for it. She stroked her clit in gentle circles and squeezed her breast. Her nipple hardened to a painful point, recalling the feel of his rough fingers, the touch of his warm mouth. He always gave her the perfect amount of pressure. A tear slid down her cheek, mingling with the wetness from the shower. Prudence cupped her engorged lips, deftly exploring her folds. Killian would cup her ass to keep her from squirming. She moaned. Another tear slid to the corner of her lips, leaving behind a salty aftertaste. Just a little more. She inserted two fingers. It wasn’t nearly enough.


  She rubbed herself faster. The image of Killian materialized before her. Strong, confident, loving. Giving her what she needed at no cost.

  “I can’t,” Prudence gasped. Crouching on the tub, she covered her face and burst into tears. “I can’t,” she repeated. She couldn’t do this. She didn’t have the strength to go out there and fight for the balance when her own heart was in shambles. Prudence clasped her hands together. She’d taken off the ring of the order to shower. She glanced at it sitting on the vanity, the white gem glinting in the light.

  “Always trust the Virtues,” she murmured, recalling one of her first lessons as a Spell Caster. “Even in the bleakest of moments.” Slowly, she got back up and finished her shower. She couldn’t worry about anything except her mission tonight. It was the most important thing. She’d figure everything out later. After turning off the water, she grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself. The sound of voices drifted in from outside. Her body tensed. The bathroom door was slightly open. Had Killian returned? She glanced around her. The only clothes she had were the ones she’d been wearing earlier and she had to get ready for tonight. Jose had left the outfit in the closet. Near the bedroom. She could tiptoe to it, grab it, and come back. Right?

  She stepped out, her feet sinking into the thick carpet. She held her breath. Her whole body quivered, and she clenched her teeth to keep them from chattering.

  Five more steps.

  She sprinted to the closet and stopped. She’d forgotten about the mirrors. Killian’s reflection caught her off guard. He was sprawled on the bed, hair disheveled, and barefoot, absentmindedly toying with the TV remote control, but she could tell his mind was elsewhere, the tension in his psyche almost unbearable. Her pussy clenched, a new round of liquid desire dribbling down her leg. The will to fight escaped her. She only wanted one thing.


  His attention snapped to her, his gaze hungrily roving over her, consuming her in a flame of desire so bright she wouldn’t be surprised if they combusted. She dropped the towel to the floor. His sharp intake of breath seemed to echo in the room.

  “Are you sure?” he asked, the husk in his voice harsh and making goosebumps sprout on her flesh. “I heard you call my name while you were in the shower. It’s why I haven’t left. I had come to apologize, but—” He spoke quickly, words crashing into each other in his haste to explain.

  “I need you,” she cut him off, reluctant to hear more of his explanation. Perhaps he’d also heard her cry. It didn’t matter. He was here.

  Killian sat on the edge of the bed. His blue eyes hardened, his lids lowered, guarded. Pain radiated off her heart.

  “I’m sorry,” Prudence said. “I didn’t mean, I—” She bit her lip, desperately trying to find a way to explain, to make him understand.

  “I just don’t want you to regret it later,” Killian said.

  She swallowed. Now, it was when she told him she never ever regretted any one of their encounters, that every time they broke apart he took a piece with him, and she loved him more than anything. Except, she couldn’t. Not today. Probably, not ever. Prudence closed the distance between them and stood between Killian’s legs. He wrapped his arms around her middle, still cautious.

  “Killian. I need you.”

  Sighing, he leaned his cheek against her belly. Prudence closed her eyes and swallowed.
br />   Don’t cry. Don’t cry.

  She placed her hands on his shoulders, then the top of his head, threading her fingers through his silken strands. He had to hear the tattoo of her heart. Had to understand she loved him. The rough whiskers of his beard caressed her skin and his lips soothed the spot.

  “You smell so good, love.”

  “I just took a shower,” she mumbled, afraid if she spoke louder, he’d hear the sadness embedded in her soul.

  “That’s not what I meant.” Killian chuckled. The sound reverberated through her, momentarily pushing the tears away. His hands dipped across to her hips, then around to her ass, massaging the globes. She mewled, the sound raw as if she hadn’t used her voice in ages. “You’re wet for me.”

  She yelped as he lifted her, pulling them both back against the bed. She fell on her knees, her pussy at the height of his mouth. Killian didn’t waste any time. Attacking her cunt like a ravenous animal, he licked and sucked, drawing out her pleasure in giant leaps. He rimed her ass and she gasped.

  “Just let go, love.”

  Pressing the flat of his tongue against her clit, he sucked hard and then released. Her orgasm washed over her like a speeding meteor, arrows of pleasure shooting down her spine, spreading across her limbs.

  “Killian,” she cried out.

  Chapter Seven

  Killian grinned. He loved making her come, feeling the weight of her body on him while she finally surrendered to ecstasy.

  “Sorry,” Prudence said, shattering the moment. She rolled off him and to the side, still catching her breath.

  “Why?” Killian sat up.

  “I was suffocating you,” she replied.

  She was beautiful in her nudity. Spread out at his side, legs bent and slightly spread, every curve enticing him and beckoning him to sink into her. Her hair was still wet and the long tendrils curled at the top of her breasts. Their gazes met and her lips parted. His cock throbbed.

  “Love, you can suffocate me any time and I will die a happy man.”

  “Killian. Maybe…”

  Prudence lowered her lashes. Killian clenched his teeth. The wheels of her mind where already turning, regretting what had just happened. He wouldn’t allow it.

  “No,” he said. Then, he kissed her. Prudence didn’t resist. Her lips pressed against his as desperately as his own, her body arching involuntarily and her fingers searching for the flesh beneath his shirt. He threw it off and tossed it to the side. Grasping her wrists, he placed them on his body.

  “Killian,” she murmured, arching so she could kiss his chest. “Killian.”


  He shut his eyes, relishing the moment. She was his now.

  “Take it off,” she demanded, grasping the hem of his jeans. Killian grinned.

  “Bossy, aren’t we?”

  “Always,” she agreed.

  “You know the price.”

  “And I am more than willing to pay.”

  Killian stood and rid himself from the rest of his clothes. His erection sprang free, the head weeping with desperation.

  She spread her legs, teasing him with a saucy smile. Killian grasped her legs and tugged her to the edge of the bed. She shrieked then laughed.

  “You agreed to the price.”

  Her eyes sparkled. “I did, didn’t I?”

  He stroked the length of his cock, enjoying the way she followed his movement. Her mouth parted and he appreciated the rapid rise of her chest.

  “We both know who’s in charge here.”

  “Me,” she replied.

  Killian chuckled.

  Pulling her to her feet, he veered around and sat on the bed. Grabbing a pillow, he placed it on the floor between his legs.

  “Him.” He pointed to his dick. Prudence lowered to her knees.

  “He is indeed worth worshiping,” she said softly. Her fingers touched his cock lightly and Killian closed his eyes, allowing the sensation of her hands to wash over him. It’d been too long. Her lips grazed his flesh and he clenched his ass to keep from bucking his hips. If he started going at it too hard, he’d come too soon. He wanted to be in her when he found release and for her to reach another orgasm.

  Prudence’s gaze found his and deliberately slowly, she took him into her mouth. He groaned. She licked the crown then slowly took more of him in until she gagged at the base. Then she swept back up, her lips stroking his length.

  “Fuck, love.”

  She repeated the movement, purposely driving him crazy.

  “That’s enough.”

  Killian fisted his hands in her hair, regulating the pace. Prudence moaned, sending shivers of delight across his body. He thrust deeper each time, relishing every one of her heated mewls.

  “Pru,” he grunted.

  Helping her to her feet, he turned them around so she was the one on the mattress. Grasping her legs, he placed them on his shoulders. Her eyes widened. Killian grinned.

  “Remember last time we tried this?”

  She nodded.

  “I do too.”

  He entered her in a solid thrust and his chest expanded with pride as she called out his name.


  He pumped into her, gradually increasing his pace. He wouldn’t hold off for long. His nerves were in overdrive, his body screaming with happiness at finally being with his mate. Her pussy clenched and he growled. He picked up his speed.

  “You’re mine, Prudence. You’ll always be mine,” he said with a growl. He lowered her legs to his waist where she circled them. “Admit it.”

  Hard and fast, he fucked her. Sweat slicked their bodies and the smell of their combined arousal permeated the room. Her body arched and her orgasm tore through her, her pussy constricting around his cock.

  “I’m yours,” she admitted at last. “Yours.”


  His orgasm rocked his body, tearing through him and leaving him breathless. Ending much too soon for his liking, he collapsed onto the bed and drew his love close, relishing the feel of her skin on his as he covered them with the sheet.

  “Killian, the mission,” she said.

  “We have time for a cat nap,” he replied, kissing her shoulder.

  To his delight, she didn’t complain, she merely snuggled closer. “All right.”

  Killian closed his eyes. He had to be dreaming.


  Killian yawned. He wasn’t sure what prompted him to wake up, but a niggling sensation had him open his eyes. The room was dark, the open curtains giving him a view of the city. His stomach grumbled. Prudence nestled closer, her body warm, vibrant with life. He was definitely awake. He took in a deep breath. She smelled like fresh soap and sex. He grinned. He wasn’t sure how this had happened. He’d heard her call his name in the shower and he’d retreated to the bedroom, incapable of leaving. Then, she’d appeared and—he sighed. He wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth, not when their time was so short. Speaking of which, what time was it? He grabbed his phone and cursed.

  “What’s wrong? What time is it?” Prudence murmured, stretching against him. His cock jumped to attention.


  “Shit. We’re meeting Jose at ten, aren’t we?” She rolled over and turned on one of the bedside lamps.

  Killian stared at her. He took in every detail of her appearance, committing every inch to memory for the long months ahead. Her hair was mussed and her lips bee-stung from their kisses. The sheet had slipped, giving him a view of her breasts with their puckered nipples. The three moles on her shoulder stood out starkly against her pale skin.

  “Killian, don’t do that.”


  “Look at me as if we’re never going to see each other again.”

  He shrugged. “Don’t be silly,” he said, instead of, “You never know.”

  She turned away from him, ready to get out of bed, but he pounced on her and brought her back into his arms.

  “Killian, we should go. I have
to get ready.”

  He cupped her cheek. “It’ll just be one last kiss. For the road.”

  Chapter Eight

  Killian chewed on the inside of his cheek. He walked two steps behind Prudence and Jose, trying to control his temper.

  You’re behaving like a petulant child, man.

  Jose had to pose as Pru’s date for the night so she could infiltrate the party as a foreign dignitary, but damn if seeing her hooking arms with another man didn’t make his blood boil. Especially since she looked spectacular in a red mermaid dress with a low back. The garment clung to her like a second skin, reminding him of her sensuality and how barely an hour ago they’d been tangled in bed. Killian clenched his jaw.


  They approached a set of double doors. The doorman, a tall guy with muscles bulging from beneath a one-piece black suit, glanced at Killian, appraising him. Jose spoke quickly in Spanish and flashed an invitation. Finally, the doorman waved them through.

  Killian entered the lavish space behind Prudence and Jose. The room vibrated with the sound of conversation mingling with the live classical music played by a small orchestra. Crystal chandeliers and polished wooden floors rivaled in gleam. Elegant patterned furniture claimed attention. Everyone was dressed to their nines, chatting, drinking, enjoying the party. It would have been a pleasant atmosphere if it weren’t for the Inferum lurking in the shadows, dancing to their own demonic tune while they waited to pounce on any innocent soul. Not that they had much fresh meat in here. The place stunk with evil and Killian wished he had his weapon on hand. Unfortunately, among the humans they were mere watchers. At least, until the dimensions were brought together.

  “Vamos,” Jose said.

  Prudence and the Spaniard descended the steps into the crowd. Killian followed at a sensible distance, ready to attack anyone or anything that dared get close to his mate. He needn’t have worried, though. Demons cowered at her presence as if she exuded magic and when they caught sight of him, they ran.

  They could flee all they wanted. The aim of their mission was never to destroy the Inferum skulking in corners. It was to kill those who had already acquired a host. Those evil ticks which had attached to a human body and were controlling their emotions, manipulating them into a disfigured mask of evil and bringing down a whole country. Spain was almost a code red. Hell on Earth. Unrecoverable territory. They couldn’t allow it. They had given the Human Guardians a chance to ease the demons out, but the process was too time-consuming and inefficient. No. They had to act now. Cleanse the politicians from any malevolent influx and hope they could restore the balance. Obliterating evil was impossible but to defeat it was a different story.


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