Book Read Free

Nobody's Perfect

Page 19

by Steve Kirby

  “Are you kidding? I don’t want anything to do with mediation I just want that scum out!” Colin stared at her in disbelief.

  “I don’t believe you, are you serious, mediation?” Rachel got up, put her arms around Colin’s neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

  “I don’t want to sit in a room with them either, I was just wondering if you thought it was an option?”

  Rachel released him as he walked over and looked out of the window just as Sam was getting into his car, the movement at the window made him look up. Colin gritted his teeth.

  “Well it’s not now and not ever going to be an option, I hate that bastard with a passion and I won’t rest until he’s gone forever.” Rachel breathed a huge sigh of relief her secrets were safe for now.

  When the Police had left Charlotte made her way over to Rachel and Colin’s, she knocked once and let herself in, they were all sat round the table finishing tea.

  “Oh sorry, I didn’t know you were eating, I’ll come back later.” She said turning back to the front door. Rachel got up from the table holding her hands up in front of her.

  “No Charlotte, its fine we’re almost finished, you nip up to the lounge we’ll be up in a second.”

  Charlotte stopped and turned to face Rachel.

  “Well ok then if that’s alright.” She walked towards Rachel and up the stairs.

  Ten minutes later Rachel and Colin joined her.

  Colin sat down heavily on the right hand sofa.

  “Can you believe it? They are not going to do anything to those animals next door.”

  “I know.” Charlotte said in disbelieve. Colin continued.

  “I thought they would especially by putting the bit about him having a go at you on the Millennium Cycleway while you were alone. I thought that was a nice touch.”

  “Hmmm... I think it was the walking the dog bit that they didn’t believe I had already told them they go for each other all the time.“ Charlotte said not feeling very happy about lying to the Police about that.

  “So” Colin started.

  “We’ll have to try something else. How about.” Colin said looking at Charlotte with an excited expression on his face.

  “How about if you were walking on the millennium way by yourself when Sam confronts you, get’s hold of you and threatens to hurt you if you don’t stop reporting him to the police. Yah, how’s that sound?”

  Colin looks at Charlotte for approval she avoids his gaze and looks down at the floor.

  Rachel saw Charlotte’s reaction.

  “What’s the matter Charlotte?”

  “I don’t like this I’m not comfortable lying.”

  “Look!” Colin said pointing at Charlotte.

  “I thought you were with us on this we have to get rid of that lot, and if you’re not with us then you are against us, so what is it Charlotte?”

  “I am with you but I just don’t like lying to the police, isn’t there another way, couldn’t you say he accosted Rachel or something?”

  “No, You’re a single woman out on her own it’s perfect. All you have to do is tell them exactly what I tell you to say and everything will be fine. Understand?”

  Charlotte shook her head.

  “No I don’t like that at all, Look apart from the name calling the other day I have had no problem with Becky or Sam, I don’t like what you’re telling me to do, cant you think of anything else?”

  Colin stood up and opened the room door.

  “I think you had better go Charlotte.” Colin said nodding his head towards the door.

  “Rachel?” Charlotte said looking confused.

  Rachel said nothing she turned her head to look out of the window.

  “No point asking her, I’ve told you if you’re not with us then you’re with them. Now get out and don’t come back here again. Do you understand?”

  Charlotte pushed passed him.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t. You know there is something seriously wrong with you two.”

  ”Just get back to your little brat and your dog.” Colin said as she passed.

  Colin almost threw her out of the front door and slammed it behind her, Rachel turned to face him as he entered the lounge.

  “Good riddance to that bitch, I never liked her anyway, she was weak and we don’t need weak people. I’ll go round and see Frank later.” Rachel looked at him a frown creasing her brow.

  “Frank? Frank who?”

  “You know the old stone houses that back onto the millennium way by the old bridge just on there.” He said pointing across the park.

  “Well Frank Dobson and his wife live in the end one you can just see before the path disappears behind those trees.”

  “Oh right the one with the blue door?”

  “Yes that’s the one, well they are both retired and he spends a lot of time watching the millennium way and reporting dog walkers who don’t pick up after them, it was him who gave me the number for the dog warden to report their dog next door. He’s a good man, come with me and meet them you’ll get on with Deloris.” Rachel stifled a laugh.

  “Deloris?” Colin gave a little laugh.

  “I know but we can use them they don’t miss a thing around here.”

  The following week Colin was looking out of his dining room window, Sally and George were doing their homework on the dining room table and Rachel was busy in the kitchen making tea.

  Colin turned and marched out of his house and headed for the park where Jack was playing with Scott and Brandon, they all went quiet as they saw him approaching.

  “I thought I told you about bringing these two retards down here?” Both Brandon and Scott turned and walked towards Colin, This action took him by surprise and he stopped in his tracks. Brandon marched right up to the fence; he gave Colin an angry scowl.

  “Who the hell are you calling retards you old twat?”

  Colin looked beyond Brandon and Scott.

  “I’m talking to him that retard over there.” He said pointing to jack.

  Brandon stepped sideways into Colin’s line of sight.

  “Seems to me you were calling Scott and me retards.”

  Colin looked at Brandon feeling the situation turning against him.

  “I think you two better go back to where you live now or I’m going in to call the police.”

  Scott stepped forwards and stood next to Brandon.

  “I tell you what.” Scott started pointing at Colin.

  “You get back into your house and leave all of us alone or we’ll go back home and tell our dads what you have just called us.”

  Jack could see this beginning to get out of hand; he picked up his bike and called to his friends.

  “Come on you two don’t let him wind you up. Let’s go for a ride on the millennium way.”

  Scott and Brandon turned to follow Jack Scott turned back around to Colin and spat at his feet.

  “Fuck you, you old twat.” He said then turned and ran after his friends picking his bike up as he ran.

  Brandon seeing what had happened laughed and gave Colin a V sign. All three boys rode off laughing.

  Colin was furious he turned and marched up to Sam’s door, he pressed the bell not removing his finger he let it ring and ring, the door was yanked open by Sam.

  “What the hell’s up with you? Take your finger off the bell or I’ll break it.”

  Colin took his finger off then pointed it at Sam.

  “Are you going to do something about that brat kid of yours? He’s just been over in the park with those two little shits from the council estate, I’ve told him he wasn’t to bring them down here again we don’t want their kind down here trashing the play area, and when I went over to talk to them all I got off your lad is a load of abuse.”

  “Look I’ve told you before it’s got nothing to do with you who Jack play’s with, I’ll talk to him when he comes home and if I find he’s been cheeky he will be punished and made to apologise, but I’ll not stop him from playing with
who he wants, Just because they come from a council estate doesn’t make you better than them, where was Rachel brought up?... On a council estate so stop trying to be something you’re not.”

  “Well she always had respect for her elders not like them two and your kid. And as for an apology you should give him a good hiding. In fact I think I should give him a good hiding.” He said a sickly smirk on his face.

  Sam leaned forwards and looked Colin square in the eye.

  “I’ve told you befor, you touch my son mate and that would be a big mistake.” Sam gave him a menacing stare.

  Colin broke Sam’s gaze and looked at the floor not knowing what to do next, then Rachel appeared at the end of the drive.

  “Colin! Come away; leave them alone they are not worth it they are just scum!”

  “Best listen to your wife Colin, Oh and by the way Col, I’ve told you before and this is the last time, if you ever come on my property and threaten me or any of my family again you’d better be prepared to back it up, Ok?” Colin mumbled something as he left, when he got to Rachel he just said.

  ”I’m off to see Frank we have things to sort out, I’ll be back later.”


  When Jack came back from off road biking with Thomas and his Uncle Martin he was full of it, he talked fifty to the dozen about how cool it was the amount of skids he had done and how fast the bike was then he and Thomas ran off to the park making noises like motor bikes.

  “Think he enjoyed it?” Sam laughed as he watched them go.

  “He loved it, he’s very good and he has loads of confidence and Thomas liked having someone to race, will it be alright for me to pick him up again next week? Julie and Aaron will be able to go shopping with you this time, she was sorry she couldn’t make it but she had already made arrangements with her sister.”

  “Aw no problems, tell her next week will be fine, right how much do we owe you for today?” Becky asked.

  “Well it’s usually £10 an hour but I know the owner very well I helped him with his advertising and setting up his web site so he lets me have all day for £10 good eh?”

  “So” Becky said opening her purse.

  “I owe you a fiver than?”

  “Don’t be silly sis I’m not to a fiver good god, and if you don’t put your money away I’ll not take him again Ok?” Thomas and Jack came tearing back up the drive.

  “Me and Thomas are just going up to play on the playstation.” Martin grabbed hold of Thomas as he ran past.

  “No Thomas, sorry but we have to get back you have your bike to clean before tea.” Thomas breathed a huge sigh.

  “Aw Dad, please just half an hour, please.”

  “Sorry Thomas, not to- day maybe next week when I’ll have more time.” Jack’s eyes lit up.

  “Am I going again next week? Brilliant!” Martin held his hands up to calm Jack down.

  “Yes but you have to clean your bike properly, get all the mud off and give it a good wash, alright?”

  As Martin and Sam got Jacks bike out of the back of the people carrier and put it on the drive, Jack got the bucket and sponges.

  Becky and Sam watched Martin leave Jack returned with a bucket of soapy water and proceeded to clean his very muddy bike.

  Becky smiled at Sam.

  “Think it may take him some time looking at the state of it. Should we give him a hand?” Sam put his arm around Becky’s shoulders.

  “Stop babying him he’s doing fine, let him get on with it, I’ll check back in ten minutes and if he’s struggling I’ll ask if he wants me to help. Ok?”

  An hour later Jack shouted from the garage.

  “Mum! Dad! Well I’ve finished, it’s spotless, come and have a look.”

  Becky laughed when she saw him he had managed to transfer all the mud from the bike to his clothes but the bike indeed was spotless.

  “Well done Jack.” Sam said shaking his head and smiling at his Son.

  “That is really good it’s so good in fact I think you can wash my car for me every week.”

  “Huh don’t think so Dad.” Jack laughed.

  The following week the schools broke up for the six weeks holiday so Becky would pick her Mum up each morning to look after Jack and Lizzy and give them their dinners while she and Sam were at work.

  The weather was wonderful every day they would get up, Grandma would make them breakfast then it was out for the day either to Batley or Dewsbury Park or just a long walk in the woods with Roxy.

  A fortnight later June 30th was Jacks 15TH birthday, Sam had fired up the barbecue, Jack’s brothers Peter and Stuart had brought their girlfriends, Lizzy had brought her best friend from school, Hanna and Jack had invited Scott and Brandon.

  Becky’s brother Martin had also called in with his wife Julie and their children Thomas and Aaron, Jack was over the moon with the new motor cycling boots they had bought him he was so impressed he had put them on immediately and was strutting round stopping every few paces to admire them.

  The party was going well they had just sung “Happy Birthday” when Sam went to answer the front door, when he opened the door Sergeant Walker was stood his massive frame blocking out most of the light.

  “Mr Hawksworth?”

  “Yes, come in please.” Sam pressed back against the wall and allowed the sergeant to pass him, as Sam turned to close the door he saw Colin in the bottom corner pretending to be weeding he looked down quickly when he saw Sam, Sam’s mind raced.

  “What’s that bastard said now.” He thought to himself.

  The noise from the kitchen suddenly stopped when they saw the Sergeant in the doorway.

  Sam gave a slight cough,

  “Err... This way please, we’ll talk in the lounge.” Sam led the way Sergeant Walker followed as the quietness from the kitchen made way to hushed whispers and a lot of shushing.

  Sam closed the lounge door behind them and offered the Sergeant a seat.

  “Now then what can I do for you?” Sam asked smiling expectantly.

  “Well. “ The Sergeant started reaching into his top pocket and pulling out his notebook.

  “Well, I am investigating two complaints made against your son Jack, Is he here?” Sam bit his lower lip and nodded.

  “Yes do you want me to fetch him?”

  “Not at the moment I’ll just go through the incidents with you first if that’s alright?” Sam nodded.

  “The first complaint involves a very serious allegation that your son has been illegally riding his motorbike along the millennium way last Wednesday afternoon.” Sam frowned shaking his head.

  “What time in the afternoon?” Sergeant Walker flipped the page and studied the text for a second.

  ” 2-30pm.” Sam continued to shake his head slowly.

  ” Were you aware of him having the bike out.” Sam began to rub his hands together nervously.

  “Both my wife and myself were at work until 5 o’clock.” The Sergeant flipped a few pages and began writing.

  “So your son was here by himself then?”

  “No certainly not!” Sam said becoming very defensive

  .” My wife’s Mother was here looking after them all week and she knows he’s not allowed his bike out of the garden.”

  “So he is allowed to take the bike out of the garage?”

  “To clean it, yes.”

  “Well how do you know he didn’t just scoot along the millennium way while he was cleaning it?”

  “He wouldn’t.” Sam said a slight doubt creeping into his head. He leaned forward.

  “Look I’m fed up with him next door reporting Jack every two minutes; he can’t go out of the house without him ringing you lot.”

  “The complaint about him riding his bike along the millennium way didn’t come from your neighbour it was another source.” Sam looked thoughtful.

  “Who then?” “I’m afraid I’m not at liberty to tell you that it’s confidential.

  As for the second complaint this concerns your son running the
engine of his bike inside your garage the resulting petrol fumes are seeping into your neighbours downstairs toilet and hallway as a result this is causing your neighbours son, who is slightly asthmatic to require medication.

  ” Sam laughed stood up and walked to the window; Colin was still in the same place looking towards Sam’s door.


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