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A Slave From Scratch

Page 14

by Kim Knight

And as Alex feasted on the sweet, gorgeous pussy, her hand rubbing at her own pussy lips, she wondered how much further she could fall before there was no coming back.


  Maria studied the fresh bite on Alex’s shoulder and smiled, ‘So, Kate has found her teeth again, has she?’

  Alex stared at her, frowning. Kate had been punished again for giving her the mark but she had climaxed violently afterwards and Alex couldn’t help but wonder if Kate had known what awaited her when she sank her teeth, wonderfully, into Alex’s shoulder.

  Maria slipped out of her skirt and unbuttoned her blouse, revealing her naked breasts. ‘I can remember teeth marks on Gary’s shoulders a while back, when I first knew them.’

  Alex wanted to ask more questions, to learn more about Kate but instead she just bowed her head and waited for instructions.

  ‘Seems like a lifetime ago now,’ Maria laughed to herself and lay on Alex’s bed, her legs spread wide, ‘I was just a club goer then, trying to get close to Gary and his bitch ...’ Alex looked up sharply, a look of anger flaring in her eyes that made Maria laugh. ‘She has got you falling for her, hasn’t she? She will be pleased.’

  The woman hadn’t said anything that Alex didn’t already know herself but to hear someone else say it caused a chill to run down Alex’s spine. How could she really be falling for the woman who was keeping her a near prisoner? Her thoughts ran to the night before. She had been told to lie across their bed and Kate had held her wrists, her arms outstretched, while Marshall had taken her harshly, ramming his thick cock into her pussy. He had pulled free before he came and had used a flogger on her buttocks before fucking her again. Her climax had soaked the sheet beneath her and she had been punished for that before being taken back to her room. Kate had motioned for her to lie down but when Alex had lifted her wrist to be bound, Kate had just smiled and kissed her gently before leaving, closing the door behind her. It was the first time that she had been left unbound at night and she had lain on the bed, listening to the sounds coming from the other bedroom. She had planned to wait until they were silent before taking a chance and investigating Marshall’s study. The sounds that drifted from the other room were clear and erotic and within minutes, Alex was sliding her fingers between her labia lips. The burn of her last punishment still fresh across her breasts, increased the pleasure and soon she was writhing on the bed, her own stifled cries mirroring Kate’s sounds from the other room. After a shuddering climax, she had fallen asleep and hadn’t woken until morning when Maria had entered the room. Thinking of it now, she realised that she had missed an opportunity to potentially end all this because her desires had got the better of her. She promised herself that it wouldn’t happen again. Tonight she would get into that study and find out what had happened to Mia.

  ‘Well?’ Maria demanded.

  Sighing inwardly, Alex climbed onto the bed and nuzzled between Maria’s legs, her tongue searching in the groove of her sex.

  Maria groaned, ‘Fucking hell, you’re getting good.’ Alex couldn’t help but feel a glow of pride in her chest at the words but that glow turned to a freezing blanket over her back with what Maria said next, ‘They will enjoy you tonight.’ Maria’s fingers dug into her scalp when Alex paused. Gasping, she redoubled her efforts and quickly brought the woman to climax.

  When she was done, she sat up and wiped the back of her hand across her mouth. ‘Master is having another party tonight?’ Alex asked.

  ‘No,’ Maria replied and smiled nastily, ‘You’re going out!’


  The room was huge and filled with people. The sound of them robbed Alex of her senses as her fear seared through her. She took half a step backwards but the chain that Kate had fixed to the collar around her neck stopped her from going too far.

  ‘What?’ Kate hissed, pushing her to the side of the door and staring at her intently.

  Alex opened her mouth to speak but her fear stopped the words from forming, Instead her eyes scanned the room. There was too much happening for her eyes to focus on any one thing for long. The cries ... the screams ... they echoed all around her and Alex quickly realised that her Master’s party had been a small gathering compared to this. She watched as a Master drove the largest dildo that she had ever seen into a bound slave who screamed and begged him to stop. He didn’t and the slave screamed again as she was filled.

  ‘Calm yourself,’ Kate whispered, ‘The Masters will have to ask my permission before they can have you.’

  Alex looked sharply at Kate, clearly less than calmed.

  ‘I know which ones to avoid, don’t worry.’

  But Alex was worried, more worried than she had ever been in her life. But with Kate leading her by the chain at her throat, she walked further into the room and further into this strange, world.

  Her anxiety continued as various Masters approached and spoke to Kate. Some kissed her cheek or hand and she greeted them all with a coy smile, fluttering her long eyelashes, her gorgeous eyes smiling. Several of them studied Alex, stroking her flesh and pinching her nipples before shaking their heads and moving away.

  ‘Too small ... Too weak ... I’d break her ... she cannot serve my needs ...’

  Kate tried to argue with each of the men but they politely refused and left to find slaves more to their taste.

  And then there were the other Masters ... the ones who made Kate tense as they approached. One, Master Gabriel, was carrying a set of heavy chains in his gnarled, thick hand. He greeted Kate with a hungry smile, his eyes glinting as he studied Alex. He licked his lips, his rough hand stroking her breast and making her shudder. He pinched her nipple and then his hand moved round to the back, his thick digit pushing between her buttocks. Alex whimpered and a sharp tug on the chain made her gasp.

  ‘Quiet, slut,’ Kate hissed.

  ‘She’s so very ... petite ...’ he smiled and licked his lips again, lifting the chains, ‘... she would wear these well, don’t you think?’

  Kate didn’t even look at them as she respectfully denied him.

  He studied her for a moment, his lips curling with amusement, ‘Would you wear them ... again?’

  Kate smiled but it never reached her eyes, ‘I must watch my whore tonight, Master, perhaps another time?’

  He laughed, ‘You’ve been saying that for two years.’ He leant forward and kissed her cheek, his tongue leaving a wet trail across her chin. ‘Give my best to your Master.’

  ‘I will,’ Kate said quietly and then, as he turned his back, she wiped her face with the back of her hand.

  Minutes ticked by and Alex feared that she would not be required to service anyone. Although that thought was appealing, the thought of what would happen when she got back to her Master’s house was far less pleasant.

  ‘Master Massen!’ she heard Kate call and tugged harshly on the chain, forcing Alex to follow her. The Master who had enjoyed Alex recently turned and smiled at Kate, kissing her hand just as he had that night. ‘I didn’t expect to see you here,’

  Massen gave a small shrug, ‘A cancelled business appointment and here I am,’ he spread his hands and studied Alex as he clasped them in front again, ‘Has no one had her?’

  ‘No,’ Kate replied, ‘I was wondering if you might ...’

  ‘I did wonder if you would have problems with this one,’ he said, as if she hadn’t spoken, ‘She is very diminutive.’

  ‘She’s stronger than she looks.’

  He smiled, ‘I remember.’

  ‘Would you be interested then?’ Kate asked, holding the end of the chain out to him.

  Massen shook his head, ‘She’s a little ill-disciplined for my liking.’

  Kate lowered her hand, ‘She is in training ...’

  ‘I am aware of that,’ he replied, a hint of anger tainted his voice, making Kate lower her gaze. ‘And thank you
for reminding me about the party, I seem to remember a little cock teasing from you and the promise of a whipped arse.’

  Kate lifted her gaze, her eyes glinting, ‘Master, if you would like to enjoy us both ...’

  ‘No,’ he replied, taking her hand and leading her towards the door, ‘I would like to watch you enjoying her and then ... I shall enjoy you on your own.’

  It was clear that Kate had no chance to refuse, even if she wanted to. She followed him out of the room, Alex at her heels. He led them to a side room ... a fully-equipped side room. It was a lot like the playroom at her Master’s house, just a little darker and much, much, colder. As soon as she entered the room, Alex felt her nipples harden and her pussy shudder. Goosebumps ran along her arms and thighs, the hair standing up on end.

  Massen moved to a chair in the corner of the room and sat down, crossing his legs. ‘Has she been suspended before?’

  ‘No,’ Kate replied.

  ‘Alright then,’ he reached to the side and flicked a switch. Instantly two chains dropped down from the ceiling.

  Kate led Alex to the centre of the room and turned the collar at her throat so that the chain hung between her small breasts. ‘Arms up,’ she commanded.

  Alex did so, stretching up on tip-toe until Kate could fasten her wrists within the cuffs. Alex shuddered at the feel of the metal around her wrists. She was stretched wonderfully, the sensation was quite incredible and ... arousing. Her eyes met Kate’s for an instant and that arousal was like a spark between them that made both their lips curl with pleasure.

  ‘Eyes down,’ Kate whispered, ‘Master Massen will expect you to behave like a slave ... and so do I.’

  Alex was silent for a moment as she lowered her eyes and then said quietly, ‘Yes, Miss.’

  The whip seemed to come from nowhere. Alex lifted her head, gasping loudly as her breasts were seared by the single strand of the horse-whip. Kate struck her hard, not as hard as she had in the past and certainly not as hard as she could ... but hard enough to mark her flesh. The blows striped her chest, back and buttocks. Each one making her shift and she had to fight hard to keep herself steady, her arms and shoulder screaming for release.

  ‘Will she take these?’

  Alex lifted her head but quickly lowered it again. She had had enough of a look to see that Massen was handing Kate a pair of glinting clamps. She didn’t hear Kate answer but a moment later the cold metal of one of the clamps was sliding over her right nipple. She gasped and gritted her teeth as Kate tightened the metal plates, squashing her nipple within. A few more twists and freezing beads of sweat stood out across her forehead as her chest heaved. Satisfied that it was tight enough, she fixed the other clamp in place. Alex lifted her head, hissing through her teeth.

  ‘Will you come for me now?’ Kate asked harshly.

  Alex cleared her throat, ‘If you would permit me, Miss.’

  Kate sighed and shook her head, ‘So false ...’ she lifted the whip and stroked the handle across her breasts, tapping it against each of the nipple clamps, punctuating her speech, ‘... I want more from you than just the answer you think I want.’

  ‘I can’t give you any more,’ Alex said softly, her voice breaking on the last word.

  Kate smiled, ‘Hmmm ... now you speak the truth ...’ she tapped her nipples again, laughing softly, ‘... unfortunately for you, you still have much more to give and I intend to ...’ she stepped back, lifting the whip to shoulder height, watching as Alex tensed, ‘... take it!’ The whip was driven across her breasts, catching her just above her painfully clamped nipples. Alex threw her head back and screamed, the sudden pain shocking the breath from her lungs. Another blow to the same place made her cry out again and whimper as Kate lowered the whip. ‘I have seen slaves have their nipple clamps whipped from their flesh and not make as much noise as you,’ Kate announced, half turning to take the gag from Massen who handed it to her with a small bow. Once in place, Alex stared fearfully at Kate. That look of fear seemed to drive Kate on and within minutes she had striped Alex front and back. By the time she lowered the whip, Alex was hanging limply from the chains, her chest heaving, sweat pouring in rivulets down her body.

  She sensed Kate moving behind her and she tensed, expecting another blow. But suddenly her legs were being parted and a vibrating dildo was slipped between her legs. Her head lifted, her eyelids fluttering as the pleasure forced its way through the hundred stings that prickled her skin. And then those hundred stings became part of the pleasure and her whole body shuddered. It was at that moment that Kate drove the dildo into her, stretching and penetrating her grasping pussy. Alex tossed her head, her nipples screaming in pain as the sudden arousal caused a rush of blood to the tightly clamped buds. Kate continued to thrust the dildo into her and soon that pain became part of the pleasure too. At the same time her arousal became painful and it was impossible to tell pleasure from pain. Her primal sense of self-preservation sought out the pleasure over the pain and the chains above her rattled as she shook uncontrollably, her juices running down her inner thighs.

  Kate removed the clamps and then released her from the chains, leaving her to crawl over to the chair where Massen was sitting. As she approached he uncrossed his legs and waved for her to kneel beside the chair. She flinched as he moved but he clearly had no interest in her, he only had eyes for Kate.

  She had stripped and was kneeling beneath the chains that had held Alex. Her head was bowed, hands clasped behind her back.

  ‘You wish to serve me?’ Massen asked.

  ‘Yes, Master,’ Kate whispered.

  ‘And you agree to do all that is asked of you?’

  ‘Yes, Master.’

  Alex was surprised that there was no hesitation from Kate.

  ‘You will pleasure me as I demand? Serve me as I require? Please me as I deserve?’

  ‘Yes, Master,’

  Suddenly his hands snatched her hair and hauled her head up as he bent down to her, ‘And you think you can?’ He pushed her away, ‘Fucking stupid whore, you think too much of yourself!’

  Alex tensed, wanting to go to Kate’s defence but she knew that so much pain awaited her if she did. Instead, she clenched her fists and just watched, unable to look away.

  ‘Show me your pussy,’ he demanded, ‘Let me see if your cunt is worth my time.’

  Kate lay back and spread her legs as he lifted the whip that she had dropped. The strand of that whip sliced her inner thigh, making her gasp.

  ‘And that is how you present yourself to me?’

  The whip sliced alternately between her thighs until she gave a small cry.

  ‘Spread your fucking lips, let me see that cunt properly.’

  Kate’s fingers gripped her labia and she parted them, revealing the slick pinkness within. Once revealed, the whip found its mark and Kate cried out, closing her legs as her hand fell over the bruised flesh.

  ‘As you were,’ Massen announced.

  ‘Master, please ...’ Kate whimpered, tears rolling from her eyes.

  ‘I’ll give you a choice, slave, and that’s more than you fucking deserve ... take five blows on your pussy and I will let you come ... or you can leave now.’

  Kate’s gaze shot to his face, ‘Please, Master, don’t send me away.’

  ‘Then do as you are fucking told!’

  Alex jumped and shrank back from his anger, turning her head away, not wanting to see what was to happen next. But the strike of the whip and Kate’s piercing cry made her look back. She winced as the next four blows landed, each making Kate scream and sob. Alex felt tears prickling her eyes as she watched, even as her bruised nipples ached painfully with arousal. As soon as the last blow fell, Massen knelt quickly between her thighs, his fingers sliding into her slick, bruised opening.

  ‘Oh, God!’ Kate screamed, falling back and convulsing
as three fingers were driven into her. His thumb rubbed over her clitoris, driving her passion to breaking point. Her red thighs quivered as the pain of her bruised pussy and the pleasure of his probing fingers collided deep inside her. And then suddenly she was coming and Massen pulled his fingers free, bowing to her pussy to clamp his mouth over her throbbing labia. She screamed again, gasping over and over, ‘Thank you, Master ... thank you ...’

  Alex lowered her head, sighing with relief, glad that it was over. But Massen was far from finished and what followed was, to Alex, a master-class in domination. Massen didn’t just abuse and enjoy Kate, he humiliated her. She did everything he asked of her, things that Alex would never have even dreamed of. She did it all, whimpering and sobbing, crying and screaming but never complaining. And her reward was climax after climax. Numerous orgasms punctuated his abuse of her, driving her on to further abuse and the ultimate reward.

  When he finally climaxed, it was deep in her arse while she whimpered and reached back to hold her buttocks open for him. Her hands pressing against the purple welts that he had striped across her flesh.

  When it was time to leave, dressed and looked tired but sated, Kate kissed Massen on the cheek and thanked him.

  ‘The pleasure was mine,’ he smiled and gave a satisfied sigh. He glanced at Alex, ‘She has potential ...’

  Kate nodded, ‘I know,’ she replied but she must have heard the reservation in his voice. ‘You don’t think I can do it?’

  ‘You are not a Mistress,’ he said, not unkindly, ‘and thank the lord for that!’ He laughed as he continued but then became serious, ‘You can only take her so far, she will need a firmer hand to dominate her.’

  Alex’s mind flicked back to what she had seen him do to Kate and her stomach clenched with fear. She must have missed some sub-text in his words because Kate smiled and took his hand in hers, ‘I will remember that and contact you if the need arises.’

  ‘The need will arise,’ he responded, ‘we both know that.’

  She nodded and kissed him again before biding him farewell.


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