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A Slave From Scratch

Page 15

by Kim Knight

  Kate’s relaxed mood changed as they neared the house. She became agitated and nervous, playing with the hem of her dress. As they climbed from the car that Marshall had arranged for them, she took a deep breath and led Alex towards the door. Once inside Alex quickly shed her long coat and then, naked, she followed Kate into the living room. Marshall was waiting for them, his ever-present glass of evening scotch in hand, even though it was close to one o’clock in the morning.

  They stood in the centre of the living room, smelling of sex as Marshall circled them slowly, studying the marks on them both. He traced a welt across Alex’s back with his finger and smiled, ‘Who did this?’

  Kate swallowed, ‘I did, Master.’

  He was silent for a moment but then quickly moved to stand in front of her, his eyes dangerous. ‘What?’

  ‘Master, please, let me explain,’

  ‘You had fucking better.’

  ‘Master Massen asked to join us but he wanted to see me enjoying the slave before he enjoyed me.’

  ‘Massen gave you those marks?’


  ‘And he fucked you?’


  He was silent for a moment before he said, ‘So who fucked her?’

  ‘No one, Master.’

  ‘No one?’ he sounded angry, ‘No one wanted to fuck the little bitch?’

  ‘Most of them thought that she was too fragile to enjoy properly.’

  ‘Are you telling me that Master Gabriel wasn’t interested in her?’

  ‘He was, I refused,’ Kate replied and then quickly added, ‘those that were interested in her would have been too ... too ...’



  ‘What?’ he laughed incredulously.

  ‘They would have hurt her.’

  ‘That’s the fucking point!’ he yelled, his voice thrumming with anger.

  ‘Not like that!’

  ‘That’s my decision, she is my slave!’

  ‘And I am the one training her! When I feel that she is ready to serve masters like Master Gabriel, I will allow it.’

  ‘You will allow it?’ He suddenly grabbed her face, his fingertips digging into her cheeks as he pulled her closer, ‘She is your pet, nothing more. I am her Master, don’t you forget that. I am your Master and you will show me the proper respect.’

  Kate sighed and shook her head out of his grip, ‘Gary, not tonight, okay?’

  ‘Not tonight?’ Suddenly his hand was at her throat and he pushed her backwards until she slammed against the wall, ‘Not to-fucking-night?’

  ‘Gary, please,’ she whispered.

  ‘Call me Gary one more time, you fucking slut, and see what you get!’ he snarled in her face, leaning forward so that he could kiss her harshly. He snarled again as his hands tore at her clothes, violently stripping her. Kate bit back a sob as the clothes were torn from her. When she was naked he kicked her legs apart and then held his hand against her throat as he pushed his trousers down. He stepped between her legs and slammed his cock into her, making her cry out. He fucked her brutally, forcing his dominance on her with every thrust. After a few minutes he held himself deep inside her, his teeth biting at her shoulder and neck. ‘Ever since that slut arrived in our house, you have been pushing your fucking luck. Did I make a mistake letting you train her?’ Kate cried out as his teeth bit down hard against her shoulder before he said, ‘Letting you train that slut has given you ideas above your station.’

  ‘Master, I’m sorry, I will try harder to please you.’

  ‘Yes, you will,’ he agreed and fucked her again, slamming her against the wall. Her head fell against his shoulder and she sobbed against him as her body responded to his thrusts. He used his hand to push her head back against the wall so that he could stare into her lust filled eyes. ‘And you start your show of obedience by coming without permission?’

  ‘Master,’ Kate gasped, ‘I didn’t -’

  His hand slapped over her mouth, ‘And now you argue with me?’

  Kate’s eyes filled with fear and her lips trembled as his hand fell away, ‘Please ...’ she whispered but could clearly think of nothing to say that would save her from his wrath.

  Alex watched the pair of them and noticed Kate’s genuine fear. She wanted to interfere, to stop him from hurting her but she knew that whatever she did, worse would befall her. So she stayed silent and averted her eyes.

  Staying silent meant that Marshall forgot about her entirely. When he had come he grunted into her shoulder and then pulled back. ‘You think that’s it for you?’ he snarled, although the look on her face suggested that the thought had never entered her head. He snatched her hair in his large fist and dragged her from the room. Alex stayed where she was, partly grateful that she would not be witness to whatever he had planned for Kate.


  It was still dark when, sweating and breathing heavily, Marshall appeared at the living room doorway. ‘Go and sort her out,’ he snarled.

  ‘Yes, Master.’

  After he had dragged Kate from the room, Alex had fallen to her knees to await either of their return. Her mind had become caught up in a turmoil of emotions as the memories of the hours before mixed with new horrors as she imagined what he was doing to Kate in the playroom. She had tried to convince herself that it was all just part of the act that the two of them played. But she had seen the genuine fear in Kate’s eyes and knew that what might have been an act before, had become a harsh reality.

  She found Kate bound into the x-shaped frame, her head hanging down, her chest heaving. At the sound of the door opening she slowly lifted her head, her tear stained face flushed and pained. Her breasts quivered, the chains hanging from the nipple clamps glinting in the light. Their Master had been harsh with her, her sweat soaked body bore more marks and hard welts than Alex had ever seen. Each adding to the torment that Massen had heaped upon her body but clearly with a far different outcome. She studied the other woman and felt tears stinging her eyes even as she felt her body respond in ways that she tried to ignore.

  ‘Get me down,’ Kate whispered, her voice shaking.

  Alex hurried to the frame and released her ankles and then her wrists, catching her when she fell forward and gently laid her on her side. She noticed that her back and buttocks were as bad as her front and her throat constricted. ‘I’ll run a bath,’ she said softly and went to stand up but Kate grabbed her wrist in a weak grip.

  ‘Give me a minute,’ Kate whispered, her words turning into a sob as she turned her head to Alex and buried her face in her leg. Unsure what to do, Alex rested her hand against the other woman’s shoulder as she sobbed violently. It was a moment of confusion as Kate seemed to shrink right in front of her eyes. She looked small and frail and for the briefest of moments Alex had an inkling into how the other Master’s saw her. To them, Alex was the weak one, not worthy of their time. To see Kate like that was unsettling. As the minutes passed, Kate’s sobs eased and she took a shuddering breath. ‘Run the bath now,’ her voice had almost returned to normal and as she lifted herself into a sitting position, she was Kate again.

  ‘Yes, Miss.’

  As she moved for the door, she glanced back. Kate had laid down again, her knees pulled up to her chest, eyes closed.

  Alex moved fearfully through the house, afraid that Marshall was still angry and might use her as an outlet. As she went upstairs she heard a car and looked out the window to see him pulling off the drive. Sighing with relief, Alex moved to the bathroom. On the way she passed the study door and froze. ‘Now!’ a voice screamed in her mind, ‘You might never get a better opportunity than this!’ She felt a moment of guilt. She had left Kate on the floor of the dungeon, drifting in and out of sleep and it was almost as if she was taking advantage of her weakened state. ‘You are - a
nd you have to!’ the voice screamed in her mind. Kate would wait until Alex returned to help her to the bath and so, heart thumping against her chest, Alex hurried to the bathroom and started the taps. She then hurried to Kate’s bedroom and found some hair grips that would work perfectly as lock-picks. She ran back to the study and within moments had picked the lock and gained entrance. She rushed straight to the desk and quickly pulled the curtains before flicking the desk lamp on. She picked the lock on the desk drawer and rifled through the contents, being careful to ensure that nothing looked disturbed. The sound of running water made her search as fast as she could and she quickly finished the first drawer. In the next drawer she found a pile of files and cursed as she lifted them out, they were all filled with photographs. She left the pile on the desk and ran to the bathroom to check the water level before running back to the study. She opened the file and froze, her hands trembling as her eyes studied the image. She felt stupid and cursed softly. What did she honestly expect to find photos of in Marshall’s desk? But even if she had expected it, the sight of the unknown woman hanging from thick chains, her ankles kept apart by a spreader bar, would have still shocked her. She was blonde and attractive, her face held an expression of pure rapture. The photographer had caught the moment a long, thick bullwhip curled around her breasts and ribcage. The purple lines that striped her torso and legs was evidence that the whipping was severe and lengthy. A white sticker on the corner of the file said simply, ‘Vicki’. Alex dropped the photo and searched through the others, reading the label on each rather than studying the women and the various tortures that they were enduring, their pain and pleasure frozen for all eternity on the thick, glossy paper. The files had revealed nothing and it was near the end of the last pile that she suddenly saw ‘Mia’. The breath froze in her throat, her eyes widening. She had only read the label on the file, the photo itself was hidden behind others. She closed her eyes and slipped the photo out. Emotions collided within her. Had she found her friend? Was this everything she had hoped for? Was she about to find out what had happened to her and where she was?

  She opened her eyes. ‘Oh, God,’ she whispered, bile rising up her throat.

  It was Mia. There was no doubt. She stared straight at the camera, her eyes dark and angry. She was bent at the middle, her arms pulled out to the sides and held in thick leather cuffs. Her breasts were stretched painfully, distorted by the clamps and weighted chains that hung from her nipples. Behind her, a naked man pushed against her, his face creased with pleasure. More men stood in the background, all naked and ... waiting.

  Alex lowered the photo, she felt sick. Taking a deep breath, she lifted the photo and read the note that she had seen attached to it.

  ‘The little whore is in the movies already! Your cut will be the same as usual.’

  The sound of the bath water made her drop the files back into the drawer and close it. She used the picks to re-lock the drawer and then took the photo with her. It was a risk to keep it, if Marshall found it missing ... but she just couldn’t leave her here. She kept the yellow note attached as well, her blood boiling with fury as she read it again.

  She went into the bathroom and turned the taps off before returning the hairgrips to where she had found them. And then she froze, her eyes fixed on the wardrobe. She walked slowly towards it and pulled the door open. Staring at the clothes within, she lifted her hand to the collar at her throat. She had become so used to the feel of it that she hardly noticed it anymore. The same with her nakedness. After weeks of being without clothes, she took no notice anymore. But now here was a wardrobe full of clothes and nothing to stop her from grabbing some, grabbing that money she had discovered weeks ago and getting the hell out of there. She lifted the photo again and stared at her friend. She had found out what had happened to her, wasn’t that why she had stayed here? But was that all she could do? She studied Mia’s angry eyes. Was she as trapped as Alex was? Had Marshall kept her as a prisoner too before handing her on to someone else? Except that Alex wasn’t a prisoner, she wasn’t trapped. She could get out of here. She rifled through the clothes and, at the back, found some old jeans, t-shirt and a jumper. Taking them, she closed the wardrobe door and left the room. She went back to her room and dropped the clothes on the bed. And that was when she remembered Kate.

  Before she had fully thought it through, she had bent to tuck the clothes and photo under the bed, pushing them as far back as she could. Then, cursing softly to herself, she went back downstairs.

  Kate was asleep on the floor of the dungeon and groaned as Alex sat her up. ‘Come on,’ Alex said softly as she helped her to stand. Kate leaned against her as they went upstairs and into the bathroom. She helped her into the bath, wincing when the other woman hissed as her battered body slipped beneath the water.

  ‘I’m okay,’ Kate whispered but then sobbed again, sitting up and holding her head in her hands as tears rolled down her cheeks.

  ‘Just relax,’ Alex told her as she used a flannel to gently ease her pain. ‘It’ll be alright,’

  ‘No,’ Kate sobbed, ‘it won’t.’

  Alex didn’t question her further but just continued to gently wash her as the woman cried, her head in her hands. Her sobs were less wrenching than they had been but she still she looked so small and scared. It was strange to think of her like that. This was the woman who had beaten her, fucked her and kept her as a slave for over two months. This was the woman that Alex should have left on the floor of the playroom while she fled the house. So why hadn’t she? She sighed softly, had she missed her chance?

  Alex’s sigh made Kate look up. They stared at each other for several moments before Alex remembered to lower her gaze. Kate gave a short, harsh laugh, ‘I guess you’re not as broken as I am.’

  Alex didn’t know what to say so she stayed silent.

  ‘It wasn’t supposed to be like this ... it used to be so much better.’ Kate took a deep breath and lay back in the bath, hissing again as her wounded back sunk beneath the water. ‘It used to be so good,’ she said softly, her eyes closed. She was quiet for several minutes and Alex thought that she had fallen asleep.

  ‘We met at an S and M club on the South Bank and I guess it worked because we both knew each other’s deepest darkest secret before we even knew each other’s names.’ Kate continued without opening her eyes, ‘Gary was the same as me, fulfilling his darkest desires in secret, when he could, when he dared. He was different to the other men there, they were all ... weak.’ She snorted at the word, shaking her head, ‘... no, not weak ... just, pathetic.’ She sighed again and stirred the water with her hands, ‘It was a stupid club really, everyone there was just playing at being part of the scene but I had nowhere else to go to fulfil these desires inside me ... desires I didn’t really understand.’ She smiled wistfully, ‘The first time Gary dominated me, he beat my arse with a paddle, harder than anyone ever had before. My cheeks were burning when he finished and as he slid his cock into my cunt it was like ... like ... it was as if I had found the other half of me.’ She turned to Alex, her eyes searching, ‘Do you know what I mean?’

  Alex thought of Mia, she had once wondered if she would feel something like that with her. She thought of the photo under her bed and her own position. Had this woman been part of the events that had seen her robbed of her chance to feel such perfect love? ‘No,’ Alex said with quiet anger, ‘I’ve never felt that with anyone.’

  ‘We met at the club a couple of times a week but that quickly grew until we were meeting four, five times in a week,’ Kate continued as if Alex hadn’t spoken, ‘It wasn’t long before neither of us went with anyone else ... we were all we needed. We started to experiment, to get harder. One night Gary brought a crop with him and he strung me up and whipped me ... hard. God, he made me scream and really marked me.’ She gave a small laugh, ‘Then the club owner burst in and told us to leave, that his was a respectable club and there was no room for
perverts like us.’ She laughed again, ‘I was so fucking turned on, I could hardly walk. We managed to get to the car park and Gary threw me face down over the bonnet of my car and rammed into me. He had to gag me with his tie because I was screaming so much. He had just come when one of the club members came up to us and handed Gary a card, he said that it was the address of a club ... a better club.’ She took a deep breath, her hand running down her body, her fingers searching between her legs, ‘Gary dragged me off the bonnet and removed the gag, then forced me to my knees and made me thank him properly. The other guy just stood there watching. After Gary had come, he tied my hands behind my back and I sucked the other guy’s cock until he exploded into my throat ... I came at the same time.’ She grimaced as her fingers stroked her sore pussy lips and then, sighing, she let her hand fall to her side. ‘The Sun and Moon Gentleman’s club, that was where our lives truly began. After just a few weeks, we were fully integrated into that life. We drifted away from our old lives, our old friends, and reinvented ourselves ... or rather, we revealed who we truly were. We got married and my family, who were so ashamed of what I had become, sent me a very nice, large cheque as a way to say goodbye. I couldn’t have been happier, I hated the upper class, stuffy lifestyle that they had forced on me.

  ‘We used the money to buy the club, paid well over what it was worth. We thought that our desires would be enough ... they weren’t. Gary and I didn’t know a thing about running a business and we nearly lost it all. The club was successful, packed every night, we just couldn’t make the money go to the right places, we didn’t know how. That’s when Maria introduced us to some men.’ Kate snarled angrily, ‘We had known her for about a year, she was a regular at the club and had been trying to get close to Gary that whole time. This was her opportunity. I should have seen it coming but I was just so happy to have someone say that they could help us.’ She sighed angrily, ‘We were partners, me and Gary, no matter what we did in bed, when it came to the business, we were partners ... until Maria brought those men in to help us.’ She slowly slipped beneath the water, holding her breath as she sank fully beneath the surface and holding herself under. Alex stared at the floor as she waited. Everything that Kate had said made sense when Alex considered what she had seen. But it was hard to reconcile this woman with the woman who had done so much to her.


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