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The Pirate Queen

Page 19

by K R Martin

  Once returned to her room, she relieved Deshi of watching over her daughter. Gazing at the toddler, she debated leaving her rooms again. Mei had returned to her room, so Spera would be taken care of should she wake. But could she face Will after that evening? What would she tell him? Maybe she could feign exhaustion, but she couldn't just not show up. No one deserved that and especially not her husband.

  She took a breath to calm her nerves. Her feet felt heavy as she walked through the halls. Each step seemed to pound in his chest. Her throat seemed to close as the garden's entrance appeared before her. Forcing her feet onward, she stepped into the moonlight.

  "I hoped you would come," Will's voice filled her with the warmth she had come to crave. "I am sure you must be tired after your long day, but I am so glad to see you. I've missed you."

  "I have too," Renee murmured. "I cannot stay long, but I couldn't make you wait for me if I wasn't going to be here."

  "I do appreciate it, and I'm sorry for dragging you out after such a long day."

  "Oh no, it's completely fine. I couldn't sleep, anyways."

  "Me neither. Little Wolf has lived with me for a few years now, but I am always surprised to learn more about his people and culture. Hearing the story of one of their legends was so rewarding; I hope to hear more of their tales in the future."

  "I would like that as well." Renee couldn't help but smile at his words.

  "Then I am glad to hear that you are planning on staying to hear more." Heat crept into her face at his warm words.

  "I am truly not worthy of such thoughts," she replied, her voice barely more than a whisper.

  "But I believe you are."

  Renee felt her eyes close, forcing back the tears that sprung to her eyes. What could she tell him? Her body twitched, longing to run into his arms. But how could she? Conrad hovered around Will all day. He would notice the change in Will.

  "I am sorry; you must be exhausted, and here I am rambling."

  "Oh, no, I am fine," Renee tried to assure him.

  Voices caught her ears, not too near her but she could tell they approached.

  "Come." Will's hand wrapped around hers, gently tugging her into the shadows of the hall. They stood just inside, their bodies almost pressed together. Figures appeared in the moonlight, two men, seemingly Conrad's guards. They looked over the courtyard, but they soon shrugged and walked off. Renee could feel her body relax, brushing against Will's chest. Almost immediately, she tensed, her gaze seeking his. The earnest adoration in them nearly threatened to destroy her. "You must rest." His voice was deep, kind. "I will see you tomorrow, My Lady." His hand lifted hers to his face, the soft lips caressing her skin. The kiss printed on her hand, sending her heart racing, and hope flooding her chest.

  A warm breeze rustled through the courtyard, dancing around the group gathered there. Horses pranced in eager anticipation, and cheerful voices rose to be carried off by the wind. The people gathered were a colorful bunch, most dressed in fine riding habits. Several native men joined as well, Little Wolf staying near enough to help facilitate a pleasant conversation between them and some of the other hunters. Mei stood near, her eyes drawn to Little Wolf even as she held Spera. The girl had been adamant she wouldn't join the hunt organized by Conrad and Desiree, but it seemed she still wanted to see them off.

  Will stood at the edge of the group, watching everyone mingle. Men and women, Espan locals and their Cartianan neighbors, nobles from Vikieva and Retanny dressed in finery while the natives wore long tunics over their pants made of simple leather, the colorful exotic looks of Varda's own crew, all these people seemed to mix together in a colorful medley. Each person was unique and different, and yet they were all equal in his eyes. Well, all but one. His eyes once more searched for Varda, but no masks met his gaze. For the first time, he wondered if she might not show. Surely, he didn't scare her the night before?

  "Oh, Your Majesty, I cannot begin to explain how excited I am for today." Desiree practically danced towards him. He had to admire the smartly cut riding habit she wore, the deep burgundy simple but lovely on her. "It has been so long since I enjoyed the thrill of the hunt with so many others."

  "I am glad you suggested such an event," Will answered sincerely.

  "And I am glad Lady Varda was able to prepare it so excellently. After a morning hunt, we are going to sojourn for a picnic lunch. I still don't know where, but Lady Varda insists she knows the perfect place."

  "I am sure it will be."

  Arrow screeched, drawing his gaze to the bird as he flew overhead, circling a few times before diving at him. No, not at him. Arrow flew over his head, the air brushing through his hair beneath the bird’s wings. He spun on his heels, his gaze focusing on the bird as he settled on Varda's shoulders. Even beneath the mask, he could tell that she was pleased with the bird's attentions. Her fingers gently stroked the bird's chin, and her head seemed to nuzzle his. Did her eyes close?

  "Lady Varda!" Desiree called as she rushed over, causing Arrow to startle and flap off. "Oh, I am sorry."

  "It's alright," Varda replied, her eyes smiling at the girl. "He was just saying hello." Varda's gaze turned to glance over the crowd. "It does look like many have come. This was a wonderful idea."

  "Thank you for making it happen."

  "Now that everyone is finally here." Was it Will's imagination or did Conrad sound annoyed? "Shall we all mount and begin?"

  "Yes, let's!" Desiree clapped her hands, signaling for the others to mount their horses. She stepped to her horse, standing near Will's own. Even without the pointed glare given him by Conrad, he bent to assist Desiree onto her horse. She was so dainty as she settled side-saddle.

  Knowing she was settled, Will turned toward Varda, watching as Caleb boosted her onto the steed. What was this burning in his chest? His fists fought the desire to clench as Varda laughed at something Caleb said. He must look a fool. After all, Caleb was happily married. There was no way he could gain Varda's affections. Will forced his feet to turn and mount his own steed.

  "Lady Varda, I do wonder if you will ride side or astride?" Desiree asked from her perch.

  "To be honest, I am most comfortable astride" Varda replied, her legs already on either side of the animals. "But, I do believe decorum is more important today." In a motion so fluid, it was as if water flowed through her limbs, Varda hooked her right leg over the pommel, not even needing to adjust as she sat straight.

  Will fought his jaw's desire to open. She sat as composed and regal as a queen, even in her eastern suit of loose pants and military looking jacket. He still didn't believe she moved from astride to side so effortlessly, as if it was a movement so familiar it had become second nature. Surely she wasn’t Renee, was she?

  "Would you care to do the honors, your highness?" Varda nodded to Desiree.

  "Indeed. Ladies and gentlemen, let the hunt begin!"

  The sun was high in the sky when they stopped for their picnic. Renee had chosen a quiet lake for them to stop at, and the breeze bounding off the water helped cool the gathered group. The horses enjoyed the water and grass growing along the banks. The plain stretched long before them, the plain they had ridden across, and they sat backed into the woods. While they had ventured into the trees depths, the close brush had slowed them down too much to enjoy the chase.

  As conversations flowed, Renee couldn't help but be pleased at how well the event turned out. She was surprised when the natives proved they were skilled horsemen as well, responding that they had recently been gifted with the animals. Of course, some nobles had shown off their skills, but the others didn't mind. They all simply focused on enjoying themselves.

  Little Wolf and his people sat with Jonathan, Caleb, and Fedor, a few more nobles joining them as well. Renee was disappointed that her friends didn't join, but Katie was not much of a horsewoman, and Sonia wasn't feeling well. The poor girl, she was definitely suffering the early effects of carrying life inside her.

  "If you decide to remain, I
believe I could find you a place as this court's official event organizer." Will's words brought a chuckle to her lips.

  "I might hold you to that," Renee teased.

  "Honestly, today turned out splendidly, thanks to your efforts."

  "Thank you." Renee couldn't help but bask in her husband's praise. "We should return before too long, but..." Renee looked over the group once more. Nobody paid her any heed, and even Desiree and her father had their attentions focused elsewhere. Ama Lei stood nearby, seemingly invisible to those around her. Renee counted on her to help with her next plan. "Follow me."

  Renee turned to step into the trees.

  "Where are we going?" Will asked as he followed her into the darkness.

  "You will see." It was fun to tease her husband. The shadows of the trees helped to cool them, even as the sun danced between the leaves, caressing their faces with quick kisses. How long had it been since she stepped on this path? And yet, it felt as if she just strolled that way yesterday. The path had grown over since her last tread upon it. She shouldn't be surprised. No one but her knew this path. Well, now Will would.

  There, the trees began to thin, the light reaching through the trunks. Renee stepped through the opening, stopping with her heart at the sight before her.

  "Oh my," Will gasped as he stepped beside her. Renee understood his sentiments; that was her reaction the first time she found the clearing. A waterfall stood before them, falling into a river that disappeared into the forest; a rainbow gracing its drop. Two trees stood alone, their branches bearing pink and white flowers. Renee smiled; soon they would bear fruit. The rest of the clearing was filled with bright flowers, creating a tapestry of color on the ground.

  "I was a girl when I first stumbled on this place," Renee told him. "The trees weren't here then. I planted them years later when visitors from Jenha came to Espan's shores. King Richard was gifted with these beautiful trees, but they couldn't seem to survive in Espan's climate. That is until I snuck two tiny trees and planted them here. I don't know why I did it or why it works, but they thrived. They should bear fruit soon, and as they were a gift to the King of Espan, they are now yours."

  "No," Will said softly. "This place was yours, and it should always remain so. I am honored you've chosen to share it with me, but I could never take it from you."

  Renee had to sniffle to bite back the tears. How long had she wanted to share this place with her love? And here he stood, loving it as much as she did, and refusing to destroy its magic.

  "I would be happy if you would enjoy it as well," Renee spoke. "It is so beautiful; and beauty like this should be shared."

  "Then I will share it with you, but only you. It is indeed beautiful, as beautiful and unique as the woman who found it."

  Why did he have to be so sweet and charming? This would be the perfect time to tell him, if only she could. But, she was fooling herself to believe that she won't have to tell him soon. He was getting close, too close. All she wanted was to fly into his arms and kiss him senseless. But that would never do, not until she had a better handle on Conrad.

  "We really should return before others realize we've gone," Renee said simply.

  Will merely nodded, and motioned for her to lead the way. Once they were close enough, she stepped back, allowing him to return without her. The moment Desiree pounced on him told Renee she made the right choice. It helped that Will laughed his disappearance off as a simple walk in the woods. Sticking to the shadows, Renee made her way to Ama Lei's side.

  "Any reports?" She spoke softly.

  "Some," Ama Lei returned in kind.

  "Then come with me." Renee stepped back onto the familiar path, this time with her dear friend at her side.

  Ama Lei knew Renee had special plans, but she didn't understand what was special about the woods. They looked like so many others; why would Renee be so excited about these? Then, the trees seemed to part, and Ama Lei stepped into the clearing.

  "Ah!" The cry escaped her lips. Beautiful. There was no other word that could describe it. And there, standing majestically against the rainbow were the most stunning cherry trees she had ever seen. In full bloom, but only for a few days more, the flowers called out to her.

  The most beautiful blossom in the garden...

  The voice was one she had blocked so long ago. Her eyes closed, pushing him back to the box he belonged in.

  "See?" The fingers softly placed the blossom in her hair. "Even the most beautiful flower of all is outshined by your beauty...

  "Are you alright?" Renee's voice broke the spell, flinging him back into the darkness.

  "Yes," Ama Lei replied. "We had so many of these trees on the grounds of my home. I never thought I would see them again." A stray drop of water hit her face. No, the sky was too clear for rain. Was she crying? Her hand brushed the offending tear away. She was moved by the sight of her favorite flower, not the memories of him.

  "I'm sorry; I didn't realize..." Renee appeared close to tears herself. No, she would not have realized, could not have realized. Her heart only wished for her friend's happiness.

  "Thank you for bringing me here. It's pleasant to see a part of home again. Truly, my friend, they are beautiful."

  "Then I am glad." Renee stepped closer to the trees, and Ama Lei felt her body follow. Her eyes closed as the sweet scent filled her nose. It calmed her, even while it threatened to release the memories. She could control them, just enjoy the good. "I know we have not spoken much lately. I'm sorry about that."

  "I understand. These events have taken quite a lot of our time lately. And I have been busy myself. I should warn you, Conrad is not pleased."

  "Of course he's not, but what else is new?" Renee sounded weary. Ama Lei understood, somewhat. Her friend had to face living with her husband and being unable to truly be with him. It was eating at Renee's soul, and it hurt Ama Lei to see her this way.

  "He is becoming agitated," Ama Lei continued. "It started when he received a message from Retanny's emperor."

  "He did?" Renee whirled toward her friend, shock coloring her expression. "But, how? If any correspondences came from Retanny we should have heard about them."

  "If they arrived through normal channels, yes. Apparently, one particular merchant doubles as a secret messenger for Conrad and the emperor. He wanted a betrothal announced by now, and seeing William's attentions focused on an unknown foreigner has only added to his displeasure."

  "So, Conrad has been gaining instructions from Retanny, and sending information back" Renee's voice turned thoughtful and a pondering look filled her eyes. Ama Lei kept her voice inside, instead focusing on the peace of the clearing. If she had an idea, she would voice it; Renee had always listened, but just now Ama Lei had no idea how to combat a person who seemed to have so much power. They were trapped in a game of skill and were barely remaining alive, hiding their pieces in the shadows.

  "That's it!" Renee's cheerful voice startled Ama Lei. When had her friend's eyes last shone with such exuberant determination? "It would be best if I were out of the picture for a time, as much as I loathe to admit it. Thankfully, I have friends I trust here to assist in keeping Will from making a drastic decision. Regardless, if I am gone, Conrad will relax his guard, believe he won. Before you ask, I am not running, merely regrouping. We have to end communications between Conrad and Retanny, but without it looking like us. That means I will need some inside help."

  "Who can we trust with such a task?" Ama Lei asked.

  Renee's smile turned mischievous. "An old friend."

  Ama Lei wasn't sure about Renee's idea. She trusted her friend, but too much could happen during their absence. Aside from that fact, there was no guarantee they'd find her friends. Chasing down pirates on a large ocean would be no easy task. They could be away for months, and Ama Lei did not believe she would enjoy such a long journey. She loved her friend, but Renee was guaranteed to be a bit on the down side. She had been away from her husband for so long already; Ama Lei knew it would hurt
her friend to be parted again even if she pretended otherwise.

  Around the great hall the many people conversed aimlessly. Dinner was a normal affair. Apparently, the Vikievan delegation only wished a performance to be their contribution. Ama Lei found herself curious as to this performance. Growing up, she had heard tales of Vikieva, folklore really, from a time when their borders had once met. She wondered how much of the stories were true, and how much became distorted in time.

  Renee found her place with the others, including Mei. Ama Lei found herself smiling as her sister was joined by Little Wolf. He still made her nervous. Then again, she didn't trust any man, aside from Luca and Deshi. But, the boy was growing on her, and he did seem to care for Mei.

  Ama Lei drifted back into the shadows, moving behind the royal seats. Conrad seemed to be in a better mood. After his sojourn with Renee, Will had been a little more attentive to Desiree, and Renee kept her distance. They merely had to wait two more days and they would be on their journey. Luca had already been informed, and had begun preparations. If anyone had the skills to prepare a ship for a voyage in a few short days it was him.

  "Ladies and gentlemen," Fedor's voice called all the attention to him as he stepped into the center. "Your Majesty," Fedor bowed to Will. "We humbly present a tale told for generations in Vikieva. It is a tale of love, and loss, hope and despair, trials and magic, all to light the way to truth. I present: the legend of the firebird."

  Music filled the cavernous room, and Fedor backed away from the center. Behind him stood a man, his clothing tight to his form, and his boots bent far easier than they should. It took a mere moment before his body moved with the music. He leapt and danced, the youthful joy filling his every movement.

  A woman danced nearby, her movements pure grace and beauty. Was she dancing on her toes? She spun easily, her body seeming to suspend. But she disappeared into the darkness.


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