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The Pirate Queen

Page 20

by K R Martin

  The man, a prince, danced and searched, yearning for the woman. He danced to find her, the woman of his heart. The music changed; an old woman slowly danced toward him. As she danced, she questioned his heart, his resolve, and his love. For each question, he vowed yes, dancing his affirmation. She pointed her directions, watching as he danced off. Her dance was a bit slow, almost mournful, for the prince's fate.

  She left, and the prince once more returned, but he was not alone. A woman danced towards him, her movements fast and free, her clothes made of gold and red, so loose that it floated around her, and across her eyes, a mask of gold and red edged in carved feathers.

  A firebird. Ama Lei's jaw threatened to drop. She was beautiful! The movements were so graceful, precise, and difficult she couldn't help but marvel at the dancer. The firebird flitted around the prince as others danced around them. Trials were presented to him, and she guided him to victory against each. But with each, he grew more confident in his abilities, believing that he alone could save his beloved.

  Finally, the last trial stood before him. A choice was his to make, to learn if his heart was pure. The firebird danced and flitted, trying to warn him but he did not listen. He chose the path of bravery and strength, not the humble path of servitude. As he danced off his steps light with joy, the firebird remained, her steps no longer vibrant.

  The music changed; its mournful melody shot straight to Ama Lei's heart. The firebird danced, her movements slow, painful for each step, each turn, a feathered ribbon fell from her dress, resting on the floor. She danced with sorrow as the colors fell around her, revealing a gray gown beneath. As more colors encircled her, the life drained from her. The last ribbon fell. Her legs slowly crumbled beneath her. As she fell into the ribbons, her arm reached towards her mask. Her eyes closed, and her hand drifted to the floor, revealing the face of the princess he loved.

  The prince hurried towards her, realizing his mistake. The sorrow of the music joined his steps as he lifted her into his arms. He danced as mournfully as she had, carrying the body of his love. The old woman returned, anger in her gaze matching the anger of the music. She pointed at the princess's body, before pointing off stage yet again. The prince set his beloved back inside her flames, and stood to protect.

  Men danced in, creatures really, all lunging for the princess. The prince blocked the attacks, though each wounded him. The creatures departed, only to have beautiful women dance toward him. Each danced with seduction, pulling him away from his love. But, he refused to leave her side. Pouting, the women danced away. Then, the old woman once more approached. They danced together and the woman kept pointing at him. Each pointed item was removed and given to her: his sword, his cloak, and last, his crown. He didn't hesitate, but gave her each with eagerness.

  Smiling, she stepped back, pulling him with her.

  Creatures danced onto the stage. They appeared as little flames, dancing around the princess's form. Two took her arms, pulling her to her feet. Inside the inferno, they twirled her faster and faster, her feet spinning with them. The flames bent and retrieved each ribbon floating behind them, almost hiding her behind the bright colors. The music swelled, the inferno dancers' feet almost flying. The ones inside grasped the princess's gray gown, pulling it as she spun.

  The music and dancers stopped.

  Slow, beautiful refrains filled the air as the flames backed away from the princess. She stood resplendent in her purple gown, her eyes almost sparkling as she lifted to her toes, seeming to dance in place. The prince's steps were slow as he approached, falling to his knee before her. She bent towards him, one leg lifting high behind her as her lips brushed his forehead. He rose to his feet, pulling her in. As they danced together, Ama Lei had never seen anything more beautiful. They were so graceful, so trusting of the other. He spun her held her as she posed gracefully. She leapt into his arms; Ama Lei's heart nearly stopped as he caught and dipped her. The old woman approached, and the three joined in intricate steps. She placed the cape on the prince's shoulders before handing him his sword. As the princess drew near, she pulled a jeweled necklace from her sleeve, placing it around the girl's neck.

  Two creatures joined them, each bearing a crown. Together the lovers knelt before the old woman, and with the creatures' help, she crowned the two. The dance ended with the lovers united.

  Ama Lei joined the others in applause as the dancers all bowed together. The buzzing of conversations flowed around the hall as the guests conversed about the performance they just witnessed. Ama Lei wove through the clusters, focused on one man.

  "Your highness," Ama Lei bowed toward Fedor.

  "Ah! Lady Ama Lei, am I correct?" Fedor turned his focus toward her.

  "Yes, highness."

  "Please, Fedor is fine. What did you think of our performance?"

  "It was unlike anything I have seen before. In my land, our dances have stories and meanings behind them, but nothing as grand as this. It was breathtaking."

  "Thank you. This tale is one of my nation's oldest and favorites. It's told to remind us that strength is not always the best, and asking for assistance, and accepting it, can be the greatest strength of all. Besides, sometimes a healthy dose of humility is needed." Ama Lei almost smiled at the twinkle in his eyes.

  "But what of the Firebird?" Ama Lei couldn't help but look at the dancer.

  "Her lesson is redemption, forgiveness, and renewal. For though she perishes in flame, she is reborn from the ashes."

  "We have a tale of a phoenix, but she is just a bird."

  "I suppose ours is unique. The legend states that Princess Vasilissa and her Prince Sasha were the first sovereigns of Vikieva. In fact, my sister is named after her."

  "I did not realize you had a sister."

  "Yes, an older one. She is currently empress, and I am her eyes and ears to the world outside our kingdom."

  "It must be difficult to be away from her." Ama Lei's gaze found her sister. They had been through so much together; what would it be like to not have her close by?

  "It is hard at times," Fedor's voice turned nostalgic. "We were great friends as children. Now, we know our duties, and we love serving our people in our own ways."

  Ama Lei couldn't quiet her mind after that. Joy filled Mei's voice as she spoke with Little Wolf. Should they succeed, her sister would be safe, protected by her. Serving our people... the thought refused to leave her mind. Her own were subdued under a ruthless government. As heir, she should have protected them. No. Even then she knew she was too young and naïve to fight that betrayal. But now? Renee risked so much to save not only her husband, but her people as well.

  Once more, the princess Firebird filled Ama Lei's vision. Perhaps she too could rise from the ashes or forever be destined to fade in the flames.


  "Are you nervous?" Ama Lei asked.

  "I would lie if I said 'no'." Renee replied. Her hands shook as she slipped into her loose white shirt, tucking it into her black trousers. Stepping from behind her screen Ama walked over to help tie the red sash around her waist. "We've never done anything this scale before." Ama Lei grabbed a black vest, holding it for Renee to slip her arms through. Renee breathed deeply as she buttoned the vest up. At least a small smile crept on her face as her eyes caught the twinkling of the gold embroidery. Though not her ostentatious garb, as that one was not as easy to maneuver in, she still wanted to look somewhat spectacular.

  "I have faith in us," Ama Lei's voice sounded optimistic. Renee couldn't help but gaze at her friend. Something happened at Fedor's presentation the night prior. She had been even quieter, more contemplative but she was also lighter, somehow. Renee wished she knew what changed in her friend, but she trusted Ama Lei would tell her when she was ready.

  "I'm less worried about our part, but more the entirety. Besides..." Renee's voice trailed off. Tomorrow was the masquerade. She would face Will with only a mask separating them. Could she still keep her anonymity with all his attentions focused on her? And af
ter. They were set to sail the morning after the ball.

  Ama Lei's hand squeezed Renee's shoulder, and her lips quirked up at her friend's gesture.

  "I am glad Will chose today to host a simple tour for the visitors." Ama Lei noted. "It gave us the rest needed to prepare for tonight."

  "That was nice," Renee agreed as she went back to finishing her preparations.

  "Are you ready?" Mei asked as she ducked her head in.

  "Almost," Renee smiled as she finished tying the mask in place. Part of her wanted to leave the attached veil off. But no, she had to be patient. Tomorrow would be soon enough.

  "Let me help." Mei bounded to her sister helping tie her black sash around her black combat tunic.

  "Thank you." Ama Lei hugged her sister after the sash was in place. "Are we ready?"

  "Let's not keep them waiting." With those words, Renee led them out of her room, following the lively sounds to the training field. Everyone was gathered in the large area, several on chairs that had been brought out for the occasion.

  Renee was proud of her servants, even as she felt bad for them. They had worked hard all day to bring the castle's grandeur outside. Though chairs were limited, they set up several blankets for others to lounge on. Small tables were interspersed and several servants even now stood near a larger table filled with tempting treats, some delicacies created from Luca's travels. A few other servants mingled with the guests filling goblets from the pitchers in their hands.

  And Renee thought she'd still be early. Sadly, it appeared that she was among the last to arrive.

  "Ah! Captain," Luca had found her and wove his way to her. "It seems that everyone is eager for our performances this evening."

  "It is a much larger crowd than I expected," Renee replied.

  "King William opened the gates for the locals to enjoy this evening as well." Pride swelled in her chest, but Renee wasn't surprised. She just hoped it was as much of a success as everyone expected. "Are we ready?"

  "If everyone else is, then I suppose we shouldn't make our audience wait."

  Luca's beaming grin was just the response Renee needed. She and the sisters moved around the group, ducking behind the large curtain put in place. Two of their tents had also been set up for their changes, and Renee peeked into theirs, verifying that everything was in place and ready. They had never done a show this large before; she hoped it would finish with no hitches.

  "Ladies and Gentlemen!" Luca's booming voice jolted in Renee's chest. Cheers echoed in response; the crowd was enthusiastic, no doubt from anticipating such an event. Renee was glad that Will had offered to let Spera stay with the twins, allowing her to be watched by the nurses, giving Renee some peace of mind. "Please, please, I only get to welcome you." Chuckles sounded from those gathered. Were Renee's hands shaking? "Your Majesty Your Highnesses, I present to you the crew of the Crimson Thorne!"

  Applause once more rang out as Renee watched many of her men and women rush before the curtain. They would all do simple ricks, enough to delight the crowd, though saving more elaborate ones until later.

  She would be next.

  You can do this... The words echoed in her head. Her eyes closed, and air filled her lungs. She couldn't shake, wasn't shaking. Her heart wasn't racing. Why would it? She performed many times before.

  A heavy hand settled on her shoulder. Her eyes looked up, catching Sorik's half smile given to her.

  "You can do this," he spoke softly, and the conviction in his voice settled what nerves threatened to appear.

  "We can do this," she replied. With one more fortifying breath, she moved to join Ama Lei and Deshi, with Sorik following behind. Renee took a moment to focus on the image they presented. Ama Lei wore her all-black combat suit and mask; Deshi's garb was similar, but where Ama Lei's tunic fell to her knees, his was shorter and white to her black. They were a beautiful contrasting blend of eastern design. Sorik was similar, but different, garbed in his blue military uniform. All three carried their swords, Ama Lei her curved Katana, Deshi and Sorik their long straight swords. She still found it fascinating that their blades were almost identical, though Sorik's had a spread out cross guard that Deshi's lacked.

  Renee last looked at her appearance. She was a pirate, through and through, complete with her saber sword. The weapon had been good to her, but she wished one day to gain her old sword back, the one Will had designed for her. Conrad had taken it from her that day as a trophy. Her grip tightened. She would get it back.

  Applause broke her thoughts, bringing her attention to her crew as they dashed behind the curtain.

  "Oh, they will return," Luca called over the crowd. "That was just a sampling of what we have planned. But now, it is my humble privilege to announce to you a performance unlike any you have seen. My lords and ladies, I present to you Master Deshi, the great warrior of the far east." Deshi disappeared behind the curtain. "Master Sorik, the greatest swordsman of Espan." Sorik gave Renee a wink before stepping before the crowd. "Lady Ama Lei, the far-eastern shadow warrior." Ama Lei soon joined the others. "And last, the scourge of the seas, the formidable, fearsome to pirates, Captain Varda!"

  Renee shook her head at Luca's exaggerating. He was definitely a showman. Cheers surrounded them as the four faced off. Each weapon was readied, their feet settling and waiting.

  Tension filled the air.

  Renee had fought each person before her, but never like this: all four fighting each other. They practiced a little, but tonight would be a real test to each of their skills.

  The moments seemed to drag. She could feel the tension from the others, could hear them regrip their weapons. Both of Ama Lei's hands gripped her katana, holding it across her body. Deshi's was straight before him, seeming to cut his face in half. Sorik's weapon sat low, unassuming, but the tension in his arm said otherwise. Oh, they were ready for this.


  Her arm swung before she thought. Metal rang through the air as swords clashed. Renee grinned at Ama Lei, their swords pressed together. Ama Lei leapt back, her sword reaching to Deshi's. It took a mere moment for Renee to block Sorik's blade.

  It became a dance, or more than that. They spun, switching partners, their blades swinging through the air, ringing as they caught another. Renee felt her body take control, her sword moving as if it had a life of its own. They each spun, attacked, blocked, always searching for that next opponent, never remaining idle. Parries became attacks, partners switched constantly. Renee's body was in control as she'd duck beneath an attack blocked by Ama Lei, then roll to attack Sorik, both their blades ringing off Deshi's. Each leapt back. A moment, a breath, that's all it took for them to confirm a change in tactics.

  As one, they leapt to each other.

  The blades rang loud in the night sky as all four blades clashed together. Metal wrapped together, the swords embracing the others. Sorik pulled, throwing all the other swords behind him, losing his own in the process.

  Weaponless, Renee and the others leapt back, arms at the ready. Sorik's hands lifted in defeat. He may be the greatest swordsman in Espan, but he was not as acquainted with their martial arts.

  Renee gazed at the others. Her master, her dear friend, each was skilled. This was going to be fun. She leapt, her movements barely echoed by her friends. Every strike met a block. This fight was different. Where before they constantly shifted partners now they remained together. Two attacked and one blocked, before another would block the two. Fists met arms, legs easily blocked. Kicks were ducked beneath, or leapt above. They moved through each other, spinning around the others.

  Her feet propelled her forward, and she launched off the ground, her feet aiming for Deshi's chest. A twinkle filled his eyes, and she knew. He caught her foot, pulling her past him. She forced her body to relax, watching as the ground grew closer. The moment her feet touched the ground, her ducked, rolling with the momentum. She gulped a full breath of air into her lungs.

  She pushed herself up, already feeling the burn in her legs.
Her arms lifted, but she could feel the shaking. She wouldn't last much longer, not if she wanted energy for the rest of the evening.

  Ama Lei stood frozen, but ready, breathing hard herself. Even Deshi's blow glistened from the effort

  "Perhaps a call for a draw is in order?" Sorik's voice called out. Laughter rippled through the crowd followed by thunderous applause. Renee breathed a sigh of relief. She stood along with her friends, as they each punched a fist into the open palm, bending at the waist. After bowing to the others, they turned and bowed towards Will, Sorik joining them.

  "How about another round of applause for the great swordsmen?" Luca called out, encouraging the audience even more. Renee shook her head as she followed the others behind the curtain. Luca's voice continued as he introduced the next act, Renee no longer hearing the words.

  Along with Ama Lei, Renee ducked into their tent. "I do not remember when I last had so much fun." Ama Lei's voice practically brimmed with giddiness, even if a little breathy.

  "I'll admit, that was incredible," Renee agreed. "We probably should have put seats inside here as well."

  "Well..." Ama Lei winked as she lifted a cloth, revealing a cushioned bench. Renee chuckled.

  "You are amazing." Together the two sat on the bench, breathing heavily as they rested their limbs. But the pain was worth it. Renee closed her eyes, leaning her head on her friend's, happy to feel Ama Lei lean into her too. "Thank you for being here with me."

  "You're welcome." Happiness and contentment filled her voice. It warmed Renee's heart to hear her friend so happy. For so long the girl had lived with a dark cloud over her head; it was nice to see that sunshine seemed to burst through. "We probably should change though."

  "Sadly, true." Renee was the first to step behind the screen. She easily traded her pirate garb for a white gown with flowing sleeves. Stepping out, she let Ama Lei do the same, waiting until she, too, emerged in a white dress. Together, they each helped the other into more layers. Ama Lei chose blue as her gown, a light color following the white with a deep blue gown put on last. As Renee tied the silver sash around her friend's waist, she couldn't help but marvel at the silver star design in the gown. With every movement, the wrapped layers would split apart to reveal the colors underneath, making Ama Lei appear as the night sky, the moon's glow seeming to shine from her.


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