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B*stard: Royal B*stards MC (Texas)

Page 7

by Sapphire Knight

  “I respect that.” He holds his hand out.

  I don’t know what propels me to do so or why I feel comfortable around the hardened biker, but I do. I eagerly take his offered palm—his skin is rough with callouses. He easily tugs me closer…not that I mind. He has a charm about him that I’m sure is only directed toward women; otherwise, he’s the epitome of his club name. Royal Bastard fits him handsomely, and I’m sure others before me agree. I have no doubt in my mind that if I were male, our previous interaction would’ve gone completely different, and I wouldn’t be here now.

  “Are we going for another walk?” I question, not sure how much alone time I can handle with him. His cocky attitude is appealing for some reason. I’d always been irked by people who act like he does, yet here I am, a fly caught in his trap. He’s like opening a new book. I’m intrigued and want to gorge myself.

  His lips tilt into a grin. He does that a lot, I remember from the last time. “Depends…you gonna let me have that pussy yet?”

  I see he’s back to his amiable smug self. I thought we’d gotten past that last week when we’d spoken for a few hours. He’d seemed more down-to-earth and less showy. Maybe it was the late night that’d calmed him down, and this is his usual self? I’d never dreamed of allowing anyone to speak to me this way, and he’s no exception. I’d always imagined I’d slap a man if those words came out of his mouth, but these men aren’t the type you slap and live to tell about it. I won’t lie to myself and try to pretend that his attention doesn’t fluster me either. I’m used to everyone minding their words around my family and me, and his crassness is bold and a bit refreshing.

  Richardson wasn’t quiet about it when we left last time either. He was fuming the entire car ride back. I could hear him plain as day screaming at his team on the other side of my hotel wall when we were supposedly all going to bed. He was incensed and insanely offended that Ripper took any kind of liberties with me. As far as I’m concerned, I have to deal with some discomfort if I’m going to find my sister. It’s not like I’ve enjoyed visiting the dozens of strip clubs in search of her in the past or the men’s leering looks that come along with it. Ripper making comments and touching me wasn’t nearly as bad as Richardson had made it out to be. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t appreciate at least a little of the attention from such a good-looking man. Ripper is powerful, like my own father, only in a different respect, and I can deny it all I want to, but it’s alluring.

  “I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you,” I remark dryly, and he chuckles, amused with my banter. I walk beside him as he leads me through the club. My detail attempts to follow, but they’re met with a wall of muscled bikers. It’s no wonder Ripper acts as if he’s untouchable; around his brothers, he is.

  “Alice,” Richardson calls, and I can hear the uneasiness coating his voice. He was completely against me returning to the biker compound. It’s part of the reason it took me so long to make it back. I had to reassure my father multiple times that I wasn’t in any danger around the Royal Bastard’s president. He wasn’t easily convinced, but me finding Madison was higher on his list than a potential safety threat. I’d like to believe it was for Madison’s welfare, but I’m not that naïve. I’m well aware it’s my father’s campaign outcome that’s been weighing heavily on his mind.

  “I’m okay,” I assure Richardson and attempt to steal away Ripper’s stern gaze he has pinned on my bodyguard. “Right?” I ask the man in question, squeezing the burly biker’s hand where it’s warming mine.

  His hazel orbs meet mine, the anger fading away as he takes me in. He replaces it with a softer glance, one that promises me I’m safe with him. He looked at me the same way the night I was with him. “I won’t hurt you…you have my word.”

  “See?” I send a pointed look at my guard. I catch him rolling his eyes, stewing at being told to calm down. “And no one else will hurt me while I’m with you, either, right?”

  Ripper snarls at my suggestion. “It’s not an easy feat to get through me, but I dare a motherfucker to try.”

  Oh, wow. Chills cover my body, sending a jolt of pleasure at his blatant display of alpha. What is wrong with me? I shouldn’t be turned on by all of this! My core clenches, and I swallow tightly, wishing the zing between my thighs would stop.

  My other guards’ eyes widen, staring down Richardson. They’re waiting for their lead to give them the order to take me out of here, away from Ripper. I’m not sure what good it’ll do. The bikers at the gate took sidearms, and while my team is trained in hand-to-hand combat, these bikers are loaded with weapons. It wouldn’t be pretty, that much I know, and it’s the last thing I want to happen. I’m all for keeping the peace and not fighting.

  I speak up before Richardson can stir up anything else. “It’s fine, really. We discussed this already, and you can get to me if I need you.” I pinch my ear, signaling the mic, and essentially telling them to remember the plan we have. If I need them, I’ll say the code word, and they can jump in to rescue me like they’re so handsomely paid to do.

  Ripper completely ignores them after that and steers me around, heading for the back door. “Weather’s too damn good in Texas right now to have you cooped up in my office. Unless you’d like to go to my room?”

  “Ha-ha, no bedrooms,” I reply sarcastically, and his chest rumbles with an amused chuckle. He may be all rough and tough, but he doesn’t hesitate to laugh or smile. Maybe that’s why I feel at ease being alone with him. I can’t imagine a guy who wanted to hurt me would naturally act the way he does with me.

  “Can’t blame a brother for trying. Hell, if I didn’t, I’d be just plain stupid.”

  We make it to the back, out by the fire pit again. He moves to sit on the biggest stump. Rather than release my hand, he tugs me to sit on his lap. I try to spring free, but he holds firm, his strength even more apparent in the awkward position.

  “I’m not sitting on your lap.”

  “Mm, looks like you are to me.”

  “Not willingly,” I sniff, playing the part of the perturbed female.

  He snorts, not buying it. “I have no doubt in my mind that if you really wanted up, you could make it happen.” Ripper grabs my hand, folding it until the heel is pushed out more than the rest. “You ever need to, you hit someone in the nose with this.” He lightly taps the heel. “It’ll get ‘em to release you really quick. Give you enough of a chance to run.” He ends his lesson with a wink, and my belly flutters with his sweetness in taking the time. He doesn’t need to help me feel safe, yet he does so anyhow.

  I’m trained in necessary self-defense, including a way to escape his hold, but he doesn’t know that. Rather than admit he’s called my bluff, I relax into his grasp. Maybe I don’t really want him to let me go, but I feel like it’s the right thing to do to ask him to let me up. I’m in the middle of Texas, alone, and still doing what I believe is expected of me. Fighting him won’t lead me to my sister. I have to remember that, above all else.

  “This isn’t normal weather?” I go for a subject change, gesturing to the bright, sunny sky. I’ve never seen such beautiful weather during this time of year. Where I’m from, it’s still pretty chilly, and you’d freeze at night without a jacket on.

  “Hell, no. This is Texas. It’s hot at least seven months of the year. The other five is bipolar; you never know what to expect.”

  I grin. “Bipolar weather, huh? I thought every state said that.”

  He shrugs. “Fuck if I know. I pay attention to my state. If we’re on a run, then my brothers pay attention to that other shit. Part of the benefit of being prez.” His brow raises, and I find myself smiling wider. I feel all giddy inside being this close to him, and that’s a dangerous sensation. “How you been, Gem?” he finally asks, tilting his head to the side all cute like. He says the question in such a way that it’s like he genuinely wants to know; he’s not trying to make small talk for the hell of it.

  “Is that what you really want to know?” I retort, a bit
flirty, and he bites down on his bottom lip. If I weren’t paying this close attention to him, I’d have missed the move. I wonder if I shake him up inside the way he does me?

  “Nah, I want to know if you’ve got panties on under these tight as fuck skinny jeans. I wanna know if I took them off if your pussy would be wet and waiting? Is it bare or trimmed? My vote is on bare, with you being a swimmer and all.”

  My cheeks glow. I wasn’t expecting that to come out of his mouth. My warm, flushed chest rises and falls as my breathing picks up to another level. With the change, I grow acutely aware of every single inch of him that’s touching me. My voice turns a bit breathily unintentionally, “Jesus, is that the only thing ever on your mind?”

  He shrugs unabashed. “When it comes to you, it is. I know what I want.”

  I clear my throat, working on getting my wits about me. It’d be too easy to lay down and let him ravage me, but I can’t let that happen. He can’t distract me from the main reason why I’m here. “I-I’m here for my sister.” Am I reminding him or me at this point? Who knows, but clearly, I need to hear it as well.

  He clicks his tongue. “Right. You still haven’t given me what I wanted for it, Gem.”

  “I offered to pay you! I even let you kiss me!” I reply in outrage. This man has some brass balls like no other.

  He chuckles, the move vibrating me through his chest. I should probably dislike it, but it warms my belly. Even if it does seem to sound more sinister than sweet. His hand goes to the back of my neck, pulling me in closer to him. His lips merely a hair away from mine, graze my mouth as he lowly grumbles, “You wanted that kiss. Your mouth practically begged for it.” I taste the alcohol on his breath, the sensation wanting me to experience it on his tongue as well.

  I let out a pathetic whimper. I turn to putty around this jerk of a man, and he can see right through me. “Please,” I end up whispering, no longer able to fight the tension between us, and then his lips crash against mine. What am I doing? Was I begging for information or another kiss? I couldn’t even say. And why don’t I care about the possible repercussions? It’s like I’ve come to Texas and thrown my trepidations with this man and his club right out the window.

  My hands go to his shoulders, quickly rubbing over his solid muscles to tangle my fingers together behind his neck. The hand he’s previously clamped down tightly on my hip releases enough to snake around my middle. His palm splays open across my stomach, covering a decent portion, and with it, a zap of sensation works its way from his touch straight to my core. His fingers are large enough to graze the underside of my breast, making me squirm. He does it several times, shifting his finger back and forth, eliciting goosebumps over my flesh. I wish he was touching my skin and not my thin blouse. He has me silently wishing we had no clothes between us at all.

  His blissful assault on my mouth makes me grow bold, and I’m soon moving around to straddle my legs on either side of his hips. He pulls me to him with each caress of our tongues, the new position allowing me to mold my body to his. He’s solid in all the places I’m soft, and I find myself wanting to rub over him like a cat in heat. My ample chest presses firmly against his hard pecs, the sensation of my nipples hardening through the lacy bra has me wanting to pant with desire. Our kiss morphs to a full-on make-out session, his mouth leaving mine to nip and kiss over my throat. His grip pulls me to him, and my core rubs against his long hardness shamelessly. If the amount I shift my hips is anything to go on, this man’s cock is huge. He could do some serious damage in the best sort of way.

  He starts to suck where my neck meets my shoulder, and a moan escapes me. His hips jolt at the sound, the stiffness coming in direct contact with my clit. My head falls forward as I bite back another throaty, wanton moan. I’m going to orgasm from dry humping him alone. This may end up being the best day I’ve had all month.

  “Let’s go to my room,” he suggests on a husky rasp. “I’d make you feel good right here, but you strike me as a woman who enjoys her privacy more than being on show. I don’t want you holding back on me. I want to hear you scream my name as I rip your pussy wide open with my cock and relish in your moans of pleasure.”

  His words clear away a bit of the haze his kiss had expertly woven around me. Picking my head up, my heavy lids part, and I shake my head. “I can’t…”

  He snorts, not believing it for an instant. He does whatever he wants, so why should I be any different in his eyes? “You can do whatever the fuck you want. I won’t let anyone stop ya.”

  I shake my head, this time with more emphasis. “No. I mean, I came here to find out about my sister. I was hoping you’d be more forthcoming with Madison’s whereabouts this time around. I didn’t come here for this.”

  He releases a dejected grunt, and my hands go to his cheeks. What is it about this guy that makes me want to touch him? When did I gain so much courage as to not be intimidated by someone like him? He’s the type of man who wrecks women, and that alone doesn’t seem to sway me away when it should. “Well, that’s a shame, Gem.”

  I know he’s not a good guy. The team thoroughly researched the Royal Bastards after we’d left last time. They didn’t find much, but what they did discover wasn’t anything to write home about. They’re an outlaw one percenter motorcycle club who’ve been persons of interest in several cases that include trafficking, drugs, and murder. Those were the only things on record we could dig into. That’s not including the things that go under the radar. Those articles weren’t all aimed at Texas either. I guess this motorcycle club is pretty nasty all over the states. Their patch comes with a hefty price. The men in this club join and only leave in a body bag, and here I am, making out with one of the presidents. To wear the rank he does, he has to be one of the worst around, yet I’ve got some sort of blinders on where Ripper’s concerned.

  If my father knew, he’d be puking his guts up like it were election day. My mother would be outraged, though she’d live vicariously through my stories. I love her beyond measure, but my mother’s a hypocrite. Madison, on the other hand, would more than likely jump in to join the party and ask if drugs were available as well. I love my sister, but sometimes I wonder how on earth she’s related to us. We’re far too conservative, in her opinion. I wonder how straitlaced she’d believe I was if she could see me out here grinding and panting on a Royal Bastard.

  “You know I’m not here to cause her any harm, or your club.” I meet his hazel irises, attempting to put him at ease with anything holding him back. “I only want to bring her home. J-just tell me…is she alive and okay? That’s the most important thing to me at this point.”

  He huffs, offended at my insinuation that anyone here would possibly harm her. “Of course, she’s alive.” He shakes his head, and while I may have upset him, I’m glad I asked.

  I release a tense breath, saying, “Thank God. We may not be super close, but I love my younger sister. I feel like a piece of me has been missing, not knowing where she is and if she’s okay.”

  “Gem, you ever think that maybe she just isn’t cut out for the senator’s lifestyle? And how is it you take on so much damn responsibility? That’s your parents’ burden.”

  I nod, my back muscles less tense than a moment ago. “I understand why you say that. I really do.” I go to stand and put some much-needed space between us. His hands fly to my hips, not letting me go. “I should sit over there.” I gesture to the next chair. What I should do and what he wants seem to be two completely different things, however.

  “Now, don’t go over there ‘cause I’m being real with ya. I want you here. You don’t have to straddle me if you’re uncomfortable, but I like you in this spot, this close. You make a good lap warmer.” He attempts to make the situation lighter, and I could kiss him for trying to set my mind at ease. Madison’s right. I’m uptight, even though I never realized it in the past.

  He winks, and my cheeks burn again. I’m not a virgin by any means, but his attention makes me feel like one. This isn’t prom, an
d I’m not on my first date, damn it. I’m a grown woman, and he’s just…so much man, it’s a lot to take in. “Okay, I can handle that,” I relent. But can I really? I’m not so sure I could stave off his advances if he initiates another kiss. I shift, moving my leg over, so I’m no longer straddling him but sitting with my side to him.

  “See, not so bad.” He offers me a smug grin, eyes twinkling.

  I huff out a laugh, placing my hands in my lap, not really sure what to do with them anymore. “Says the biker wanting to take me to his bedroom.”

  His grin expands. “I won’t deny that; not ever, babe. Now, your sister was okay the last time I saw her.”

  My hopes skyrocket at his words. Especially since he’s giving me information without any of my father’s money in hand. He could’ve held off and waited until he was paid to say as much. “And when exactly was that?” I press on, praying he won’t stop there.

  He looks away, staring off into the trees for a beat before admitting, “This week.”

  I gasp, not expecting it to have been so soon. I was beginning to believe she was on her way to another location entirely. I was hoping one of the guys here would have a way to get in touch with her at the very least. To hear that she could still be in the same area as we are, fills my chest with excitement. I haven’t felt this light since she was home and safe. “This week?” I repeat, wanting to hear it again.

  He grunts. “Yep. I’m telling you, Gem, you shouldn’t worry about her like you do. She doesn’t deserve it.”

  My brow wrinkles. “Of course, she does; she’s my sister.”

  He cracks his neck and rumbles. “Not how I meant that to come out. She was partying and getting down with the brothers. I don’t think it’s fair for you to be worrying your pretty little head over someone who’s been having that much of a good time is all.”


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