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B*stard: Royal B*stards MC (Texas)

Page 8

by Sapphire Knight

  I bite the inside of my cheek. It hurts to hear she wasn’t worried about upsetting her family, but I’m not surprised. My sister has always been selfish. “I understand, but it’s something I can’t help. I’ve always looked for her, so it’s in me to worry about her. Madison doesn’t always make the best decisions, and I’d hate for something bad to happen to her.”

  “I got you, babe. Now, tell me what your dad has to offer for her.” I go to shift off his lap again, and he holds firm. He grows serious, staring me down. “Not being a dick or anything. You said he’d pay, and I’m a businessman.”

  I nod, still not happy that he’s willing to blackmail my father for my sister. “He will. I wasn’t lying.”

  “Didn’t think you were, or I wouldn’t have said shit until I spoke to Maddy about it. We may seem to be a bunch of scoundrels, but we do have a sense of loyalty. Where your sister is concerned, she’s an adult, so it’s not really my place to give her up if she doesn’t want that. However, I’m a businessman and money talks. If your pops wants to pay, then who are we to not point him in the right direction—for a friend, that is.” He shrugs with the last part, staring me down. While he says he’s doing this for money, something tells me it’s not that at all, that maybe—just maybe—it’s because of me.

  “What kind of businessman?” I venture, wanting to dig a little deeper into the man himself. I shouldn’t care, but something propels me to want to know anything about him I can. Ripper is a bad boy enigma where I’m concerned, and it’s got my mind going wild for any information I can get on him.

  “Not the good kind, Gem,” he presses a kiss to my nose. It’s sweet, and it has my heart pitter-pattering in response. “Now, make the call to your daddy, and let’s get this deal underway.”

  Chapter 8

  If you don’t like where you are,

  move. You are not a tree.


  My cock is still aching from having Alice rub all over it yesterday during our little impromptu visit. She’d gotten me so fucking worked up, I thought the stiff bastard was never going down again. I’d cut our chat short, knowing that if I didn’t, I’d end up taking her to my spot and fuck her raw. I wasn’t about to let my cock jeopardize a payday for the club, and Lord knows it would’ve had she remained on my lap for much longer. The things I sacrifice for this club. I swear, my brothers better be fucking grateful.

  “What’s the deal, brother?” Whiskey grumbles as I lean back into my spiffy new office chair. With as much time as I spend in this damn room, I had the prospect run to Sam’s club and get me this fancy padded shit. Now my ass is so comfortable here, I could take a nap.

  “Alice texted me.” I shrug it off like it doesn’t mean anything, although it’s driving me a bit crazy, to be honest.

  “Why’s this have you fucked in the head?”

  I shoot a scowl at the old bastard. “You’re fucked in the head.”

  He snorts, ignoring me.

  Eventually, I continue with, “Her father doesn’t want her returning to the club. He’s gonna fly down to do the exchange for Maddy. Blow’s gonna take her to the swap since she’ll go with him and not ask any questions. I don’t like it that this motherfucker thinks he can call the shots while he’s up north doin’ fuck all. A real man would contact me and hash this shit out. Clearly, this fucker didn’t get that memo.”

  “And this has you questioning things, why? Who gives a fuck, minus we get paid.”

  I shrug, stubbornly admitting, “I was expecting Alice to be around until that all went down. She said now her security is tighter than usual, stuck up her ass and all. Her father’s afraid she’ll mess up the deal somehow before it has a chance to happen. He needs to get it through his thick skull that Alice is the only reason this shit is happening in the first place. Bougie motherfucker thinks I’m bowing cause he’s a politician. Those ass sniffers can blow each other, as far as I’m concerned.”

  “He’s a real piece of work.”

  I nod. “And she doesn’t see it. He’s got his family blinded, all in the disguise of protection. The fucker’s a crook. Takes one to know one, ya know?”

  “Hm, those types usually are. Can’t say I’m all that surprised. Still don’t understand what’s eating you though. We’re getting paid and didn’t have to do shit. It sounds like a win to me. Is this the only thing weighing on you?”

  “Oh, no doubt.”

  “You wanted to fuck her, and it actually didn’t happen,” he comments after a beat, bursting into a belly laugh. The dick is one of the only bastards who can get a read on me.

  “Fuck off, you old bastard,” I gripe while he continues to chuckle at my expense.

  “So, let me get this straight. You’re intrigued by this senator’s daughter, and they’ve caged her up like a little birdy. Since when have you ever let someone stand in the way of what you want? She can’t come to you…but there’s not a fuckin’ thing stoppin’ your stubborn ass from going to her.”

  After a beat, his words sink in, and I crack a grin. “You smart, wrinkly, bastard.”

  He shoots me the bird, and I pull Alice’s name up on my phone.

  How bored are you? I ask her.

  This sounds like a loaded question. She responds and I find myself smiling like a jackass.

  I could visit. I throw the suggestion out, hoping she’ll send an invitation.

  My security wouldn’t let you in the door.

  A snort of disbelief escapes. She has no idea of what I’m capable of. They couldn’t stop me no matter how hard they tried.

  I don’t want them to end up hurt. Despite the tense meetings we’ve had, they’re good guys.

  “I hope she’s sending you titty pics with the size of the smile you’ve got on,” Whiskey complains, but I ignore him. He’s just bent out of shape ‘cause he hasn’t gotten laid in a while.

  I remain focused on Alice. I can make it so they never know I’m there.

  How? She immediately asks.

  Invite me over and find out.

  If you won’t hurt anyone, then come see me.

  Send me the address and room number. I’ll swing by tonight. “I need a sweetbutt,” I say and get to my feet.

  “Ah, you came up with a plan already?”

  I nod to Whiskey. “Of course, I’ll be back.”

  I head for the bar. It figures, the one time I’m searching out some easy pussy, it’s nowhere to be found. Usually any of the girls around here are trying to stroke on my dick. Manic is sitting on his ass watching a basketball game on the oversized TV in the small rec room we have. It’s for the brothers only, so the room is usually empty. I’ve learned over the years that men are where drugs, alcohol, or pussy is, if it’s available.

  “Hey, Prospect?”

  He twists around, and when he sees it’s me hollering for him, he jumps to his feet. He reminds me of Plague. It’s no wonder they’re close. “Prez? What can I do for you?”

  “You seen any gash around?”

  He nods. “Yeah. Blow took Maddy in his room. Powerhouse left with Delilah to the strip club for work, and Cindy was taking a nap on the back porch. You want me to get one of the girls for you?”

  “Bet. Nah, finish your game. I can get Cindy on my own…need to discuss some shit with her anyhow.”

  He nods, and plops back in his spot. Lazy fucker’s probably hungover.

  We have a hammock on the back porch that the bitches are always in. I should’ve guessed one of them would be there now. I find her softly snoring, her red hair twisted up in a top knot. She’s got on some spandex shorts and a T-shirt. The shirt’s cut up, falling off one shoulder and tied up to show off her flat tummy. “Cindy!” I boom out, startling her. My mouth lifts as I chuckle at her expression. She jumps awake instantly, eyes wide in panic.

  Her hand flies to her chest. “Prez! You about gave me a heart attack!” she says breathily, and I chuckle harder.

  “Sorry ‘bout that,” I offer disingenuously.

  She c
atches her breath, moving to sit up. I hold the hammock so she can get her feet to the ground and not send herself sprawling to the deck. I may poke fun at spooking her, but I don’t want her to physically hurt herself on my account. “Are you looking to get sucked off?” She eventually asks, licking her lips. She’s got a real pout on her; the brothers shell out for her injections. They love ‘em, but the fat lips aren’t really my thing, even when it comes to a blow job.

  “Nah, darlin,’ I’ve come to ask for your help.”

  She beams wide, standing to her full height. She’s a tiny spitfire, I’d guess about five foot six or so. “Anything, Prez, just name it.”

  “That’s a good girl.” I nod approvingly, and she glows with my praise. “Did you see those three guys come in here yesterday with the woman?”

  “It was kind of hard to miss with all the tension. I stayed back in the hall, figured a fight would go down and someone would get hurt. Them, of course,” she reassures.

  “Of course. Anyhow, I need to get into a hotel room, and at least one of those guys will need distracting, could be more than one though. Think you could handle that job for me?”

  “Point me in their direction, and I’ll make sure they never see you.”

  “You make that happen, and I’ll let the brothers know we can count on you, Cindy.”

  She lights up again at my words. It’s a sweetbutt’s dream to have favor with the brothers. Not that anything would ever come of it, but what she doesn’t know won’t hurt. “It’s an honor, Prez, really.” She nearly vibrates with excitement. I’m asking her to suck or fuck a random man and she’s thanking me for it. How ironic, but I won’t argue, that’s for damn sure.

  “All right, be ready at eleven tonight. Wear something real sexy—the shorter, the better. We’ll ride over when most of the hotel has turned in and put the plan in action.”

  Until then, I wait…and remind myself that nothing good ever comes easy, and I’m okay with that. I’m used to working for what I want, and right now, that’s Alice Compton—naked, beneath me.

  Cindy holds on to me tightly as we ride through the mild night to Alice’s hotel. There’s nothing like riding at night or early morning in Texas. It gives you an exhilarating rush that you feel all over. It’s hard to explain, but it’s addictive. There’s something in the air that’s relaxing and makes the pride swell in your chest for the Lonestar state. I couldn’t imagine ever living somewhere else. This place has always been home and will continue to be until I take my last breath.

  I pull into the hotel’s parking lot and park on the opposite side of where her room should be located, in the pitch black. I don’t want any of her suits popping their head in the window at the sound of my pipes and see us coming. I stick to the shadows, as I do often. They say scary things wait for you in the shadows, but in my case, I am the motherfucking monster.

  “Oh, spooky, Prez, hm?” Cindy hums, an underlying Jersey accent making its presence known. I doubt any of the brothers have caught it before, but it’s my job to notice the little things. Sometimes the most important things are the ones people believe aren’t significant.

  “You better watch that tone darlin’, or people will catch on that you’re not a true Southerner.” I take in the worried gaze she casts me as the streetlamp picks up our presence. “Your secret’s safe with me, but I’m bettin’ you’re escaping something out there.”

  “Thanks, Prez,” she whispers, her gaze falling to the sidewalk. She doesn’t speak on it any further, but she’s like an open book. She’s got her own ghosts, but I’m not trying to dig into those right now.

  “Shake it off, honey. You’ve got a job to do, and I need your head in the game.”

  Cindy flashes a smile. It’s more for her sake than mine, though; I don’t need a lift. She retorts, “You got it.”

  “If we’re quiet, the night clerk won’t hear us. She’s usually in the back watching videos on her phone from what Alice has told me.”

  “She sneak out of here a lot?”

  “No, she swims.” I don’t know why I go as far as sharing that detail about Alice. Lord knows it’s not the sweetbutt’s business, by any means. Maybe I’m trying to be nice after calling her out a moment ago. Whatever the case, no one should get used to it. I’m a bastard through and through—always have been, always will be. “We’ll ride the elevator up to the third floor. You’ll go down the hall first, and I’ll wait five minutes to give you a chance to distract her security. Now, remember, I need you to get him or them to have their back to me so I can get by and to the room.”

  “You think this Alice woman is something special, huh?”

  “Don’t go reaching, Cindy; this is business. You want to earn the brothers’ favor, right?”

  She nods adamantly as the electric doors swish apart. I grab her bicep and yank her with me as we quickly duck inside and past the check-in desk. The elevators are off to the side with a wall as a barrier, so I tug her to the door before peeking my head around the corner to check the front. The clerk never looks to see who came in, so we’re in the clear.

  “We’re good. Now the second part of the plan,” I say and hit the up button on the pair of elevators. The one on the right chimes immediately, having been sitting on the ground floor and lets us inside. I press the illuminated three and we ride up the few levels until the door automatically opens again. “Showtime, darlin’,” I hiss and give the gash a shove in the appropriate direction.

  She disappears around the corner, and I hold my breath to listen. I can hear voices, though they’re not loud enough for me to make out the words. I tug my cell out of my breast pocket in my cut and type out a text to Alice.

  Count to eighty and open the door to your room a crack.

  Why? She questions and I huff to myself.

  Just do it, got a surprise for you.

  She responds with a smile emoji, and I tuck my phone away. I start walking to the end of the hall, counting to myself. I make it there by number twenty-six and I listen for Cindy and the security team. I hear her make a gagging sound and chance peeking around the corner. She’s got him in the far corner. Looks like she’s on her knees with him hiding her. His back’s to me just as I’d told her to do. I slowly walk toward Alice’s room, not wanting to alert them to my presence. As soon as the right door cracks open, I push into it, ducking inside. I’m met with her mouth hanging open, gaping at me.

  “You’re here!” she whispers. “Oh, my God. I didn’t think you’d actually come!”

  I grin. “Told ya, babe.”

  Her finger flies to her lips, telling me not to speak. She holds out a finger, instructing me to wait a minute, and she heads into the bathroom. A beat later and the shower’s turned on full blast, the sound of water filling the room. She comes out again, still with that same finger up. I watch as she takes off her fancy round diamond earrings, places them on the dresser next to the TV, which she turns up as well and then steps back to me. Her hand finds mine, then she’s tugging me into the bathroom with her, closing the door behind us.

  “They can hear everything. I have to be careful,” Alice says, eyes wide as the room already begins to fill with steam.

  “The walls are thin, Gem, but they can’t hear us in here with the water goin’ and the door shut.”

  “It’s not that; there’s listening devices, in case I’m in trouble. This is the only way we can have some privacy…well, as long as we don’t speak too loudly or they’ll pick up on that too.”

  “Shit, baby.” My brow shoots up in surprise. Listening devices, hm? What a bunch of dicks to obtain so much control over her. No wonder she was bored. She literally can’t have anything to herself—no conversations, even on the phone. That’s fucked up. It pisses me off, but I keep those thoughts to myself. I’m here to take her mind off those things and bring a little fun into her night.

  I flash her a naughty grin. “Hope you can be quiet then.”

  She giggles. I love the sound and lean in, taking her lips with
mine. She’s in an oversized button-down shirt, the shiny baby pink, satiny pajama kind. I didn’t go to this much trouble to see her in clothes, so I grab the front of it and rip it apart down the middle. The black buttons go flying in every direction, and the beautiful woman before me gasps in shock. I push the short matching shorts off her hips to discover she’s not wearing anything underneath those pajamas.

  A growl escapes as my rough palms finally come in contact with the tender flesh of her plump, heavy breasts. Her nipples tickle the middle of my palms, and I can no longer hold myself back. Breaking contact with her mouth, I dip my head, drawing the sweet bud between my lips. My teeth graze her soft, creamy skin as I suck and knead the delicate flesh. I want to leave hickeys on her tits that’re bigger than her fucking nipples. I want them to look like they’re double in size. For some reason that thought makes me go insane for her. Everything about this gorgeous woman before me, has me wanting to mark her up with my mouth and my cum.

  “Cold or hot?” I grate out between my tongue toying with the stiff peaks.

  She hums with pleasure. Her hands grip my short-styled hair tightly, occasionally tugging on the hazelnut locks. She’s going to drive me mad; the sensation has thoughts of eating her pussy spiraling through me. She’d be pulling my hair then, that’s for sure, as I’d ravage the fuck outta her sweet cunt. I’d have the sexy bitch ride my tongue until she orgasmed so many times it made her ass pass the fuck out.

  “Tell me what you want, or I’ll decide for you,” I threaten.

  “W-what? I can’t think while you do that.” Her palm lands on my chin, pulling my head upwards. I meet her gaze, her titty leaving my mouth with a pop. I wasn’t ready to give it back to her.

  “The shower, Gem. You like your water hot or cold?”

  “Oh,” she puffs out, her cheeks and chest flushed with desire. Her irises are dilated, tattling that she wants me to continue, even if she were to tell me no. The body doesn’t lie, and hers is giving me green lights everywhere. “Hot or even warm is good, I’m not picky.”


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