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High Lonesome

Page 11

by Coverstone, Stacey

  She pondered the idea. “I guess. Beth, are you going? If you go, I’ll go.”

  Beth’s answer was honest. “I don’t have anything to wear to a fancy shindig, but I know you’ll have fun with your daddy.”

  Carmen began to clear the dishes. “There are several party dresses upstairs in the closet,” she said. “I’m sure you’ll find at least one to suit you.” She looked to Scott for confirmation.

  He nodded. “You’re welcome to any of them, Beth, but I think you deserve a new party dress. What do you think, Willow?”

  “Yes! Let’s go shopping!”

  “No,” Beth declared with a firm shake of her head. “You’re not going to buy me anything else. You’ve already done enough for me. But thanks for the offer,” she added, with appreciation.

  She had her doubts as to whether Scott approved of her continuing to wear Maggie’s clothes, particularly a party dress. She could see how a pretty dress his wife wore might conjure up memories that brought sadness or pain. She was determined, however, not to be more indebted to him than she already was. “I’ve been feeling a little tired today,” she offered as an excuse. “It sounds fun, but I think I’ll bow out. You can make it a father-daughter date.”

  Both father and daughter’s faces faded. “You have to go,” Willow groaned.

  Beth and Scott’s gazes locked on each other. “Beth,” he said in his soft, sexy drawl, “you are more than welcome to wear any of Maggie’s dresses, or I’ll buy you something brand new, if you’d feel more comfortable. You choose. I’ll do whatever you want. You can wear a feed sack for all I care. I just want you to go tonight. It would do us all good to dress up and get out.”

  Willow rolled her eyes and laughed. “A feed sack? Daddy, that would look stupid.”

  Beth grinned.

  Scott did, too. “I agree, but I think I made my point. Right?” He looked to Beth.

  “Right. You made your point,” she acknowledged. “Thank you for the invitation. I’ll go.”

  His mouth split into a broad grin and Willow hopped up and down like a jackrabbit. “Beth, can you help me pick out an outfit and fix my hair?” she begged. The little girl’s blue eyes twinkled with anticipation.

  Beth took hold of her small hands. “I’d be glad to, honey.”

  Willow flung herself into Beth’s arms and squeezed her middle. When Beth looked into Scott’s rugged face, the look of a contented man greeted her.

  “Can we pick out my outfit now?” Willow asked with excitement.

  “You have plenty of time, sweetheart. The party’s not for hours,” Scott said.

  “Oh, okay. I’m going out to brush Midnight then.” She skipped out of the kitchen, humming.

  “Carmen will holler when it’s time to come in and wash up,” he called out the door as she ran down the sidewalk. He turned to Beth. “I appreciate you agreeing to help her get ready. I think you can see how much it means to her.”

  “I’m happy to.”

  He slid a hand through his blond locks. “Before the day gets away, I need to go to town and get a haircut. Doctor’s orders. I’ve been told it’s too long and shaggy for a fancy shindig.”

  “Really? I like your hair the way it is,” Beth said.

  “You do?” His eyebrow arched. “Thanks. I do, too. It’s the no-fuss cowboy style.”

  “I guess a little trim wouldn’t hurt,” she added, turning him by the shoulder and checking out the length of his hair. “I’d be glad to do that for you. It would save you a trip to town.”

  “That would be great. Do you have time right now?” He jumped on the idea. Perhaps he was afraid she’d change her mind or get busy later.

  It was wrong, but the anticipation of running her hands across his scalp and skin made her feel weak. “Sure. I have nothing pressing on my social calendar at the moment,” she teased.

  Carmen shooed them out of the kitchen with a broom. “You two go onto the porch and do that. I already swept up in here. He needs a shave, too, Beth.”

  “He does? I thought the five o’clock shadow was his style, but I can certainly oblige, if a shave is what he wants.”

  Scott rubbed a hand across his stubbly cheeks and chin, smiling at her jest.

  “I’ll gather up the barbering equipment and bring them out,” Carmen told them.

  “You have barbering equipment?”

  “What Carmen means is she’ll give you a comb and scissors,” Scott replied. He escorted Beth to the front of the house and swung the screen door open, holding it for her. “We can sit in the rockers and enjoy the view while waiting for Carmen.”

  She slid onto the rocker seat and sighed. The sun shone high in the azure sky like a gleaming ball of gold. “This is such a beautiful ranch. The view from here reminds me of a picture postcard. The red sandstone mountains are as pretty as any anything I’ve ever seen.”

  Scott’s chair squeaked as he rocked back and forth. “Growing up here, I’ve sometimes taken the beauty for granted. But since you’ve been with us, I’ve been seeing New Mexico through your eyes. This is a beautiful place, and I’m very proud to be the owner of such a fine ranch.”

  “Here you go.” Carmen pushed the screen door open with her hip and unloaded the barbering tools onto a small drink table. “Make him look real handsome,” she told Beth, before disappearing back into the house.

  Scott retrieved a straight-backed chair from the foyer, carried it out to the porch and sat down with his legs spread wide. Beth stood at his broad shoulders and removed his hat. He sucked in a deep breath and tried to still his thudding heart as her fingers began to dance across his scalp.

  “Your hair is thick,” she noted while fluffing it.

  He answered with a low “Uh-huh.”

  She folded a towel around his neck and tucked it into his shirt collar.

  The touch of her fingertips brushing against his neck sent a lightning shot straight through him. Beth slid her fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp, and then ran the comb over the crown of his head. His Adam’s apple pulsed, and every cell in his body caught fire.

  She took the scissors into her hand and lifted a section of hair, pulled it out, and clipped. Snip, snip, snip went the scissors as she shortened his hair, one piece at a time.

  Tingles raced up and down his arms as her nails scraped his neck. She shifted to the other side, and he had to swallow the lump in his throat when her breasts brushed against his back. His chest rose and fell in rhythm as he tried to control his racing heart.

  He suspected she didn’t even realize she was humming as she worked. Snip…snip…snip. The warm feeling engulfed him again, just like the first day when he’d heard her humming from inside his bathroom.

  There was no denying his feelings. Beth did something to him that made him want to act crazy and completely out of character, like pound his chest like an ape and holler like Tarzan. He closed his eyes and the fantasy of them making love filled his mind. He didn’t know if he could stand having her so close without pulling her onto his lap and smothering her with kisses.

  When Beth finished the trim, she handed him a small mirror. After opening his eyes, he pretended to check out the cut from different angles. The truth was he was unable to concentrate on anything except how good she smelled.

  “Looks good,” he croaked.

  “I didn’t take much off, just shaped it up some. Personally, I think longer hair suits you.”

  “Thanks, Beth. Good minds think alike.” He rubbed a hand over the bristles on his cheeks and attempted to converse without sounding like an idiot. “What about this beard? Both Joanna and Carmen believe I need a shave.”

  She shrugged. “I like the five o’clock shadow look, but it seems the orders are to shave you. Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

  In the several minutes she was gone, Scott let his eyes drift shut again and he replayed the feel of her touch on his neck and scalp. He’d been craving her touch for days. When he imagined her fingers exploring his naked body, he j
ammed his hands into his lap. When the screen door banged shut, his eyes flew open.

  Beth returned to the porch holding a pair of ice tongs and a fresh white, hot, steaming towel in a bowl. She asked him to scoot the chair against the side of the house. Then stood in front of him and told him to lay his head back.

  After placing the moist towel over his face, Scott settled back and tried to relax. “Mmmm. That feels real good.”

  “I’ll mix up the shaving cream while the steam does it thing.” Beth patted the hot towel down with her hands, gently molding it to his skin. A quick clack-clack-clack told him she whipped the shaving cream up in a mug. When she unwound the towel from Scott’s face, vapors rolled off his cheeks and chin. “Ready?” she asked.

  “Yes, ma’am. I’m ready.”

  Standing in front of him, she brushed the thick cream all over his cheeks, chin, and down his neck. It smelled like mint. She seemed in no hurry, as if they had all the time in the world. Dabbing the cream onto his cheeks with the bristle brush, slow and deliberate were the strokes.

  Scott held her gaze. When she took the razor into her hand, she raised it into the air, and the sunlight caught its silvery glint. The melding of metal and sun created a rainbow, which bounced off the glass window next to them. Beth’s voice was so low it was almost inaudible when she asked, “Do you trust me, cowboy?”

  He gazed deep into her emerald pools. “With my life.”

  Her mouth drifted over his like a spring cloud, and he could feel her warm breath mingle with the mint-scented heat rising from his face. She sunk the razor into the foam, and the sharp edge rested against his cheek. He held his breath. When she made the first stroke, a shiver raced down his spine. Beth slid the razor over his skin, one deliberate stroke at a time. After each stroke, she wiped the excess cream off with a fresh towel. To Scott, it felt like it was all happening in slow motion. Beth continued this routine until his face was bare of foam, and then she ran the razor across his chin and down his neck.

  When the shave was complete, she caressed Scott’s cheeks and neck with a warm, damp towel one last time in order to remove any residual cream. Having closed his eyes at some point, he opened them, and she shook some after-shave lotion into both palms and patted it onto the sides of his face.

  A hot flame crept up his neck to pulse in his cheeks. Impulsively he reached for her hands. It didn’t matter whether he made a fool of himself. He had to tell her how he felt. And he had to tell her now.

  “Beth. Things can happen between a man and woman, before they’re ever physical. Deep things that can fix a person in somebody’s heart for good. Do you understand what I’m saying?” An easy smile formed on her lips. A smile that was like a slice of sun breaking through on a cloudy day.

  “I think so.”

  He fanned her hands open and kissed the inside of her palms, one and then the other. Then he circled her waist with his hands and rocked her toward him. She leaned in, rested her hands on his knees, and lowered her face to his and shut her eyes.

  The breath caught in his throat, and blood surged through his veins. For the past couple of days he’d imagined their first kiss. It seemed like such a long time coming, because he felt he’d known her all his life. The moment had finally arrived. The time was now. Every nerve in his body quaked with anticipation. He tipped her chin up and their mouths drew near.

  Before their lips touched, a horn blared and a car materialized in the drive. Beth leapt away from him as if she’d been burned. Scott felt the air deflate from his lungs. His heart was about to explode.

  The Audi Roadster squealed to a stop in front of the house. Beth’s cheeks flamed beet red. Quickly, she reached for a towel and wiped her hands. Momentarily paralyzed, Scott remained sitting in the chair, dizzy with ripe passion and unfulfilled longing.

  Joanna bounded out of the car with a garment bag draped over her arm. When she spied the two of them on the porch together, she marched up the stairs with glaring eyes. As she approached, Scott stammered his hello. Beth turned her back and began gathering up the barbering things. Scott noticed her hands trembled.

  Joanna eyed the scissors, towels, shaving cream, and other grooming tools lying on the table. She snipped, “Well, well, well. What have we here?”

  “Hello, Jo.” Scott stood and carried the hard chair back into the house. He slid a subtle glance toward Beth as he walked by. After stepping back onto the porch, he ran a hand through his hair. When Beth turned around and faced Joanna, Joanna stared at her. Her mouth was pursed tight with eyes narrowed in suspicion.

  “What do ya think, Jo?” Scott modeled his haircut, hoping to ease the crackling tension. “You told me I needed a cut, so Beth offered to do the honors. She saved me a trip to the barbershop and a hefty tip.” He struggled to keep his voice neutral, but he had a feeling Joanna could see through his façade.

  She moved around him like a lion stalking its prey. Scrutinizing the trim, her tone was cool. “I said you needed a hair cut, Scott. Your hair is still way too long. This isn’t the ‘60’s and you’re not a hippie.”

  “I like my hair.” His smile faded. “What brings you out here?” he asked, not wasting any more time with small talk.

  She shifted her gaze to Beth again. “Would you excuse us, please? I need to discuss something with my boyfriend.”

  Narrowing his eyes, Scott opened his mouth to retort, but decided against it when Beth made for the door. As he rushed to open it for her, his gaze searched her eyes, but she refused to look at him. The door banged shut as she disappeared into the deep shadows of the house.

  Scott spoke to Joanna in a controlled, but peeved tone. “How dare you speak to her that way. What was the point in declaring I’m your boyfriend?”

  “You are my boyfriend! Or have you forgotten? You have the nerve to ask me what I’m doing?” Joanna shot back. “I come out here and find you...cavorting with that woman!”

  “Lower your voice,” he warned. “I wasn’t cavorting. She cut my hair and gave me a shave. Like you wanted.”

  “Uh-huh.” Joanna slammed her hands upon her hips. “I wasn’t born yesterday, Scott. When I pulled into the driveway, I saw the way she was hovering over you. She was practically sitting in your lap!”

  He shook his head. “Joanna, you’re getting yourself all riled up over nothing. It was all perfectly innocent. For God’s sake, we’ve been out here on the porch in plain sight.”

  “You are my boyfriend. Why don’t you want her to know?”

  “I’m not hiding our relationship. In fact, she already knows we’re dating. I just think it’s insensitive of you to throw it in her face, considering her situation.”

  “Her situation, her situation. I’m sick of hearing you talk about her situation. She’s nothing to you and me but a stranger. You and Carmen are treating her like she’s one of the family. What I want to know is when are we going to talk about our relationship, and our future family?”

  Scott queried her with his gaze. “What’s there to talk about?”

  Joanna huffed. “I swear. Sometimes you’re as thick as concrete.”

  “There’s no need for name calling,” he replied, unsmiling.

  Her lips pressed together. “Am I losing you? Tell me straight out. I’m woman enough to take it.”

  He didn’t want to argue out on the front porch. Anyone could hear, including guests. And arguing was all they’d been doing lately, even before Beth showed up. There was too much drama with Joanna. She fussed over the slightest thing. He had a business to run and a daughter to raise. He didn’t have the time or patience for a relationship filled with distrust and arguments.

  Why did he continue to put up with it? I can’t let this keep happening. I don’t love her, so it’s not fair to either of us. I should never have become involved with my best friend’s ex-wife in the first place. The truth was, he’d been lonely, and Joanna was attractive, familiar, and comfortable. But he’d let it go on far too long. I’ll turn her loose, just as soon as the time
’s right.

  In an effort to appease her, he draped an arm around her shoulders. “I don’t know what gets into you sometimes,” he said, sidestepping his answer to her direct question. He pulled her into his shoulder and held her until he felt her body relax. “Let’s not argue. You have a big night tonight. Tell me what brings you to the ranch. What’s in your hands?”

  She shoved the garment bag into his arms. The hint of a tear glistened in her eyes. “I brought you a suit to wear tonight. I figured yours wasn’t clean, or you can’t find it, or something. I want you to look good. This is an important night for me. I don’t want you showing up to the dedication looking like a cowboy that’s just come off the trail.”

  Scott accepted the garment bag and replied, “Thank you.” No more, no less. The back of his throat burned to lash out, but he held his tongue. Though her comment was like a slap in the face, he decided to ignore it since he was about to give her a piece of news she wouldn’t be happy about.

  With bluntness he didn’t intend, he said, “I’ve invited Beth and Willow to join us tonight.”

  “What?” Her mouth opened and closed like a goldfish’s. “I can’t believe you invited her. And Willow? Children don’t attend functions like this. She’ll be bored to death.”

  “No, she won’t. She’s looking forward to dressing up pretty and going to a party.”

  Joanna rolled her eyes. “It’s not a party, Scott. It’s an event, for adults.”

  He stepped back. While keeping his voice down, it still cracked like a whip. “For God’s sakes, you make it sound like we’re going to a strip club. I’ve just about lost my patience, Joanna. The longer we date, the less I think I know you. I’m not sure we have that much in common besides growing up in the same town. You don’t like the way I look or dress, and you sure don’t want anything to do with my daughter.”

  She batted her eyelashes, acting surprised. “That’s not true, darlin’. You know how I feel about Willow.”

  He dumped the garment bag into a rocker. “No, I don’t. Willow and I come as a package deal, Jo. If she’s not welcome at your damn hospital dedication, then I won’t be able to attend either.”


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