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West (A Darkness Series Novel)

Page 31

by Stacey Marie Brown

  “That was only to piss you off.” She smiled evilly. “And when did it become your peanut butter again? You haven’t been home in six months.”

  “It’s always my peanut butter. You never, ever touch a man’s peanut butter. Have I taught you nothing?”

  “All of you. Shut up.” Cole rubbed his forehead with a groan.

  Oh yeah. I was home.

  “How are you feeling?” Cole patted my leg from the end of the bed.

  “Fine. Will be dancing on pool tables and causing mayhem in no time,” I lied. Lars had left his mark. The beast was locked away again, a slave to the Unseelie King. I was far from all right. But the reason I did all that was what was still foremost on my mind. “Where is Rez?”

  “She’s with Em. She’ll be fine.” Eli faced me again.

  A tickle of warning tugged at my gut. “What aren’t you telling me?” I ignored the pain and sat up higher in bed. “Where is she?”

  Cole and Eli exchanged a look, probably communicating privately with their link.

  “Tell me!” I exclaimed.

  Cole sighed. “If I tell you, you can’t leave this bed. You can’t do anything to help her anyway. I will force you to stay in it if I have to.”

  “Cole...” I growled.

  “She’s meeting with Lars.”

  “What?” Fear struck at my heart.

  “Rez cannot go unpunished for her actions. Lars sent for her this morning.”

  I moved without a thought.

  “West. Stop.” Cole put his hand on me, but I ignored him and continued to struggle to get out of bed, involuntary noises wheezed from my chest.

  “I warned you.” Cole’s voice went deep and powerful. “I order you to stop. Get. Back. In. Bed.”

  I grunted against his control, but it was a lost cause. He was my alpha, and I would always have to bow to his order. Cole barely used it, so I never felt resentful. Most of the time it was only to protect us from doing something at the extreme end of stupid. I eased back on the bed, already panting with exertion.

  “Sorry, but you need to stay put. You can’t do anything for her.” Cole softened his alpha stance. “Rez is an amazing and strong woman. She’ll be fine.”

  He said it with such familiarity, like he knew her character.

  “What am I missing? You don’t even really know her that well.”

  “We’ve had time to get to know her.” Cole shoved his hands in his jeans. “I understand what you see in her.”

  I gazed around my family, still confused. “Had time? How long have I been out?” A couple days, surely. A week, max.

  “Four weeks,” Cole replied.

  “Four! Four weeks?” I sputtered, looking to Eli. It had been a month since the night on the cliff?

  “Lars was true to his word. You were an inch from death.” Eli clasped his hands together.

  “And Rez has been here the whole time?”

  “Never left your side, until this morning.” Cooper folded his arms. Even in the middle of winter he wore a black tank and jeans.

  My heart tugged at the thought of her being here for me, while I couldn’t be there for her now.

  “Jesus, West, claiming the Unseelie King’s mistress?” Gabby put her hands on her hips, dressed in tight ripped jeans and a tied-up T-shirt. “Could your beast be any more of an idiot?”

  She was right. It was an idiot, but it wanted Rez just the same.

  “Though at least I can tolerate her.” In Gabby language this was the closest to praise as you’d get. It had taken Gabby a little while to accept Ember. Gabby was raised with mostly boys and guarded us carefully. Even when Samantha was alive, they never got along.

  Cole rolled back his shoulders and took a deep breath. “You know this will not stop our work relationship with the King. It can’ matter what you feel. Or how we feel.” Regret shone in Cole’s hazel eyes. I could tell this was weighing heavy on him.

  “I took my punishment. I was in the wrong. I don’t have any hard feelings for Lars. He did what any leader would do.” Except, if he hurt Rez, things would be different. “I know with work, with Ember, our paths will cross with him. Plus…” My tongue locked momentarily on my confession. I would always be tied to Lars. His slave.

  “I told them,” Eli informed me.

  I nodded, grateful I didn’t have to relay it.

  “Actually, Lars was the one to send his own personal healer here to check on you several times a week, till you were okay. He knew we didn’t have one since we lost Owen.” Cole folded his arms, his blue flannel straining against his muscles.

  Lars sent a private doctor to heal me? You had to give it to him: He was a considerate asshole. In the fae law, Lars was more than lenient. Simply the thought of being anyone’s bitch was still a hard pill to swallow. To be with Rez, I would gulp down a dozen of them.

  “It took him four weeks to call for Rez?”

  “I think he needed to cool down,” Eli said.

  “Alki told me it’s a mess over there. Rez was the glue, and losing her hit the house hard, especially after the loss of Koke and Maya. Only Marguerite is keeping them going.” Gabby played with the side knot of her rocker shirt.

  “Do you have any idea what he’s going to do?”

  “No.” Eli shook his head. “That’s why Em wouldn’t let her go alone. If anyone can keep Lars somewhat grounded, it’s her.”

  I took tiny comfort Ember went with her, but still my stomach twisted with worry.

  “He won’t hurt her physically. That’s not Lars’s style.” Eli sat back in the chair.

  “I know. But that actually makes me more nervous.”

  “Yeah.” Eli frowned.

  I did not believe in hitting or hurting women in any way. I killed a man once for slapping his girlfriend around in the parking lot of a bar. I showed him what it felt like to be on the receiving end. He was an evil son of a bitch. No one missed him.

  But fae lives were different. Even though violence was part of it, I knew there were other things which could hurt worse.

  Cole’s walkie-talkie buzzed, and he reached for it on his belt loop. “We’re going to let you get some rest.” Cole gave my leg a last pat and motioned to Cooper.

  “Get better. I can’t do this without you,” Cooper yelled over his shoulder, exiting the room.

  “I’ll fix you something to eat.” Gabby ruffled my hair.

  “Oh no. Please don’t.” I shook my head violently.

  “What? I’m a great cook.”

  Both Eli and I lifted our eyebrows at her.

  “Okay, I nuke things well.”

  We still stared at her.

  “Oh, shut up,” she grumbled, stomping toward the door. “I’m excellent at ordering delivery.”

  Eli and I snorted. I loved my family.

  Eli rose from his chair.

  “Thank you, Eli.” I looked up at his towering frame. “For coming and standing next to me. For protecting Rez.”

  “I know you lost your chance to be able to turn again, for Rez.” Eli shuffled his feet. “To me that makes you even more of a beast.”

  Moisture stabbed behind my eyes, but I blinked it back. “Thanks, man.”

  He nodded. “We won’t give up. If Lars refuses to help you, I will.”

  Damn emotion wouldn’t leave my chest.

  “Weeeeeee.” A tiny voice tore down the hallway toward my room, jolting Eli and me from our mushy moment. “My wee bits are freeeeee!”

  Eli groaned, palming his face.

  “Cal! Sir Eli said for us to stay in the kitchen.” A buzzing sound like an electric fan filled the room.

  A six-inch, dark-haired man dressed in only a belt with a plastic sword hanging off it came flying into my room. “Siiir-stttick-up-hizz-ass can kess miinee. MY BITS WANT TO BE FREEE!”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. Cal and Simmons were two pixies who had attached themselves to Ember, and by association, Eli. The bemused annoyance Eli showed them only made me chuckle more. I had g
rown used to them when Em and Eli lived here. Kind of missed the buggers.

  “Theerre youz are.” Cal weaved in the air, heading for Eli. “My poo empty.”

  “Your poo?” I chuckled.

  “My poooz...that thingy, you know… holding liquid love.”

  “You mean the kitchen sink, your pool?” Eli scoffed.

  “Yes! That thingy! Need more!” Cal was sobering up by the second. Pixies couldn’t stay drunk for long with their hummingbird metabolism.

  Another pixie flew into my room. He was blond and wearing an old 1960s-style pilot outfit. A winged machine Lars had someone construct sat on his back. He lost his real wings in the war.

  “I apologize, sir, I tried to keep him in the room like you asked,” Simmons said to Eli.

  “Oh, crackled crackers. Have some fun, Simmons. Let your wee lil’ bits loose.”

  “My wee bits are free.” I nodded at Cal.

  “See?” Cal waved toward me. “Even Mr. Direction is joining the party.” He turned to me. “There’ll be booze and floozies at this party, right?”

  “Floozies.” I chuckled. Yeah, I taught him that one.

  “Harlots…whatever! Oh speaking of, where is the girlie?”

  “The girlie is at Lars’s,” Eli answered.

  “What? And she didn’t take me?” Cal huffed.

  Simmons landed next to Cal on the bed frame. His foot caught the rung, and he fell face-first onto my bed, his wings still flapping so hard he began to spin around on the bed.

  “Ahhh!” he yelled as his body swung in circles.

  “Let go of the button!” Cal tossed up his arms.

  The mechanical wings puttered to a stop, and Simmons slowly lifted his head.

  “Every. Damn. Time,” Cal muttered.

  Simmons stood tall, straightening his clothes. “Still working out the kinks,” he said to me.

  “Yeah, that’s the problem,” Eli mumbled.

  Simmons’s chest puffed up, and he stomped to Cal. “Our lady told us we were needed here. You know...” Simmons thumbed at Eli.

  “Jumpin’ junipers. We’re always stuck babysitting him.”

  Eli rolled his eyes. “Come on. I’ll fill your pool again. Just try not to swim naked on the counter or use the light as a sunning bed. Your butt cheeks are still imprinted there from last time.”

  “One time! Jeez, he never lets it go.” Cal sighed.

  “How about when we found you curled around that squash?” Eli lifted an eyebrow.

  “That was a simple mix-up anyone could have made.”

  “Or when I woke up to you snuggling my leg.”

  “It was cold.”

  “Or the time it was my di—”

  “Okay, okay!” Cal cut Eli off and took flight. “Marshmallow brownies. Someone has issues.” Cal zoomed out of the room.

  “Spoken by the naked pixie flying around the house with only a sword.” I chuckled.

  “Like you haven’t done that,” Eli teased, heading for the door.

  Pretty damn close.

  As Eli exited, Simmons turned to me. “I am glad you are safe and home, Mr. West. My lady was quite distraught. Miss Rez was as well.”

  “Thank you, Simmons.”

  He bowed. The buzz of his wings filled the room as he took off, following Eli.

  It was only a minute before I heard Eli’s voice bellow from the hallway. “Dammit, Cal, get out of the butter! Your wiener is not a cob of corn.”

  I lay back on my pillow, a grin engulfing my face. This was how this house was supposed to be—with laughter, voices, and full of family. Losing Jared killed that for a while, but I felt a spark of it coming back. Maybe happiness could be found here again.

  To heal itself, my body hauled me into a restless sleep, but Rez flitted through unsettled dreams. What would Lars do to her? What did he consider punishment? What if he decided he did not want to give her up? I couldn’t blame Rez if she chose to stay. Her family was there, along with financial security and comfort I could never give her. Rez’s world was so different from mine. I was leather. She was lace.

  My mind was just drifting deeper into slumber when energy shot up my back, zapping at every nerve with vigor, causing me to sit straight up in bed. Her name rolled from my lips. The beast roared to life. She was here. I could feel her.

  I leaped out of bed and didn’t even bother getting dressed, my impulse stronger than pain or politeness. It was like I was caught on a rod and she was reeling me in.

  Damn. This bond is powerful.

  “Rez!” I bellowed, running on shaky legs out of the large ranch house.

  “West, what the hell are you doing?” Gabby yelled at me from the living room, but I ignored her.

  The weight of Rez’s presence came from everywhere outside, as though she were the air, the sun. I gazed around trying to find her, my heart slamming into my chest. The beast pawed excitedly. This was insane. I suddenly realized I could never have pretended she was nothing to me. I wouldn’t have lasted five seconds.

  “West?” A voice came from the opposite way I was looking. My head jerked around, air sucking in my lungs.

  Fuck. There she stood, beside Ember, more beautiful than I remembered. Dressed in dark gray cargo pants, boots, a black tank under a fitted black puffy jacket. Her long, dark hair hung around her face. Casual and real. The girl I had fallen for. I couldn’t breathe.

  “Oh gods…West.” Her hand went to her mouth. “You’re’re okay.”

  No words came. My body moved toward her.

  Both of us were on a collision course. My arms swooped around her, pulling her tight as we slammed into each other. My lids lowered with contentment the moment I felt her in my embrace—right where I always wanted her to be.

  She let out a bubbled laugh/cry and tightened her arms around me until I let out a groan.

  “Sorry!” She pulled back, her fingers running over my shoulders and the scars on my chest.

  “Never be sorry, darlin’. I can handle this kind of pain.” I cupped her face, bringing it to mine. I could feel people around us, but they were all a blur. Rez was my only focus.

  “I was so scared,” she whispered.

  “I’m a Dark Dweller. Believe me, we are almost impossible to get rid of…no matter how much you might want to.” I grinned.

  Ember snorted and walked to the porch where Eli stood. He looped one finger in her belt loop and tugged her to him, his gaze on her full of lustful mischief.


  “Dragen.” She grinned at him before he crushed his mouth to hers passionately. She pulled away, her grin widening, her eyebrow lifting coyly. “Why don’t we give them some privacy?”

  Eli smirked, already pushing her for the door. “Right behind you, woman.”

  Everyone else followed, leaving Rez and me alone.

  “Are you all right?” My gaze wandered over her.

  She took a deep breath, her eyes lowering. “Yes…” Her voice went hesitant.

  “What? What did he do?” I gritted my teeth, dropping my arms.

  “Less than I thought. Lars was extremely lenient, considering.” She licked her lips. “He said I would be banned from ever stepping foot on his grounds.”

  “Which means pretty much being banned from your family?”

  She nodded, tears hinting in her eyes.

  “He offered me the chance to stay. Not in his bed, but in the house and run it like I always have. Live there with my family like nothing happened.”

  My shoulders tensed, my chest walling up for protection. “I wouldn’t blame you. He can provide you with a much better life. What you’re used to. I can’t. Plus, your family is there—”

  Her finger went to my mouth, quieting me. “I told him no. If I chose to stay, then I give you up. That is not something I am willing to sacrifice.”

  “So…you gave up your family for me?” My mouth dipped open.

  She blinked her tears back. “West, you are my family.”

r words detonated my heart with happiness. Family was so important being a Dark Dweller. They were the only people we trusted.

  My hands slid along her jaw. Vigor incited the instant our lips touched, flaming down my back. With those few words, she had bonded us further together. I couldn’t get enough, my mouth devouring hers. My body reacted to her fingers skimming over my bare ass, forgetting the pain.

  “Guess some of you is healing and working again.” She laughed against my mouth.

  “Darlin’, with you around, that part will always be working in overdrive.” I kissed her again. “And you better get used to seeing naked asses around this house…” I tipped back a bit. “If you are planning on staying, that is.”

  “There’s nowhere else I want to be, Mr. Moseley.”

  “Good thing, Ms. Mareza…because I wasn’t planning on lettin’ you go.”

  Her smile widened, and she gave me a quick kiss. But I still had a feeling in my gut, like a thorn, something she wasn’t telling me.

  “Tell me.” I brushed my hands over her hair.


  I tipped my head to the side. “This mate thing comes with a bullshit detector. I know Lars…he wouldn’t leave his punishment at mere banning.” As the King, he could not leave the punishment appearing so little to outsiders. Even though being cut off from Marguerite, Alki, and Nic was cruel, it seemed too easy.

  She inhaled, glanced away, and licked her bottom lip. “You and I have something in common right now.”

  My stomach dipped. “What?”

  She pulled her head up, looking me straight in the eye, and cleared her throat. “He stripped me of my powers. I am no longer a siren.” She gulped.

  “Oh shit.” Taking away a fae’s magic was like ripping out half of our souls, splitting apart our identities. Physically and emotionally painful as hell.

  “Stripped? He didn’t just bind them?”

  “No, stripped.” She pinned her lips together, as though trying not to cry. Binding them inside was more like what I suffered. They were still inside, but they couldn’t come out. Stripped was having the power taken out of your body. You were still fae but no longer had your own magic.

  Rez could never breathe underwater or glamour, but she also didn’t have to kill to fuel her magic either.


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