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West (A Darkness Series Novel)

Page 32

by Stacey Marie Brown

  I hadn’t known Lars was capable of stripping. It was a certain type of magic, exceedingly powerful and old. The kind of power you’d find in the spear…or the sword. The thought of Lars already obtaining two of the treasures of Tuatha Dé Danann scared me shitless. Two I knew about, what if he had more? What would happen if he got all four? I quickly pushed the idea away. Surely he was too smart to fuck with that kind of magic.

  “I’ve struggled with being a siren, but after this trip I felt myself take control. Loved being one again. I came alive.” A sob caught in her throat. “The moment he took it away from me, I felt that light die. I feel so lost.”

  “I am so sorry.” I brought her in, kissing her forehead and temple. She was still in shock. It would hit her soon, and hard. All I could do was be there for her. Love her.

  “He told me he’s holding my powers in a safe place. Someday I can get them back.”

  Asshole. Keeping them over her head like a dog biscuit. If she was obedient and did what he said, she might get them back. He now had two slaves.

  “They’re gone.” She looked up at me, tears trailing down her face.

  I held her to my chest for a long time, letting her cry. Slowly her tears ebbed, and I kissed the top of her head when I felt her body relax. “I won’t lie and say this will be easy for you.”

  “No. It won’t.” She wiped at her face. “Besides my powers, I’m going to miss my family like crazy. I’m going to be disoriented and lost for some time,” she said matter-of-factly. “I could only leave there with what I walked in with. I have nothing. No money, no magic, no clothes, or a home.”

  I lifted her chin to stare into her eyes. “You have a home. Here with me. Clothes are easy enough to get. As far as money, we have it. Don’t worry about it right now. We’ll figure it out.” I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, a mischievous smile hitching my lip. “I know ways you can earn your keep, darlin’.”

  A single eyebrow lifted. “Benefits?”

  “I would say so.” I glanced down, my body eager with need. “Can you start now?”

  A coyness inched up her lips. “Do I get a company uniform, Mr. Moseley?” She nestled in closer to me.

  “We don’t have a dress code here. At all.” I smirked. “But on Fridays you’re allowed to wear something fun…like a maid’s outfit, nurse, leather dominatrix, naughty librarian...whatever.”

  She went on her toes, her mouth claiming mine. I pulled her in, our mouths growing more and more desperate. My dick twitched with the need to be inside her.

  “You probably need to rest,” she muttered, nipping at my bottom lip.

  “I rested for four weeks,” I growled into her ear. “What I need is to be deep within you. That is the best medicine for my pain.”

  “I’m at your command, darlin’,” she teased, repeating what I had said to her the first night we were together. She stepped away, grabbed my hand, and towed me toward the house.

  I was a goner. And I loved it.

  These people, these walls. With her. I wanted to be nowhere else in the world.

  (Six months later)

  I hit the gas on my new bike, pushing me faster down the road. The new motorcycles were much better than the last pieces of shit, but still was nothing to how a Harley felt between your legs. The breeze felt good against my skin. The warm sun dipped low in the sky, hinting at the evening.

  What I really wanted was my girl on the back, driving around Black Lake, where we’d stop and fuck relentlessly on and over my bike or a picnic table before continuing on. Then we’d get dinner and finish back in my bed with a very long dessert. Unfortunately it would have to wait.

  It had been six months since Rez came to live with me. Six months of unbelievable bliss. Everyone, except Eli and Ember, wanted to kill Rez and me. Probably more me. I was a smug fucker, and I couldn’t keep my hands off her. Thankfully she struggled as well, or I’d feel bad for how many times a day I wanted her. My libido had no discretion on where either.

  Cooper was taking it the hardest. He would never show it, but I could sense his envy of the love Eli and I had for our women. He always grumbling about having to jerk off because he had to hear it from both ends of the house now. Gabby merely spent more time off with Alki. Cole was so deep in work he didn’t notice much else. With the loss of his nephew and brother, work was the one thing that got him through the day.

  Rez’s presence brought new life to the house with happiness and laughter, which had gone missing. Even Eli and Ember were back to using it as their base between hunts. Their job as bounty hunters, keeping the new world of fae and humans in check, was endless. But instead of staying away like before, Ember wanted to be around more for Rez. Their return to the ranch also brought back two pixies, which caused a lot of mischief and fun, and was exactly what the house needed. The ghosts of those we lost were always there but didn’t haunt us like before.

  Ember returning home resulted in Mark, Lily, Kennedy, Ryan, and his boyfriend Castien coming around the ranch. Even Lorcan dropped by a few times. That relationship was still strained, but it was getting better. I couldn’t figure out him and Kennedy, but he had changed...and I would bet she had something to do with it.

  To welcome Rez to “Camp Dwellers,” Ember got permission from Lars for Marguerite, Nic, and Alki to come for dinner. Rez cried like a baby and hugged them the entire night. It was in moments like that I felt awful. I was the reason she couldn’t see them, but she convinced me later this was exactly where she wanted to be.

  There were rough times for her. For the first month I would wake up to hear her crying. All I could do was hold her. It was easing day by day. The loss of her powers and her family was not easy, but she was trying to accept it.

  She was not one to sit around, especially when trying to forget her sadness. It wasn’t long before she was running everything, giving Cole more freedom to go out with us. Cole claimed daily he never wanted to be without her.

  I could see how Lars’s house fell apart without her. We tripled our income, inventory, and speed, which did please the King. Although I was sure he had no doubt why we were suddenly running more efficiently, he never said anything.

  I tapered my speed, nearing my destination, and sucked in my breath as I rolled up to the gate. On cue, an enormous man stepped out from the shadows. “Hey, R-Man. It’s been a long time.”

  “Not long enough,” Rimmon rumbled.

  “Aw. You missed me, don’t deny it.”

  “Like I miss a knife to my gut.”

  “Did you…did you make a joke? I’m so proud.” I lived to taunt the shit out of him. Some things would never change. Born a cheeky bastard, I would die a cheeky bastard. “My grumpy ogre is growing up.” I wiped my eye.

  “Someday the boss will let me kill you,” he grumbled, his palms fisting.

  “But today is not the day, Big R.” I grinned.

  “Password,” Rimmon growled, folding his grotesquely huge arms.

  “‘West is super sexy’ is still not it?”

  Rimmon took a step closer and leered at me. He still wore the patchwork pants, the only ones that would fit him.

  “Password, Dark Dweller; my patience is thin tonight.”

  “How is it different from any other night?”

  Rimmon snarled.

  I shook my head and uttered the password. The spell released its hold, and Rimmon unlocked the gates. This time when I rode up to the front of the house, Rez was not there waiting for me. Everything about my return to this house felt so familiar, but not in a good way. Did I ever imagine the last time I came here that in six months Rez would be waiting for me back at my house, in my bed?

  I had seen Lars from afar when we dropped off inventory, but we never spoke. He dealt with Cooper now. I would be alone in a room with him for the first time since the night we made the deal. His summons didn’t come in a nice note or phone call. No, he summoned you through magic that pulled on you like a giant magnet. Your muscles moved as if by themselves to
follow the pull.

  Ember was the only one around here who understood the sensation. She told me the longer I ignored it, the worse it became till you felt if you didn’t go to him your insides would shred into pieces. Sounded like fun.

  The aggravation eased the closer I got to him. This was my future. Always his bitch. I couldn’t even hate him because he gave Rez and me our lives, our love.

  I set my kickstand down and swung off the bike. The front door opened.

  “Mr. Moseley?” A woman’s voice came out into the warm evening. My head shot to the doorway. This woman towered in six-inch heels. She was lean, with long blond hair tied in a slick ponytail, and fitted into a gray skirt and bright red blouse, which matched her lipstick. Professional and beautiful. The way Lars liked his business managers. “His Royal Highness, the Unseelie King, is waiting for you in his office. I will show you the way.”

  His Royal Highness? Show me the way?

  “You must be new, sweetheart.” I snorted and walked up the stairs. Right then Marguerite came running to the door, her arms outstretched, and knocked Blondie out of the way.

  “Mr. West! Oh, hombre guapo, you are here.”

  I wrapped the small woman in my arms, kissing her on the cheeks. “I’ve missed you, mamacita.”

  “Me duele el corazon.” She placed her hand on her chest, as though to tell me how much it ached. I nodded, fresh with guilt for how badly Rez must feel. Hell, I did too. I missed this woman who treated all of us like her children.

  “Hopefully we can get you over to the house again soon.”

  Her eyes teared up, and she nodded furiously. Then swished her hands. “You are muy flaco! Must eat!” She turned, motioning me into the house.

  “Mrs. Gonzales, Mr. Moseley has a meeting with the King.”

  “Hush!” Marguerite waved her hand at the woman. “Mr. West needs to eat.”

  I grinned and shrugged at the blond, enjoying her outraged expression, and followed Marguerite.

  Nothing appeared different. Same sofa and table, same paintings and rugs, but I could feel the loss of its soul. Rez had been so much a part of this house it felt like the house itself was mourning.

  Marguerite was already in the kitchen pulling out pans by the time I caught up to her. Damn, she was fast. “Mr. Moseley, please—” the blond tried again.

  “Mamacita, I will eat after.” I leaned in and gave her temple a kiss. “Don’t want to give newbie here heart failure.”

  Marguerite glowered at the blond and mumbled something about being a pain in her ass. Rez’s name was definitely mixed in there. I bet this was the hardest on Marguerite. She and Rez loved each other more than anything and worked well together over the years. Blondie didn’t look like she was faring well with Marguerite.

  The woman walked me swiftly toward Lars’s office, eyeing me like I was going to pocket the china on the way.

  “Highness?” She tapped on the door. “Mr. Moseley is here.”

  “Send him in,” Lars’s familiar, cool voice spoke through the door. My heart couldn’t help racing. We’d finally be face to face, alone, since Ireland. I had no idea what mood or plan he had for me.

  She opened the door and gestured me in, her nose scrunched like she did not like my kind near her. “Anything else, my lord?” she asked.

  “No, Elise. Thank you.” Lars did not look up, and Elise shut the door behind me.

  I strolled across the floor to the Persian rug worth tens of thousands of dollars. My eyes locked on the man behind the desk. How many times I had come here, how many times Lars and I met, but this was not the same. We were operating with different terms. I licked my lips nervously, but Lars’s attention remained on his writing, which he continued to do for the next few minutes. The tactic was nothing new. He wanted me to wait, to feel uncomfortable. It worked, but I forced my feet to stay still with my gaze trained on him.

  Finally he set down his pen and sat back, his eyes drifting slowly to me. “Mr. Moseley, it has been a while.” Not one inflection of emotion sounded in his words. I gave a little nod to his comment but stayed quiet, as did he.

  My throat felt tight. I couldn’t take it anymore. “I see you got a new assistant.” I thumbed toward the door. “Think she might pat me down on the way out and check my pockets for stolen goods.”

  “She won’t last.” A slight frown twitched his mouth. “Marguerite does not like her.” Lars rose from his seat, motioning me to sit. “But she won’t like anyone. None of them are Rez.” My gaze went to the floor as I sat. Lars came around the desk and sat on the edge. “I hear she is flourishing with you. By the profits, I can see she is a great addition.”

  “She is.” I clasped my hands together, leaning my elbows on my legs, which vibrated with energy.

  “I am glad to hear it.” Lars glanced out the door into the violet sky. He cleared his throat. “She is greatly missed here.”

  I stirred in the chair.

  “Professionally speaking, of course.” Lars turned back to me, his green-yellow eyes meeting mine. “I will not apologize for what I had to do to the both of you. I should have done worse.”

  “I know.” I nodded.

  “But it is in the past now. I want to move on. Go forward from here.”

  “I would like that as well.”

  He stood, slipping back behind the desk. “I summoned you here tonight for a particular reason, for a mission extremely sensitive and secret. I need to know I can count on you and you will do anything to fulfill this quest for me.”

  I swallowed. “Do I really have a choice?”

  Lars smirked, taking a seat in his chair. “No, I guess you do not, but your willingness will make it far easier and less painful for you.”

  Shit. This did not sound good already. “What is it you want me to do?”

  “Your skills and dedication in retrieving the spear greatly impressed me, Mr. Moseley. I knew killing you would be a serious waste. But in my anger, I might have been a little shortsighted in one aspect. What is ahead of you is dangerous.”

  “Like getting the spear wasn’t?”

  “This might be even more so.”

  “Your sales pitch is in need of a little help.”

  “I don’t have to sell it to you, Mr. Moseley. Like you said, you don’t have a choice.” He sat back, lacing his hands. The smug bastard. “Are you regretting your choices?”

  “No,” I growled. “Not for one moment.”

  His smile looked genuine. “Good. I would not want to lose Rez to anything less. Whatever you think of me, I care for her. I want her to be happy.

  “But back to you, Mr. Moseley.” He sat forward, his clasped hands on his desk. “I once promised you I would help to find a way to restore the beast. I might be willing to again.”

  I stood straight now, my attention focused on him. “Why?”

  “Two reasons. You will be much more useful to me in beast form when challenged by enemies.” He drew his arms off the desk. “And because what I want is the precise thing you will need to shift into Dark Dweller again.” He settled back in the chair. “Rez explained to me, when she was here, the spear gave you power to change back without pain.” He paused.

  I ground my teeth, fighting back any display of emotion.

  “Letting you have the spear is out of the question.” His clipped tone left no room for doubt. “It is not the spear anyway. It is the type of old magic it holds. What all of the four treasures contain.”

  For some reason with every word he uttered, oxygen went in and out faster through my lungs, my gut ahead of my thoughts.

  “Any of the treasures would always have to actually be in your hands to siphon off the power...except one.”

  “Which one?” My voice was a croak.

  “The Cauldron of Dagda.”

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  “You want me to retrieve it for you.” I gulped. So I had underestimated him. He would collect all the treasures, which turned my fear to full-blown terror. Then what?

  Two down, two to go…unless he already had the Stone of Fál. I shook my head, pushing out the thought. That could not be true. No one should have that much power. Especially the high demon king. I saw what too much power did to prior demon kings, like Balor. Yet I had no choice but to do what he asked. Shit...

  “And if you do this, I will give you my word I will find someone to produce a spell from it to reclaim the beast.” He tilted his head. “Beneficial for both of us.”

  Right. “What’s the catch?” My heart thudded against my ribs like a flat tire.

  An eerie grin curved Lars’s mouth, his eyes glinting. “I think we will work together quite well.”

  I knew how he worked. Nothing was upfront or as easy as it might seem. There was always a catch—a sacrifice in some way.

  “As you know, these treasures have not been easy to come by and are extremely well guarded.”

  “Yeah, yeah, dangerous and hard to find. Get to the point.”

  He steepled his fingers, his elbows resting on the chair arms.

  “My two men who flew over to Ireland with you were able to uncover the high Druid family who created the cauldron for Dagda. An exceptionally important family. Powerful. They were the last to be seen with it before it went missing.”

  “What family?” Acid trickled up my esophagus.

  Lars only smiled.

  Aw, fuck... Ice filled my chest, my voice barely breaking a whisper.


  His gaze met mine, a smug smile hinting on his mouth. “Are you ready to seek the Light, Mr. Moseley?”

  No. But as we both knew, I had no fuckin’ choice. My will was his, and now it would be centered on Kennedy. My friend.

  The Druid Seelie Queen.

  Oh darlin’, I hope you know what’s coming for you.

  Kennedy’s Story is next!

  West’s POV ends here, but his story doesn’t. And Kennedy’s is only beginning. Find out what happens to Kennedy and the gang in The Crown Of Light, Book One in The Lightness Saga.


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