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JK Haru is a Sex Worker in Another World

Page 10

by Ko Hiratori

When I told him we should chat again soon, he smiled and said, “Okay.”

  After seeing him off at the door, I went over to where that guy was sitting.

  “How would you like someone to talk with? 20 rubers for 30 minutes.”

  “I’m okay.”

  No, you’re definitely not. That’s why I’m talking to you.

  That night I refused to leave the cold man with the silver hair alone.

  “By the way, I saw you over by the arena the other day, sir. Do you live near there?”


  “I used to play Kickin’ the Can, and that was actually the fateful day I met my team. I was a pretty famous player. Did you ever see me anywhere?”


  “Well then, if you’ll excuse me...”

  Tch. He won’t even consider me.

  What is it, I wonder? Does he just like drinking alone? Then why come to our shop?

  I wish he would talk to me, even just a little... I was about to miserably withdraw when it happened.


  The man with the silver hair stopped me for the first time.

  “What’s ‘Kickin’ the Can’?”

  The gap between his mature voice and the dropped g in “kickin’” really hit me down there.

  And when I saw the 20 rubers on the table, I nearly jumped up and down.

  “I’m Haru! Nice to meet you!”

  “Oh. So, what’s Kickin’ the Can?”

  Wow, so you’re more interested in Kickin’ the Can than me? That’s how I felt, but it was the first time he let me sit with him, and I was still so excited about that that I started to explain it.

  “—and even if three of your teammates get caught, if someone kicks the can, you get a point. But for every teammate who is caught, you lose a point, so the real fun of the game, I think, is strategizing about how much loss you can take, and then for the defense to see how well they can read the plan and find the other players.”

  “Strategy? So children’s games teach how to fight a war. That’s such a human idea.”

  I couldn’t tell from his face whether he thought what I said was interesting or boring, but he nodded.

  His hawk eyes were looking at me with hawk-like intensity. I found myself wishing he would peck me.

  “Kickin’ the Can seems like a national pastime, or sport, or whatever—it seems like everyone plays it when they’re kids. You’ve never seen it before?”

  “Do they play it in the rain?”

  “No, it gets canceled in the rain.”

  “Then I haven’t seen it,” he said, as if that were perfectly natural, and looked out the window.

  This guy must just bring the rain with him wherever he goes. Maybe somewhere, they treat him like a god.

  “You didn’t play games like that when you were little?”

  “There aren’t any games where I was born.”

  Hmm? He must have meant he’s from a different city, but for whatever reason I felt like we had something in common.

  Like maybe he’s from another world, too. Just kidding.

  “Where I was born all we had were games.”

  Tokyo and friends and my smartphone. I can still remember what it felt like—so nostalgic.

  The man stared at me intently and then cracked a smile for the first time.

  My heart felt squeezed in his talons. But although he was looking at me, he was seeing someone else.

  “My son likes to play. He used to go out without telling me and play with other people’s kids. I don’t know if there was Kickin’ the Can back then or not, but...”

  The man spoke about himself for the first time. You have kids?! It was a pretty big shock, actually, but well, a guy this hot couldn’t be single at his age. It totally made sense.

  I waited, ready to hang on his next words, but he just sipped his drink like he wasn’t going to say any more.

  “So, you’re married, huh? You have just the one child?”

  I probed a little more.

  He abruptly stopped talking like, Damn, I said too much! He really had his walls up. Maybe he’d been out in the rain too long?

  I started to feel kind of heartbroken. Why do you reject people so much? Will I ever find out? Or maybe he wouldn’t open his heart up to a sex worker.

  He pushed back his silver hair with his long, sexy fingers, and I was so jealous of the woman I’d never seen who’d been held in his arms.

  “Are you in town on business?”

  I thought maybe he would talk to me about his work. That tends to be a topic guys will go for.

  “Hmm. Work. Yeah, maybe what I’m doing is work.” Maybe he noticed that I changed the topic and felt like he should hold up his end of the convo. After thinking for a little while, he said, “Sometimes I come here to see people.”

  Still expressionless.

  People-watching? Oh my god, that’s the most boring thing ever. Guys who think it’s fun to stare at people in secret are some of the most boring damn people.

  “Sounds interesting! I like people-watching, too.”

  But you can change your hobbies to suit the man.

  I drew closer to him, but for some reason his expression clouded over.

  “Boring hobby, huh?”

  Not at all☆

  “Humans are boring. I can only see them as a crowd of lives. But...”

  He stopped abruptly and took a sidelong look at the room.

  The idiotic men, the women spreading their charms...

  It was the usual scene at my workplace. Our job is to make sure the customers are having a good time, so tons of smiles, gripes, brags, and sex transform into money before your eyes.

  Does he think this is boring?

  Before I came here, I was the kind of person who was always just having fun, so I didn’t realize, but I bet everything fun in every world, if you look behind the scenes, is full of money, labor, and hardship.

  But if I start thinking like that, none of this will be worth the effort. Making money and spending it to have fun is valid. And this is a place for people who want to enjoy themselves. You should have fun, too!

  Looking at his profile, I still couldn’t tell what he was thinking, but I wanted to put my cat ears on for him. How is he so cool?

  “...Guess time’s almost up.”


  “Thirty minutes, right?”

  Oh, exactly 30 minutes had passed. That’s some amazing internal clock action.

  “...For 85 rubers, I can take you upstairs to my room...” I said, glancing up at him.

  I knew it was a lost cause when I said it, and sure enough, he didn’t go for it.

  He stood up briskly and headed for the exit. I said, “Thank you,” and watched him go. He didn’t turn around.

  I wonder when it will rain again.


  I was thinking it was awfully lively in the pub, and sure enough, it was a group of soldiers.

  Shequraso was at their table entertaining them. One of them was her boyfriend.

  “This is Mr. Bisque.”

  When I brought their mugs over, Shequraso bashfully introduced him.

  He had heavy, light-blue bangs that he wore to one side. They nearly covered his eyes. He had been to the shop before, so I recognized him, but this was the first time I was properly introduced.

  Well, he does have a pretty plain face, but his smile is nice enough.

  “Thanks for being so kind to Shequraso all the time!”

  “Oh, hey, here’s a cutie.”

  Soldiers are good customers, so the shop values them. They come in a big group to eat and drink, and they’re young, so they’re quick to buy girls. They’re perverts in proportion to how pent up they are normally, but they’re usually pretty cheerful, so even just drinking with them is fun.

  The other nice thing is that when they’re around, the ruder customers settle down. Chiba doesn’t like that more wholesome atmosphere, so he leaves right away. It’s all good things
when the soldiers are here.

  Sometimes soldiers buy me, too. I’ve even been on some dates.

  Apparently some of the guys deployed from the capital or volunteering from the countryside left girlfriends or wives at home, so sometimes they just want a taste of that date feeling.

  Some girls get invited to the barracks for sex, but I don’t take that kind of work. Not that I haven’t been asked!

  It’s not that I don’t like their goofy college bro vibes, or that there weren’t any I found cool, but just, I don’t think it’s a good idea to sleep around so easily when it’s not for work.

  At least lately, I’ve been feeling that way.

  “Okay, who ordered the oohaa?”

  “Oh, that’s me.”

  Making drinks, chatting, imbibing, switching up seats ‘cause it’s more fun that way—the soldiers’ table keeps you busy.

  Is Mr. Bisque a dekasquad commander? At least that’s what it seemed like, like he was drinking with his subordinates. Everyone was nice and interesting. It was a good atmosphere.

  “Have you been doing this long, Haru?” Mr. Bisque asked while Shequraso was talking to a different soldier.

  “It hasn’t even been a year yet.”

  “Oh, but you seem so used to it. You must be popular, huh?”

  “No, no. I’m nothing compared to Shequraso.”

  “Your legs are so pretty. You’re cute, you know.”

  He touched my thigh.

  Shequraso hasn’t noticed.

  “What? Nah, that’s not true. Oh, does anyone need a refill?”

  I casually stood up and moved. Wow, that was a surprise. So he’s that kind of guy.

  You didn’t see, right, Shequraso?

  “I heard the hectosquad commander who’s coming is pretty scary.”

  “Oh, how he caused that uproar at Central? But I guess he’s related to a minister or something?”

  “I heard he’s sent guys to the hospital just because he didn’t like them. And that he forced himself on some noble’s daughter out in the country.”

  “That’s nuts.”

  “If he’s being sent to this front, they’re probably just getting rid of him ‘cause he causes problems. Are we screwed?”

  “Commander Bisque won’t let him have his way, will you, Commander?”

  Mr. Bisque’s expression stiffened up for a second, but then he grinned. “Sure, I’ll protect you guys. Never fear.”

  “Ahh, you’re so cool!”

  “Yeah, protect me!”

  This sports team-like world of the soldiers seems to include all types. Well, I’m part-way through my first year as a working person and have seen a lot of different ways to live. None of them are easy.

  “Hey, I might want to go up to your room, Haru.”

  A young soldier with fluffy hair propositioned me. My talking time was just about up.

  “Oh? Sounds good. Let’s go.”

  “Hold up. I want Haru!”

  A short-haired soldier cut in. Times like this, the girl goes to the one who puts up more cash, but they’re friends and all, so I decided I would do them both. “Who wants to go first?”

  “I asked first.”

  “But I’m older than you!”

  “Aw man, you’re right.”

  So the soldier with the cropped hair bought me. I like how easy-going they are.

  When we got to my room, he suddenly took me in his arms and kissed me. Kisses are 15 rubers. The girls get to set their own price for that.

  “The girl from last time was only 10.”

  “Sorry, I’m expensive. But lots of people tell me I’m worth it.”

  “Oh, is that how it is? Well, fine. Here’s your 15 rubers.”

  He kept kissing me and then pushed me down on the bed. He fondled my breasts through my clothes and undressed me bit by bit. It was the typical way young guys had sex. Soldiers are nice.

  I licked his chest. His nipples stood right up. He had big, broad shoulders, too—a tasty body.

  “You must work out a lot.”

  “Yeah. I do push-ups and stuff every day.”

  “To look good?”

  “Of course.”

  He laughed and said he had the best body in the squad. I thought he was kinda cute.

  “Ahn, ah...”

  He got on top of me with his stacked body, and inserted his rock-hard cock.

  I put my arms around his neck and wrapped my legs around his waist. Statistically speaking, guys with nice bodies like it when girls cling to them like this. That’s firsthand research, ’natch.

  “Haru, you’re so good. Ngh,” he panted.

  “It’s good for me, too. Amazing. Feels so good!”

  He thrust his hips, almost like he was doing push-ups, for quite a while, like Wow, he’s strong. Then, after enjoying me enough, Mr. Short Hair ejaculated and went back downstairs.

  After I took a shower, I went back to the pub, too.

  “Haru, did you make sure to clean up right? It would suck if any of him was left over, seriously.”

  “Dude, shaddup.”

  Apparently the fluffy-haired guy had waited for me, so he bought me right away, getting knuckled by Short Hair.

  I took him upstairs and undressed him. He wasn’t as muscly as Short Hair, but still pretty fit. Ottermode.

  The best thing about the soldiers is that they’re all a bunch of snacks.

  “Ahh...oh man, you’re really good at this...”

  I went down on him, and Fluffy Hair pet my head in a trance.

  His long, thin cock had a cool bend to it.

  “Hey, I want to do you, too. I like it. That’s okay, right?”

  Is that why he wanted me to wash up well? I spread my legs up on the bed. Fluffy Hair moved his face in close and said, “Such a pretty color,” and kissed me.


  Shit, I moaned for real. I hadn’t been licked down there in seriously forever, and he even knew what he was doing—like, his soft tongue got me all sticky and buzzing.

  He spread my opening with his tongue. Then he smeared the wetness with a quick motion, and I moaned again.


  Dang, he’s really good. I dunno if anyone ever got me like this just with their tongue.

  Fluffy Hair grabbed my thighs and slurped. The feeling was electric, and my back arched.

  “...Can I go from behind?”

  I nodded—”Yep”—and flipped over on all fours, spreading my legs.

  “You’re crazy tight.”

  Fluffy Hair trembled inside me. It seemed like he felt good.

  I was really happy he made me feel good, too, so now it was my turn. Showing off my butt, which had improved its reputation lately, I ground up and down his cock.

  But then he started to match me. He really knew how to use his hips.

  “I’m the best in my squad on horseback. Riding women is kind of like riding a horse, you know.”

  Are you for real?

  But I did feel like he was an expert rider. We were having perfectly in-sync sex.

  And apparently he liked the ride, because he was really nice, caressing my back, kissing my head.

  “Haru, this is so good. You’re so cute.”

  He squeezed my hands, and we had sex like lovers. I squeezed back and pushed my bottom into him. This is good. It’s been a while since I did it like this.

  “Haru, I’m gonna cum...!”

  His hot mess hit the back of my insides.

  It was a little embarrassing, but even I got off a bit.

  “I’ll buy you again next time.”


  I gave him a special freebie kiss on the cheek.

  When I took my shower and went back downstairs, there were still lots of cheerful soldiers waving me over.

  I’m gonna make a fortune tonight!


  I drank too much, so the next day my head felt a bit like dead weight. I was cleaning up around the shop when I heard a gloomy v

  “...Is Miss Haru here?”

  Ugh, it’s Kiyori.

  The pretty girl, dressed in that weird, all-white outfit as usual, stood cheerlessly outside.

  “There’s something I wanted to ask you about...”

  “Uh, umm, err, then, should we go somewhere?”

  The other girls were eating lunch on the bench outside, and I thought maybe it would be better to get out of the neighborhood, so we headed toward the area Sumo’s cafe was in.

  When I asked if she wanted to go in somewhere, she gave the standard response in this world, “I don’t want to go if it’s just us girls,” so we bought some frankfurter-like meat and sat down on some grass.

  When I went to spread a handkerchief for under my butt, Kiyori said, “If you do that your handkerchief will get dirty!” and let me sit on her cape.

  She’s feminine, and she seems like a good girl. She’s just a bit oppressive.

  Nibbling the frank with her little mouth, she looked sort of like a squirrel. She wouldn’t even have to open her mouth for men to be attracted to her. If she went out with a guy who would develop her personality a bit more, she’d probably get cuter and more cheerful.

  I’ll be friends with her after that.

  “So what did you want to ask me about?” I asked reluctantly. I knew it had to be about Chiba.

  “It’s about Mr. Innodiator of Roaring Flames, Endless Crimson Rain: The Next Innovation...”

  “Who?” It was so convoluted that his amazing X Japan name got buried. Idiot. “You can just call him Chiba. His real name’s Chiba.”

  “Chiba...? I didn’t know that.”

  “If you call him ‘Gunma’ or ‘Ibaraki,’ he’ll say, ‘It’s Chiba,’ back at you super fast. You should try it sometime.”

  Honestly, I don’t even remember Chiba’s first name anymore. I’m pretty sure I still knew it when we got here, but now...

  I guess it’s ‘cause I’m using my brain on all the new people I have to remember... It’s not like I forgot everyone in Tokyo, but the number of people who don’t pop right into my mind seems to be going up...

  “Oh yeah, I heard you’re going out with him now. So have you been past the front lines yet?”

  Kiyori blushed. “We are dating.” She nodded. “Although he hasn’t taken me past the front lines yet. I thought maybe I should get your permission...”

  “I told you before—it’s got nothing to do with me!”


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