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JK Haru is a Sex Worker in Another World

Page 11

by Ko Hiratori

“But Mr. Chiba seems to think differently.”

  “He’s the kind of guy who doesn’t understand other people’s feelings. He’s just convinced he’s popular with girls and doesn’t really think very hard about how you or I feel. It’s like he only thinks about himself.”

  Well, I’m probably pretty similar sometimes, but still.

  But one thing I’ve learned since starting this job and not being able to use my phone anymore is that having no way to communicate besides face-to-face is really inconvenient. It makes you think.

  You have to look at the person’s face, ask right away if you don’t understand something, make your opinion heard, correct yourself or change the direction of the conversation if you’re wrong—and you have to get it all done in one shot, so unless you’re really using your head, a conversation just can’t happen.

  You feel like every meeting is a miracle, and if you want to complain or get comforted by someone later, it’s not so easy. If you have regrets or something, you have to reflect on them all by yourself. If I don’t put in that much work, I can’t get along with these people, because I have no common sense in this world. But thanks to all the effort, I’m starting to feel more confident about my ability to survive here.

  Chiba’s using his cheat skills and living a different lifestyle than most, so he’s probably still that high-schooler from Tokyo.

  “...I think I understand what you mean. Even when I tell him what I want, I feel he misunderstands a lot,” said Kiyori.

  These guys probably aren’t going to last very long as a couple.

  “Wasn’t the whole reason you started talking to Chiba that you wanted to go adventuring in the forest? Why haven’t you gone yet? Shouldn’t you bring that up ASAP?”

  “Well...I asked him, but he says he only does hunting where he doesn’t take any damage. He says there’s no work for a healer to do, so I’m still serving at the hospital.”

  That sounds like something Chiba would say.

  Since he gains experience points at 16x the normal rate, he can level up even on weak monsters.

  So there’s no point in going purposely into danger. He doesn’t want to get hurt. And even more than that, he doesn’t want anyone finding out about his cheat skills, so he probably doesn’t want her to see him racking up the XP like it’s nothing. How can he say shit like, I’m gonna be the strongest when he’s like that?

  “So there’s no reason for you to be going out with him, then, right?”

  Kiyori said she reached out to him because she wanted to challenge herself.

  Even if she was a fan of his, her discontent is only going to grow.

  “Honestly, part of me is disappointed. But I don’t know very much about men, and it’s true that his strength attracts me, so I’d like to do what I can to keep this connection.”

  “Hmm. Well, he’s your first one, right? You might feel like he’s important, but that doesn’t mean you have to be stuck with him.”

  “Y-You’re pretty candid, Miss Haru. M-My first... It’s true that I’ve never gone out with a man before, but how did you know...?”

  “Chiba told me, of course. He’s the type of blabs about stuff like that to other girls. You might want to be careful.”

  Kiyori turned so red I felt bad for her.

  Maybe I said too much.

  But I felt like she’d been seeing him without really understanding the type of guy he was, so of course I would want to say something.

  “Frankly, he probably makes all kinds of obnoxious sexual demands, too, right? That’s what you’re here to talk to me about, isn’t it?”

  Apparently I hit the bull’s-eye. She clenched her frankfurter and hung her head.

  Man, I feel bad for her. I didn’t really get the church or the Sister thing, but it seemed like she’d been pretty sheltered from all of this.

  “Mr. Chiba seems dissatisfied with me. He’s always saying, ‘This is how Haru did it.’”

  Ugh, he’s the worst.

  He has no idea how much a thing like that can grind down a girl’s self-esteem. Even if he’s just unaware, it’s too cruel.

  Well, I guess I should lecture him, as someone he knows from the other world.

  But Kiyori’s too insecure, too.

  I thought she had started chatting with Chiba because she knew how cute she was, but apparently for her it was really an act of courage. She’s lived in such a small world.

  I guess she just has to consider her first guy bad luck and work on upping her pride and her skill at picking guys. Yeah. This kind of thing comes down to feelings and experience.

  “I know I’m probably being a nuisance, Miss Haru, but my feelings for Mr. Chiba haven’t changed, and I want to do the work to improve myself as much as I can. I’ll figure out a way to thank you, s-so could you please teach me?”

  “You don’t have to worry about thanking me. This is one of those times where it’s inconvenient to not have the net.”

  “A net...?

  “Never mind. Ready? I’m going to start, so watch and copy me.”

  I figured something like this would happen, hence the wieners.


  When I went downstairs after sex with Sumo for the first time in a while, the pub was hopping.

  I figured it must be the soldiers, and it was Mr. Bisque’s squad with a man I didn’t recognize.

  “Haru, over here.”

  Fluffy Hair from the other day waved 20 rubers.

  “Coming!” I said, grabbing their drinks. When I got to the table, the man was glaring at me with a crabby face.

  “Is this place all country bumpkin girls or what? Do you guys really have fun drinking in this dump?”

  The other soldiers put on placating smiles.

  This guy had a mustache that screamed “military man,” and there were weird medals pinned to his chest.

  Oh, is this the guy they were talking about last time? The hectosquad commander from the capital?

  Well excuse me for being such a bumpkin. I dunno what counts as hip in this world. And anyhow, I’m sure in your world even the capital is stuck in the ancient times with horses in the streets. Go step in some shit, asshole.

  “My, you’re quite the dandy, sir. Are you newly stationed here?”

  Even though I was thinking about horseshit, I could still put on a smile. Don’t underestimate my sales talk.

  The hectosquad commander just hmph’d at me and stroked his mustache. Mr. Bisque explained in his place, “This is Commander Buffness. He’s just been assigned to our hectosquad.”

  “Well, I guess you can’t be picky about where you drink out in the sticks. Hey, you. I’ll pay. Give this man his money back.”

  He took the 20 rubers Fluffy Hair gave me and put 500 on the table.

  “If there are other girls you want, call them over. Drink your fill.”

  Then he furnished his men with women. The soldiers got so happy it was smarmy, and they named the girls they wanted.

  The Buffness guy’s face had an oddly huge cross-shaped scar on it. His eyes were so dark you couldn’t tell what he was looking at.

  “Lady. You don’t need to flatter me. If you have time to do that, make my men happy.”

  Mr. Bisque sitting next to him nodded and said, “Our hectosquad commander is so nice.” His smile seemed fine at first, but then I noticed that it actually looked fake, like a sticker he’d plastered on.

  “And don’t talk back in bed. Let them do whatever they want.”

  This guy scared me.

  He was the kind who just used people up. He’d grind them down and make them his property.

  “Of course!”

  But I still smiled. I’m a pro, so I smiled.

  The hectosquad commander twisted his mouth into a sneer. I’ve never seen such a sinister smile in my whole life.

  Endless Rain (Not Chiba)

  Hectosquad Commander Buffness brought his subordinates around for drinks often after that.

  And the soldiers changed
more and more each time. They had more wounds on their bodies and complained about the harsh training.

  But every one of them said, “Hectosquad Commander Buffness is a wonderful person. He’s easy to misunderstand, but he’s putting serious thought into how we can get stronger.”

  The sex changed, too. They used to be more polite, but soon they were rough like any old dude off the street and treated sex workers like tools to satisfy their sexual appetites.

  “Men exist to fight.”

  I stopped caring about flashy stuff like the beauty of their muscles or the softness of their hair.

  Rather than enjoy chatting with the girls, they crowded around the hectosquad commander with shining faces, as if they didn’t want to miss a single word.

  And then between drinks, they got permission from their commander and slept with girls.

  They fucked us so casually, like they were going for a bathroom break.

  “Women are...cum dumpsters...ngh!”

  A man with a sandpapery shaved head, who was once Fluffy Hair, violently ejaculated into me.


  “They’ve gotten a bit too savage lately. How about your boyfriend, Shequraso? Is sex with him shitty now?”

  We were outside on the bench before the shop opened, and I was full of complaints. Shequraso just sighed and said nothing. Before, she would have bragged about how many times they did it.

  When Lupe and I peered at her face from either side, she hugged her knees and said, “It’s nothing.”

  “Doesn’t seem like you’ve done it lately.”

  “You probably aren’t getting enough of that sweet, sweet protein.”

  “Shut up. Who cares? I wasn’t serious about him, anyway. How could I be?”

  “Huh? You broke up?”

  “Well, it’s not like he said anything like that... But he doesn’t invite me out anymore. And even when he comes to the shop, he doesn’t ask for me anymore.”

  “Couldn’t you go to him? He even introduced you to his men.”

  “Mm, that would be kinda...I dunno... How to put it...? It’s kinda hard to go if I’m not invited. You understand, right?”

  “But you’re dating!”

  “I can’t. But it’s fine. I knew it would end quickly, so I wasn’t taking it seriously from the beginning.”

  Not taking it seriously? I don’t buy it.

  But our position is so weak. I mean, we’re sleeping with different guys every night.

  So even if you want attention, you can’t say anything so selfish as that. You aren’t even sure if you’re an item. You give yourself insurance, like, It won’t last, anyhow, but all you can do is hold on to a faint hope along with your knees—But you never know.

  That’s a prostitute’s love.

  “Guess it’s almost winter...” Shequraso curled her shapely lips into a frown and sighed again, tugging and twirling her heavily accessorized orange bangs. “Guess it’ll be another winter alone...”

  Lupe and I could only sit there in silence.

  “Want to make hot pot together sometime?”

  “Nice. I can’t cook, so I’ll just eat, but it sounds fun.”

  “Shequraso, you should really learn how to do something besides sing.”

  “Just eating is fine.”

  “Okay, then it’s settled: We’re having a hot pot party!”



  Well, since big groups kept showing up, the hectosquad commander was a plus for the shop, and Madam told us to make sure we were serving the customers with respect, so we were still getting along okay with the soldiers.

  Just, they’d been cultivated into such an army you wondered where the hell they came from.

  “Hey, you!”


  A short-haired soldier grabbed Lupe’s fluffy pink hair.

  I stood up in a panic, but Mr. Bisque clamped a hand on my shoulder and pulled me back down.

  Lupe had been in the middle of pouring a drink for Commander Buffness. Apparently she spilled a bit on his pants. (I’m sure it was because one of the soldiers horsing around bumped into her.)

  “What an affront to our hectosquad commander! Apologize immediately!”

  How could she apologize, or do anything else, when she was suddenly getting her hair pulled so roughly? Still, she bowed and said, “I’m sorry.”

  The commander was sipping a drink like the scene had nothing to do with him, completing ignoring his wet thigh.

  “I’ll clean it up right away...”



  “Did you think a bow would be enough to pay for what you did to the commander? A woman should perform womanly service as an apology!”

  He kicked the back of her knees and forced her to kneel at the hectosquad commander’s feet.

  His wet thigh was right in front of her. The soldiers’ vulgar stares gathered on Lupe.

  “Oh, if that’s what you want, then leave it to me!” I had experience with that kind of thing, getting called a cat or a dog or whatever, and that time the atmosphere was even more messed up, so I could totally handle this.

  But when I tried to stand up, another soldier punched me in the stomach. What the fuck. Violence is fucked up.

  Lupe made eye contact that said, I’m all right. Let me handle it.

  She stretched out her cute, pink tongue and lapped at the commander’s thigh.

  The commander, for his part, continued to look as if he had nothing to do with any of it, sipping his drink and ignoring her. Then he remembered something and laughed. “I should have brought that goblinork’s head. It would have been amusing to have her lick that!”

  “Ha-ha-ha-ha! That’s hilarious!”

  “Thanks to you, they’re practically wiped out, huh, sir?”

  “I’ll make sure to get 14 next time!”

  “You said it, ha-ha-ha-ha!”

  Lupe kept working her tongue like a puppy.

  The soldiers seemed to forget they were making her do something so humiliating and laughed at their pointless jokes.

  What the hell. This is abuse. I was so mad, but I couldn’t do anything, so I just bit my lip.

  Lupe... I see you. You’re so sexy. That’s some nice tongue work.

  Eventually, the hectosquad command shifted his hips and undid his fly.

  He flopped out his big cock. Even the soldiers were surprised for a second, and the whole atmosphere paused.

  “...Sure am lookin’ forward to the next expedition.”

  “Yeah. Our squad will get the most heads again!”

  But they changed the subject and averted their eyes right away.

  Not only that, but they shifted their seats around to hide what was happening from the staff and other customers.

  “If you wanna do that sort of thing, you can pay money and go ups—” I was pissed, but when I tried to say something, Mr. Bisque pressed down on my thigh and put 200 rubers on the table.

  Lupe glanced at me with a look in her eyes that said, I’m fine, and stretched her tongue out.

  “Nnn,” lum, lum, smooch.

  Lupe licked the hectosquad commander’s hectocock, making all kinds of dirty noises.

  She tangled her tongue around him all gooey. Amazing as usual, Lupe. I’m taking hella notes. You’re doing great.

  “Ah, I wanna go slaughter some demons ASAP!”

  “Don’t get turned on about it, ha-ha!’

  But these guys are the worst. I had actually kind of liked them, the bastards.

  “Commander Bisque,” the hectosquad commander said, with Lupe still sucking him off. “I heard you’re keeping one of the girls here?”

  His eyes were black and expressionless. His pupils were so dark they looked like they were painted on with ink.

  “Yes. I don’t see her here today, though,” Mr. Bisque smiled faintly—another one of those fake ones, just plastered on—and answered without looking at Shequraso, who was singing up on stage.

  “Hm, I see.”

  Commander Buffness leaned back in his chair, stroking his mustache; Lupe was still on her knees.

  “You can bring her over to the barracks sometime, if you want.”

  For a split-second, Mr. Bisque’s smile nearly crumbled.

  But I only noticed it because I was so close to him, and almost immediately he had a slight, innocent grin on.

  “Sure, I’d love to introduce her to you.”

  Mr. Bisque kept stroking my thigh and chatting with the other soldiers, even after that, while Lupe was still giving the hectosquad commander head.

  What the heck is going on? These guys are having such cruel conversations. And I don’t want to be touched.

  After the 30 minutes are over, I’ll get up right away and save Lupe.


  Just as I thought that, the commander grabbed her hair and jerked her head up.

  He stared at her up-close, face-to-face, and even though the very sight of him was gross enough to give you goosebumps, Lupe put on her customer-facing lusty face and licked her lip.

  The hectosquad commander wrinkled his mouth into a smile. “Heh.”

  “Someone can go sleep with this woman.”

  “Oh! Yes, sir, then I will.”

  The man next to the commander watching longingly as she fellated him happily took her away.

  Should I be relieved or not? With Lupe gone I felt a bit nervous.

  I had forgotten, but Mr. Bisque had been stroking my thigh the whole time, and I realized he was fingering my underwear.

  “Hey, please don’t do that!”

  Without thinking I loudly denied him.

  I was so annoyed by so many things that I did something you were never supposed to do with a customer.

  And to a soldier.

  “Hey, you. What kind of tone is that to take with a dekasquad commander?”

  Short Hair balled up a fist and stood. Mr. Bisque seemed to have lost interest in me and sat with his legs crossed, drinking.

  It was the army’s way to have subordinates mete out punishment for offenses against their superiors. The way this guy was now, he would definitely hit a girl. I clamped my eyes shut and tensed my whole body...

  Just then, rain started pounding on the windows.

  The sudden downpour even came with thunder, startling the band so much they stopped playing, and the shop grew quiet.


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