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JK Haru is a Sex Worker in Another World

Page 12

by Ko Hiratori

  That’s when the door opened and a single customer came in.

  The silver-haired man.

  Naturally, he didn’t pay any attention to all the eyes on him. He walked at his own pace straight over to the window seat that was open as if waiting for him. His heavy steps rang out and his wet coat dragged over the floor.

  For some reason, when he reached his seat, the sound of the rain receded a little. In a low voice like the growl of a wolf, he made his usual order. “Raz wine.”

  As the whole shop was dumbstruck by the silver-haired man’s cool, ultra-sophisticated vibes, the hectosquad commander murmured, “...My horse is going to get wet.”

  The soldiers all leaped to their feet and ran out the door.

  Mr. Bisque rose a moment later. He didn’t look at me or Shequraso before leaving.

  Finally, the hectosquad commander glared at the silver-haired man, then me, and said, “I’ll be back,” as he left.

  Don’t bother.

  “Did he do something to you?” Shequraso approached in concern.

  I smiled and said, “It was nothing,” then asked some of the other girls to clean up the table. I went over to the silver-haired man.


  I knew he didn’t have the slightest intention of saving me or making a point or whatever. And I knew it was only a coincidence that he really did always bring the rain with him. And I knew I shouldn’t bother a customer who just wanted to have a drink.

  “Thank you.” I bowed.

  The man didn’t seem surprised, but asked, “For what?”

  I just wanted to thank you, that’s all.

  When I told him that, he said, “I see,” and sipped his drink.

  “...Sorry to bother youuu.”

  I pinched the edge of my skirt and curtsied.

  Ah, how embarrassing. What a mortifying thing to do.

  I’m so stupid.


  But as I was about to scuttle away with my bright-red face, he stopped me.

  Is there something else you need? I’d rather you didn’t corner me at the moment.

  But he had put that which is beloved by all sex workers—rubers—on the table.

  Twenty rubers. The price to chat with me.

  “While you’re at it, give me another 30 minutes of your goofy stories.”

  You bastard. You damned sadist.

  Fine! If you want to humiliate me even more, let’s do it. I suppressed a giddy grin as I sat down, took a breath, and looked up.

  “So, hot pot. Guys say it’s an easy dish because all you have to do is toss the ingredients in the pot, but actually the diversity of world views that can be expressed through a single pot are practically infinite. Above all is the darkness of the style I’m going to unleash on my friends at the shop: dark hot pot. It’s this prank that basically involves sidling up to death—”

  Thirty minutes isn’t enough time for me to run out of goofy stories! the momentum with which I chattered on.

  “—and like, who sticks chocolate-covered potato chips into fishcake? Right? But the thing is, they go together better and better the longer they simmer. My big sister sometimes works miracles like that—she’s a dark hot pot angel—”

  “What are ‘chocolate-covered potato chips’?”

  “Sorry, could you say ‘chocolate-covered potato chips’ in that sophisticated voice of yours one more time?”

  “Chocolate, -covered, potato, chips.”

  “Ahh, that’s great. That’s the best.”

  I wish I were a chip.

  “You really are a weird one,” he said admiringly, still with a blank expression, as he set down his already empty glass. “Whenever I listen to you, I hear unfamiliar words and sounds. They’re not foreign words, yet neither are they new words. They come very naturally to you, as if the ones you’re accustomed to are just coming out as they are.” He narrowed his hawk-like eyes. “And you’re used to glossing over them.”

  Did I get ahead of myself and say too much? As I was wondering how I would evade the situation, the man causally spoke again.

  “Were you summoned from another world?”

  He tapped his empty glass and ordered a refill from another girl with a practiced motion.

  He looked at my face, which had probably gone pale, and then shifted his gaze to outside with a tired-sounding sigh.

  “...God just doesn’t know when to give up.”

  I remembered that easy-going god. He seemed like a real idiot. So of course he didn’t bring just Chiba and me.

  And of course he didn’t tell us how many others there were.

  “You too?” I managed to choke out, thinking how handsome his silver hair was as it started to dry, falling across his forehead in clumps.

  Thinking it would be great if us meeting in this world was fate.

  “No. I was born in this world. I’ve just met humans from other ones before.”

  I was a little disappointed. Fate, you gotta work in my favor once in a while!

  No, more importantly...

  “So there were others?”

  “Yeah. There were. The ones I knew all died, though.”

  He brought his cup to his lips as indifferently as always. The word “death” suited him so well it kinda creeped me out.

  Maybe he has a close relationship with God?

  “I want to know more about you.”

  My time was almost up.

  How could I have used up 30 minutes talking about something as boring as dark hot pot? I’m an idiot.

  I wanted to get to know him better. I shouldn’t have wasted so much as a second.

  “Eighty rubers. Please pay them. I’ll definitely pay you back.”

  That was the most I could promise in the shop. As for the rest I just needed him to trust me.

  “What happens if I pay it?” he asked, watching my face closely.

  For a second, I didn’t know what I was being asked and just blanked.


  “I take you upstairs to my room...”

  “So we’ll talk in your room?”

  “...Uh, no?”

  Are you serious? I thought, but said in a low voice, “We have sex.”

  I don’t think I had ever seen an expression quite like that before. He raised his eyebrows a bit. He must have been surprised.

  “So this is that kind of place?”

  You didn’t know? Come on.


  “So you came all the way from another world...”

  The man seemed completely uninterested in my room despite entering it for the first time, and just looked down at me.

  “Why are you doing this sort of job?”

  It’s not as if I’m satisfied either, but I would think someone from this world would understand.

  “To make a living.”

  Maybe he finally remembered to take some interest in a woman’s room—he scanned the drab scenery and said, “I see. Must be tough for women to get by in another world.”

  That’s exactly right. As I was nodding in agreement, he put a hand on my chin.

  “You’re still a child, yet you have to work in this business?”

  Never mind being treated like a kid—the touch of his big, warm, craggy hand really knocked my socks off for the first time in a while.

  In my head a bell was binging and bonging like I’d won the grand prize. My eyes grew moist and my face was so hot. My hips felt unsteady, and I ended up on tiptoe.

  “...A JK isn’t a child...”

  It’s more like being in heat. It’s when we wanna do it the most. It’s the age we want an older guy to sweep us off our feet. I’m such a high-school girl.

  “What’s a ‘jay-kay’?”

  My face must have been so red. He spoke dispassionately like he was looking at a baby monkey, even though I was already this worked up from just the thought that I was monopolizing his eyes at that moment.

  “...It’s when we wanna do it the mos

  Well, more like get it done to us, and my pussy was so juicy wet it seemed busted, and I was beginning to worry my autonomic nervous system was screwed from working so many night shifts.

  I think I’m done for. This guy’s pretty much got me. At some point, he’d stolen my heart.

  He looked down at my shaking knees and observed me with no emotion.

  “I’ve met a lot of other-worlders...”

  Being looked at from head to toe with my clothes on was more embarrassing than undressing. His eyes aroused me more than any penis.

  “...but you’re the first who ever wanted me to have sex with them.”

  Let’s just do it, already.

  I couldn’t wait anymore, so I got him out of his coat. Then I took off his shirt, too, and took the liberty of kissing his sturdy pecs. He had a body like a statue.

  If you bring the rain wherever you go, then where do you work out? I’m gonna rain kisses on you.

  My face was burning up, and my breath was rough. I was confident I was making a mega-thirsty face.

  So it pissed me off that he had the same chill expression as ever, and I pushed him down on the bed.

  At least he had a proper bulge in the front of his pants. I was so happy I rubbed my cheek on it. It was rock-hard. I was so stoked.

  I undid his fly and pulled it out.


  His thing was so nice it inspired admiration in Italian.

  “You’ cool.”

  That’s not what you say when you see someone’s cock, but seriously, every little thing about him was so cool, all I could do was compliment him.

  He pushed his hair back and looked at me. He let me do what I liked.

  I gently touched the base. It was so hard and hot it seemed like a teenager’s. Just imagining doing that with this in there was overwhelming. Maybe I can’t. I might be incapable.

  But I’ll lick it. I used my tongue to tease all the way from his unexpectedly cute balls to the tip of his dignified elderly tree-like trunk.

  Lupe did this thing before where she flicked her tongue from side to side as she went up. Don’t mind if I copy that.

  “Mm.” Schmack, slurp.

  I made his cock’s veins twitch and sent my sticky tongue all over, feeling his heat.

  It had this crazy bend to it, and the tip was like candy apple-level gorgeous and hard. I swear, if I’d had a smartphone, I would have taken a selfie with it. It would have been my LINE icon.

  When I put it in my mouth, the very presence of the thing was so overpowering, I drooled a ton.

  “Nnk, nn,”—schlurp—“nn, nn.”

  I felt like I wanted to keep sucking on him forever, but also like before too long I wouldn’t be able to take it anymore. Like, I was so horny I felt kind of sick.

  I took my dress off over my head and went up on his thighs.

  I think it was obvious how wet my pussy was. My nipples were super hard, too. Maybe I’m already pregnant.

  “Mister, can I, uh, put it in...?”

  I was so spaced-out. I’m not even sure how I was staying upright.


  Trembling at his mature voice, I dropped my hips all at once.


  A voice that didn’t even seem like mine came out. It sounded super dirty.

  But I couldn’t hold it back.

  His cock filled me up all the way. My butt started moving on its own.

  “Ah, ah, M...Mister...ahn!”

  Just grinding so hard.

  This was the kind that makes your whole body tingle. That thing that happens when you’re having sex with the guy you like the most.

  My hips moved by instinct. I looked at his face as I pumped in a trance.

  “Ahhh, ahh, ah, it’s so good... This—you’re amazing, Mister! You’re so good!”

  He supported my back with his big hands.

  Just being touched made me so happy I made a weird noise.

  “Mmm, Mister, Mister!”

  I decided not to hold back anymore and just cling to him.

  Burying my face in his chest was the best.

  His hard zucchini hitting the pit of my stomach was also so amazing, it was just like, Do whatever you want.

  “Ahh! Ahh!”

  I might be going crazy. I can’t even tell what’s going on down there anymore.

  “Mister...I...I can’t anymore! I’m gonna cum!”

  I was hoping he would go with me, so I squeezed him tight and dug in my nails.

  “All right. I’ll match you,” he said in that mature voice, lightly grabbing my ass. He seemed so composed it made me wonder which one of us was the pro. I almost hated him, he was so cool.

  I had totally fallen for him—I could feel it in my uterus. A huge wave came, numbing my head and hips, and my whole body shivered.


  My back arched hard, I screamed from the bottom of my stomach, and it felt like everything below my waist melted—it was the first time I ever came like that.

  Even though my whole body was on pins and needles, I could feel his stuff come out. It made me dizzy.

  I was knocked out, so he rolled me over onto the bed. Then he briskly began to dress himself.

  I had no energy left and just kept frantically wriggling my hips, face down on the bed.


  I didn’t want it to end like this. I wanted to get off on him longer.

  “Please... Please extend. I’ll buy. It’s 80 rubers, but I’ll pay, so... Please do me again...”

  Welp, I’m disqualified as a sex worker. How pathetic.

  But I wanted him so bad. I would have hated for it to be just that one time.

  I dunno where he got it from, but he spread 80 rubers on my pillow.

  “This is how you make your living, right? Don’t sell yourself short.”

  And he took his cock, which hadn’t shrunk one bit, pushed past my ass against my opening and sunk it in all at once.


  He caught me off guard so I screamed so loud.

  “Mis...Mister, ah, ahn, Mister!”

  His sweet, hard, pounding sex had me clenching the sheets and desperately gritting my teeth.

  But I couldn’t hold back at all, and I came, tingling, over and over again.

  I was so happy he bought me, but at the same time, I didn’t want him to pay. I wanted him to fuck me for every second I could get, but at the same time, I was scared I might just perish if it went on any longer.

  My mind and body felt like they were going to break apart, and I held on to the sheets as tight as I could. Still moaning disgracefully, I just continued getting ravished.

  He was just silent on top, moving his hips for me.

  Even though I was the sex worker, I forgot all about service and just prayed out the window.

  Please don’t let the rain stop.

  In the Classroom

  “I’m fucked!”

  The Carp fan had his Carp head in his hands.

  I was next to him in a dream. Any time I thought about the crazy sex I had with the silver-haired man, I got a dopey grin on my face.

  Of course, it was only crazy for me. Tee-hee.

  “Haru, are you listening?”


  “This concerns the fate of the entire world!”

  Chiba looked kinda ill and had more pimples than usual.

  Even though in my head I was thinking, Shaddup, child, I decided to lend him an ear. And I mean, he was paying me to talk to him.

  “What’s wrong? More pennant race troubles?”

  “I have never once talked to you about baseball! No, it’s this stupid world!” Chiba jabbed his finger onto the table and said, getting upset, “There’s a fucking level cap! That bastard god never explained that!”

  “A cap? What’s that?”

  “A limit. Like how in some games you can only get to level 99. In this world, the cap is different for everyone. Mi
ne is 91, and I can’t get any higher. But to get to the more advanced B-Rank fights in the arena, I need level 100!”

  “What happened to cheating? Your cheat abilities.”

  “Like, I said, I maxed out—too low. I mean, I’m still immune to attack magic and status effects, but if the gap in levels is too big, I won’t be able to do anything. I don’t have any arcane moves or specials, either!”

  So basically, he thought he could get infinitely more powerful, but there’s a limit. And on an individual basis. Ohh? Is that so? But seriously? Is that what he’s sulking about? He was talking about how he would be the strongest man in the world, but mentally, he’s still that weirdo high-schooler.

  “That’s okay. It’s when people come to know themselves that they attain true strength. Heh-heh.”

  “What’s so funny, Haru? At this rate I’ll end up as ‘that guy who was kinda strong.’ And I can’t protect you if I don’t get stronger!”

  “Have you ever once showed up when I was in trouble?”

  I’ve been in quite a few tough situations, and I don’t recall this guy ever being there.

  For real. He took the title of most useless guy in the world a long time ago.

  “If you can’t get stronger by fighting, what about lifting weights?”

  “Agh, Haru, you just don’t get it. Sure, if I train my stats will go up a tad. But that takes time, and it’s a lot of work!”

  “Uh, sure, but that’s normal.”

  “Yeah, normal! That’s why I hate it! You know I hate stuff like intensive training and putting in effort, Haru.”

  I didn’t, but I do now. You’re the worst.

  “Ahhh, dammit. I wanted to defeat the demon lord! If you could just take this level cap taken, I could kill him!” he whined loudly up at the sky, as if he was talking to God.

  You’re one to talk, considering you had no intention of laying a finger on the demon lord. That’s so incredibly Chiba. Sigh.

  “Well, hang in there, Tochigi.”

  “It’s ‘Chiba!’”

  “The ‘tons ’o fun peninsula’?”

  “That’s the tagline for Chiba Prefecture!”

  “Oh, but time’s up. Now we say bye-bye.”

  “What, already? I mean, you’re not going to console me?”

  “You have Kiyori.”

  “Oh, her... I don’t really get it, but lately she must be busy at the hospital or something. She hasn’t been coming around.”


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