Book Read Free

Changing Places

Page 34

by Colette Caddle

  Rachel got up to make her coffee and then carried her mug back to the table. The next thread was one she’d contributed to a few times. It was about separated parents and the best way of handling access and awkward questions from the children. Reading some of the entries, Rachel realized how lucky she was. Gary was still a big part of their lives and he had done everything he could to make the transition as easy for Alex and Rachel as he could. He was currently living in a small apartment in the city and as far as Rachel knew, he wasn’t seeing anyone. How she would feel if he did get it together with That Woman or anyone else, for that matter, she didn’t know. For now she concentrated all her energies on Alex and Jamie and tried to stay positive.

  Bridie had come home as soon as Anna had phoned her and had been in the delivery room by Rachel’s side. Anna and Jill had waited outside with Gary. Rachel was happy for her husband to be there but would not agree to him being in the delivery room. That would be asking too much.

  Taking a sip of her coffee, Rachel read the latest entry.

  Hi, girls. I’ve been following this thread with interest because I’m trying to work up the courage to throw my other half out. He’s been drinking very heavily and coming home at all hours. I don’t really care any more if he’s seeing someone else, I just wish he’d stop wasting our money. The electricity bill arrived this morning and I’ve no idea how I’m going to pay it. My eldest is 11 in two weeks’ time and I haven’t even got a present yet. I’ve tried talking to him and when he’s sober he promises that he’ll change but it never happens. I don’t think I can go on like this. I suppose I do still love him but how can he love me if he’s ready to do this to me and the kids? I only work part-time and I’m not sure how I’ll manage but at least if he goes, I won’t have to worry about feeding him and supporting his drinking habit. Will I be eligible for any kind of grants? Is there anyone out there who can help me? Vi

  Rachel was full of sympathy for the girl. Another mother had replied, giving all the details about helplines and support groups that Rachel didn’t know anything about. Thankfully, she’d never had reason to. She thought for a minute before tapping in a reply.

  Vi, my heart goes out to you at this very difficult time. No one can really advise you what to do, certainly not me. I broke up with my husband nearly eight months ago and it was the best thing for us all. I had lived with a situation for a long time but finally I realized that if I didn’t take action, I would crack up. I think you just have to follow your heart: it won’t let you down. I hope this helps. You’re in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck. Al’sMum

  Rachel signed off and took up the phone to call her son. She smiled at the sound of his voice. ‘Hi, Alex, it’s Mummy,’ she said.

  ‘Mummy!’ Alex squealed. ‘You won’t believe where I was this morning!’

  ‘Where?’ Rachel sounded suitably curious.

  ‘Kidz Klub!’

  ‘And who brought you there?’ Rachel asked. The adventure playground was Alex’s favourite place to go.

  ‘Granny and Grandad. And then we went for ice-cream.’

  ‘Sounds like you’re having lots of fun. Maybe I should stay here.’

  ‘No, Mum! I do miss you, honest. Is Jamie okay? Does he miss me?’

  ‘He misses you,’ Rachel assured him, ‘but he’s fine. Are you looking forward to your weekend in EuroDisney with Daddy?’

  ‘I can’t wait, Mum, it’s going to be ace! Peter and Seán have both been there and they say it’s the best place in the world.’

  Rachel laughed. If Alex’s best mates said so, then it must be true. ‘You’ll have a wonderful time, darling. I’ll call you before you go, okay?’

  ‘Okay, Mum. Do you want to speak to Granny?’

  ‘No, darling, I have to run. Tell her that I’ll call tonight. And tell her that I got her card.’

  ‘Okay, Mum, bye.’

  ‘Bye, Alex, love you.’

  Rachel hung up, still smiling, and went to start lunch – Anna and Jill would be here in a few minutes. It was going to be a very simple meal of grilled chicken and salad. She’d planned on making a Caesar salad, but remembered that Anna was completely off anchovies, and garlic was out too as her sister turned green at even the smell. Rachel gave up trying to be adventurous and simply tossed the salad in olive oil and wine vinegar. At least she had been able to marinate the chicken pieces in a little soy sauce before grilling them so that would give the salad some flavour. She was just cutting the chicken into bite-size pieces when she heard the girls coming up the path.

  ‘He definitely fancies you,’ Jill was saying as they fell in the door laughing.

  ‘Lucky me!’ Anna put down her bag and flopped into a chair, fanning her face and smiling at her sister. ‘Hi, Rache. Apparently Juan has the hots for me.’

  ‘His glasses mist up whenever she’s around,’ Jill sniggered.

  ‘That’s gross,’ Rachel retorted. ‘He must be ninety if he’s a day.’

  ‘Just turned sixty-five,’ Jill replied.

  ‘No!’ Anna stared at her in disbelief. ‘Jeez, he must have had a bloody hard life!’

  ‘Apparently he was quite a man for the ladies in his day.’ Jill leaned across Rachel and took a piece of chicken.

  ‘How’s the babs?’ Anna asked.

  ‘Sleeping peacefully.’

  ‘He’s a wonderful little fella, isn’t he?’ Anna patted her own tummy. ‘I hope this little one is half as well-behaved as its cousin.’

  ‘Are you feeling up to some lunch?’ Rachel asked.

  Anna made a face. ‘Not really, but I suppose I’d better have something. Liam has me driven mad. Every night when he calls, he makes me run through what I’ve eaten for the day.’

  ‘Ah, I think that’s nice,’ Jill laughed. ‘How’s life as a Factory Manager?’

  ‘It seems to be going very well although he’s working long hours. He says he wants to put in the time now so that he’ll be able to take a few weeks when the baby comes.’

  ‘That’s good, you’re going to need him then,’ Rachel told her. ‘Trust me, you’ll need everyone then. By the way, girls, the post arrived.’ She nodded towards the card on the table.

  ‘A postcard?’ Anna asked.

  Jill picked it up and turned it over. There was a large, gaudy green shamrock on the front. ‘It’s from your mam!’

  ‘Oh, she’s a gas woman, isn’t she?’ Anna said. ‘Read it out, Jill.’

  My darling girls, This makes a nice change, doesn’t it? You’re off gadding about in Spain and I’m back in Dublin. As we’re still waiting to get a card from you (hint-hint) I thought you’d like one from the Emerald Isle (I picked a nice sentimental one just for you, Jill.). Hope you’re enjoying yourselves and that my beloved Jamie is sleeping like the little angel that he is. Alex is fine, Rachel, and I’m going to miss him when it’s time for us to go back. But that’s weeks away yet, and I intend to enjoy myself until then. Have a wonderful time together, girls, you deserve it. Dad sends his love and the picture below is of the three of you by the pool, courtesy of Alex. Love now and always, Mam (PS, I hope you’re keeping my lovely little home clean!!)

  ‘Great little artist, your son,’ Jill said, admiring the three stick figures beside the blue blob.

  ‘Leave it to her to send us a postcard from Ireland,’ Anna chuckled.

  ‘It’s so strange being here and them being back there, isn’t it?’ Rachel said as she served up their lunch. ‘I’m so glad they decided to settle in Benalmadena. They seem really happy and it’s great that Jill is near enough to keep an eye on them.’

  ‘I think they keep an eye on me more than I keep an eye on them,’ Jill replied.

  ‘This is lovely,’ Anna told her sister, as she tucked into her salad. ‘By the way, did I tell you Mark called earlier?’

  Rachel paused, the fork halfway to her mouth. ‘No.’

  ‘He was asking about you.’

  Jill looked over at her cousin. ‘So, Rachel, are you going to do it? Are you
going to take the job in Donnelly’s Real Estate?’

  Rachel glanced at her sister. ‘Well, if there really is a job there . . .’

  Anna rolled her eyes. ‘Rachel, Mark doesn’t hire people out of the goodness of his heart! He’s agreed that I can work half days and that he’ll take someone on to job share.’

  ‘But does he realize that I don’t know anything about real estate?’

  Jill laughed as she opened a bottle of wine. ‘Every woman knows something about real estate – mainly what she’d like and what she can actually afford!’

  ‘Mark isn’t looking for experience,’ Anna reminded her sister. ‘That would cost too much money and you know what a skinflint he is.’

  ‘So?’ Jill prompted Rachel as she munched thoughtfully on a piece of bread.

  ‘Well, as long as Jamie settles into the crèche okay, then yes, I’ll take the job.’

  Anna beamed at her sister. ‘Oh that’s wonderful, Rache! The first thing we must do is buy you that sexy business suit you’ve always wanted.’

  ‘God, don’t do that,’ Jill warned her. ‘Mark will be all over you like a rash.’

  Anna laughed. ‘You know, this calls for a celebration. Let’s go out tonight.’

  Jill nodded. ‘Fine by me. I’m not on duty again until lunchtime tomorrow.’

  ‘But what about Jamie?’ Rachel asked.

  ‘Andy will mind him,’ Jill told her. ‘You’ve seen them together – he’s a natural.’

  Anna shook her head as Jill offered her some wine. ‘Who’d have thought it, eh? I can’t believe you two are still together.’

  ‘Neither can I, sometimes,’ Jill admitted. ‘It’s the longest I’ve ever been with a guy. Of course, my mother thinks I’m mad buying Kitty out and going into partnership with Andy but hey, I’ve got to take a chance sometime.’

  ‘Pat’s only upset because she’d prefer you two to get married first,’ Anna pointed out.

  Jill laughed. ‘True, but I’m not rushing into that one.’ She looked across at Rachel who was gazing out at the coastline, lost in thought. ‘Are you okay, Rache?’

  ‘Yeah, fine. I’m just trying to get my head around the idea of being a part of the workforce again.’

  ‘How do you think Gary will feel about you working?’

  ‘What’s it got to do with him?’ Anna retorted. ‘What Rache does with her life is none of his business any more.’

  ‘It’s okay, Anna,’ Rachel said, although she was touched by her sister’s protectiveness. ‘Gary is very happy for me. You know, we’re getting on better now than we have in years.’

  ‘So are you getting back together again?’ Anna asked, wide-eyed.

  ‘Lord, no!’ Rachel was vehement. ‘Not a chance.’

  ‘Is he still seeing Her?’ Anna asked.

  ‘I don’t think so.’ Rachel looked from her sister to her cousin. ‘Did I tell you I went to see her?’

  ‘No!’ Anna stared at her. ‘What did you say to her?’

  ‘Oh, nothing. I had no intention of actually saying anything, I just wanted to see what she looked like.’ Rachel laughed wryly. ‘You’d want to have seen me creeping around the shop – it’s a wonder I wasn’t done for shoplifting.’

  ‘So, what is she like?’ Jill prompted.

  Rachel grinned. ‘At least a size bigger than me! She looks quite normal and very conservatively dressed.’

  ‘Well, she does work in a bookshop,’ Jill pointed out.

  ‘Is she pretty?’ Anna asked.

  ‘Not particularly. She’s not the sort of person you’d really notice – although Gary obviously did.’

  ‘Gary’s a bit like that himself,’ Anna said.

  ‘Anna!’ Jill shook her head at her cousin’s lack of tact.

  ‘Oh, you know what I mean, Rache,’ Anna appealed to her sister. ‘We couldn’t believe it when you took up with him after Eric – talk about opposites.’

  Rachel sighed. ‘Oh Eric – I haven’t thought about him in years. I wonder what would have happened if we’d stayed together.’

  ‘You wouldn’t have Alex and Jamie,’ Jill said gently.

  ‘True, and whatever would I do without them?’ Rachel sat back and sipped her wine. ‘Gosh, it’s nice to be able to drink again.’

  ‘Rub it in, why don’t you,’ Anna complained. ‘I have got to teach Liam how to make some of those marvellous cocktails Juan has been giving me. They’re delicious.’

  Jill winked at Rachel. ‘Told you he fancied you. Maybe he’ll decide to follow you back to Dublin.’

  Anna shuddered. ‘That’s not remotely funny. Oh, I can’t wait to see Liam again, although I will miss you, Jill.’

  ‘Remember, I’ll be back the week after next for Dad’s birthday.’

  ‘Of course – I’d forgotten about that. You know, that’s probably going to be the last chance we get to let our hair down for quite some time. It’s going to be a very busy year for all of us.’

  ‘I don’t mind it being busy,’ Rachel said, ‘but I could do without the drama we had last year.’

  ‘Amen to that,’ her sister agreed.

  Jill held up a hand. ‘I’d like to say something to you both and this seems as good a time as any.’

  ‘Uh-oh, she’s off.’ Anna rolled her eyes and Rachel kicked her. ‘Ouch, that hurt!’

  Jill made a face at her. ‘I want to say something serious before I drink any more of this stuff, so no more interruptions, if you please. As Rachel said, there have been many changes in each of our lives in the last year. Some heartache, many hard knocks but, thankfully, much happiness too, not least because of that wonderful little bundle in there.’ She nodded towards the bedroom.

  Rachel and Anna smiled at each other.

  ‘Regardless,’ Jill continued, ‘we have come through it all and out the other side, and we’ve done it together. I am proud of you two – hell, I’m even proud of me! So I’d like to propose a toast, dear cousins. To the three of us and survival. All for one –’

  ‘– and one for all!’ Anna and Rachel chorused.

  ‘I have something to say too,’ Anna said, smiling at her sister. ‘Here’s to Rachel joining the workforce.’

  Rachel clinked her glass against Anna’s. ‘And here’s to you becoming a mother!’

  Jill looked at her two best friends and smiled. ‘To you both – changing places!’

  Colette Caddle

  Always on My Mind

  Old flames, new temptations . . .

  With only weeks to go until her Dublin wedding, Molly Jackson is happily anticipating married life with Declan. She has everything she ever wanted: her perfect job, as an agony aunt for only magazine Teenage Kix; Declan, the love of her life; and, in Belle, Oliver, Rory and Laura, a loving and warm, if slightly eccentric family.

  Then Declan drops his bombshell: he has to go abroad, on business. The wedding must be postponed. Hurt, and reeling from the shock, Molly is seeing Declan off at the airport when she bumps into her childhood sweetheart, Luke Fortune. Luke left the country when they were both eighteen. Seeing him again, Molly realises that she has a window of opportunity, while Declan is away, to put a few of the ghosts in her past to rest.

  ‘If you like Marian Keyes, you’ll love Colette Caddle’ Company

  ISBN: 978-1-84739-961-8

  Colette Caddle

  Every Time We Say Goodbye

  What if the past wasn’t what you thought it was…

  It hasn’t always been easy, but Marianne has worked hard to give her children a secure and loving home. But then comes the news that changes everything: her husband has been found dead and her future is uncertain.

  As Marianne struggles to move on, the past keeps drawing her back. For Dominic Thomson was not the man everyone thought he was. In spite of everything, she’s not quite ready to believe the worst of him, and she is determined to discover the truth.

  Now, even in her darkest moments, there is one thing Marianne can hold on to: a love that has always see
n her through…

  ISBN: 978-1-84739-962-5

  Colette Caddle

  First We Take Manhattan

  Identical twins, Sinéad and Sheila Fields, have always done everything together and so, after graduating in millinery, they decide to open their own hat shop. It’s a small business but thanks to hard work and talent, they build up a loyal clientele. Then one day a glamorous young actress buys one of their hats, wears it to the BAFTAs and suddenly success seems guaranteed.

  But within weeks, tragedy strikes when Sheila disappears, and is presumed dead. After months of desolation, Sinéad is jst beginning to come to terms with her loss when she is given new hope: there has been a sighting of her sister. While she is filled with excitement at the thought that Sheila might be alive, she is haunted by questions. Why would Sheila have deserted her twin without a word? After all, they had always told each other everything … hadn’t they?

  ISBN: 978-1-84739-962-5

  Colette Caddle

  From This Moment On

  Lynn Stephens’ life has been tough recently, thanks to Vincent Boland, the manager at the four-star hotel where she works. But, after digging her heels in and standing up to him, she is delighted when she is vindicated.

  Now, with the support and love of her partner, parents and friends, she can put this terrible time behind her and find a job in another hotel.

  But the consequences of Vincent’s actions are more far-reaching than Lynn knows and the after effects are still being felt throughout the small town. The Boland family is powerful and influential, and it’s not long before Lynn realizes that this man still has the capacity to destroy her and all she holds dear.

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