Rescuing Dawn: Lovers Unmasked: Book 2

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Rescuing Dawn: Lovers Unmasked: Book 2 Page 8

by Flockton, Nicole

  “I’ll come in see you after your shift, okay?” Andrew said.

  “Sure, that would be great.”

  Andrew leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips. “Bye.”

  In a flash, he was striding down the hall to meet his partner, laughing when his partner waggled his eyebrows at him.

  “You let that one get away?”

  Dawn was pulled from her stupor by Phoebe’s question. As she watched him turn the corner, she could understand why Phoebe asked the question. Andrew filled out the pants of his uniform very nicely.

  “I wouldn’t say I let him get away, more like he ran for the open waters and adventure without a backward glance.”

  “There’s more to your story than you’re letting on.”

  Dawn grimaced. “Yep and I’m not getting into it now. I need to go find a family so that Mike can impart the awful news that their father, son, or brother sustained life ending injuries.”

  Dawn appreciated it when Phoebe laid her hand on her arm. “Do you want me to check the room?”

  “Thanks, but I can do it. We may have another emergency coming in; Andrew’s team was just called away. I’d rather have you on the floor ready to take charge if I’m caught up.”

  “Okay.” Phoebe turned to walk back into the main treatment area, but paused and turned back to her. “You know, you don’t always have to be the one that goes in with the doctor. You can always call on others.”

  “Yes, I know, but as the most senior nurse, it is my responsibility. I wouldn’t want to put a trainee through the pain of witnessing a family breakdown.”

  “They have to learn sometime.”

  “Maybe. Just not tonight. I’ll try and be quick.”

  With that, Dawn turned and headed towards the waiting room.

  * * *

  Dawn reached into her locker for her handbag and smothered a yawn with her other hand. It had been a hellish sort of shift. Quiet then chaotic. There was never a steady stream in the ER. She’d been disappointed when Andrew hadn’t come back in. A little part of her was relieved because she knew that if she did see him again, thoughts of dealing with patients would fly out the window. He was bad for her concentration.

  “Hey, Dawn, there’s that hot paramedic waiting for you. Geez, I wish someone as hot as him would meet me after my shift.”

  Dawn looked and saw Lisa, the trainee nurse standing in the doorway. “You never know, another one might walk through the doors on your shift today.”

  She laughed as the other girl’s eyes lit up. Clearly that thought hadn’t crossed her mind. As she walked past the young nurse, Dawn stopped. “But don’t let a handsome face fool you. Sometimes the not so handsome ones are the best.”

  The girl scoffed as if Dawn was talking gibberish. “You say that when you’ve got a hot one waiting for you? I’ll take a hot guy any day.”

  Dawn laughed as she walked down the hallway, excitement building in her at the thought of seeing Andrew again.

  He was leaning against the counter talking to one of the doctors, but he must have sensed her presence because he straightened up and sent her a lazy, sexy smile, melting her legs until she thought she may not be able to stand straight. Maybe she had been talking gibberish—the smile Andrew had just for her made him even more handsome. She was so lost.

  “Hey,” she said.

  “Hey yourself. Ready for a Danish?” he said with a wink.

  “Sure, but how about we get them to go and sit in the park or something.”

  If he wondered what she meant by “or something”, she hoped he didn’t ask because she had no idea what she’d meant by that. She wasn’t ready to take the next step with Andrew just yet, but if he kept kissing her as intensely as he had been doing lately it wouldn’t take much to get her take the next step—which would be the worst thing she could do.

  When he grabbed her hand she looked up, and he gave her hand a squeeze and reassuring smile. “I’m happy to do whatever you’d like. Whenever you’d like.”

  Relief swept through her. She had no idea why she was getting herself so worked up. She had no reason to be.

  “Well, right now I’d love a pastry and hot chocolate. Let’s go.”

  As they walked out of the hospital, Dawn saw Phoebe send her a double thumbs up and she laughed.

  “What’s so funny?” Andrew asked.

  “Nothing you need to worry about,” Dawn said.

  * * *

  Andrew liked this little glimpse of his old Dawn. He hadn’t wanted to admit it, but his heart had skipped a couple of beats when he’d seen her walking towards him. He’d tuned out what the doctor was saying and watched her progress. He hated the way they’d parted at the beginning of her shift. He hadn’t thought his words were too out there, he’d only meant that he wanted to take her out to dinner, spend some time with her when they didn’t have to rush off to a shift or to bed. He quickly banished thoughts of bed. As much as he wanted to take the next step, he knew that he would have to take his time with her. If only she would trust him enough to understand that he wasn’t the same person he’d been when they had first been together. He’d changed and he would show her how much. Almost drowning and losing a good friend had made him realize how important life and friends were.

  He was jerked out of his musings by Dawn pulling on his hand. “We’re here.”

  He had daydreamed the whole way to coffee shop. “Sorry, I was miles away.”

  “I noticed. But that’s okay; it’s been a long time since I’ve walked somewhere and actually taken notice of my surroundings.”

  They entered the café and Andrew put Dawn’s words to the back of his mind. He would ask her about it later.

  “So,” he started. “Are we eating here or in the park?”

  When she started to chew her bottom lip, he had to stop the urge of taking her lips with his. Later, he promised himself. Later he’d sample her lips again.

  “Is the park okay with you? It’s such a beautiful morning.”

  “Sure, sounds great.”

  Andrew placed their order and as he went to reach for his wallet, Dawn’s hand stayed his.

  “My treat,” she said and passed some cash to the server before he had a chance to argue.

  As they waited for their order to be filled, he pulled Dawn to the side and slipped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer. He was getting used to the feel of her body against his. Her subtle perfume tickled his nose. After working a full shift, Dawn didn’t look anything but beautiful. He’d been such an idiot leaving her behind, but he’d been selfish and he hadn’t appreciated her. Although after everything she’d been through, he wasn’t sure she’d agree with him.

  * * *

  “You’re daydreaming again. Are you sure you don’t just want to skip this and go home and get some sleep? You’re not used to working night shifts like I am.”

  Dawn couldn’t believe Andrew had drifted into himself again. He hadn’t even noticed the way she’d watched him as they’d walked to the cafe. She was sure that he was going to turn his head and catch her staring at him.

  “I’m fine, and no, I don’t want to go home. I like this morning coffee with you.”

  His words warmed her soul. She, too, was getting addicted to spending time with him after her shift. She saw their orders being placed on the counter and walked over to collect them. She placed the carry bag over the crook of her arm and went to pick up the tray carrying their drinks, but Andrew beat her to it. With his spare hand he took hers.

  “So you know this area better than I do, where’s the nearest park?” Andrew asked as he released her hand and held the door open for her.

  She waited until he was standing next to her before she answered his question. “It’s about five minutes away.”

  “Lead on. I’ll follow you anywhere.”

  A shiver went down her spine. How she’d longed to hear those words when they had been dating before. She’d begged him not to join that crew, but he’d gone and done
his own thing. Leaving her behind to pick up the pieces and try to get on with her life. Which she’d had, only to have to do it all over again. What would happen if things didn’t turn out this time? What would she do if he upped and left her again? Could she trust him now that he’d bought a house? But houses could be rented out if an adventure came calling for him.

  “You may not like where I lead you,” she said.

  “I trust you not lead me astray.”

  “You may live to regret those words.”

  “I’m all about taking risks.”

  And didn’t she just know that. Andrew had always had a streak of a daredevil in him. She could remember him telling her about the times he’d been the one to always take the risk that the others hadn’t been inclined to do.

  “Well, I don’t think it would be wise if we went down that avenue of conversation. I’m not up for any thrill seeking stories just yet.”

  Dawn was surprised when Andrew jerked to a stop. “I’m not that person anymore, Dawn. I don’t actively search out thrills these days. When I said I’m willing to take risks, I meant I’m willing to take risks in my personal life now. Are you?”

  Dawn closed her eyes; they’d gotten into a minefield of a conversation again. How did that happen? She opened her eyes and looked at Andrew. “I don’t know.”

  It was the most honest answer she could give him. It was up to him if he was willing to wait and see what would develop.

  “I can live with that. Now let’s get to that park. I’m starving and the smells coming from that bag on your arm aren’t helping things.”

  Dawn laughed and she knew that the subject was far from closed. But they’d only just started seeing each other again. They had a long way to go before conversation between them would ever be easy.

  The rest of the walk passed with no conversation again. Dawn found the silence between them comfortable and not awkward at all. They reached the park and she led him to a bench under a large, old tree. She placed the bag by her side and reached in, pulling out the wrapped pastries. Dawn handed Andrew his and she unwrapped her own. She bit down into the flaky pastry.

  “Maybe we would’ve been better eating at the café.”

  Dawn turned and found Andrew staring at her mouth. She slipped her tongue out, tracing the outline of her lips, sure that she must have some of the cherry filling on her face somewhere. Andrew’s eyes darkened and his mouth opened slightly. She realized then how suggestive her action was. Instead, she reached into the bag and found the paper napkins; she took one out and finished the job her tongue had started.

  “Sorry, who knew eating a Danish could be such a messy job,” she said, hoping to lighten the mood.

  “I don’t think I’d call it messy,” Andrew said with a wry grin. “I don’t think I’ll be able to look at a Danish the same way again.” He contradicted that statement by biting into his.

  Dawn took a sip of her hot chocolate, hoping the liquid would dislodge the lump that had formed in her throat. Now she knew what Andrew meant about not being able to look at a Danish again. When he had bitten down, the apricot filling had oozed out and his tongue had darted out to lick up the sweet filling. She instantly recalled what that tongue had done to her many years ago.

  “So,” she started and then cleared her throat as it had come out at a higher octave than normal. “Do you have any difficulty sleeping after you’ve been on night shift?”

  She wanted to snatch the words back as quickly as she’d spoken to them—talk about suggestive.

  “Are you offering some…” Andrew paused and winked at her. “Suggestions?”

  She giggled. “A warm shower and hot milk.”

  “Is that what you do?”

  She shrugged. “Sometimes, but other times I take a long soak in the bath. There’s nothing quite like letting the warm water embrace you. Then when you pull the plug, you imagine all your stresses washing away with the water.”

  “I think I’ll be having a cold shower now,” Andrew said as he finished off his pastry.

  Dawn had no idea why their conversations today were like they were walking through a mine field. It seemed every step they took, they’d stepped on one that inflamed the sexual current that had been simmering way below the surface between them. Today it had erupted full force. She glanced over at Andrew—he had his head back, the sunshine bathing him in a golden glow. His arms were stretched across the back of the bench, the fingertips of one hand lightly touching her shoulder. His lips had a luster about them. She wanted to taste them so badly.

  What would it hurt if she touched them lightly with her own? She scooted along the bench until she was right by his side. Dawn knew Andrew felt her movement—his body had lost its relaxed stance—but he kept his head back. Dawn laid her hand on his chest. The cotton shirt was warm from both the sun and Andrew’s body heat.

  “Dawn, is this a good idea?” he asked as he placed his hand over hers, trapping it against his strong chest.

  “I’m not sure. All I know is I want this.” Dawn pulled his head down and she captured his lips with hers. She could taste sweet and tart on his lips. The sweetness of the Danish he’d eaten and the tartness from his coffee. It was a heady combination.

  She gasped as Andrew’s other arm scooped her closer to his chest, so that she was half lying over him. She didn’t care that they were in a public place. She moved her mouth hungrily over his. He answered her every call. Their tongues dueled. Dawn maneuvered her hand, the one that was trapped against his chest, out so that she could touch him better. She was now straddling his lap.

  They were necking like a pair of teenagers. She desperately wanted to reach down and pull Andrew’s shirt out. Trace her hands over his chest. Learn the new contours that had formed over the years they’d been apart.

  Andrew pulled his mouth back fractionally. “Dawn, baby, you’re killing me here.”

  He set her down on the bench next to him, but he kept his arm around her. She was breathing heavily. Her body was on fire and even though her brain knew it would be the totally wrong thing to do, her body wanted her to drag Andrew back to her house and ravish him. Fortunately her brain was stronger than her body.

  “How do we always end up almost devouring each other?” she asked him.

  Andrew sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, messing it even more and making him look even more sexier than he already was. “I wish I knew the answer to that. Then maybe we wouldn’t end up here.”

  “The timing is always off, isn’t it?” she agreed quietly.

  “One day it won’t be.” A yawn overtook Andrew’s frame just as he finished his sentence. Dawn’s heart kicked up a notch again as he stretched.

  “As much as I want to stay here, I think it’s time we both went home.”

  “Separately?” Andrew asked.

  “I think it might be safer if we did. As much as my body wants to take the next step with you, I can’t do it—yet.”

  Andrew leaned in and dropped a soft kiss on her lips, igniting the passion inside of her again. “I respect that.” He stood and held out his hand for her to take. “I’ll walk you back to your car.”

  Denial was useless, right at the moment, the chain that had held her heart tightly bound for so long loosened a bit, and the sensation was freeing.


  Dawn gave her reflection one last glance in the mirror and was satisfied with what she saw. If only she could smother the nerves that had taken up occupancy of her stomach as easily as she had smothered sunscreen over her body. She couldn’t believe she was about to go sailing with Andrew. The very thing which had broken them up.

  When they’d dated before, she hadn’t gone sailing with him. As irrational as it was, she had been jealous of his passion. She’d been selfish enough to have wanted to have his undivided attention all the time. No wonder he’d wanted to experience the freeing nature of battling the high seas without having to worry about his girlfriend’s irrational jealousy. She’d thought she had been so
mature at nineteen, but she’d been so young.

  The doorbell rang and she picked up her jacket and backpack she had sitting on her bed. With a deep breath she stepped out of her room and made her way to the front door.

  “Coming,” she called out to let Andrew know she was there. It had been a week since they’d shared the hot kiss at the park. They’d only seen each other twice and that had been as she was arriving for work and he had been leaving the hospital after bringing a patient in. They hadn’t had any more coffee dates either. Timing hadn’t been on their side and their schedules had clashed. She hadn’t even had a Danish since the last one she’d shared with him. Going into the café by herself had held no appeal. It wasn’t the same without Andrew beside her.

  She opened the door and almost sagged against the frame. Andrew was wearing a tight-fitting t-shirt that accentuated his muscles and board shorts that finished just above his knees. He looked like a surfer god. She was glad she could admire him while he handled the boat. If he asked her to do anything, it was likely she wouldn’t be able to do it.

  “Hi, you ready for a sail?”

  Dawn then realized she’d been staring at him. She could feel heat building from the bottom of her neck, rising slowly like the ocean tide.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be. I’m quite excited, to be honest,” she said, flicking the lock button on her front door. She stepped out and closed the door, inserting the key into the deadbolt for extra security. She turned and found herself staring at Andrew’s impressive chest. She took a step back and found herself up against the front door.

  Andrew placed his arms on either side of her head, effectively trapping her. He leaned in and kissed her. Just a soft kiss, but she felt it all the way to her toes. She leaned in to make the kiss last longer, but he pulled away. He placed a finger on her lips.

  “As much as I’d like to take this further, we have a boat to sail.” He grabbed her hand. “Come on, let’s go.”


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