Shattered Promises

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Shattered Promises Page 11

by J. R. Grant

  Most of my business at Ocean City Accounting Firm is done yearly, not only during tax season. From January to April we are more swamped than from May to December, like any other accounting business, but with the right amount of workflow Lani has pulled into the company, I don’t see worrying about it going down anytime soon- a thought I’ve always kept in the back of my mind, with living in a tourist town. It’s always iffy around this area during non-seasonal times. People from all over the country visit Ocean City, but it’s mainly during the peak time of May through October. However, the summer season is the most anticipated time here.

  Ocean City’s Accounting Firm handles payroll for many businesses throughout Ocean City, Fenwick Island, and different parts of Bethany and Rehoboth Beaches. We do accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, and take care of small business billing locally. Recently, we landed two fairly large contracts with big corporations in town; The Clarion Resort and The Carousel Resort. They are both high-end hotels, resorts, and condo complexes employing over two hundred plus workers seasonally.

  This morning, after an important call, I wanted to go over a few things with my staff about the new changes and contracts we are about to begin working on. With Lani as the office manager, Kelly as the receptionist, and Vicki and Lori both in the accounts receivable department, all four girls work different hours, making meetings like this almost impossible to schedule, especially when one’s not working in the office.

  Kelly had been wonderful, staying on top of everything during the time the accident happened. There was no way I could’ve left Lani’s side, as weak as she was. I needed to take care of her and the boys, the best she would let me, especially with their finances.

  I didn’t have a whole lot left after Jules tried to prolong our divorce and take me for everything I had. I’d spent a fortune in attorney fees alone. It was ridiculous. I still can’t believe the bitch thought she would make out by suing me for alimony and child support knowing her dumb ass cheated on me, not the other way around. Besides, the baby was never mine. I swear, the broad is downright stupid.

  Jules’ education at SU didn’t do shit for her, whatsoever. Needless to say, after two years of contesting everything she thought she could, Jules lost everything she tried to gain from me and my life, and walked away without a dime. Served her right. Damn, I hate being a dick about a woman with a child, but the girl had tried every which way to ruin me. Luckily, the courts eventually saw straight through her, and I was able to get my life back. It didn’t happen overnight, but in the end, she royally screwed me.

  <> * <>

  I know I need to say something to Kade for the way he’s been talking to Lani, but with his temper nowadays, I’m afraid a fight will break out, costing me my friendship with her. Lani’s always been my concern. Her and the boys. Never Kade and especially not now with all that I know.

  Since the night of Owen’s bachelor party, when Kade was in a coma, he had woken up a changed man. And by no means in a good way. The new Kade, I don’t know anymore. It’s like he’s changed into some type of abuser, and no matter how hard I try, I can’t stand to be around him anymore.

  Keeping quiet as you are watching the one girl you’ve loved all of your life get beat down by her husband is hard as shit. There have been times where I have told Kade to cut his shit out or knock his tone down a couple of notches, but he always shrugs me off, telling me, “Don’t go there, Parker. You don’t want to fuck with me.” So I backed off, but it hasn’t been for him or his demands. I only backed away because I didn’t want Lani to get hurt or make her get the brunt end of my confrontation with her husband, who is supposed to be my best friend. The guy and I have been friends for years, but lately, you would never know by his actions. Kade acts like he’s untouchable, as if he’s God’s gift to the world.

  I am the godfather to both Justin and Zakrie. Just watching the two of them go through all of this fucked-up turmoil has angered me. Those little boys and I are close, very close, and I don’t want our relationship tampered with because their father is an asshole.

  As a kid, there had been a time when I had to kick Kade’s ass for being a dick to Lani. He had gotten caught cheating on her with Karla, Owen’s ex-fiancée, in the woods one day after school and Lani punched him. So, what did Kade do? He nailed Lani right in her face, not once, not twice, but three damn times. She tried hiding the markings from me, covering herself up. I found out went I couldn’t find her and went over to her house to see what the hell was going on. I even had to blame it on her mom wanting me to check on her as an excuse for barging through their front door. I felt bad for lying, but when I had seen Kade pacing around the parking lot, yelling at himself, I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was wrong with my girl.

  “Where’s Lani?” I asked Kade, walking up next to his car.

  “I don’t know. We got into an argument earlier, and she took off.”

  “Dude, what’d you do now? You’re always messing shit up with her, man.”

  “Fuck you, Johnson. I didn’t do shit. The bitch caught an attitude because I was talking to Karla, and she wigged out on me. So, you can go to hell with that bullshit.”

  I jogged over to my car and raced home. Thankfully, we lived next door to one another and Lani’s mom gave my dad a key in case of an emergency.

  Racing up the steps, I walked into her room and found Lani facedown, crying into her pillow. She tried to ignore me, pushing me away, acting as if she was just tired. But I wasn’t dumb. I knew Lani better than she knew herself. Little did I know, her lies and the reality of the entire situation would hit me in the chest when she got up and walked to the bathroom.

  Two swollen eyes and a purple knot on her cheek, Lani cried, and as her best friend, I stood on the side of her, crying along with her. Yeah I know, most guys don’t cry, but that’s my girl, my Princess. I would die before I ever let anything happen to her. Lani always knew that, and yet she would, for some reason, always be reluctant to involve me in her and Kade’s fights. I never understood why the girl stuck up for him.

  After helping her put on some concealer shit, I raced out to my car and picked up Cruz and Brandon. The three of us went on a mission to find Kade. His ass was mine. When we located the bitch, I beat the ever living shit out of him for laying his hands on my girl.

  After that night, Kade swore to all the Hail Marys he could that he would never touch Lani again. And if he did, I forced upon him that he would never walk or talk again for as long as he lived.

  From that time all the way up till the accident, Kade hadn’t laid another finger on my Princess that I knew of. He treated her right over the years, worshiping the ground Lani walked on.

  But after the accident, and Kade had woken up, Lani has cried constantly about him calling her a whore or a bitch or something. In my eyes, those words should never be said to the woman you supposedly love. I’ve never in my life been a prick that way. For years, I always tried to push the right thoughts into Lani’s head but nothing seemed to ever work. No matter what Kade said, he wasn’t hurting her, at least that’s what she had sworn repeatedly. Regardless, Lani wanted things left alone- period. I was not allowed to be mean to Kade or else she wouldn’t talk to me. She refused for another fight to go down now that we were all adults.

  Recently, I have been torn whether I should beat the bitch’s ass again or try and keep my distance. I have told Kade more times than one to stop with the name calling or else he would pay for it again. Lani hasn’t said anything else to me except the few times she has slipped up about the name calling, but that’s it.

  I don’t know who the hell Kade is anymore. Or what the hell he did to my best friend. At this rate, I don’t give two shits. My friendship with him is done. It has been for a long time. I can’t stand that motherfucker. His bullshit alone is overrated.

  <> * <>

  Kelly managed to get all the employees in the office at one this afternoon, but I need to speak with Lani first. She hasn�
��t looked good this past week, and I am starting to get more concerned, if that’s remotely possible. I’m always concerned when it comes to that girl.

  “Mr. Johnson, Vicki and Lori will be here in about ten minutes to get started.”

  “I’ll meet you all in the office shortly, Kelly. I have quick meeting with Lani first, and then we will both be right in.”

  Smiling, Kelly waves me off and continues with her afternoon duties.

  Filling up my coffee cup, I make my way down to Lani’s office. I lightly knock on the door and push it open.

  Chapter Eighteen


  “Oh my gosh, Parker! You scared the shit out of me,” Lani cries, holding her hand over her chest. She hates being caught off guard, but I live to play jokes on the girl. She’s always getting spooked and squealing with her cute voice.

  Laughing, I take a sip of my coffee and make my way into her office, shutting the door behind me.

  “How are you holding up? Did you find out any more information?” I ask curiously. The look on her face tells me more happened than I probably care to know about. But today, I’m making it all my business, just like when we were little. No holding back. I’m tired of watching her bottle everything up inside as if she doesn’t have anyone to talk to. I know Lani is a private person, just like myself, but watching her be this down is killing me. I have to know what’s going on.

  Worry covers Lani’s face, and I loathe it. For once, I want to see this girl smile and be happy again, not looking like someone stole her puppy.

  “I’m okay,” she replies, pointing over to the phone. “Kade just called. He seems to be concerned about my appointment today, wondering why I’m suddenly being so sneaky.”

  Raising my eyebrows, I ask, “You don’t think he has any idea, do you?” Because if he did, Kade Foster would freak the hell out. Shit, if he finds out I even know before him, there’s going to be nothing but trouble. But I say bring it, fucker. Does that make me a bad man? If so, I don’t give a shit. Not today and certainly not anymore. Stuff has to change around here, and it needs to change quickly.

  “No. I mean, I don’t think he does, but you never know. It’s Kade we’re referring to, remember,” she replies, pushing her hair off of her shoulders.

  God she’s beautiful! As much as I try to remind her of that all the time, my best friend doesn’t know how to take a compliment anymore thanks to the words of her fucking asshole husband who has broken her self-conscious.

  “Why do you think something more’s going on? You’ve never really explained it all to me since he’s been around almost every time we’ve talked except when we’re here at work. What’s the real reason? No bullshitting me either,” I ask, hoping she will open up. I don’t know why she’s worried about this appointment. Then again, we are talking about a worry wart here. Lani’s always been that way.

  Shrugging her shoulders, she shifts in her chair to face me. “We used to be close, but Kade’s changed drastically, Parker. I don’t even know him anymore.”

  I can vouch for that. Kade’s a dick. Plain and simple.

  Pushing off the wall, I move over to the corner of her desk, directly beside her, taking a seat. “You think there’s more going on with him than just cheating?”

  “Probably. But it’s not just that. I don’t trust him. Too many things just aren’t adding up with him lately, and it’s really starting to piss me off.” Pushing her chair back, Lani stands up and begins to pace around the office.

  “I have this sick feeling, I can’t describe it. But I’ve had it since the day I picked him up from the rehab center. It’s like I’m about to get a rude awakening or something. I’ve never felt this way before and it scares the shit out of me.” Shaking her head, Lani plops down on the couch beside the window and stares out at the traffic moving four stories below.

  Taking that as my cue, I set my mug down on her desk and follow her over to the couch.

  “I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again…Kade has been my best friend for just as long as he’s been yours. We all know each other both inside and out. Still, I don’t agree with anything he’s done to you and the boys. He’s aware of my feelings, I’ve made them very well known. But if that bastard hurts you in any away, Princess, I will break his fucking dick myself. Kade Foster won’t have to think about ever cheating on you again.”

  Reaching for the Puffs box on the table, I hand her a tissue, and she dabs at her tear stained cheeks.

  “I love you, Hawk. What in the world would I do without you?”

  Pulling her into my arms, I kiss her cheek and say, “I love you too, Princess. I’ll always be here. Just promise me you’ll try not to stress until we can figure this all out. Please. I hate seeing you this way.”

  Shaking her head, Lani replies, “I promise I’ll try, but it’s hard. I don’t even want to go home anymore.”

  What in the hell is going on in the Foster home? We’re talking about two people who used to be so lovesick over each other that they’d make everyone around them miserable if they weren’t together. Kade and Lani’s love used to be somewhat infectious. I remember, I was the one who prayed every night that I’d find someone as worthy and as beautiful as Lani Renee’. And now…now I don’t know what the hell to think

  “Excuse me, Lani?” Kelly knocks on the door of Lani’s office before walking inside the room.

  “I have a delivery for you,” she says, making her way over to where Lani and I are seated. She hands Lani a strange manila envelope and walks back over to the door. “The other ladies are here, Mr. Johnson, whenever you’re ready. We’ll be in the conference room.”

  Nodding my head, Kelly shuts the door behind her, and I turn back to face my best friend.

  “Who’s it from?” I ask, anxiously. God knows this girl doesn’t need any more bad things happening to her today or this week period.

  Lani shrugs her shoulders and walks over to her desk, pulling out the letter opener and then brings it back to the couch where I’m seated.

  As she sits down, she pushes her long brown hair to the other side of her shoulder. I’ve always admired her beauty. Her hair is gorgeous and thick, it fits her face perfectly.

  What the fuck is that? Moving in closer, I spot not one, not two or three, but four fucking blue marks on the side of her neck.

  “What in the hell is that?” I ask, my throat feeling as if it’s about to close in on me.

  “What is what?” She looks up at me confused.

  “That,” I jump up and say, pointing to the side of her neck.

  Shrugging her shoulders as if she doesn’t care, I literally feel my blood pressure rising. Does she not know? Trying to move in closer, my breath is hitched, and I’m ready to fucking explode.

  “Finger marks, Princess. Why the fuck do you have blue finger marks across the side of your neck?”

  Standing up, Lani rushes over to the mirror behind the door and pulls her hair back again. Fuck, I’m livid. Did Kade put his hands on her again?

  “Well? Care to tell me, or do I need to go kick Kade’s ass and ask questions later?” I grab a hold of her hand, turning her around to face me. But when I do, she flinches and jumps back, raising her hand up as if I’m going to hit her.

  Jesus, this better not be what I think.

  “Wait.” My breath catches, and the air is sucked out from within my lungs. She thought I was going to hit her. “Jesus, Lani. I’m not going to hurt you. What the fuck is wrong? Talk to me,” I plead.

  She didn’t, and before I could catch my breath, she took off running just like she always does. Rushing toward the conference room, the three other women are seated with their pads of paper, pens, and drinks in front of them ready to get things started, and here I am, in no condition whatsoever to talk business.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “Ladies, I apologize. Something came up. Lani and I will not be able to attend today’s meeting. If you could please give your schedules for next w
eek to Kelly, I’ll have her send out a new time and date via email by Friday. I’m sorry to call this off on such short notice but rescheduling for today is imperative. Thank you.”

  Moving down the hall, to my office, I log off and shut down my laptop, grab my coat, keys, and cell phone, and lock the door behind me.

  <> * <>

  If shit goes wrong in five minutes, it goes wrong. I don’t give a damn anymore. Lani can hate me later. It will be a cold day in hell before I allow that bastard to put his hands on her once again. I don’t fucking care who he is. That girl deserves the world and today, Kade Foster will meet his match.

  Dialing his number, I put the gear in park, insisting within myself to calm down- to breathe- before I give myself a fucking heart attack. What in the hell is this asshole celebrating, putting his hands around Lani’s neck, choking her?

  “’Sup, Parker. Long time no talk,” Kade breathes into the other end of the phone.

  “You got a few minutes? I’m out front.”

  The line is silent for a couple of seconds before he pipes back in and says, “Yeah. Give me a minute to grab my coat. I’ll meet you out front.”

  “I’m in my car parked beside yours. Just hop in.”

  “Will do.”

  Shutting my phone off, I place it back on the front dash, on the mound I bought from Radio Shack last week to hold it in place when I’m driving. With the new Maryland laws regarding talking and texting while driving, the last thing I need is a damn ticket. So, whoever invented this thing is a freaking genius. It’s way better than having those stupid piece of shit ear plugs that itch my ear.

  Five minutes go by and Kade’s jogging over to my car. Opening the door, he hops in, turning directly toward me. “Why are you here, man? Everything alright?” he asks as if he’s done nothing wrong. Typical Kade. Always thinking he can get away with murder and pay no price for his actions. Bet that shit changes now.


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