Book Read Free

Shattered Promises

Page 17

by J. R. Grant

  “Y’all almost ready?” Cruz asks, chugging the last gulp of his beer.

  “Just waiting on the girls, man. You know how they are.” I laugh. Taking Lani and Ryder out for the night, you need to be prepared to wait forever. Those two will be late to their own damn funeral with how slow they move.

  “Lani know who’s gonna be there? I don’t need any drama tonight. It’s been one hell of a week at work. I just want to go out and have a good time.”

  “Nah. I didn’t tell her. If she knew, she wouldn’t go. It’s probably better we just show up. If they say anything, then so be it. I doubt they’ll start any trouble. It’s not like Lani is the one who messed up, man. Trust me, the bastard doesn’t want to show his face around where I am or there’ll be hell to pay.”

  The four of us had planned on going out to let loose with the tension of the upcoming week ahead. Lani needed a night to enjoy herself as well as the rest of us. And for once, I can’t wait to just kick back.

  A few nights ago, I ran into Blaze and Owen during happy hour over at Fish Tales. They said Shady Serum was playing at Secret’s Saturday night. Shady Serum is one of the favorite local bands we all have grown up with since high school. I know Lani loves hearing them play, but she never gets to watch them. Rarely having a sitter that late at night, it’s a treat whenever she gets to actually go out.

  Tonight, I’m determined to make her unwind. If any of us deserve it, it’s Lani. She has worked too hard this past year. If Owen and Blaze knew what was best, they would stay the hell away from her, period. I swear if I can’t drink because they start shit, I’m going to be pissed.

  Cruz and I walk outside and wait by the truck. We called a cab to pick us up at nine and it’s eight forty-five now.

  “Shit, dude,” Cruz grunts beside me. I turn to see what he’s pissed about when I spot Ryder walk out the front door and Lani following behind her.

  Ryder is tall, probably five-foot-eight, with long blond hair and striking green eyes. She’s beautiful but definitely a brut. She’s one girl I wouldn’t want to mess with or piss off. She’s wearing a short jean skirt with cowgirl boots and a brown top that comes off her shoulders.

  “Good luck with that, man. She looks hot as hell.”

  Pushing my shoulder, Cruz shoves me and laughs. “You think she’s hot, look at Lani. Damn, dude.”

  The door closes and Lani turns her body to shut and lock it. She walks down the front steps and makes her way over to me. Her beauty takes my breath away. Shit. She’s gorgeous! Her long, curly brown hair is flowing down to her hips, and the deep brown in her eyes is sparkling.

  Fuck. I’ve got to keep it together.

  Lani’s wearing a tight black dress that gives me the perfect view of her curves and round ass.

  The cab pulls up and honks the horn.

  “You guys ready?” Ryder looks back and forth between Cruz and me.

  “Damn, Parker, close your mouth. You’re drooling there, buddy.” Ryder laughs and loops her arm around Cruz before hopping into the cab.

  Lani walks in front of me and turns in a circle. “Well…how do I look?” she asks with the most striking smile.

  Pulling her into my arms, I tip my head down and kiss her neck. “Like a princess.”

  Laughing, she shoves me back and gives me that cute little evil eye she does sometimes.

  “Yeah right. You’re just saying that because you’re my best friend.” She leans in and kisses my cheek and then walks over to the cab.

  Cruz is standing at the door holding it open when Lani hops in.

  “Good luck with that,” he jokes and gets in the car.

  God help me…

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Traffic is at a standstill once we get on the Coastal Highway. There must have been an accident or something, because normally, at this time of the night, there’s rarely any traffic unless a big event is going on.

  We’re three miles away from the bar, and the cab driver is constantly huffing and puffing. Doesn’t he realize right now is the busiest time of the year down here? People don’t have a lick of patience when coming to a resort town. It’s frustrating. They either drive way too fast or too damn slow, especially coming over the bridge. Besides, nothing can be that important where you feel the need to make your passengers miserable, unless you’re dying.

  “Dude, look over to your right?” Cruz nods his head in the other direction.

  We all turn to look out the window and immediately burst out laughing. Some guy walking down Coastal Highway has a red, white, and blue striped Mohawk, and he’s wearing a pair of American flag speedos with lime green shoes. The rest of his body is naked. The woman holding his hand has on a lime green bathing suit on with purple hair and bright pink high heels.

  “The shit you see down here is unreal. We should definitely go to the boards tonight and people watch,” Ryder says and then turns to face Lani. “Cruz and I brought Lauren to Trimpers to play a couple games a few of weeks ago, and the things these people were wearing will have you dying in a matter of seconds.”

  Everyone continues laughing, and Lani starts talking about what you see in Ocean City during tourist season. It’s crazy. It’s amazing how people leave their brains at home when they come here. I know you go on vacation to unwind and relax, but damn, if you don’t have the right kind of body for a two-piece bathing suit, save that shit for your bedroom. Don’t subject innocent eyes to that kind of vision. It just makes matters worse and others will think it’s okay to dress that skimpy, when in reality, they should have more clothes on. It’s not, it’s disgusting.

  <> * <>

  Secret’s is packed. After getting our arm bands and paying the cover charge, Cruz and I lead the girls to the back of the sand bar. Since we already ate before we left, the four of us order drinks and sit back and relax.

  After two shots and four beers apiece, the four of us walk over to the other side of the bar to watch Shady Serum play. There’s a few couples dancing in the middle of the aisle making it hard to actually see the guys in action, but at least they are giving us a good show. One woman is drunk as shit. I can’t help but to laugh every time she bends down and tries to twerk her body upwards. She’s probably in her late sixties, and her husband looks like he’s a lot older than her.

  “Dance with me,” Lani leans up on her tippy toes and whispers in my ear.

  Pulling her back, I look into those gorgeous brown eyes of hers and smile. I could get lost all day soaking in her beauty.

  Lifting her hand, I softly kiss her palm and reply, “Let’s go.”

  Once we’re down by the stage, Lani wraps her arms around my neck and rests the side of her face against my chest. I place my hands around her hips and pull her in as close as I possibly can. Together, we sway back and forth while Shady Serum plays the cover song, “Almost a Memory Now” by Blackhawk. Perfectly fitting for both of our pasts.

  I love this girl more than she could ever possibly know. For as long as I can remember I have kicked my own ass for not speaking up and telling her the truth. If our friendship ever upended, it would kill me. That’s always been my greatest fear. But now, more than ever, my biggest fear would be losing her to someone else since she’s no longer committed to Kade.

  I don’t know how anyone could ever hurt Lani. I have never met someone so loving, so caring of everyone and everything around her in all of my life. To me, she is perfect in every way imaginable. She’s all that will ever matter.

  “Okay, your time’s up, mister. She’s mine now,” Ryder butts in and breaks Lani and me apart.

  “Thank you,” Lani lips to me as Ryder pulls her back out to dance. The band changes songs and starts playing another upbeat jam. It would be good to have drinks and catch up with the guys in the band one day. It’s been a while since we have all partied together.

  A light tap on my shoulder pulls me out of watching the two of them dance, and the minute I turn around to see who’s behind me, I’m left a
t a standstill.

  Great… Not who I want to deal with right now…

  “What’s up, Parker? Long time,” Owen smirks, the smell of alcohol lingering on his breath is brutal.

  “What’s up?” I ask curiously. I knew there was a good chance he was going to show up here tonight, but from the talk we had a few weeks ago, I thought for certain I made myself clear. Stay away from Lani.

  Tipping his head forward, I turn around to see where his eyes are focusing. I shouldn’t be surprised. Ryder and Lani are now dancing with the drunk woman and her husband from earlier.

  Damn she’s gorgeous!

  “I take it she’s with you tonight?” Owen asks leaning in beside me. His cockiness is going to get himself in trouble if he doesn’t watch it.

  Take a deep breath and let it go, Parker. He’s drunk, and Lani needs to have fun, not worry about what this asshole’s going to say.

  But damn if it wouldn’t feel good just to plow the bitch in his face.

  “What’s it to you, man? I told you to leave her alone. She has stayed away and hasn’t bothered any of y’all. Not once. So, turn around and walk the fuck away,” I hiss back. If the guy knew what was best for him, he would leave now.

  Owen throws his head back and laughs hysterically.

  “I’m not worried about you, Parker. You can have the bitch. Every single one of us were stupid to think all along you wouldn’t take sloppy seconds from my brother. We knew she was who you wanted from the beginning. We were dumb not to believe she would fall in your trap.”

  Fuck. He asked for it.

  Grabbing him by his shirt, I push Owen back until the back of his head hits the wall by the restrooms. Throwing my elbow up, I hold it under his chin so he can’t move and stare him directly in the eyes.

  “Fuck you, Owen. Fuck all of you. I’ve been by Lani’s side since before we could walk. I have, not you, and sure as hell not that bastard brother of yours,” I spat, trying to keep my anger under control. “And you’re damn right. I should have taken what was mine from the beginning. But I didn’t. I took Lani and Kade’s friendship more seriously by putting my own feelings on hold so the two of them could be happy. But I’m not the one who fucked up, Owen. If I recall, that was all on your brother. So, take those bullshit lies of yours and stay the fuck away from Lani . Your family has done enough, don’t you think?”

  Releasing the hold across his neck, I turn around and push myself back through the crowd. Owen stands up and fixes his shirt. His face is bright red as he stands in place looking a little speechless.

  The truth hurts, doesn’t it?

  No one tried to stop me from getting in that little punk’s face. It’s probably a good thing, because I probably would have started swinging. Fuck it, I know I would have. There’s way too much built-up aggression toward that family and what they have done to Lani and the boys.

  I need to get my shit under control.

  There’s one person in my life you don’t mess with, and that’s Lani. It’s always been that way, and it will always be that way. I would move Heaven and earth just to make sure she’s okay, to see her smile.

  By the time I make it back over to the band, I’m able to spot Lani as she and Ryder are now dancing with two older gentleman. I laugh just watching the girls give them a show.

  “Dude-” Cruz rushes to my side. “I come out from taking a shit, and Blaze meets me outside the bathroom and says you’ve got Owen chocked up across the bar. What the hell, Parker?”

  “Fuck him, man,” I reply, overly frustrated. I wanted to come out and have a drama-free night, but there’s always someone somewhere who feels the need to start shit or bring at least one of us down. I’m over it.

  “What in the hell did he say to piss you off so bad?”

  One of the waitresses comes over with a tray full of beers. She takes my empty bottle and replaces it with a new one. “Thanks, hun. Keep the tab going. Marcia was holding it for us.”

  “No problem. Let me know if you need anything.” The girl smiles and walk away.

  Any other time, her flirting would have gotten to me, and I may or may not have asked for her number. But things are changing. I am not ruining any chance to be with Lani ever again.

  “You going to tell me or just stand there, punk.” Cruz pushes my buttons.

  “Tell you what?” Ryder barges in our conversation as she walks up and kisses Cruz.

  Laughing, Cruz blurts out, “Seem our boy choked up Owen and we missed it.”

  Ryder spits out her beer on the floor and turns to glare at me. “You did what? And why didn’t you tell me? I could have kneed the prick in his balls.”

  “Kneed who is whose balls?” Lani walks over and butts into our conversation.

  Shit. I need some air.

  If she finds out Owen is in here starting shit, her night will be ruined.

  “Nothing, Princess. Don’t worry about it. I’ll fill you in later.” I look down at her and push back a few pieces of matted hair from the front her face.

  “It’s hot as hell in here. Y’all want to go to the beach?”

  Ryder…girl after my own heart.

  I pay the tab and gather our belongings. We leave Secret’s and walk across Coastal Highway to the sand.

  <> * <>

  Rolling up the legs of my pants, I push myself up and walk over to the shore. The water is freezing cold but feels good. It’s eighty-six degrees outside, but the humidity is ferocious. Earlier today was worse. I can handle the heat, it’s the humidity that catches up with my breathing unless I’m by the water.

  Standing at the shore, I admire the moon’s bright reflection over the water when suddenly my right leg gives out on me. Before I have time to catch myself, I lose my balance and fall backwards.

  Laughter erupts behind me. I stand up and turn around, and watch Lani move further back on the sand. Her legs crossed like she has to pee, and her hand is over her mouth while she walks backwards.

  “I’m so sorry, Hawk. I’m sorry. I didn’t think you would actually fall,” she says, I can see the playfulness in her eyes.

  Trying to hold a straight face, I gradually walk back onto the sand, in her direction, without taking my eyes off of her. Once her back hits the blue trash bin in the middle of the beach, she doesn’t move. She doesn’t blink. Lani stands there like a statue. I inch in closer, and she starts laughing again so hard, I almost can’t hold back my own laughter. I swear the sound is contagious.

  “Oh, God, please…don’t. I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry, Hawk. I’m sorry…don’t hurt me…please.” She continues laughing uncontrollably.

  Without saying a word, I try and keep my face as serious as possible as I grab her by her thighs and lift her up, throwing her over my shoulder.

  “Didn’t I always tell you how big of a bitch paybacks are?” I ask in a stern tone.

  She kicks and hits me repeatedly, screaming at the top of her lungs. But I don’t give up. I refuse. Instead, I keep walking until we are back at the water, and my feet are soaked by the waves.

  “Pleasssseeee…Hawk. I’m sorry…I said I’m sorry…”

  I’ll give her credit, she’s trying pretty hard, but then again, so am I.

  Debating whether I should drop my pants or not, I decide to throw my keys, wallet, and cell phone on the sand before I take off running. To hell with it. Gripping her legs over me, I make sure my hold on her is good before I dive into the next wave before it crashes.

  “You…you asshole,” Lani cries as she comes up for air.

  I can’t hold it back any longer. I burst out laughing. I can’t contain myself.

  “Oh, you think it’s funny, huh? Well you’re right. You got me good, like always.” Lani laughs and takes the clip out of her head before dipping her head back in the ocean.

  She swims over to me and wraps her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. “Have I told you how much I love you lately?”

  Damn, she’s good.

  “You tell me all t
he time.” I smile.

  “Good, because you’re going under.” Without missing a beat, Lani pushes my head down and holds me under water.

  That’s it.

  Flipping her over, I lift her up over my head and throw her across the waves.

  By the time she swims back over to me, she’s spent.

  “Okay…okay…okay…you won. I lost.” She laughs hysterically and kisses me on the forehead. “That was fun, but we should get out before the cops come. Officer Duffy might lock us up tonight if he sees us in here.” She laughs again and pulls me by the arm.

  “Wait…we don’t have a towel, douchebag. What in the heck are we supposed to do now?”

  “Who needs a towel in this heat? We’ll be dry before you know it,” I joke. Our clothes are soaked, and we still need to call a cab. We’ll be lucky if we don’t chafe between our thighs from the wetness of our clothes when we walk.

  Shit. She’s right. What in the hell was I thinking?

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  If you’ve ever had a birthday party for two boys at the same time, you can relate to the amount of stress that I’m under today. Thirty-one boys and nine girls on the beach, making sure no one’s drowning, everyone has sunscreen on, and they’re all fed and playing nicely, this mom here needs a drink.

  Ryder’s daughter, Lauren, knows most of the girls here, so she has been entertaining them in the sand, building sand castles and burying their Barbie dolls. The boys, well, they’re a whole other story. They’ve ridden the waves, played chase, played a couple rounds of kick ball, and now Parker and Cruz have a game of volleyball going on at the back of the beach.

  The boys each invited twenty of their old classmates from last year to their birthday party. Thinking since it’s a holiday weekend, and everyone’s getting ready for a busy upcoming week, surely some of the kids would’ve declined our invitation.


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