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Prisoners of Halfmoon Key

Page 5

by Matthew Lee

  I heard a door open around the front of the house.

  Adrenaline surged through my body and I scrunched down behind a big bush. I knew it wouldn’t be Oscar but maybe it was Dylan or Skinny Black or Messy Blonde. I put my hand on the cool metal of the revolver.

  Skinny Black wandered out into the front yard, taking deep breathes of freedom. He pulled cigarettes from a pocket and lit up, the winds whipping his cloud of smoke away. It was dark that far away from the house but I felt the lighting was good enough. I saw his pistol in the waist band of his overalls at the small of his back. He meandered a little farther away from the house.

  I decided to go for it.

  The winds covered any noise I made, which was almost nothing, as I dodged from tree to shrub to bush until I was five feet behind him. My heart was pumping battery acid and my palms were sweaty. I left my tree and in two big steps came up behind him and cupped a hand over his mouth at the same time I jammed the barrel into the base of his skull. His free hand instinctively darted for his gun.

  “Don’t!” I hissed, and pressed the gun harder. “We are far enough away from the house and the storm is loud. No one will hear me blow your brains out. I don’t want to kill you but fuck you, if you know what I mean.”

  His hands floated up.

  “If you shout, I’ll kill you.”

  I took my hand off his mouth and grabbed his gun. Now I had two!

  I pointed. “See that cabana down by the water?”

  He gave a nod.

  “Head to it.”

  My mind was soaring. I couldn’t believe I was doing this. I mentioned before one never knows how one will react to a situation. I would never have believed myself capable of this.

  I marched him down to our bungalow. Inside, I made him empty his pockets and lay on the bed. I tied his wrists and ankles spread-eagle and tested the bonds multiple times. I sat in a chair next to the bed. I decided to keep my connection to Emma secret.

  My assumptions about Stock Island were correct. The four of them had been working in the yard securing the detention center against the storm. A tree had blown over, walloping the guards assigned to watch them and crushing a high fence, shorting out the power. He was sure they were the only four to escape. His name was Reggie and he was in prison for car theft. Billy, the guy I knew as Messy Blonde, robbed a convenience store with a note but no weapon. Dylan had a list of offenses but Reggie said he was basically a bad-boy rock-star. Oscar was the one true criminal; assault, robbery, attempted murder.

  “That man will crush your skull without changing expression.”


  “So, you guys were all friends?”

  “Not really. Me and Billy hung but D and Oscar were in a different wing.”

  I was trying to guess the reaction inside when Reggie did not return. Would they think he’d taken the chance to head out on his own, or would they assume someone grabbed him and they had an enemy in their midst? If they assumed an enemy hunted them, what could they do about it? Either way, I needed to head back to the house.

  “Listen, Reggie. You’re not a bad kid. I must try to help my friends but I’m leaving you here. If you manage to free yourself, I want you to think about running. If you come back to the house, I will shoot you, and I don’t want to shoot you. Just head for the highway and try to make Miami. You can lose yourself there. You’re better off alone than staying with them.”

  “I feel you. What Oscar and D did with some of the women in there is not cool. Fucking D always has to chase the ladies. He got a female guard pregnant at the center. Every dude there hit on her but D knocks her up. Women love that mother fucker. Me and Billy planned on cutting loose as soon as possible anyway. Now we accessories too.”

  I know he wanted me to leave but I hoped my words reached him.

  I gagged him and left him there in the dark and headed back to the house. I had no plan because I had to wait and see what the three convicts did.

  Back at my window I saw Dylan arguing with Oscar. Both seemed angry with Billy. Dylan took Chef to the kitchen and returned with more food for everyone. What could their plan be? I know they were waiting for search parties to pass them but I’d been outside for hours and seen nothing. The winds were too strong for helicopters. If the storm broke in the morning I suspected every key would be crawling with officers.

  Maybe the villains didn’t want to get away? Maybe they just wanted some extracurricular fun before going back? I imagined them back in prison and bragging about the sex and great food they had.

  I watched as the group finished eating and were taken in small numbers to the restroom. On one such trip Dylan moved over to stand by Emma. I have a hard time determining if a man is handsome but I know Emma well and judging by her reaction to him, Dylan was a stud. I know she played up the flirtation because of her situation but some things cannot be faked. My wife thought the young man was hot. I wondered how Oscar would feel about that. I found out minutes later.

  Dylan had moved closer and closer to her and reached up to kiss her just as Oscar turned the corner. Emma closed her eyes to return the kiss. Oscar took in the scene in half a second and two steps took him to Dylan where he grabbed the boy by the hair and pulled him away. A big fist came up and sent the young man flying. Billy pulled out his gun and yelled for everyone to stay cool as Dylan rose to his feet, laughing. I could not hear the words exchanged but Oscar was obviously informing Dylan that Emma was his and therefore off limits. I felt a bizarre rush of pride. While everyone had their attention riveted to the two convicts, I spotted Emma quickly and discretely undoing a button on her blouse to show more cleavage and throw gas on the fire. Wow.

  Dylan backed away but gave Emma a look of lust I knew went deep.

  I decided to wait. Emotions were high inside that room. Both men seethed. With any luck the wheels would come off their bus without me doing anything else. I got comfortable to keep an eye on things.

  For a long time, nothing happened. Many of the guests began to slide down into their chairs and go to sleep. Paul and Debbie laid on the floor and Kim joined them. Even Billy began to nod off until Oscar barked at him.

  Later, when Billy started to close his eyes again, Oscar left Emma’s side to go talk to him. Whatever bond Oscar thought he had with Dylan, he grossly overestimated it.

  Dylan pounced. He hit Oscar just above the right ear with the butt of his pistol and Oscar crumpled in a pile of thick arms and legs. Billy looked dumbfounded. Dylan took Oscar’s gun and pointed at the body and gave Billy orders. Billy started collecting belts to tie Oscar up, worry etched deep in his young face.

  Dylan wasted no time. He pointed at everyone in the room and I got the impression he was instructing Billy to watch them and then he turned to Emma and held out his hand. I swear I saw arousal on her face. She loved that men were fighting over her! What would all our friends and co-workers think of her when all this was over? Emma stepped over Oscar as she left the room with Dylan. I watched for a minute or two, hoping for an opportunity to free everyone but Billy had received a jolt of adrenaline and was now wide awake. I left the window to check on Emma.

  They were already on the bed. Dylan lay on top of her and they kissed with mad passion. She held his handsome face and their hot kisses rained. I saw her tongue writhing with his. He stood up and peeled off his jumpsuit and Emma gawked at his many intricate tattoos. His erection was bigger than mine but not as big as Oscar. Emma never hesitated. She jumped off the bed and stripped out of her clothes and threw her arms around his neck to kiss again.

  He lifted her after a few minutes and lay her on the bed on her back. She urgently reached down between their bodies until she found his hard cock and directed him to her cunt. I saw her hand tug on him, forcing his inches deep. She was more passionate with Dylan than Oscar. She coiled her legs around his hips and he rolled her on top but only watched her fuck him for a few minutes. He rolled her onto her back and began to hammer her soaked slit. She ran her hands over his tats, fa
scinated and turned on.

  He was a stud; I’ll give him that. He moved sensuously, always in motion, always plunging his cock into her from every angle. He was relentless and Emma loved it. He fucked her smoothly in every position, moving from face to face to Emma on her side seamlessly. He never gave her a chance to catch her breath.

  When he rolled her onto her stomach and lifted her hips half a foot, she covered her head with her hands and I heard her groan. He’d found some spot she loved and I watched as he stayed on it until he made my wife orgasm like an explosion. He wasn’t close to finishing, however. He slowed while she came, barely moving his hard cock in and out, and Emma went a little crazy. She slammed her ass back at him as her sweet cunt smothered his cock. When her climax drained away he pulled out and I saw his weapon standing straight up, covered in juice, shiny in triumph.

  He leaned down to kiss and nibble her neck and his cock dipped towards her pussy again. I thought he would fuck her once more. He had other ideas. He whispered things to her and I saw her head nod occasionally as his hips barely moved. He teased her masterfully. When his ass gently flexed, I understood.

  Emma spread her legs wide and I saw he’d already worked his cock head into her ass. No one has ever fucked Emma’s ass. He moved incredibly slow, kissing, nibbling, easing forward, nibbling, whispering. He was driving my wife crazy. She reached under her belly and I saw her manicured fingers appear on her clit, which she began to rub.

  His ass flexed and my wife took more of his cock up her ass. Her empty pussy beckoned me. This was hot and nasty sex. This was raw fucking. The sight was so lewd my penis began to grow. I couldn’t stop it. Emma lifted her butt ever so slightly and Dylan fed her rectum another inch. She groaned and hid her face. He pulled out half an inch and pushed in three and my wife cried out into the mattress. Her fingers rubbed fast now. His hips started a little rhythm, his cock a little deeper every time, and I watched as his balls moved ever closer to her pussy. The last inch he held himself still and made her lift her hips to capture him, which she eagerly did.

  Now he was buried in her, balls deep up her ass, and he began to fuck her tight sphincter with incredible patience. Emma’s face lifted off the bed and I saw astonishment on her face. She could not understand how it felt so good. Her fingers flew back and forth across her clit and then her whole body tightened as she started an anal orgasm on Dylan’s cock.

  She detonated. Her body began writhing wildly beneath him, twisting and turning. He fucked her little hole like an expert, allowing her to cum hard on his cock but keeping her pinned to the mattress. Just before she finished he drove his hips forward and emptied his big hanging testicles deep in her bowels.

  My wife was wiped out. He left his shrinking cock in her ass for a while and then pulled the sloppy member out. Emma barely moved. The bed rocked as he moved and her body flopped, utterly relaxed. I wondered if she was even conscious. He covered his face with a pillow to wipe the sweat.

  The bedroom door flew open. Oscar was on him like a Pitbull. Dylan still had his face covered when the first blow landed on his jaw and stunned him. He tried to rise but not only was Oscar a bigger man, he had way more fight experience. Dylan caught Oscar once near the eye but after that it was a beating.

  Through it all, Emma did not move.

  The last two punches left Dylan on the edge of unconscious and Oscar dragged him from the bed. He grabbed his gun from the shelf and hammered Dylan’s pretty face a few times until the younger man went limp. Oscar opened a closet door and threw Dylan inside, walking a heavy dresser in front under the door knob. Oscar stuffed both guns in the band around his waist and started moving a dresser in front of the closet too.

  From the corner of my eye I saw movement on the front lawn and thought Reggie had gotten free and was running back to warn his friends. I was wrong. Billy had heard the fight in the back room and had vacated the house. He ran full speed for the docks, looking like he intended to swim to Miami. The guests were unattended.

  I ran to the front of the house. I stepped into the den and raised a finger to my lips and waved everyone out. You should have seen their faces. When Andrew got to me I handed him his gun and whispered Oscar was in his bedroom. I told him to get everyone safely to the trees and guard them.

  “What are you going to do?” he whispered.

  “Get my wife back.”

  He was in no shape to argue. I pushed him towards the front door.

  The staircase up sat about twelve feet away from the door to Andrew’s bedroom and I took a spot behind the heavy oak banister. I drew my gun. Oscar would either leave the room with or without Emma. She looked like deadweight the last time I saw her saw I was hoping without. The door was partially open and I saw Oscar’s shadow moving on the wall. The door swung open. Beyond the man I saw he’d covered Emma with a sheet. She looked to be sleeping peacefully. He was furious and obviously headed back to check on the others. He did not notice me. His hands were empty. I raised my gun.

  Time slowed. I briefly aimed at his head but that made me feel sick, so I lowered the barrel to his thigh. I felt like I had all the time in the world, like I was picking and choosing my target. I’d pull the trigger and then rush him. No way could I beat this guy in a fight but a bullet in his leg had to slow him down.

  Goddamn guns are loud. The gun kicked and bent my wrist back and the air filled with smoke and a roar. I saw his leg fly backward and his body spin to follow it, all in slow motion. He landed on his side, his face contorted with disbelief and confusion, and I ran out from behind the stairs, my gun aimed at his chest. He wrapped both hands around his wound and groaned in pain.

  “If you move, I’ll kill you,” I said, way too loud.

  I looked into the bedroom. Emma was sitting up, leaning on one arm, stunned amazement on her face. I felt fucking good.

  “You keep both hands on that wound or you’ll bleed out. Don’t fucking move.”

  I took his pistols and stuffed them in my pockets. He groaned louder with each passing second. Getting shot must hurt.

  A cacophony of voices smashed through the front door. I thought it was my friends and co-workers coming to check on the shot fired but nope. It was a brigade of corrections officers. My text to Tommy had eventually made it through and he’d tracked down the number and given them Andrew’s address. They had Billy with them so I pointed to Oscar and told them about Dylan in the closet.

  Behind them my friends and co-workers did pour through the front door. When they heard, I was given more handshakes and hugs than the rest of my life combined.

  An officer took Reggie’s gun from me. As they hugged me one person after another mentioned how brave Emma was and talked about her incredible sacrifice. I thanked them and said nothing. They’d not seen her with the convicts. I knew the truth.

  The police wanted to take Emma back to the detention center so they could evaluate her in the infirmary but she flat refused. Short of cuffing and arresting her, they had to let her go. It helped that she was a guest of Andrew’s. He was known to them. She deflected any question about what occurred in the bedroom, telling them nothing.

  I intentionally neglected to mention Reggie. I figured I could say I forgot in the madness. About two hours later everything had settled down enough at the mansion the cops said we could leave. Emma and I said goodnight.

  We were twenty feet from our cabin when I told her about Reggie. When I opened the door, he was still gagged and tied to the bed. I told him what had happened and then I added I was going to cut him free. What he did with his life from this moment forward was up to him. Emma looked at me strangely. I gave him a shirt and a pair of pants and told him to bury the orange jumpsuit. He wouldn’t believe me until the moment I shook his hand and patted him on the back and wished him luck. Last I saw he was headed for the line of trees. Emma and I showered and she scrubbed the mascara camouflage off my face.

  In the morning, the storm was nothing more than scattered dark clouds. Emma and I showered again a
nd sat on the bed.

  “You haven’t asked what happened in Andrew’s bedroom,” she said.

  “Because I don’t need to.”

  She pursed her lips and plucked at some lint on the bedspread.

  “What did you see?”

  “Everything; Oscar. Oscar again. Dylan.”

  “Why didn’t you stop it?”

  I explained my reasons, my rationalizations and my fear for the others.

  “That makes sense,” she said. Again, we both left volumes unsaid.

  The front of her robe parted slightly, revealing the soft curve of a breast. She hooked her hair behind an ear and met my eyes. Lust welled up in me like lava rising to a volcano. I pounced. She wrapped arms and legs around me as I pressed my lips to hers and fumbled at the belt of her robe. She was doing the same and seconds later both our robes were open. My eyes feasted on her body like I was seeing it for the first time. I was hard before I’d finished moving over her. She reached down and guided me in and her white-hot cunt ripped a loud gasp from me. I plunged balls deep and started fucking her hard, my penis sinking into a swamp of semen. She met me thrust for thrust. We accidently hit the nightstand and the lamp smashed on the floor, but we ignored it and kept going. We had the most intense sex of our married life.

  She practically screamed when she came and I roared like a lion as I added my sperm to Oscar’s. We sweat like pigs, sucked air like sprinters, and then laughed like children. Towards the end her laughter turned to quiet snuffles as the very real fear she’d felt at the time overflowed. I held her a long time. Despite her lusty side taking over, there was also dread and fright with those men. I rocked her until she came back to herself.

  “You looked like a sexy badass with that smoking gun in your hand and Oscar wounded on the floor.”

  “Thank you. I was terrified. Adrenaline saved the day.”


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