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Prisoners of Halfmoon Key

Page 6

by Matthew Lee

  “You know, Honey, my plan was to separate and control the men. I thought if I could—“

  “Baby,” I interrupted. “I know. I know you and I know your mind. I know that was your plan. But then something else happened. Something neither of us anticipated.”


  “But both of us seem to love.”


  “You should be hysterical. I should be enraged.”


  We sat in a long silence.

  “What do we do?” she said at last.

  “I don’t know. Emotionally, everything is up in the air. I will say I feel like we’ve gained something but not lost anything.”

  “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  “I’m saying I feel like we’ve made a discovery, like we’ve uncovered some new insight. I don’t feel betrayed or deceived. I don’t feel robbed. Everything has shifted.”

  “Go on.”

  “Like the way I look at Andrew now. It’s totally different.”

  “Like what?”

  “Hard to explain. He’s got something over me but I find it oddly exciting. He’s had you, my wife, and it kind of turns me on.”

  “He’s not had me. Not really. I only blew him.”

  I heard something funny in her voice but ignored it. “Which reminds me; I’m sure he has pictures.”

  I told her what I found inside the wooden box. She thought about the new information for a minute and then said: “I find that annoying and immature. Will you confront him?”

  “Yes, once things settle down.”

  She rubbed her chin thoughtfully. “Are Debbie and Paul and Andrew swingers?”

  “I hadn’t thought of that but it fits.”

  A question had been growing since her comment about Andrew not having had her but I hesitated to ask it. My palms were wet and my throat dry. I decided to wait.

  “I guess we should have breakfast with the others,” she said after a long pause. “Show them we’re okay.”

  “They think you’re a hero. Debbie too, but not as much. They say by drawing the escapee’s attention to yourself, you kept the rest of them safe. They say you made a huge sacrifice and they all owe you a lot.”

  Her smile was coy as she stared at the bedspread.

  We walked through the front doors to a standing ovation. Everyone cheered. Chef made waffles for breakfast because he knew they were Emma’s favorite and Andrew handed me a brand-new bottle of Scotch. Debbie and Emma wandered off together, which made me anxious for some reason.

  Andrew put his arm around me after twenty minutes or so and led me away towards his office. He shut the door behind us. He pointed to a smoke-detector on the ceiling in the corner and said: “Camera.” He pointed to another in the other corner. I knew the implication; he watched the video and saw me go through his desk. He knew I found the wooden box.

  “You’re a lucky man,” I said.

  He smiled, appraising me.

  “I know about you and Emma,” I said, before he could start down some road of bullshit. His smile went flat. “I’m not angry,” I finished.

  “Damn, Sam, I brought you back here to reward you.” He chuckled. “Boom, boom, boom; Sam dropping truth-bombs. Why aren’t you angry?”

  “Mr. Stone, with all due respect, the private conversation between Emma and me needs to remain private. I just wanted you to know I knew and that I’m not hurt or full of rage.” I pointed at his bottom drawer. “Those photos…you have some of your time with Emma?”

  “Yes.” He looked guilty.

  “I’d like to see them.”

  His eyebrow shot up to his hairline. “Really?”


  He walked to a built-in cabinet and opened the doors. A large television screen filled the space with electronics below. He powered on and hit a few buttons and then video played of Emma on her knees sucking his big cock. The picture quality was great and he had three angles. The cameras were set to auto zoom and auto focus.

  “This means you have video of Emma with Oscar and Dylan.”

  “It does, but you don’t want to see that. Trust me.”

  “Show me.”

  “Sam, she did what she had to do. She did it for us.”

  “Show me.”

  He punched a few buttons and there she was, loving every inch those ultimate bad-boys gave her.

  “Have you copied this?”

  He watched my face closely. “No.”

  “Good. I want the originals. Your blowjob vids with her too.”

  “Fair enough. Are you alright? You’re frighteningly calm, considering.”

  I nodded. Andrew did not need to know my new kinky secret.

  He opened a drawer and pressed a button and a plastic tray slid out. He removed two CDs, which he handed to me. “That’s everything.”


  “No, Sam, thank you.” He waved vaguely at the electronics equipment. “All this other business notwithstanding, you did an amazing thing. We all owe you a lot but I especially do. My land, my house, my invitation; I was responsible for everyone here. You saved us all but you especially saved my ass. Tell me how I can repay you.”

  “Don’t fire me. Give me time to turn things around. I love the company and I love what I do. I’ll make things right.”

  “Done, but what else? Emma already convinced me not to fire you.”

  I thought for a moment. “Actually, there is something else. Do you have scuba gear?”

  “I do.”

  “I’d like to borrow it.”

  He said no problem and we talked a while about how I overcame three out of four bad guys. I lied and said Reggie wandered off into the night as soon as he finished his cigarette. He asked how difficult it was to shoot someone and I said given what I’d seen Oscar do to Emma, pretty fucking easy. We both laughed and he said he hoped I wouldn’t shoot him. I gave him a knowing look.

  “I think that might piss her off,” I said. “She seems fond of you, if I remember correctly.”

  “And I of her,” he replied.

  We regarded each other.

  “I’m going to share a secret with you,” he said. “I’m into some interesting hobbies. Sometimes I have parties at my house in Vegas. Invitation only parties, if you know what I mean. Paul and Debbie have attended on occasion. Any interest?”

  I looked down at the two CDs in my hand. “Before this vacation? No. Now? I have to admit I do.”

  “Alright. Next time I throw a party I’ll invite you and Emma.”

  “Sounds good. Thanks.”

  “What’s the scuba gear for?”

  I lied. “I thought I saw some interesting coral on the east side of the island. I’d like to see it underwater.”

  “No problem. My boathouse guy is Charles. I’ll let him know you’re coming.”

  We left for the den.

  Everyone was there, gathered in knots, talking excitedly about their kidnap adventure, sharing the experience from their perspective. When I walked in most of them looked up and waved. I knew it wouldn’t last long but I must admit I was loving the fame.

  Debbie and Emma were still absent.

  I worked my way around the room as it seemed everyone wanted me to join their group. Emma and Debbie snuck in about half an hour later and blended quickly. As my wife made her way around the room towards me, I noticed everyone seemed to embrace her, overflowing with compassion and affection. Debbie too, sort of. Emma may have fucked two of the convicts but nobody judged her for it. At last she joined my side and we kissed briefly.

  “Nice meeting with Andrew?” she asked.

  “Yes, excellent. Nice meeting with Debbie?”

  She lowered her voice and pulled me away from the others.

  “Her and Paul are swingers. Andrew throws wild parties and they’ve gone a few times. Can you believe it?”

  “Yup. I got us an invite to the next one.”

  She looked shocked. “You’re amazing.” She was th
oughtful for a moment. “Are we going to go when he invites us?”

  “Probably. I also got us use of scuba gear to examine the galleon.”

  “Terrific, Sam, but maybe you can take Paul or Jared? I just want to lie in the sun until we leave.”

  “I don’t trust anyone but you.”

  “Fine. What are those?” She pointed at the CDs in my hand.

  “This is video of you blowing Andrew…and you with Oscar…and you with Dylan.”

  She covered her mouth with one hand. “That bastard has cameras everywhere.”

  “Indeed he goes. Remember that.”

  She wanted to say more. I saw it in her eyes. She remained silent and I did not goad her.

  Most of us gathered our beach gear and spent the day in the sun, keeping the staff busy running cocktails. On our way back to the cabana I stopped by the boathouse and met Charles and arranged for an early morning outing. Emma and I were asleep the second our heads hit the pillow.

  I had Charles drop anchor around a bend of the beach. Emma and I would go under and then follow the shore to our secret inlet and then head to the bottom to see what we could see. Charles listened to a soccer game on the radio as we got ready to dive, disinterested. We were just two more guests having fun.

  Emma and I made good time and passed under the overgrowth that shielded our hidden port. The bottom dropped out quickly and we followed it down. I’d been right about a wreck. I’m not trained but the ship looked like a Spanish galleon to me. We signaled to each other, our eyes filled with excitement.

  The vessel was mostly rotten timbers, well-encrusted and home to thousands of colorful fish. We explored, our hearts hammering in our chest the whole time, and found odd little trinkets. Emma kept a solid silver spoon and I saved a silver picture frame. I’m sure taking them was illegal but we did it anyway. We burned through our air fast and all too soon our dive was over. I felt vindicated I’d been right though, and I could tell Emma was proud of me. We told Charles we found the objects under sand on the ocean floor and he surmised the storm must have kicked them up and deposited them there. He guessed they were probably only a few years old and we did nothing to dissuade him, smirking as we packed them away with our stuff.

  At dinner that night we learned the airport would be opened in the morning and flights could resume. About ninety percent of the guests announced they were leaving. Emma wondered if we could stay just a few more days and enjoy the vacation we never got to have, and I said sure.

  I helped drive the departing guests to the airport and docks and was gone for most of the day, leaving Emma and Debbie on the beach. Paul came with me but drove another car. By the time we got back it was late afternoon and I was starving. Chef made us some roast beef sandwiches.

  A funny thing happens once your wife fucks another man. I found myself watching her every move but from curiosity, not suspicion. Each time she interacted with the bartender or the gardener or the pool guy, I checked to see if she wanted him. She seemed infinitely sexier to me. Over the years I’d allowed myself to go from seeing her as a hot sex partner to just a partner. We balanced our budget together. We raised our kids. We attended parent-teacher conferences and debated the merits of different shampoos.

  Now I looked at her tits the way another man would. I looked at her ass the way another man would. I noticed, for the first time, the way some guys turned around to look as she walked by. I once again saw her as a sex object and when I told her that she was thrilled. We’d both fallen into a routine without knowing it.

  “So, you’re saying you like it when other men check me out?”

  “Surprisingly, I do, very much.”

  “Good, because I do too.”

  She was sexier and I saw her as a more sexual creature. One was the way I saw her and the other the way she saw herself. She flirted now. I know her weight always bothered her and made her shy but this vacation taught her men didn’t care as much as she did. Even with gorgeous Debbie in the room, guys chose her. I know that made her feel like a million bucks.

  She asked me a few times if I was still okay with what she’d done, first with Andrew and then Oscar and Dylan. I told her I felt like Oscar and Dylan was done to her, at least at first, and only Andrew was something she did. I still get flustered whenever I see her talking to Andrew but excitement is woven in there too.

  When I returned to the cabana after my long day with Paul, I opened the front door and discovered the bungalow had all the lights off and Emma had lit a dozen candles. I made my way to the bedroom, discovering more candles along the way, and found her in bed, waiting for me, dressed in the skimpiest pink lingerie. She’d not worn lingerie since our honeymoon. She looked stunning.

  I opened my mouth to tell her so and only then noticed the television was on and displayed on the screen was the frozen picture of Oscar standing behind her with huge cock in hand. Her pants and underwear were around her knees. I remembered the moment perfectly but seeing it again astonished me. He was so big and she so petite. No way would that massive spear fit inside her. Emma hit play and on screen she bounced and wiggled her ass to make him hurry and I moaned as he sank that enormous cock into my wife. Emma crawled across the bed and then slid off to stand behind me. She watched the television over my shoulder, her mouth close to my ear.

  “He felt like a python, Baby,” she purred, while on the screen Oscar held her hips and began to fuck her from behind. “I was ready to cum so fast but I fought it. I wanted to savor how good he felt. I wish I’d known you were outside watching. I’d have really put on a show for you.”

  She reached around to loosen my shorts and free my penis. I could not pull my eyes from the screen. Next she pulled my shirt off over my head.

  “He was so hard, like steel. He shoved my insides around, touching me in sensitive places I didn’t know I had.”

  She reached around to play with my dick. I was already stiff.

  “Why didn’t I know I had such places, Baby?”

  That stung. I drew a deep breath, decided to forge ahead with the truth. Why not? We’d been through so much. “Because I’ve never touched them.”

  “That’s right. Watch him fuck me, Baby. Watch that brute fuck your wife. Amazing to see, isn’t it? Look how much I love it.”

  She moved to the edge of the bed but faced the screen. She spoke to me over her shoulder. “Fuck me like he did, Love.”

  She bent at the waist and aimed her bare pussy at me. With my eyes glued to the monitor, I stepped up and sank my dick into her. I held her hips and everything Oscar did on screen, I copied as I fucked her. We watched him take her and relived every second of it. She was drenched, literally dripping off my nuts. I slammed her pussy as she urged me to fuck her harder.

  On screen, we watched her climax and I fucked her even faster. She looked so intensely beautiful and sexy. He pounded her cunt so I did too and she came again on the end of my penis. I almost lost it. She was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. Watching her get fucked was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen.

  We spent the night in this way; watching until we got too excited, fucking until we exhausted ourselves, only to watch some more and do it all again. We stuck with Dylan and Oscar, leaving Andrew out of our playlist. When Dylan rolled her over to fuck her ass, she told me to do the same to her.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, Baby. I never knew it could feel so good.”

  I was trembling as I pushed my penis up her rectum. I lasted only a few minutes, overwhelmed I finally got to conquer that little hole, but she lasted a short time too. Just the idea got us so excited.

  Near dawn we started yet another round. I was out of cum but continued getting hard from pure arousal. She’d had her back to me and I’d scooted close and brought my erection up between her legs which she invitingly parted. On our side, I slid one arm under her and the other over and hugged her tight. The question I’d been too afraid to ask the day before, returned. I snuggled close as my penis pushed inside.

  “Do you want Andrew?”

  “Unnngh,” she moaned.

  I needed something more definitive.

  “He’s my boss, not some convict we’ll never see again. Fucking him will change everything.”

  Her mouth opened as her breathing increased. Over her arm I watched her big tit jiggle each time I thrust.

  “Does he excite you?’

  She bit her bottom lip.

  “His cock is really big. Did sucking it make you want it inside you?”

  “Ohhhh, Baby, don’t stop.”

  I felt her pussy growing wetter. I had my answer; my sweet wife wanted Andrew. I’ve heard that a hard dick don’t lie but then neither does a wet pussy. Anxiety churned my stomach but my penis remained unaffected. Handing Emma to Andrew was fraught with risk. I was already his subordinate but at least I had my private life where I was king. I lost all that once he fucked Emma. If it was just something he wanted, saying no would be easy but clearly Emma wanted it too. That worried me at the same time it aroused me. I loved that my newly sexual wife wanted another man but also, and this was hard to admit, some part of me liked the idea of us both submitting to Andrew; her via sex and me through her. Twisted, I know, but I’m being honest here. Her pussy was gushing over my dick. I knew what she fantasized about. I took a deep breath and plunged in.

  “I can see his big cock sliding into you, Honey. I see his big balls moving closer and closer. I know you want that. I know you want to fuck him. It’s okay, Baby. You can let go. Let yourself imagine it’s Andrew behind you right now.”

  Her hips started curling back to capture my dick each time I moved into her. Her eyes were squeezed shut. I held her tight and fucked up into her sopping cunt and her groans filled our bedroom. I knew at that moment it was Andrew fucking her, not me. Her tight pussy began to lock down around me, coaxing and teasing my dick, until I heard her suck air into her lungs.

  “Andrew is bigger than Oscar,” I hissed.

  My wife cried out like she’d been stabbed. Her head bounced all around.

  “Ooooohhhhhh, fuuuuuuuck,” she moaned. I felt a little overwhelmed. Emma was cumming for Andrew and cumming hard. A surge of blood filled my penis and she felt it and her climax jumped up a level. I moved faster and suddenly lost control and began to spurt what little fluid I had. Her body rocked and jerked as she came for my boss. We both slowed gradually until we came to a stop. After, we fell into a deep sleep.


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