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The Love Plan

Page 5

by Erica Marselas

  “Fine, I'll try anything at this point. But only if he's onboard, and you’re calling him.”

  “Hello, ladies.” Julian gives us his panty-dropping smile as he slides onto the stool between me and Mel. “You wanted to see me?”

  “We have a proposition for you,” Mel starts, grabbing his hand.

  “A proposition, huh?” Julian’s gray eyes suddenly gleam, and his full white smile grows bigger. Steph groans, mumbling ‘boys’ under her breath.

  “Get your mind out of the gutter.” Mel swats him playfully. “Meadow needs you to play Romeo to make Dexter absolutely mad with jealousy so he can get his head out of his ass and admit how he really feels about her.”

  He blinks at her for a second, absorbing her words, then chuckles. “Okay, so let me get this straight. You want me to pretend to go out with Meadow, in hopes to open up Dexter's eyes that he's in love with her?”

  “Pretty much,” I say softly with a heavy sigh. It all sounds so easy, but it probably will be anything but.

  “Why don't you just tell him?” He looks at me curiously, making Mel and Steph moan. I glance at them wondering if I should tell him the details. “What?”

  I recite what happened the night of my birthday, from the hookup and then Dexter being so blackout drunk that he forgot. “And I don't know. I think if I told him, he'd find some excuse not to.”

  “I see. Well, I'm glad to see you're both not oblivious to your feelings. I'm in.”

  “Really?” I'm surprised how easy he accepts. I thought I was going to have to bribe him with cash or even flash my boobs…or something.

  “Yeah. Could be fun fucking with Dex. When do you want to start?”

  Chapter Four


  “I need you to fax these designs and specs over to Mallory and then you can go,” I tell Joyce, my secretary. She reminds me of Sophia Petrillo from the Golden Girls. She's tiny, with white curled hair and big rimmed glasses, and she sasses me all the time. Yes, I know the Golden Girls thanks to my mother and Meadow.

  It figures Julian, my man-whore of a boss would get Amber—a Secretary with legs for miles and boobs like Pamela Anderson—and gives me grandma as a way to fuck with me, but it just so happens that Joyce is amazing at her job and efficient—unlike Amber. In the end, I’m eternally grateful for Joyce.

  “I'll get right on it, Mr. Greene.” She smiles and turns around to walk back to her desk.

  Rounding the corner is Meadow, in a tight black dress, making her legs look like hot sin and her breasts are practically spilling from the short neckline—holy shit! My dick twitches and I find the need to adjust myself.

  What the hell? Again, I'm checking out Meadow like I would some random hot babe at a bar.

  Like this is Meadow.

  My Meadow. Wes’ Meadow.

  Why is she dressed like this?

  It’s bad enough she had me jacking off in the shower the other morning when I woke up after she slept in my bed. Now, I don’t think it was her per se, but it didn't help my normal morning wood was pressed into her, and the wiggling and the moaning did nothing to help matters. Or the way she was eyeing my dick.

  Then why did I only think of her and call her name as I came?

  “Don't you look pretty!” Joyce stops her and looks her over. “Hot date?”

  “You could say that.” Meadow grins, tucking her auburn hair back behind her ear.

  Joyce glances over her shoulder at me and clucks her tongue in disapproval. “Well, Dex, you better get going. Call the fairy godmother if you want a chance to compete with this beauty tonight.”

  “Watcha talking about? I'm fine.” I wave her off and uncomfortably fix my navy checkered tie with the other hand.

  Meadow giggles and squeezes Joyce’s shoulder before walking my way. When she's in front of me she grabs the lapels of my Burberry suit and I take a second to inhale the scent of her honey blossom perfume.

  “Where are we going that you're so dressed up for?”

  Her eyes widen and she chews on her lower lip. “Oh, umm, not we. I'm actually here for Julian.”

  “Julian?” I question, making sure I heard her right. “Julian St. James? My boss? The owner?”

  She's going out with him? Dressed like that? Without me? I don't fucking think so.

  “Yeah. One and the same.” She laughs. “Also known as our friend. We’re going to dinner at SoHo and then seeing the new Avengers movie.”

  “We were supposed to see that,” I snap. I'm not okay with this. We planned to see that movie months ago—we've already seen the rest of the series together.

  She frowns. “I didn't think you would mind because I figured you and Steve would be going to see it anyway. I'm sorry.”

  “Well, I could just tag along.”

  “It’s kind of a date, Dex,” she confirms what I already knew, but it doesn't make me feel any better.

  “A date?” I spit the word out, trying to get rid of the bitter taste in my mouth.

  She hasn't been on a date since god knows when, and she's going out with someone she once called a fuckboy?

  “Yeah. He asked me out.”

  “He did? When?”

  Why the hell is she just telling me this now?

  “Yesterday. I said yes. It’s been a while since I’ve been out. And Julian is nice.”

  “He’s not your type, Meadow,” I grit out, no longer being able to control my temper.

  “What do you mean?”

  “He uses women like they’re disposable. He’s just going to end up dumping you in a couple of days. You should just call it off, or I could come with you.” I try to reason with her.

  “That’s not a nice thing to say about our friend, Dex. And I don't need a babysitter.”

  “You've said the same thing yourself,” I argue.

  “Well, I've changed my mind,” she huffs. “I’ve seen a different side of him. He's really not that bad and he treats every girl he dates right.”

  “But you’re talking about dating Julian St. James. It’s not like you’re only going out and having a beer. As your best friend, it’s my job to tell you it’s a bad idea.”

  She's out of her mind! I want to shake her in the middle of this hall because it seems all her common sense is missing.

  “You’re telling me this as my friend, huh?” She raises her eyebrow at me.


  “Oh, and nothing else?” She grabs my tie and wraps it around her hand. Now I'm confused by this change of direction she has going on here.


  “You sound like a jealous ape instead of a best friend.” She smirks and jabs her finger in my chest.

  What is she getting at? I'm not jealous. It’s my job to take care of her. To look after her.

  “I’m not jealous. I know what Julian is like. You know what he’s like. And honestly, I’m not going to deal with you all heartbroken for weeks over him when you know better.”

  “You’re being an asshole,” she growls and pushes away from me. “You know that. I’m a big girl. I can go out with whoever I want.”

  “You can. Just not Julian!”

  “You've said this about Mark, Cody, and Santino.” I roll my eyes at Santino's name. Her college boyfriend and first boyfriend after Wes. He was the worst of them all. They only dated for a few months till she caught him cheating, and guess who had to be the one to help her pick up the pieces?


  “See, you can't even keep the dirty look off your face at their names. All of them not good enough for some reason or another.”

  “And I always ended up being right.”

  She rubs her temple with her forefingers and sighs. She can't deny that I'm right. “You never heard me give this much hate on any girl you’ve dated.”

  “Molly,” I say smugly of an ex-girlfriend I dated for about six months two years ago. “Because you so happened to love her.”

  “You hush your mouth about that bitch.” She smacks me in the chest,
hard enough it stings.

  “Damn, settle. Sorry.” I rub the spot where she hit. Okay, so Molly is a sore subject, especially for Meadow. While the relationship started off good, near the end Molly went out of her way to do everything to try to break up Meadow's and my friendship. At one point, she got close. Molly had made up lies saying that Meadow was threatening her because she had thought she was coming between us. Then, at one point, she played that Meadow had attacked her. I almost believed Molly, but thankfully I knew Meadow better. Molly's lies came to light and I kicked her crazy ass to the curb.

  I like to think the experience brought us closer.

  “Don't you ever say that name again!” she hisses. “That harlot doesn't come close to Julian and you know it. Now, what's really going on?”

  “It's just I happen to know what's good for you.”

  “What seems to be good for me is being single forever.”

  “I didn't say that.” I sigh, but yes it probably would be best. Though, I'm not dumb enough to say that out loud.

  I'd like to keep breathing.

  “Everything okay, you guys?” Julian walks up behind Meadow and slides his arm around her shoulder, making my blood boil. He's already marking all over her before they go out on a date?

  “Everything is fine.” Meadow plasters on a fake smile and slides her arm around Julian’s waist. “We should go so we don’t miss the movie.” She pulls him away down the hall.

  “You won’t miss much. I heard most of them disintegrate at the end anyway,” I call out the huge spoiler I read from the rotten tomatoes site. “Then you have wait for the next one.”

  Meadow shoots me a fiery glare over her shoulder, and I give her a smug grin before she disappears.

  Now that seeing the Avengers is in the dust, and rather than wait for my best friend to come home with her heart broken, I'll go visit my mother and father.

  Really living it up, Dex.

  Though there's a good reason behind it. In a couple of weeks, my parents along with Meadow’s mom are throwing Wesley's parents a 35th wedding anniversary party and there are a couple of things to discuss. Meadow and I are doing everything to help.

  I pull up to my childhood home where the tire swing still hangs from the giant oak. I would spend hours pushing Meadow in that damn thing. Some days, I attempted to spin her around enough to the point where she couldn’t stand up or even where she would get sick. Wes, on the other hand, would tend to look on as he read on the porch.

  My house was the main meet up spot because it was between Meadow’s and Wes’.

  There are times—actually, it’s all the time—where I wish I could go back in time and bring Wes back.

  I pull out my key, but before I get it into the knob the door flies open. “Dexter!” My mom greets and pulls me into her arms. “What are you doing here? Did I miss your call?” She leads me into the house and closes the door behind us.

  “No. I thought I’d stop by and bring over the recommendations for those catering dishes you were asking about for the party.”

  “Oh, thank you.” She takes the list out of my hands and glances over it. “Where's your other half?”


  “Meadow?” She laughs. “You never walk into this house without her attached to you. I figured she'd be with you. So, where is my sweetie?”

  “What, am I not enough?”

  “Did I say that?”


  “You know it goes without saying Meadow is my favorite Monday, Wednesday and Sundays. And it’s Wednesday. So, where's my girl?”

  “Thanks, Mom. I can just go.” I point back to the door.

  “No. No. I'll just put in a trade.” She wraps me in her arms and kisses my cheek. She quickly looks me over and touches the spot she kissed. “But really, where is she? This is twenty years of routine you're breaking. Are you fighting? I figured she’d be the one bringing me the list since it is what she does for a living.”

  “No. She's out on a date. With Julian,” I hiss. I'm actually fucking hissing the name of someone I consider my good friend because he's probably got his hands all over the one I consider my best.

  I hate it. I want to break his hands.

  “Your boss? I thought you liked him.”

  I did until he asked my best friend out behind my back.

  “He's fine. I mean yeah.” I shrug.


  “He's not right for Meadow.”

  “Ohhh. I see.” She smirks and fidgets with her necklace.

  “What are you getting all up about?” I roll my eyes. If anyone is going to try to make mountains out of molehills or try to turn shit to gold, it's going to be my mother.

  “You're finally admitting how you truly feel,” she says, seeming positively giddy with herself like she guessed the final question on Jeopardy.

  “Oh my god, what is with everyone lately? Meadow is like my sister and it's my job to make sure she doesn't end up hurt.”

  “And you think Julian will hurt her?”


  My mom taps her chin, making a humming noise, a sign that she doesn't believe me

  “It’s true,” I argue, feeling as if I'm on trial.

  “I know Julian, and I don’t believe it for a minute. He’s kind and I think he would treat Meadow like she deserves. I think it’s only because you don’t want them together and not because of who he is.”

  “That’s not true.”

  “Oh, your denial river runs deep, son.”

  “I'm not in denial.” I shake my head and yank on my hair walking into the living room. My mother follows yacking it up behind me. If only Dad were home maybe I would have someone on my side. “I'm glad you find my life a comedy show.”

  “I don't know why you're acting so scared.” She sighs and places her hand on my shoulder.

  “I'm not,” I mutter. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot a picture of Meadow and me on the mantel from last Christmas. We're both wearing ridiculous Christmas sweaters and her head is on my lap, looking up at me smiling. Then beside that picture, is a framed photo of her with Wes. I walk over and pick it up and stare at it. Studying how she's looking at Wes to how she looks at me and for a fleeting moment, I swear it's identical.

  I remember the day my mother snapped the picture of her and Wes. It was about a month before we lost him. We were out in the backyard, having a graduation party for Wes. He was a year ahead of us and was going out to Washington State University in two months. Unfortunately, he would never make it. My heart twists and my eyes close, as I go back to that day, one of the last good days before he died…

  I groan and pinch the bridge of my nose watching my two best friends make out in front of me—again. I should be used to this affection, but after a while it gets old. I'm happy for them and what not but wouldn't mind going back to the days I wasn't a third wheel and I could hang out with them without the slobber noises.

  “You two done yet?”

  Meadow pulls away from Wes and she blushes. She always did look so cute when she got all shy, even now, after making out with Wes.

  “For now.” She shrugs and tucks a loose hair behind her ear. “I'm going to grab a soda. Do you two want one?” she offers.

  I ask for a Coke and Wes asks for the same.

  She bounces back into the house, and I throw myself back in the lawn chair looking at my other best friend who is still wearing a shit-eating grin from that kiss he got.

  “God, you two make me nauseous.”

  “You're just jealous you can't have what I have.”

  He grins glancing back at the house making me roll my eyes. He and Meadow have been dating for over a year, and though she's still in high school it wouldn't surprise me if Wes proposed to her when she graduates next year. They'll go the distance and I'll more than likely be single forever in their shadow.


  “I hope one day you can have it.”

  “Kind of hard when all the girls I
date are afraid of Meadow even though she's with you.”

  Any girl I end up with will have to understand that Meadow is a part of my life and isn't going anywhere. The one thing I can't handle is crazy jealous chicks.

  “You'll find her. You'll have to stop being so hard-headed and let her in.”

  “Whatever. I'm fine. Unlike you, I much rather go out and have fun. Meet all the ladies. I don't need to ‘settle down.’ Why should I have to anyways when I can live vicariously through you two?”

  “Okay, now I understand.” My mother's voice and tight clasp on my shoulder brings me back from the past.

  “Understand what?” I glance at her confused, wondering what the hell she's talking about now.

  “Why you won't go after Meadow. It’s because of Wes. You know he wouldn't…”

  I drop the picture back down and step out of my mother’s grasp.

  “Wes has nothing to do with anything because there isn't anything,” I stress, hoping she'll get the point that I don't have some deep hidden feelings for Meadow. “Please stop pushing this.”

  “Fine, fine. I'm sorry. I only want you to be happy, you know that. I'll drop it.” She puts her hands up and steps back. But knowing my mother, this won't be the last of it. This is only the beginning. Soon Valerie and Aunt Martha will be joining the ranks of this conspiracy. “Now, would you like to stay for dinner. Your dad should be home shortly. I made one of your favorites, pork chops.”

  I smile, and my mouth waters—nothing will make me forget like my mother's cooking.

  I jiggle the door handle and open the door to a sea of darkness. I’m disappointed that Meadow is still not home. I drop my keys on the counter and flick on the light. Moving to the fridge, I grab a beer and settle onto the couch to wait for her. Why am I waiting for her? Torturing myself? Maybe I should be like Steve and go out and find a woman to pick up, go to her place and lose myself in her. Hell, when was the last time I even did that? I try to wrack my brain to remember and I can't. I can't even remember the last time Meadow went out with someone.


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