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The Freedom Search: Kai & Gloria's Story (Search Series Book 4)

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by Kay, Amanda

  Copyright ©

  Amanda Kay, Author


  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by means mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and events are fictitious in every regard. Any similarities to actual events or persons, living or dead are purely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names or featured names are assumed to be the property of their respective owners and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if any of these terms are used. Except for review purposes, the reproduction of this book in whole or in part, mechanically or electronically, constitutes a copyright violation.

  Published in the United States of American in December 2014; Copyright 2014 by Amanda Kay.

  The right of the Authors Name to be identified as the Author of the Work has been asserted by them in accordance with The Copyright, Designs and Patent Act of 1988.

  Published by Kingsnake Publishing

  Cover art by Cover Me, Darling

  Interior formatting and design by Amanda Kay/Brenda Wright

  Copyright 2014 © Kingsnake Publishing & Amanda Kay

  Language: English

  This book is intended for a mature audience of eighteen and older


  To all the reading rebels out there.

  My readers are the so important to me and I would be nowhere without each and every one of you.


  To my parents and my family you know how much I love you and how much your support has meant to me. To my husband, thank you for not only loving me, our daughter and son, but loving this country enough to serve it. You are my hero.

  The blogging community, without you, indie authors like myself would never see the light of day. I am grateful for all you do.

  To fabulous writers/authors I have gotten to chat with and get to know over the last few months. I am grateful for everything.

  To my Beta Readers, thank you for taking the time to read this book not once, but twice. I am beyond excited to release it to the world.

  To my PA, Jen. I love you, thank you so much for all the hard work you have done. Without you I don’t think I could do this.

  To my street team. My Fairies are the best and I appreciate all you do in getting my name out there.

  To an amazing editor, Brenda, who took a chance on a new genre for me. I am so happy to have found you. Here’s to a busy schedule.

  And finally to my readers, I would not have made it without you. I am so thankful for you.

























  She knew she was in trouble, when she couldn’t get Kai Lukas out of her head. He was a fucking asshole, she thought the way Raiden kicked her out after they had sex was bad. Well it surely didn’t compare to the way Kai had dismissed her.

  “Damn it, Gloria! You are not trash!” She hissed, but the truth was trash was exactly what she was. She knew Kai didn’t want her any more than Raiden and yet she easily fell in bed with both of them. Power and control were all those two cared about. Her phone rang as she stared into the darkness of her bedroom. “What?” She answered, damn she really was a bitch, she would have to work on that, but when your self-esteem is so low no matter how you present yourself on the outside it’s tough to not be a bitch.

  “Gloria, It’s Kai,” he stated, his tone different than anything she had ever heard him use. He had lost whatever battle he was fighting with Raiden, because Raiden got engaged. For three months after that, Gloria ended her night in Kai’s bed only to be hastily thrown out the next morning. This last time though, he was downright cruel and Gloria wasn’t sure why he was calling now.

  “And you want?” She hadn’t turned off the bitch and she wouldn’t. Not for Kai Lukas. The truth was she thought even though they were trying to break up Raiden and Tai that they had something special. Kai crushed that though, this morning.

  “I’m sorry,” was all he said before hanging up. He’s sorry. Really? Kai Lukas is sorry? Maybe he does care.


  He didn’t know what was going on, but for the last few months as he was trying to break up Raiden and Tai he was fucking a human, Gloria, a fucking human. He was acting like Raiden, the same person he was bent on destroying, but she was different, he didn’t know why, but she was.

  “Damn it, Kai! You were an ass!” He usually was an ass though, so this morning’s events shouldn’t have surprised him. He always kicked Gloria out early. Shit, if his family caught her Kai would be a dead man, but this morning he had discovered something that could land the final blow to Raiden so, when he kicked her out he was ruder than usual.

  He didn’t know how the human ended up in his bed last night. Probably a weak fucking moment. He was reeling about Raiden and Tai’s engagement when the bitch, Gloria, showed up at his door. He was pissed as fuck at her for not succeeding in breaking up Raiden and Tai and now what the hell had happened? They were engaged. So he solved his anger issue by fucking her all night long, hard. Very hard. She didn’t complain, she just took it over and over until Kai passed out, but he hoped she would’ve left. She hadn’t, which meant he now had to get rid of her skanky ass. He was a jackass, woman who slept with Raiden before he met Tai thought he was jackass, but no one dared to mess with him.

  “Get your shit and get out dammit!” he hissed.

  “Kai?” she questioned. Really? Seriously? What the hell did she think was going on with them?

  “Don’t know what you’re thinking. Really don’t fucking care either, but I asked you to leave and I suggest you do it now!” he yelled, his patience was already wearing thin so it would be wise for her to not test that. He wasn’t Raiden, you did not mess with Kai Lukas.

  “I thought Raiden was a jackass.” She spat as she left.

  He growled, but let her leave. He had bigger things to worry about. Moving to his desk, he began reading over the documents he had found after his failed kidnapping attempt of Tai. He was pissed off that she escaped, but grateful for a prayer that could solve his problem. Raiden getting married.

  As he scanned the document he found it. If the leading family’s heir chooses to be with a human, the human must make the ultimate sacrifice. Become a vampire.’

  Ha! Who was he kidding? He had been having weak moments for months now. Truth was, he was in trouble, because he wanted more weak moments if it meant Gloria ended up in his bed at night.

  The Starting Point


  Raiden Wyrick! She had spent the night in his bed. The sex, well it was fucking amazing. He, however, wasn’t in bed any longer. Instead, he was staring out the window. “Raiden, what are you looking at?” She tried her best whiney tone. His head snapped to her and he looked annoyed.

�You got your fuck, Gloria. You can leave now,” he hissed at her. She wasn’t expecting a relationship, but a little decency would’ve been nice. No, not Raiden though, his focus was back on whatever or whoever he was staring at. Well screw him, two could play this game.

  She put on her sexy, seductive smile the one that finally landed her a night in his bed. The bed of the most powerful guy in Aishan or soon to be, his father was handing things over to him. She didn’t know what his business was. She just knew that the Wyrick family had power, lots of power. “Baby, come back to bed,” she whined. When he turned back around, he was not amused though. Instead he looked boiling mad.

  “Gloria, I believe I told you to leave,” he hissed again, his voice controlled anger. His eyes never left her this time. It was clear he wanted her to get the message. She got it, loud and clear. She glared at him while climbing off the bed fishing for her clothes. “Hurry up, Gloria. You need to get lost,” he snapped. Damn, hold the fucking phone, Raiden.

  “You know you can be a real jackass, Raiden?” That caused an amused look to spread across his face, damn cocky bastard.

  “Yeah, been told that once or twice.” Such an ass, but she was...well, a bitch, and it was time Raiden remembered.

  “Seriously, Raiden, you know I was the best lay you’ve had in a while. I know who you’ve slept with.” She knew she was pissing him off and that was exactly what she needed.

  “Look, Gloria, you got what you wanted. I won’t deny you gave me what I needed, but this is nothing more than last night. Now, I won’t tell you again. Get out of my damn house!” He shouted this time and she glared at him, but left.

  Exiting the house, she saw just outside the gate a semi-attractive woman sitting on a bench writing, probably something stupid. Still seeing red and now understanding this was who Raiden was most likely staring at, she decided on a plan. Turn her off to Raiden before he could make his move. “If you’re next in line for Raiden, heed this warning, he isn’t Prince Charming.” She knew she was being a bitch, but she didn’t care. The woman looked up at her startled and confused.

  “I’m sorry?” She questioned. Please, everyone knew Raiden.

  She pointed with her thumb behind her. “Raiden, he lives there. He and his dad pretty much run this town.” How the hell did she not know this?

  “I just got to town. I’m on a self-discovery mission. The house was pretty and I was tired of driving so I took a break.” Gloria had to stifle her laugh, but she was ready to pounce.

  “Ah, I see, well then heed this warning…. stay away, he isn’t the kind of guy that settles down. He screws your brains out, which is amazing of course, but then he turns into a complete asshole when he decides he’s finished with you.” She spat out in full bitch mode.

  “Noted.” The mystery woman began to chuckle. It pissed Gloria off that she thought her warning was some sort of joke. She stormed off only to see the second most powerful guy in Aishan, Kai Lukas. Gloria wanted to keep walking, but well, Kai made that impossible. She had to stare first.


  He was spying on Raiden as usual, when Gloria Keller stomped out of his house. Ha! She had been trying to get into Raiden’s pants for over a year. Kicking the ground, Kai placed a charming smile on his face. He needed her to buy this.

  “Raiden’s an ass letting you go, doll,” he said. She turned around and shot him a less than amused glare.

  “Go the fuck away, Kai Lukas,” she hissed.

  “Awe. Come on, doll. I saw you leaving Raiden’s house and after you left, I watched him pick up that girl out front.” He crossed his arms and her eyes widened.

  “I know I’m a bitch, but...” She broke down. Kai wasn’t expecting this, but he had to make a gentleman’s play if she was going to fall for his act and ultimately help him bring Raiden down.

  “Come here, doll.” He wrapped her in his arms. He had to swallow hard because having her close suddenly felt right, and so far from the game he wanted to play. “Raiden’s an ass, doll, you deserve better.” She pulled back and wiped her eyes.

  “Kai Lukas, what are you proposing?” she questioned.

  “Just want to show you what you deserve.” Kai had to speak fast, ‘get out of my head, get out of my fucking head!’ He shouted in his head, trying to clear his thoughts. “Plus, Raiden deserves a little payback for how he treated you.”

  “You don’t even know what happened, Kai,” she said.

  “I can see it all over your face. Let’s get you home, doll, then we can talk. Deal?” She nodded and he wrapped his arm around her neck and walked her to his car. He blinked a few times trying to clear from his head how right things felt with Gloria Keller in his arms. ‘She’s human, Kai. This is a game, you’re using her. She’ll be using you as well. This is nothing. You’re an asshole, Kai, play the game. Destroy Raiden, get redemption.’


  She really wasn’t sure what she was doing, but nevertheless, she was in Kai Lukas’ car heading in the direction of her apartment. Raiden had thrown her out like a stray dog, only to a second later pick up some random chick who just happened to stop in front of his house. “Doll, stop it,” Kai scolded from the driver’s seat.

  “You have a plan, Kai?” He smirked her way.

  “I always have a plan.” He was just as cocky as Raiden, but for some reason, it made Gloria want to go toe to toe with him, break his walls down.

  “You’re a cocky bastard,” she hissed with a slight flirtation.

  “Won’t ever deny that, doll.” His eyes focused back on the road.

  They arrived at her apartment. She had taken the day off work though she really didn’t know why. “You coming up, Lukas?” she questioned.

  He nodded and got out of the car, she followed his lead. Looking over the roof of his car he spoke, “Now, doll, I was coming around to get you.” She couldn’t help but smile, Kai Lukas, a gentleman. Who would’ve thought? They walked up her steps, his hand was on the small of her back the whole time. It felt nice. Last night fucking Raiden was something she thought she had always wanted. Until now. She was now standing staring at Kai in her apartment and her heart was stuttering.

  “Kai?” She swallowed hard. He moved towards her slowly.

  His lips touched hers and his tongued pressed its way into her mouth. She melted into him following his strong lead. She was being walked backwards towards the wall of her living room. His hands fisted her shirt up, his thumbs then caressed her stomach, sending butterflies through it. She didn’t falter; she was being set on fire, and it was Kai Lukas starting the flame. Like a slow burn, he pulled back.

  “I want you.” He whispered against her lips.

  She nodded. “I need to wash Raiden off.” She spoke. She wasn’t going to have Kai Lukas inside her. Not while she still had Wyrick’s sweat on her.

  “Okay, doll. I need to make a quick phone call and then I’ll come find you, and show you how special you are.”

  She smiled and pulled away from him towards her bathroom. She took no clothes, hoping when his call was over he would find her dripping wet from the shower.


  He waited till he heard the shower start before he made his call. He kept telling himself it was a game, but he knew by the end of this process a choice was going to have to be made. “Son,” his dad answered.

  “I have some information on the Raiden situation.” He did, but didn’t. “Gloria Keller was his latest conquest.” His dad hissed, which created a whistle between his teeth. Kai knew that the idea of a vampire with such power screwing humans was a sore subject with his dad.

  “Another damn human!” he snapped.

  “Yeah, well don’t worry, he threw her out like the trash this morning,” Kai stated flatly.

  “Thank goodness for that, Kai you can’t let him have a successful relationship.”

  “I won’t. You’ll inform Roy of something for me? I’m hatching a plan.” Kai was hatching a plan and Elder Roy was playing both sides of the fence. Kai was
certain Raiden didn’t know this and was pretty sure the other elders and Lee didn’t know either.

  “Of course, son.” his father answered.

  “There was a woman outside Raiden’s house this morning. He took her inside. I’ve never seen her, but she’s human.” Kai told him.

  “I will let Roy know of this development, you said you’re working on a plan?” he questioned.

  “Yes, with a scorned woman. Gloria Keller wants revenge. She’ll help me bring down Raiden’s new found relationship if it develops.” Kai thought the plan would work, however he waited for the blow back. Gloria was human, this wouldn’t sit well.

  “She’s fucking human, Kai!” Kai swallowed.

  “I can play the game, dad, and make her think I care without getting involved. I have it covered.” He hoped he sounded convincing, because Kai wasn’t sure about that statement.

  “See to it, Kai,” his father snapped before hanging up. Kai glared at his phone, before he realized that her shower was still running. What his dad didn’t know wouldn’t kill him.


  She heard her shower curtain open, but she didn’t turn around from under the streaming water. His hands ran down her wet back, and she shivered under his touch.

  “Do you know how sexy you are, doll?” His voice was husky and harsh. Raiden’s voice was smooth even when he was yelling at her this morning. Kai’s voice did things to her, his touch set every part of her on fire.

  His warm breath tickled her skin. “No, Lukas, why don’t you show me,” she breathed. He kissed up her shoulder, and ran his tongue up her neck. She had to brace herself with a hand against the shower wall.

  “Did Wyrick make you shiver?” he whispered in her ear. She couldn’t speak so she shook her head. “Good.” He muttered as one hand moved down her body. She knew where he was going and struggled to breathe.


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