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The Freedom Search: Kai & Gloria's Story (Search Series Book 4)

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by Kay, Amanda

  ‘Raiden who?’ Ran through her head. “Oh.” She rasped as his fingers hit their final destination. She fell backward against him, and his weight balanced her.

  “I really hate condoms, doll,” he said seductively.

  “I’m on the pill,” she managed to get out.

  “Good. Tell me, did Wyrick glove up last night?” His question threw her, his fingers making it impossible to speak. She nodded her answer.


  He turned her around and his lips sought hers. His tongue pushed its way into her mouth. She didn’t resist him. Instead she melted further into him. He wrapped both arms around her as he backed up against the shower wall.

  ‘What was he doing?’ Kai wasn’t sure where things were headed. He wasn’t sure if she’d play the game. He wasn’t even sure if he wanted to play the game. Not with Gloria Keller wrapped around him. His thoughts were broken when she firmly grabbed his cock in her hand.

  He broke their kiss and stalled her hand. “Wrap your legs around me, doll.” He ordered and she obeyed. He held her tight with one arm as he she clung to him. He guided his cock into her and began to fuck her hard. His mouth pressed with force against hers again. She met every movement he was making with just as much force. Kai Lukas poured everything he had into that moment. She came and he was right behind her.

  She started to lower herself, but he stopped her. “Don’t, doll. Don’t move.” She paused looking him directly in the eyes. They both struggled to catch their breaths. As he continued to stare at her, he knew his life had just changed forever.

  ‘Shit. Fuck. Damn. He was a goner.’


  He carried her to her room still dripping wet. Laying her on the bed, “Damn, doll, as much as I want to stay, I need to go.”

  She didn’t like that at all. “Are you coming back?” she huffed.

  “Tomorrow morning we have a mission,” he stated. Right, a mission, take down Raiden. She didn’t know the reason behind this, but at the moment she didn’t care.

  “Okay,” she sighed. He gave her one of his seductive smiles before grazing her lips with his again.

  “Tomorrow,” he whispered backing out of her room his cock already standing back at attention. She laughed as he exited throwing her head against her pillow.

  “Raiden last night and Kai today,” she muttered. “You really are a slut, Gloria Keller.” She chuckled. She started to run through the events of last night and the morning.

  She had finally gotten Raiden Wyrick drunk enough to take her home. The sex was fantastic. He passed out right after the third time and Gloria curled next to him. She knew she really wasn’t welcomed to spend the night. He had told her that before they had sex, but since he was asleep she took it upon herself to dream a little.

  Then there was Kai. He was there picking up the pieces from Raiden’s brutal kick out this morning. Within the hour she was naked in her shower and Kai Lukas was pounding his cock into her. The sex was even more amazing with Kai. But there was something else, for the first time in her life Gloria felt more than lust. She felt passion. She felt wanted. She felt sexy.

  “Don’t go there, Gloria,” she whispered. “Kai Lukas it double trouble.” She tried to explain things to her heart, but just the thought of Kai sent her heart into a tailspin.

  ‘Shit. Fuck. Damn. She was a goner.’


  He didn’t go straight home, he couldn’t. He drove around for hours trying to clear his head of everything Gloria Keller.

  When he finally walked through the front door of his house he knew it wouldn’t be good. “Where the hell have you been?” his father snapped.

  “Driving around,” Kai hissed.

  “Did you fuck that human?” Kai’s eyes widened and he quickly shook his head.

  “Please, dad, I’m not a moron,” Kai snapped, storming past him.

  “I’m not done with you!” His dad hollered after him. Kai didn’t even acknowledge him. He had to get away. He needed a cold shower, because the truth was, he should’ve jumped Gloria one more time before leaving. Kai knew he was screwed, but that didn’t change things. He would use her and get some benefits out of it. When Raiden was taken down Kai would walk away. If he was strong enough.


  It was early and the knocking on her door was causing a pounding headache. She climbed out of bed and didn’t even bother to throw her robe over her pajamas, if you could call what she slept in that. She assumed it would be her mother.

  Gloria had moved from the capitol to Aishan two years ago when she was just twenty-two. She needed to get away from her mother’s toxic personality. Sadly though, Gloria was already so far gone she masked her feelings with ‘the bitch.’

  “Where are you going, Gloria!” her mom hissed through the cigarette smoke.

  “I’m moving,” Gloria replied distantly.

  “Where the fuck are you moving to?” Her mother snapped standing up.

  “I got a job in Aishan.” Gloria just wanted to get out before…well before her mother got madder.

  “How the hell can you afford that?” She staggered in her drunken state towards Gloria.

  “The money dad left me, I’ve saved it!” she snapped. Her mother gently stroked her cheek and Gloria flinched because she knew what was coming. The gentleness always was followed… ‘SLAP’! The force caused Gloria to fall against the wall.

  “You ungrateful little slut. Trust me, you are nothing. You are me. You will never be anything, but a bitch.” Her mother’s words caused her to wince more than the slap across the face did. “Get the fuck out!” she hissed one last time and Gloria didn’t need a second invitation, she rushed out the door. Her car had been packed while her mother was passed out earlier. She wasn’t looking back, she was done.


  He got up earlier than usual and showed up at her door. Sitting on the sidewalk outside her apartment trying to figure out what he was doing. “Playing with fire, Lukas. This is playing with fire.” He muttered to himself pulling a drag on his smoke. He only smoked when he was stressed and he had a feeling he was about to become a chain smoker. It was still early, but he felt enough time had passed. He had a proposition for Gloria Keller. One that would most likely sink his ass, but it was worth a try.

  “Time to play your hand,” he whispered as he knocked on her door and waited for it to open. “Kai?” She asked in wonderment and confusion.

  “Good morning, doll,” he said leaning in to give her a quick kiss.

  “Come in. I wasn’t expecting you this early,” she said as his mouth left hers stepping to the side.

  He rung his hands. This was something he had been thinking about since he left her yesterday. Now she just had to go for it. “What can I do for you, Lukas?” she asked bringing him back from his thoughts.

  He gave her a smile and rung his hands again before turning away from her. “I want to make a deal,” he finally said.


  She crossed her arms in front of her. Kai Lukas wanted to make a deal. Somehow she didn’t think this was going to be good. “Lukas, what kind of a deal?” she questioned with her bitchy tone, trying to hide the fact that she was scared and thrilled at the same time.

  He faced her before speaking. “You know I can see right through that,” he sneered.

  “See through what?” she hissed. If that was his game she could play it.

  “Don’t even, doll.” He laughed.

  She shook her head, “What’s this deal?” She still was playing ‘the bitch’ around Kai Lukas. She needed to be careful he was likely to use her then spit her out.

  “Yes, that,” he purred. “I enjoyed yesterday and I want to continue that...”

  “But...” She cut him off leaning against her apartment door.

  “But, doll,” he said walking towards her. “I need your help; no questions asked.” She inhaled at his closeness.

  “And, we could...” She gulped unable to think clearly.

s, doll,” he leaned in even closer. “You and I can do whatever we want. However, I’m very possessive.” He growled in her ear. She swallowed hard losing her edge, losing her bitch. When Kai Lukas talked like that it was impossible.

  “No questions asked,” she repeated.

  “No questions asked,” he answered, trailing his lips across her cheek and meeting her lips. She opened her mouth and allowed his tongue to slip inside. His fingers dug into her hips as he pulled her closer. She started for the button on his jeans when he stalled her.

  “No,” he growled. “We have somewhere we need to be.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the apartment.

  She was disappointed but reminded herself, ‘no questions asked.’


  As usual, Kai had driven by Raiden’s place this morning. He noticed Raiden was leaving with the new girl arm-in-arm. No doubt, Prince Charming was giving her the grand tour. This was going to be Gloria’s first test. Kai needed Raiden rattled.

  He drove towards the park, no doubt with the market setup today he would take her there.

  “So, doll, did you catch a name?” He asked as he looked around for them.

  “Huh?” she questioned. This was one he’d have to answer.

  “The girl, doll, outside Raiden’s. Did you get a name?” he restated.

  “No sorry, just warned her to get out of line because he wasn’t looking,” she spat out bitterly. Good, that was the emotion he wanted or was it? Did he want her to be bitter about Raiden? In truth, HELL NO. He wanted her to be his, but if the bitterness towards Raiden made this easier on her, then he for sure needed that in order to play the game. He finally stopped the car spotting Raiden and whoever she was.

  “There.” He pointed. Gloria turned her focus towards him and the direction he was pointing.

  “Ha!” I knew it.

  “Go confront them. Get a name if you can, doll. I really need a name.”

  “What?” She asked, but he shook her off and nodded towards the car door. He knew she wanted answers but they had a deal. He would keep her warm at night in exchange for helping him no questions asked.


  She wanted to know more, almost forgetting that she agreed to no questions asked. She would’ve agreed to anything at that moment Kai had her pinned against door; his breath warm on her neck, she was on fire. She needed him so her task was to do what Kai said and get rewarded for it in the process.

  She walked towards Raiden and whoever she was, stopping when Raiden’s hand came to her cheek. “Yes, Tai we are.” Okay, check one, ‘get her name.’ She had that now. Check two, ‘confrontation’. What was she supposed to say? She didn’t know, but seeing him so affectionate with her sent a searing pain through her. He tossed her out like a stray dog only to take in this...this....whatever she was.

  “So you were in line for him?” she hissed from behind the new girl.

  Raiden glared, “Gloria, leave us the fuck alone.”

  She watched Tai jump at the harshness in her tone. Hopefully this was what Kai wanted. Raiden leaned in and whispered something to Tai. Gloria couldn’t hear it though, all of this was making her boil. “What are you doing, Raiden?” she questioned, it was the first time she had actually seen Raiden Wyrick on a date.

  “I was on a date, but I could ask you the same question, Gloria. What are you doing talking about me to Kai?” Gloria was a little shocked Raiden knew she had been talking to Kai and she wanted to make a mental note to talk with Kai, but she had to remember their deal. Tai looked confused about the mention of Kai, maybe this was what Kai wanted.

  “Kai and I have known each other a while. He found me yesterday while I was bitching about you. so I talked to him. What’s it matter to you?” Tai was staring at Raiden trying to gauge something. Had she created doubt?

  “Look, do whatever the hell you want but don’t mention my name to Kai.” Raiden snapped. “And just so you know, he isn’t the good guy he pretends to be. Come on, Tai, let’s go get some lunch.” Gloria watched Raiden drag Tai away. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

  “I hope you know what you are doing, Gloria Keller” she admonished herself. She knew Kai Lukas was trouble. She wasn’t sure that mattered after yesterday. It was fucking incredible and right now in her life she needed fucking incredible.

  She began walking back towards Kai’s car slowly hoping she had given him what he wanted just then, because she desperately wanted him. She knew that his deal was only on the terms of if he was pleased with her help. “Fingers crossed,” she whispered as the car came into view.


  He watched as Raiden stalked past him the new girl in tow. He was talking to her about something. Kai wished he could read lips. All he did know was Raiden looked flustered and nervous. “Good job, doll,” he muttered, turning to see her walking towards the car. The minute he saw her; his cock jumped. He put things off this morning to take care of business, but now he was going to take care of them both.

  She climbed in the car silently and reached for her seatbelt. “Confrontation complete,” she said to him not looking his way.

  “From the looks of it you did well. Did you get a name, doll?” he questioned.

  She nodded, “Her name is Tai. I didn’t get a last name.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Good job, doll, that’s all I need.” He purred, running his hand up her legs and parting them.

  She shivered under his touch and that both thrilled him and amused him. He was the cat and she was mouse. He was ready to play. “I’m going to reward you now.” He whispered against her ear taking a small nibble before he released her and roared the car to life.

  She sighed, “I could use some rewarding now.” She whispered. The tone in her voice worried him. Did she feel bad about the confrontation?

  “Doll, I promise I’ll make it all better,” he said, keeping his eyes on the road. Hopefully once he got her back to her apartment he could make her forget. That was his game. Play her and then make her forget.


  The drive back to her apartment was torturous. Kai Lukas had a way about him that made her forget everything else. Made her forget that she had a thousand questions for him. Ones he would never answer, but she still had them. One touch from him set her on fire; everything else seemed to vanish.

  “We’re here, doll,” he said in his Kai Lukas way. She swallowed this was what she wanted this morning when they made their deal. This was what she needed.

  “So, Lukas, am I going to be romanced or just fucked?” she questioned on a grin. She was joking with him, sort of.

  “I don’t do romance doll you know that.” She nodded at him and climbed out of the car. She wanted more, she needed more, but for now she would have to take what she could get.

  She walked in front of him and could feel his eyes on her ass. “Like what you see, Lukas?” she asked as she stuck the key in the door. He didn’t respond, instead he pulled her against his chest reaching around her and unlocking the door.

  “Come on, doll, I have plans for you,” he muttered against her neck as he walked them forward into her apartment. She was so ready for Kai Lukas.


  His cock was so ready to crawl up inside of her. He wasn’t a dummy, making that deal with her ensured he got something he needed with no strings attached, her. When this was over, when Raiden had been destroyed, Kai would walk away and get the redemption he had wanted for what seemed like an eternity now.

  “Come on, doll, walk a little faster.” He chided pushing his hard cock against her back.

  “Well, Lukas, if you loosened your grip I might be able to walk a little faster.” She chided back. He liked her feisty side. Most people just saw a bitch, but Kai knew that only existed to hide something else. He was good at reading that, because he had been hiding himself since the age of twenty-one.

  They finally made it to her bedroom and Kai released her, pushing her to the bed. She landed on her stomach and quickly rolled to her bac
k. “No,. back around,” he demanded. She didn’t question his order, she just obeyed. Once she was turned on her stomach again he stripped off his clothes. He crawled onto the bed kneeling next her. “On your knees,” he demanded again. She pushed on the bed and got up on her knees. “Good girl.” he muttered against her shoulder as he undid her jeans.

  “Lukas,” she breathed as his hand slid against her panties.

  “Easy now,” he whispered as he lifted her shirt over her head. “Bra,” he said, she reached behind her and undid the bra letting it fall off. Kai whistled, damn her breasts were perfection. “Back on your stomach, doll.” She did as she was told and he moved behind her pulling her jeans off and panties in one move.

  “Lukas, I need...”

  “Shhh....” he whispered, kissing up her back. He covered her with his body and slammed into her.

  “God!” she cried.

  He moved into her fast and hard. This was her reward. Gloria Keller was the type of girl you fucked hard. She liked it, got off on it, and Kai knew it. “Kai, oh God...” She breathed as Kai felt her body clench around him. A few more thrusts and Kai unloaded into Gloria Keller.

  He collapsed on her, “Don’t forget your pills, doll,” he reminded harshly. He hated condoms and he sure as hell had no intention of using them with her. Something about being inside her bare, made him want to fuck longer, keep the sensation going.

  She stirred under him so he rolled off of her allowing her to get to her side. “I won’t, Kai,” she said, being completely serious.

  “Good. I have to go. I want you to come to me tonight. I’ll send you instructions,” he said kissing her lips. She stared at him and nodded. “Later, doll,” he tossed her as he threw his clothes back on as quickly as they came off, and then he left before he crawled back inside her now.


  She listened from her room as Kai exited her apartment. She was disappointed he wasn’t staying, but thrilled he wanted her to come to him tonight. Her phone buzzed and she knew it would be her instructions.


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