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2 Book Bundle Her Last Love Affair II: Breathing Without You And Her Last Love Affair III: The Final Journey

Page 7

by James, Clara

  Allie was losing herself to the sensation, becoming restless with her hips and began to breathe frantically. There was no longer any question that the breathy moans and whimpers would have been obvious to the driver. But by that point, she would have been prepared to make a spectacle of herself in front of hundreds of people, never mind one.

  Jack’s hands were suddenly on her legs, smoothing up the soft nylon of her stockings and creeping beneath her dress. When the tips of his fingers met the lacy stocking tops, he caressing the soft skin of her upper thighs. “Oh, yeah,” he moaned against her lips, as he continued to explore the edge of her stockings.

  Suddenly aware of how rapidly her hand was moving over the front of his pants, Allie forced herself to stop and then resumed the action much more slowly, worried that he might ejaculate far too soon. “I’m sorry,” she whispered breathlessly, opting for a more soothing rubbing action.

  “It’s okay,” he replied, between desperate, lustful kisses. “Hmm, Allie,” he groaned, trailing his kisses to her ear, before taking the lobe between his teeth.

  “Ahh,” she moaned happily, tipping her head to one side to give him greater access to her. She was snapped from that delightful reverie when he gave a groan of frustration and removed his face from hers. As he leaned back, he was chuckling, but it was clear that he was displeased with something. Allie was confused over what had upset him and why he’d stopped. “Wh-” she began to ask, when the jangle of a cell phone cut her off. It took a moment for the penny to drop. It was her phone. Glancing around the back of the cab, she searched for her purse, eventually finding it on the floor. “I’m sorry,” she giggled, as Jack’s laughter began to become infectious. “When I find it, I’ll turn it off, I promise.”

  “It’s all right,” he mumbled. “It might be important.”

  Pulling her phone from her purse, Allie turned to face him and saw her lipstick smudged all around his mouth. It made him look even sexier. “No,” she insisted, shaking her head. “Whatever it is, it can’t be any more important than this.” By the time she got the phone out of her bag, it had stopped ringing. There was a text message from a number she didn’t recognize and, although she was tempted to leave it unread, the moment was killed for the time being. So there seemed no harm. Tapping the screen, she used her other hand to gently wipe some of the red off Jack’s upper lip. He peered at her quizzically, until she showed him her lipstick stained thumb.

  When her focus drifted back to the phone, she wished she had never scooped the thing out of her purse. ‘Hey, Al. I know we said that we’d just let things lie between us, but I can’t stop thinking about you. I really need to talk. Please call me. Love, Reece’

  Allie felt the color drain from her face, but hoped it didn’t show. That hope was in vein.

  “Is something wrong?” Jack asked, leaning forwards.

  Quickly, Allie tossed the phone onto the empty seat next to her, keeping it face down. “No,” she said, a little too brightly.

  “Are you sure?” he continued to probe. “Not that it’s any of my business, it just looks like whatever it was has upset you.”

  “It’s umm...” she stalled, realizing that her attempt to hide her distress was pointless and would only increase his suspicion. “It’s complicated,” she replied truthfully. “But it’s fine.”

  “You know,” Jack hedged, seeming reluctant to say what was on his mind. “If you have to go, I’ll understand.”

  Allie didn’t know how to reply. She had been having a wonderful time with Jack, and Reece had been the furthest thing from her mind. She had felt certain that she would have enjoyed the rest of the evening. But things were suddenly very different and she didn’t want Reece to haunt her as he had when she’d been with Patrick. The signs were already appearing; her desire for Jack, which had been at boiling point, had suddenly abandoned her. A part of her believed that the best course of action would be to go home, perhaps pick up her date with Jack another time. However, as the phrase, ‘another time’ drifted through her consciousness, she countered it with, ‘there may not be another time’. That was the whole point of what she was doing, living for the moment, because she didn’t know whether she would have a tomorrow.

  “Allie?” Jack nudged, placing a hand around her shoulders.

  As if suddenly brought out of a dream, she twisted to face him. Her eyes took in his strong features and the red that was still staining his lower lip. Silently, she asked herself whether she really wanted to pass up the opportunity to be with this man. The answer came much more easily than she’d expected. “No,” she said aloud, shaking her head. “I don’t need to go.”

  The car was coming to a halt and the driver yelled the cost of the fare over his shoulder. “Are you sure?” Jack asked, his attention tightly focused on Allie.

  Allie peered over his shoulder and out the window to the apartment building. It was a cute converted townhouse, with a four concrete steps leading up to it. “Get me inside,” she whispered, before her eyes drifted back to Jack’s face. “I want you to take my clothes off.”

  Jack’s face quirked into a half-smile as he reached into his inside jacket pocket and eagerly slapped some cash in the cabbie’s waiting hand. “I’ve never been one to deny a lady’s request,” he joked dryly, grabbing the door handle and clicking it open.

  Allie admired the curve of his tight ass as he slid out of the back seat, then suddenly he was bending forward, sticking his head through the open doorway and offering her his palm. “Of course,” she said, leaning back to grip her phone and purse with one hand and accepting his fingers with the other. “I might not be a lady,” she informed him, as she lifted herself out of the car.

  “Well,” he responded, without missing a beat. “I know how to treat a bad girl, too.”

  Chapter Nine

  “Oh Jack”

  It wasn’t until Jack led her to his bedroom and sharply told her to sit on the edge of the bed, that Allie realized just how her little joke had affected him. His voice was pitched lower, and the few words he spoke were commanding and unrelenting. Even the expression on his face had altered. Gone was the cute smile, the softness in his eyes. There was suddenly something more rugged about him. At first, Allie wasn’t sure whether he was messing around or was being serious. She was also confused about her own response to his behavior. She’d always assumed that the caveman act would prove to be a complete turn off for her: she didn’t want some man to ‘take her’. And yet, as he growled, “Sit!” when she didn’t immediately do as he’d asked, her heart began to beat unevenly and she could feel the pulse in her toes.

  Gradually she did as instructed, lowering herself onto the edge of the bed. Her eyes remained focused on his, which bored into her unflinchingly.

  “So you’re a naughty girl, huh?” he barked, slipping his suit jacket off his shoulders and tossing it into a chair that sat in the corner.

  Allie laughed nervously, still half-expecting him to break into a smile and make it clear that he was joking. “I...I...” she babbled incoherently.

  “Well, naughty girls need to be punished,” he continued sharply, crossing his arms over his chest.

  Her laughter subsided as she felt her cheeks flush with color. There was something a little scary, but undeniably sexy about the situation. “Wh...” she stammered. “I’m...”

  Jack didn’t respond to the nonsensical words that fluttered from her lips, but he did notice the tinge of pink in her face and chest. “You want that?” he asked, his face retaining the hard, unyielding expression. “You want to be punished?”

  “Umm,” Allie responded, the sound becoming stuck in her throat, as she wondered what answer would please him. “I...err...”

  “Get up,” he demanded, not waiting for her to find her voice.

  In silence, Allie did as he asked, placing her hands on the hem of her skirt, and brushing it down her thighs as she got to her feet.

  “Now turn around,” he ordered.

  She hesitated for
just a second, her mouth drifting partially open. However, she said nothing and eventually spun 180 degrees, so that she was facing the bed and the wall beyond it. She could now feel the strong rhythm of her pulse between her legs and a warmth was spreading from her groin up through her abdomen, to her chest and making her head feel incredibly hot. “Jack,” she mumbled in a small voice that didn’t sound like her own.

  He didn’t reply, but he stepped forward; just a couple of paces, then he was pressed against her back. His hands automatically went to her thighs and rubbed upwards, taking her tight black skirt with him.

  Allie’s eyes flickered closed, as the warmth of his breath brushed over the side of her face, heightening her senses and prompting goose bumps to pop out over the back of her neck. Instinctively, she twisted her face to his and tipped her chin up, silently requesting a kiss.

  “Face front,” he quickly insisted. “Don’t move unless I tell you to.”

  Without a second’s thought, Allie whipped her head back so that she was facing the wall dead ahead of her. She fixed her eyes on a spot just beneath a picture frame above Jack’s bed. She didn’t know why that spec drew her attention, but it gave her something to concentrate on.

  Jack’s hands were pulling Allie’s skirt up to her waist. The soft pale skin of her buttocks was on display thanks to the thong she wore. His right hand drifted down from her hip and his palm ran over one small fleshy globe.

  Like her breasts, the curve of her hips and ass had significantly reduced over the two months since she first started noticing her weight loss. She’d avoided looking at herself naked, because the changes to her body were just another painful reminder. She wondered if Jack would realize how skinny she was, and whether her lack of curves would appear unattractive to him.

  However, her slim hips were the last thing on his mind. He’d noticed a dull purple mark on her left buttock. “What’s this?” he asked, his voice remaining calm, deep and controlling. “It looks like you make a habit of being a bad girl,” he chided, as his fingers ran a smooth circle over the contusion.

  Allie didn’t make any attempt to respond. She was glad that he’d reached his own conclusion about where the bruise had come from. Even if he hadn’t, she didn’t suppose for one moment that he actually wanted an answer to his question.

  “What are we going to do with you?” he whispered, right next to her ear.

  The closeness of him, the timbre of his voice and the powerful way he was dominating her gave Allie chills. She felt certain, at that moment, she would have been prepared to do anything he asked of her. Absolutely anything. She simply wanted to please him.

  Without warning, Jack flicked the hand that lingered at her buttock, drawing it back before swiping his fingers across the soft flesh. Allie jerked in her skin and gave a muffled cry, but both were more from surprise than pain. He’d been relatively gentle, it was nothing more than a playful smack.

  “You like that?” he asked, his lips brushing against her earlobe as he spoke seductively. “You want more?” Before he’s finished asking the question, he’d already whipped his hand back and, this time, he brought the palm down harder against her right buttock.

  Allie swayed forward with the force and again yelped. This time, the smack did have a little sting to it, but she wouldn’t have defined it as painful or even uncomfortable. However, her head suddenly felt very heavy and it flopped forwards, her neck no longer able to hold the weight.

  Jack brought his left hand up to the back of her head. Rolling a fistful of her thick, dark locks around his fingers, he lifted her face. “I didn’t say you could move,” he growled.

  His hand in her hair was tugging slightly at her scalp, but it didn’t hurt exactly and Allie was happy for him to aid in holding her head upright, because she was certainly no longer capable of doing so on her own. She whimpered, gripping her bottom lip between her teeth, as Jack’s hand stroked soothingly over the buttock he’d just spanked.

  However, that calm, tender motion didn’t last long. Within seconds, he’d pulled his hand away and was bringing it back down hard against her ass.

  “Ahh,” Allie yelled. Her hands were desperate to cling onto something, but she didn’t dare touch Jack, so she lifted them to her chest and grasped both breasts. The crotch of her panties, which had found its way between her lips, was soaked and every time she moved, she could the wet material brushing against her swollen sex.

  There came another quick spank, followed by two more; each caused Allie to buck her hips and increased the growing need between her legs. “Please,” she half-sobbed with anticipation.

  “Please, what?” Jack replied, mercilessly.

  “Ugh,” she whimpered restlessly, her thighs rubbing together in a bid to quell some of the desire. “Ja...” she muttered.

  “Turn around,” he said, untangling his fingers from her hair and coaxing her by twisting her waist. When she was facing him once more, he noticed the thin layer or perspiration on her brow and the scorching heat that had flushed her cheeks with a bright red. “God, your beautiful,” he said, the tenderness coming back into his eyes, as he allowed himself a broad smile. However, it didn’t last. As if catching himself, he quickly banished the grin and an unfeeling sternness returned.

  Allie didn’t mind, the tiny glimpse of the real Jack was enough to remind her that this was all just fantasy. She would never be in any real danger with him. And that knowledge only served to heighten her arousal.

  Without a word, Jack began hurriedly unbuttoning Allie’s blouse. It only took him a few seconds to slide it down her arms and toss it onto the floor. With his right hand, he reached behind her and with practiced ease, unclasped her bra. His left hand meanwhile, was at the small of her back, unzipping the skirt.

  The bra straps flopped uselessly down her shoulders and Allie simply let the underwear fall from her. She watched Jack, as he sank to his knees and pulled the skirt down her legs. While he was there, he trialed kisses along her abdomen that made her stomach muscles quake. “Ahh,” she moaned, as she stared at the very short hair on the crown of his head.

  Jack lifted her feet one at a time, sweeping the skirt away from her, before pushing himself to his full height. Once he was upright once more, he took a step away from Allie. His eyes taking in the length of her body. She was now in nothing but, panties, stockings and her black high heeled shoes. “On your knees,” he uttered, brusquely.

  Allie’s tongue immediately ran across her lips and then she swallowed hard. As she slowly dropped to the floor, she reached out to grab the foot of the bed for support. When she finally found herself on her knees, her breathing was coming heavy and fast.

  Jack’s hands were already at his belt, unclasping it before leaving the loose ends dangling either side. His deft, strong fingers then unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. When he let the fabric go, it fell to his knees, exposing the fact that he wasn’t wearing any underwear. His manhood was thick and reasonably long; long enough to give Allie concerns about fitting it into her mouth. The thick vein on the underside pulsed with his excitement, and clear fluid was already weeping from his circumcised tip. He took another step forward, placing his hands on either side of her head.

  She automatically parted her lips, and extended her tongue, allowing it to dance over the smooth head of his shaft. Her eyes stretched upward, watching his face for signs of approval. However, it was giving nothing away. Leaning forward, Allie stretched her tongue out flat, running it along the underside of his penis and focusing on getting the tip of her tongue to press against every little ridge. As she did, she felt the fingers at her head flex and spasm and she knew she was on the right track. Pulling back, she repeated the action, this time eliciting a groan from Jack.

  Meanwhile, Jack spread his legs a little wider, fixing his weight evenly between them, as he curled his fingers around Allie’s head and pulled her closer. She obediently widened her mouth, allowing him to slip over her tongue and probe towards her throat.

  Allie too
k him as far as she could, before he caused her to gag and she was forced to tilt back. However, she continued to lick his length enthusiastically, keen to hear that guttural grunt of pleasure from above.

  Jack, on the other hand, was trying to restrain his moans of enjoyment. He wanted to remain in control of the situation, and letting her know just how much she was affecting him would alter the balance of power. In fact, as he felt himself teetering dangerously close to orgasm, he quickly pulled back from her.

  She glanced up, confused and a little hurt by his sudden leaving.

  “I want you,” he said, his voice gravelly.

  The concern left Allie’s face, which lit up in a bright smile. “Oh, shit,” she blurted, the smile sinking. “Protection,” she explained.

  “Don’t worry,” he responded, shaking his head, while the fingers of his right hand curled around his length and lazily stroked himself; just enough to maintain his erection without overexciting himself. “There are some in the bathroom.”

  “Do you want me-” she began, already getting to her feet.

  “Stay right there,” he barked interrupting her. “Don’t you move,” he ordered. With that, he bent forward and pulled his pants up, loosely buttoning them. His manhood stuck proudly out of the fly, as he turned and exited the room.

  Allie did as she’d been told, remaining completely still. She expected him to be no more than seconds, but a minute passed, then another and another. She was beginning to worry, when his muscular figure appeared in the doorway. He was now completely naked, except for the thin layer of latex covering his member. Her gaze swiftly moved over him and her mouth flooded with saliva.

  Jack took his time moving towards her. He eyed her closely, checking that she had indeed stayed exactly where he’d left her. Placing his hand on her cheek, he walked around her, stopping when he reached her back. Then, slowly, he sank to his own knees. His hands grasped her buttocks, and then slid up her back, stroking her all the way to her shoulders. When they made the return journey, he looped his fingers into her panties and edged them off her hips.


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